baby making

Characters: Rumi Usagiyama, Mei Hatsumi, Female Izuku Midoriya

Kinks: Futanari, Breeding, Impregnation, Bunnysuit, Pheromones, Musk, BDSM, Rough Sex

Prompt: In between making babies and 'making babies', Mei has been running herself ragged, especially with her and Rumi's anniversary coming up! But when she gets an email from her friend, Izumi (name can be different) about needing an immediate costume upgrade, she finds a way to hit two birds with a really big stone! With a mixture of Rumi's candles, Izumi's stress, and her glorious babies and outfits, Mei is able to break Izumi enough just in time for Rumi to make a heroine into baby maker #2!

It wasn't often that the ten story building that counted as the Usagiyama-Hatsume household was quiet nowadays, but the bimbo-bodied pink haired inventor found peace when everyone else was out of the house. It gave her time to tinker on some smaller stuff. Not that she didn't love her continuously growing family to pieces mind you.

As it was the morning, her loving wife and passionate~father of her children was out on a mission in an entirely different prefecture altogether and wouldn't be home until late at night to celebrate the six year anniversary. That was fine as Mei had long since scheduled sleepovers for all of her seven kids. And that wasn't as difficult as one may think.

Tomoko, already six and in first grade, had already been hard at work establishing friends. The little bunny girl had actually been begging to have a sleepover with her best friend in the whole wide world for her friend's birthday, and with the date, Mei was happy to oblige.

Then there was the four year old Saito who was going on a small trip with his kindergarten class. Thankfully little Saito had become more forward and outgoing like his mother and that the class had more than enough volunteers to cover all the kids.

Next was Kou, her third at three and a half as he often proclaims, who was in a similar situation to his big sister Tomoko. Similar in that Kou was too shy. So shy that he basically couldn't say no to the little girl who first approached him and became friends within the same hour. Though Mei could tell that her baby boy was absolutely smitten with her. Puppy love was so cute!

And finally were her most recent, the two year old fraternal quadruplets, Natsumi, Kana, Rika, and Haruto, the only boy of them. They were the most difficult to get out of the house, but the group of two year olds each made a few friends of their own in daycare, so it was fine after a bit of asking around.

Mei thought back to when she brought those four bundles of joy into the world. Four babies in one go! How could she not be happy about that?

Though after they were born, Mei decided to do what she had planned to do since learning of the multi-baby pregnancy and put her foot down to Rumi. As much as Mei herself loved making more babies, the three they already had plus the four new ones meant that they'd need to spend a lot more time taking care of them. So the plan was to wait for a few years for the kids to grow and become more active and independent before going for pregnancy number five.

The pinkette knew it was hard for her wife to give up breeding sex for that long, but that didn't mean she still didn't faithfully tend to her bull's libido. They just had to make sure to not do it too often. Mei's custom birth control, made by her personally to be stronger than anything else on the market, could only stand against the tide of Rumi's hyper virile cum for so long before giving up.

Thankfully they spent a little over two years pregnancy free. But now Mei was feeling like enough time had passed. The oldest were starting to get out of the house more, and the younger ones weren't far behind. It meant that they were grown older, something Mei both praised and mourned in the same breath, but that was the point of babies (biological babies that is), to properly raise and see them grow into independent successful adults. And even if they were going to have more, that didn't mean that Rumi or her would love any of them any less.

Rumi especially loved hanging out with her kits, especially now that she had more time thanks to Mei's parents and other mechanical babies were doing much better on the market. Apparently having her mechanical babies causing little to no explosions did wonders for their marketability. What a concept?

In reality, Mei had made a much more concerted effort to cut out as many explosions as possible from her work for the safety of her family. A couple of years ago, Tomoko got caught up in an accident in Mei's workshop while the pinkette was running a test. By some miracle, the little girl only had a skinned knee, but that was all Mei needed to make the change.

The baby maker didn't want to hurt her family. She wanted to make sure that Tomoko's bright, curious eyes would never once dim. And Saito, she never wanted for him to lose his empathy or kind heart. And Kou, sweet Kou, she never wanted him to be so full of fear that he would never leave his room again. And the quadruplets, despite the minor arguments and disagreements the four had, they were as close as close could be.

Mei didn't want to be the reason behind any part of her family getting hurt or falling apart. She loved all of them too much.

Mei paused her work and whipped the small tears that threatened to fall from her face. "Can't blame pregnancy hormones on this," she remarked to herself.

