
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Eri, Shimano Mahoro

Kinks: Lolicon, corruption, mind break, hidden sex, marathon sex, nudity, free use, onahole, stomach bulge, cumflation, blowjob, filming, breeding, Mating press, doggy style, standing, missionary, leg lift, pool, outdoor, balcony, living room, bathroom, bedroom

Prompt: With a potentially deadly epidemic affecting many quirks across Japan, UA went into lockdown and separated each student into their own soundproofed luxury houses with several city blocks worth of space in between each house to further prevent any infections.

At least Izuku isn't alone as, due to the chaos, Eri and Mahoro got placed with him as well. But between online assignments, a weekly online lecture, and little else to do, the trio needs to find something else to do to alleviate their boredom. And Izuku might have just the thing.

To make a long and complicated story short, Japan is being quarantined from the rest of the world due to a new disease that causes a person's quirk to go rampant. Reportedly, whatever effects the quirk possesses becomes enhanced like with Trigger, but unlike the drug, the user becomes unable to turn their quirk off.

As a result, the body is put under an immense amount of strain. The most common best result is injury either to the infected or those around them. The worst result is death.

So with that in mind, governments around the world immediately set up a quarantine zone and turned many of the ships and planes coming from Japan around.

Within Japan itself wasn't too different. People were told to stay in their homes while a cure was made, or the sickness itself was eradicated by not spreading to new hosts.

UA University took this a step further by building individual houses for all of its students. A massive undertaking to be sure, but certainly possible with UA's large campus.

That's how Izuku ended up in a moderately sized two story house in the middle of one of the forests on UA's land where the next closest house was several city blocks away.

It wasn't like he was alone though as every house had between three or four people as occupants. But instead of two or three of his classmates living with him in isolation, his roommates are Eri and Mahoro who were visiting him just before the quarantine was enacted and stayed with him through the chaos.

The UA faculty realized their mistake, but basically shrugged their shoulders as it was too late to make any changes. Not like the three of them minded much anyways.

Now it was their first day living together. They had board games, a TV with a subscription to every streaming service in the world, a pool in the backyard, a home gym, the whole house all to themselves, and each other. Izuku also had weekly assignments and an online lecture to attend in order to keep up with his education, but that wouldn't really help the girls with their boredom.

Or his for that matter. Don't get him wrong, Izuku was happy with what they were given, they all were, but… there's only so many times they can play Monopoly before it becomes stale. The answer was apparently five rounds.

Mahoro gave a sigh of relief when he offered to make them dinner. Eri looked grateful too. So that's what he did. They talked over the meal, hopeful that they would make it through the crisis, but skeptical about how to keep themselves busy.

"It's only the first day," Izuku said to Mahoro who brought it up. "I'm sure we'll think of something."

Both girls accepted that answer for now.

After that, they hung out for a few more hours before Izuku proposed the idea of taking a bath together and going to bed. The girls, a nine year old Eri and a twelve year old Mahoro, agreed to the idea after seeing the large tub in the master bathroom.

It wasn't until Izuku saw the girls shamelessly undress in front of him that he realized one: that they were girls, two: they still hadn't really developed a sense of shame, and three: the pair both had some fat asses.

Izuku could feel his penis jump at the sight. He quickly shook his head, banishing whatever thoughts attempted to make themselves known.

After drawing up the bath and ushering the girls in, the trio sighed, content at the warm water soothing their souls. It wasn't a hot spring, but it was close.

The soothing water did not make him forget about the girls though. In fact, it made it worse. He could notice their thick, supple thighs, the budding breasts, the way they moved almost enticingly…

"Mr. Deku? What is that?" Eri suddenly asked, curiosity peaked.

Izuku tilted his head in confusion before following her finger and looking down- and saw the head of his foot long cock poking out above the water.

The verdette's face exploded into a blush. Despite his embarrassment, he tried to act like it was completely normal. It was in a sense, but this was certainly different.

"O-oh, that? That's just my… p-penis. I-it does that sometimes," he said to the girls.

Mahoro tilted her head as she reached out to touch the meat pole. Izuku did his best to not show a reaction.

"It's really big," the brunette observed. "And hard. Does it ever hurt?" she asked bluntly, entirely oblivious to Izuku's predicament.

"Someti- I-I mean no! It doesn't. Not now, not ever." he anxiously responded with a forced chuckle.

The two clueless girls took his words at face value, and relaxed a bit further. Mahoro kept poking at and rubbing his dick for a few more moments before Eri started following her lead.

Izuku barely lasted another minute before he abruptly called an end to the bath. The pair of young girls lightly protested at first, but were calmed when they made Izuku promise to do it again the next day. He just couldn't say no to those faces…

…or those thick, fatty thig-

-Izuku slapped himself to break the chain of thought and found himself alone in his room. He then let out a deep sigh.

'Dammit Izuku, stop. They're just kids. Leave them alone,' he admonished himself.

He just had to keep that in mind and stay busy. If he did that, then everything would turn out fine.

It was not fine.

A week has gone by, and things have only gotten worse for Izuku. Nevermind the fact that the bottom heavy girls are young. What's