Anyways, more money coming in from Mei's side meant that Rumi could take less patrols or call it quits earlier if there was suitable coverage. And with the inventor having finally put the finishing touches on the nanny bots, the two women didn't have to constantly keep their eyes on their children. Oh, they'd still worry (what good parent didn't?), but the bots granted a sort of safety net that would notify either of them if something was wrong.

Mei shook her head. She was going off on another tangent.

The point was that the pair had the time, money, and other resources to try for another baby. But despite how giddy that made Mei, she couldn't help but feel as if she was missing something.

It was then that a chime signaling an incoming email rang out to distract the pinkette. She quickly yet carefully did what she needed to to safely put her current work on pause and sauntered over with a sway in her hips that would've instantly hypnotized anyone who saw it.

She opened her professional account, and much to her surprise, there was nothing there. Well, nothing new. She then switched over to her personal one, and that was when she found the new message.

"Hm? 'Midoriya Izumi'?" she pondered, trying with all her might to remember where she heard that name. "… OH! Muscles! The one that visited me all the time!" she exclaimed happily upon recognition. She then gave pause. "Wait, what would she need from me? We have spoken since we graduated six years ago."

Deciding that coming up with the reason herself was a waste of time, she opened the email.

"Hmm. Hmmmmm. Hm? Oh ho." Once she finished reading, Mei leaned back into her chair and began to go over the information she just learned.

"So Muscles has been trying to get a new suit recently, but no one she's gone to has been able to fit her standards. And now she's come to me because of past experience and my improved reputation, and is asking if and when to meet…. Sounds like fun!"

With that, she sent a response to tell her to come in immediately. It was always easiest to strike while the iron was hot! Mei knew that from experience.

"Thanks again Mei. I really appreciate you seeing me so soon. I'm just glad I was already taking the day off," Midoriya Izumi said as she sat down in a small office near the building's main entrance that Mei uses as her main office.

"Not a problem! Always happy to help the Number One Hero!" the inventor cheered.

Mei eyed the verdette across from her up and down once again. Not only has she gone up in the world, she's also gone up some sizes too. Hips as almost wide as Mei's own, large breasts that were just a bit bigger than a person's head, and a cushiony ass held up by luscious thighs.

If the pinkette didn't know any better, she would've thought of Izumi as a high grade MILF already. But she did know better, that the green haired woman hadn't even had a romantic partner since UA with that Ururu girl before things petered out. She did some snooping while waiting for her guest to arrive, sue her.

She's also very glad that Rumi hammered in a few things about common sense and decency. Say what you will about the battle hungry bunny woman, but she's much more knowledgeable on the subject than Mei herself. Her wife is the only reason she's even wearing pants and a shirt right now to this meeting.

"So, can we get started?" the heroine asked.

"Straight to the point huh? We can catch up later then. You have the documents I asked for, right?" Mei probed.

"Yup," the cheery woman replied with a smile before handing over a few folders. "I've been through this enough times, so I already had everything ready."

Mei flipped open the first folder and, after looking through it, brought up the first point of interest to the voluptuous heroine who sought her out.

"So the main reason you wanted to upgrade was mostly due to a lack of comfort in your old suit?"

The verdette nodded at the inventor's words. "It started to just feel… off, but now it feels like it's strangling me because it's so tight. The newer ones I've tested recently were better, but they still felt off."

Mei hummed and continued to look through the file.

They talked for hours. Materials, designs, modifications, exact measurements (Izumi initially blushed at this, but Mei had reassured her that she had a high definition scanner to do most of the initial measurements), and a variety of other subjects.

The last thing they talked about concerned why none of the costumes the other companies the verdette went to felt right. Izumi felt reluctant to explain, saying that she couldn't properly explain in words, but Mei assured her she would understand her meaning.

You see, Hatsume Mei had picked up a very useful skill through her time as a mother of seven. Through practice, she could now understand what a person truly meant if they spoke through seemingly incoherent mumblings or vague movements.

In much simpler words, Mei could speak baby.

Izumi was still hesitant, but she gave it a try anyway. When the pink haired MILF managed to put what she couldn't convey into words, she realized that the mother was speaking the truth.

A bit more probing and conversing, and the two had finished their discussion.

"Alright. I can get started right away, but it'll still take some time to complete," the inventor stated.

The heroine nodded. "Right. I guess I'll be back then."

Before she could leave the office however, she was stopped by a hand gripping her wrist. "Uh uh. Nope. I said we'd catch up later. It's now later."

The verdette seemed surprised for a moment, but she accepted nonetheless and sat down again. "Oh, alright. I suppose I've still got plenty of time. So what do you want to talk about?" she probed.

"Well, you can start by telling me what's wrong," the pinkette said bluntly.

Izumi jolted but kept a cool facade. "Uh, I-I don't know what you're talking about."

Mei gave the other woman an unimpressed look. "Honey, you're not that good at lying. I knew something was up the moment you walked in. So?" she pressed further while giving a glare only those who had gone through the long process of child rearing multiple times could give.

The Number One Hero held her ground, but as time wore on, her resistance cracked further and further until it finally under Mei's practiced glare.

"Okay! Okay. It's just… a lot's been going on lately. Even with less villains around these days, there's still a lot of people who need help or saving. And then there are events that have to be planned, and so much paperwork and other things, and Bakugou's one-sided competition that I never signed up for- I'm stressed. And I've tried working through it all, but lately everyone in my agency has been telling me to take a break."

"And what's so wrong with that?" the pinkette asked patiently.

"Nothing! But I've tried a break, and it's agony. I can't sit still for that long. It took weeks before I even agreed to take today off," the heroine admitted.

The inventor decided to give the woman across from her some advice. "If there's one thing I've learned, Greenie, is that taking a break is the best way to help you not burnout or lose focus. I like to spend time with my children. They're pretty much the only reason I haven't gone mad scientist."

The verdette looked at her strangely for a few moments before giggling. "Sorry. You're just so different from high school. I never would have thought." Izumi cleared her throat. "But like I said, I'd go crazy without anything to do. And it's not like I have kids of my own either."

'So you'd be willing to take more time off if someone pumped a few babies into you?' Mei thought sardonically. Her eyes widened imperceptibly in realization.

"Well I can't exactly have you leave here as stressed as you are. Not to mention your other problems. Tell you want, I might have something that'll help you," the pinkette said.

With a curious tilt of Izumi's head, she continued. "Back when we just got together, Rumi got me these candles that are great for stress relief. Every time I use them from now on, whatever is stressing me out melts away. You can try one if you want," the mother of seven offered.

"I don't know…" the top heroine trailed off.

"Oh come on! What've you got to lose?!" Mei pressed.

After a few seconds, Izumi let out a sigh. "Okay. Can I have a candle?"

"Nope!" At the other woman's incredulous look, she continued. "Sorry, what I meant to say is that I can't let you take it home with you. Trade secret. But I do have a little room here setup to use at any time. All you've gotta do is lay down and take a little nap, and you'll wake up a new you!"

Izumi let out another sigh. "Alright, fine. Where's this room at?"

As asked, Mei led her guest to the old broom closet that Mei had previously converted into her living space. Now it only acts as a sort of sauna for her when she was in the mood. Perfect for what she had planned!

Once she reached it, she opened the door to show her guest the inside. "So it's pretty simple. All you've gotta do is light the candle and then lay on the futon."

Izumi nodded. "That's pretty simple," she admitted.

"Oh! And you have to do it while naked."

The heroine whirled around. "What?!"

"It's the best way I've found to relax with these things. My body feels like it's floating on a cloud when I'm done."

Izumi looked at her incredulously for a minute before sighing in exasperation. "Do I really have to do that?" Mei nodded. "Okay. At least there's a door," the verdette grumbled as she walked in and closed the door.

Now alone, Izumi stood for a few seconds, indecision plaguing her mind, until she decided to take action. After kicked off her socks and shoes, she tentatively lifted her shirt up, releasing her bra-clad breasts, before moving down to her skirt, revealing her panties to the private world she occupied.

She then reached around her back to the clasp and hesitated for a few seconds before finally undoing the clasp. Her massive breasts fell at the loss of tension and bounced for a few moments before coming to rest. Then Izumi started to push off her panties, the fast a bit more difficult than one might imagine due to her fat, jiggling asscheeks.

Once fully nude, she grabbed the lighter and lit the white candle with a large star on it. She must've been really tired as she felt her eyes become droopy after just a few seconds. Wanting to follow Mei's instructions, she laid down on the futon and promptly passed out.

Little did she know about how these decisions would so drastically affect her decisions.

It has been a few hours since Mei had last talked to her guest, and judging by the time, the sedative gas was about to wear off. There was still time before Rumi got home, so Mei was still working on Izumi's new costume in her workshop. The one for more personal use that is. The actual hero one would take far longer to complete.

Work was also the main reason why she changed into something more comfortable. And by that, she means she stripped almost completely.

The only things covering any sort of skin on her thick, motherly body were her gloves, her wedding choker, the straps she'd used since her UA days, a few more straps meant to help keep her abundant mammaries from jumping outwards too much, and a new utility belt that only stayed put by being so tight on her slim waist alone.

No panties, no underwear, nothing. She was finally expressing her power over her work space to the fullest extent.

It's not like anyone could stop her either. And those that actually saw her didn't see a problem with it. They were most likely already naked too.

Artist: Janong


Anyways, the candle Mei already had set up in the room with Izuku was an improved one that condensed Rumi's human-bunny hybrid pheromones even further for a greater effect. Though Mei had to limit exposure, especially in that room. The pinkette's initial test led her to sleeping for ten hours with it going, and she was a horny monster for days. Thankfully the kids never saw her in that state.

Just a few hours though? The verdette can handle that. She'd be a horny mess instead, and only until late tonight. Though Mei knew she'd had to put Izumi through her paces first before the bunny heroine got home. Thankfully she's long since had a machine for that.

Huh? Why was she doing this? Well, the biggest reason is Izumi needs more time off, and with Mei's eyes for detail, she noticed how interested the verdette was when she mentioned her children, even if she quickly pushed it down. In short, Izumi had a breeding kink, or at least the desire to be a mother herself. So two birds with one stone!

The final reason was that Mei realized that having another baby maker working alongside her sounded like heaven, like just the thing the pinkette thought the couple would've been missing if they simply got back to breeding. So… yeah.

The timer began beeping. "Oh! Good! That means Greenie will come stumbling out in three, two… one."

In time with her count, she heard a door loudly open. Seconds passed, and that's when Izumi appeared around the corner.

She stood completely nude as she stumbled over to the pinkette. She also looked quite flushed over her entire body, her heavy panting signifying that she was basically in heat like Mei had wanted.

The verdette's eyes were wide and unfocused. Lower down, her hands were currently busy, one massaging her breast and attached nipple, while the other was plunged inside her soaked cunt.

As she got closer and stopped. Her ministrations sped up upon seeing Mei's nubile, womanly body.

"Ah, good! There you are."

Izumi panted, her labored breathing so hot that she produced visible steam with each exhale. "S-so hoooot…. N-need- need to c-cum- c-can't cum… fuuuuck…" the esteemed Number One Whore whimpered and whined.

Mei grinned wolfishly. "I can help with that. C'mon." The woman beckoned the whore to a set of doors far in the back of her workshop that lead to another room. "This is where I keep my secret projects. Really, it's just stuff that I don't want the kids getting a hold of, but there are a few things in here meant for more… personal use. Here."

The pinkette led the lust drunk, buxom verdette to a chair. Before Izumi could slur out any form of protest or question, the chair cuffed her wrists and ankles to it. Arms then extended around the back and began groping her sensitive flesh mountains before spreading her legs to allow another set of arms to her cunt.

"This can help you. Though I will have to warn you that you won't cum. I need you nice and fresh for Rumi. This'll just keep you in the mood."

The greenette's eyes were then covered with a blindfold while a ball gag was shoved into her mouth. That's when the machine's ministrations truly began.

Izumi thrashed her body as much as she could within her confines. Her mind couldn't even think of activating her quirk or come up with anything that resembled a plan.


"Oh quit your whining! You'll only be in there for an hour, tops! That's rookie numbers! I accidentally got myself stuck in there for a full day before Rumi found me, and I'm fine!"

With that, she shoved the heavy door closed, muting any protests that the woman could've voiced from the wider world.

Mei wiped her hands as a sign of a job well done. "Now to finish that costume. Wonder how much Rumi will like her anniversary gift?"

When Rumi entered the building that was her and her family's home, a familiar smell hit her sensitive nose. She smirked.

"So Mei's in the mood today, huh?" Her cock throbbed in anticipation.

She was soon greeted by Mei in her usual working straps (cause you can't call that clothing), but she didn't seem nearly as out of it as she should be.

The futa raised an eyebrow, but before she could ask a question, Mei answered her question for her.

"I've got a gift for you. I'm sure you'll love it."

Rumi's grin grew as her MILF wife guided her to their bedroom, walls reinforced and completely soundproof so as to not disturb their children. The bunny woman didn't wait for her wife to open the door and barged in on a scene she's only dreamed about.

Midoriya Izumi stood in the middle of the room, her luxurious body bending and curving in every right way possible.

Adorning her feet were a set of bright red thigh-high high-heel boots with a light green band with a white stripe taking up the last few inches that showed a sensual skindentation on the woman's plump, thick thighs. Trailing up led to her massive asscheeks, each so large and soft that they could work as pillows.

In between the lower orbs of fat was the beginning of a backless leotard, so small on the fuckmeat's body that it practically disappeared between the obscene ass flesh. Right above her tailbone sat a fluffy white bunny tail.

Further up showed the leotard just barely hanging onto the large bouncy sphere's of fat that constituted her breasts that hung from the verdette's expertly arched back. On each arm were solid white elbow-length gloves that clung to her powerful yet dainty hands. And adorned around her neck was a solid red choker.

To top off the ensemble, Midoriya Izumi wore a set of bunny ears to denote the reversal of roles on this night.

And apparently Rumi caught the woman in the middle of her adjusting her costume, the latex appropriately too tight around her pale moons for asscheeks.

Artist: borvar


Upon seeing the prime specimen of breeding material right in front of her, Rumi's cock continuously throbbed until it became so erect that it ripped straight through the material of her costume. The full length and girth of her twenty four inches of cock meat sprung forth, captivating the two sluts in her vicinity instantly. 

As per usual, Mei's enhanced eyes zoomed in and scanned the appendage just like they have done many times over the past few years. Every pulsing vein, every throb of desire. And thanks to the bitch breaker having a bitch to regularly break and breed with, it has grown to even more obscene proportions than before. The couple were sure that Izumi would be well bred by the end of this. 

Artist: guhanshounen


"Izumi here had a few problems that I believe that we can fix. I've already done some, but do you think you can do the rest, Honey Bunny?" the pinkette egged on.

Rumi's smile curled into an evil grin that expressed her willingness to thoroughly dominate and breed the fresh meat in front of her. She wordlessly stepped forward, the object of her current affections turned further to better gaze at the stud approaching her, drool dripping from both sets of her lips.

The bunny woman licked her lips. "Yeah, I think I can."

The voluptuous verdette opened her mouth, but Rumi rushed forward and quickly pinned her to a wall. Izumi stared up wide eyed at the other heroine before feeling something weird pushing up in between her melon-sized breasts. She looked down to see the bitch breaker that the futa wielded up close and personal and began drooling again.

Rumi snickered and looked back to her wife. "The fuck did you do to her?" she asked. She could smell her musk on the slut after all.

"Oh, just locked her in a room with one of your special candles before edging her on a fucking machine until you got back. No big deal," the voluptuous pinkette waved off.

"P-please…" a quiet voice interrupted them. Rumi looked down to Izumi who was gazing up at the futa with wide, pleading eyes. "P-please… fuck me. I- so hot. Need to-" she cut herself off as she began grinding as hard as she could into the massive cock pressed up against her.

The bunny woman lost all restraint at that point. She let Izumi go before ripping off the slut's tight costume and threw her onto the. Izumi squeaked at the sudden actions, but when an equally nude Rumi appeared over her, cock hovering above her soaked cunny, she silently spread her legs.

"I love good sluts like you," Rumi growled before pulling back and lining her cockhead up and thrusted into the mewling slut below her.

Izumi gasped at the massive slab of cockmeat now spearing her as the breath was knocked out of her, but she quickly recovered. That was until the futa pulled back far enough to where the tip was all that was in and pushing back into her with the same force.

The pounding only picked up speed from there. No one said a word. Izumi because it was all she could do to gasp and moan, Rumi was far too busy breaking in the whore below her, and Mei was off in the corner furiously masturbating, staying quiet to not interrupt her lover.

From that point on, Izumi's lust-addled mind could barely remember any details. Some things she knew instinctively: the taste and smell of the well-endowed stud's cum, her vocal cords giving up about an hour in of the animalistic fucking she was on the other end of, and her body could never forget the over a foot and a half of thick, veiny cockmeat that stretched her cunt to its absolute limits.

When Izumi's mind began to finally make sense of anything again, she was laying atop a well-fucked Mei who was absentmindedly playing with her own tits and causing minor spikes of pleasure to periodically to be sent up her spine. Above her, Rumi had her in a mating press, furiously pumping into her well-used cunt as it were the first round instead of hours and hours later.

The verdette could see what looked like a river of thick baby batter flowing out of her with every thrust. The sight alone made her impossibly hornier. And when she looked up into Rumi's face, all she could see was some sort of frenzy that had overtaken the bunny woman. And as much as the sight scared Izumi, something inside of her couldn't help but want to see it more.

Rumi hilted inside of her not long after that thought and forced several more liters of virile cum into Izumi's unprotected and accepting baby chamber. Once done, the fight seemingly left the bunny woman as she quickly passed out on top of Izumi. Unfortunately for the verdette, the other heroine's strength and tight grip kept her locked into the mating press. She would've protested, but snoring behind her made her realize that Mei was asleep as well.

So sandwiched in between the two wives and the bliss of unconsciousness looming over her exhausted body as well, Izumi soon fell into a dreamless sleep.

A lot's changed in the past year for Midoriya Izumi. She's still the Number One Hero, and she still loves saving people, but now she has a few new responsibilities. Namely as the mother to her three baby boys, identical triplets.

Apparently Mei and Rumi meant what they said all those months ago about joining their family. She was hesitant that things would work out that well, but apparently Mei's kids love their new "Mommy Izumi." The title was made official when the verdette married the bunny heroin and pink inventor, the proof of their union in the form of the same red choker that she wore during their first time together a year ago.

The public were concerned at first about the situation, but when Izumi went on record that she genuinely did love the pair and was happy to be expecting children, everyone gave her congratulations and well wishes. And since about four months ago, the verdette has been on maternity leave. Her stud-wife sought to use this as an opportunity to get ahead, but Izumi's public approval went through the roof after she gushed on a newscast about how she couldn't wait to meet her babies. The bunny heroine was a good sport about it though.

Mei and her got along swimmingly as well. With the verdette's mind and pension for analysis alongside the pinkette's enthusiasm and genius, the pair were able to come up with a number of inventions that could help a lot of people.

Of course, an unintended consequence of all this brainstorming meant that Mei missed a few key deadlines. So unfortunately, they couldn't bounce ideas off of each other any more. And with Izumi still on leave for the next few months, she didn't have much else to do. She had thought about returning to work early, but Mei's own set of triplets, born on the same day as Izumi's, made that a bit difficult as the woman couldn't handle all the kids on her own. In the end, she was vetoed.

So what does Izumi do when the kids are either at school, out and about, or sleeping and it's just her and her lovely gearhead wife?

Simple, she plays maid for said gearhead wife.

You see, since Izumi was so intent on working, her wives put her to work. And since Mei gets too distracted and off topic with their conversations, she can't help the pinkette with any projects. So the only thing Izumi can do that wouldn't distract her wife for too long was to stand in her wife's workshop and await any orders she could be given. And the pinkette decided she needed a uniform too.

It was a backless green leotard much like the one she wore on that fateful day a year ago, but it barely fit her old proportions, and definitely didn't fit her post maternity body. Breasts that swelled with milk for her babies, fatter asscheeks and thicker thighs thanks to all the food she ate due to her cravings, and all of it stuck in a piece of latex so small that it dug into her cunt every time she so much as slightly jiggled her rear or mammaries. And she was stuck on high heels the entire time too.

But the verdette constantly admits to herself that she quite liked the degrading outfit she had to wear in the position she's in, standing at attention and awaiting her next order. It made her whole body shiver and her pussy clench.

Artist: frozentrovador


"Hey, slut, are you listening to me?!" Mei yelled out, breaking Izumi from her reverie.

"S-sorry, Mistress. What was it that you needed?"

The pinkette let out an exasperated huff. "You better be glad Rumi isn't here right now. I said that it's time for a break. Get over here and start carpet munching."

Izumi nodded obediently. She sauntered over as she's meant to in this situation and placed her tray down before lowering herself to her knees. Mei spread her legs wide and allowed the verdette full access. She let out a happy giggle upon feeling the verdette's tongue dig into her cunt before reaching over to grab a drink.

The inventor let out a satisfied sigh. "This is the life. Fucked silly and bred beside the Number One Hero by the Number Two. Then there's our growing family, and don't get me started on the babies. And who knew miss big hero here was such a sub. Hah! Love it."

After a few more minutes of Izumi's expert pussy-eating, the pinkette reached down and forced the heroine in before spraying her juices all over her wife's face. The verdette greedily drank down the femcum, and was mercifully released shortly afterwards.

The faux-bunny girl stood back up and was about to receive the rest of her orders for that break period until a familiar pressure was felt by the pair.


The pair looked at each other with wide eyes. After a moment, they reacted to the command and began making their way to the master bedroom, their cunts both drooling out of instinct and desire upon being called by their dominant futa wife.

When the bunny heroine saw her two breeding factories enter the room and immediately began to service her cock, she let out a satisfied sigh.

This is the life.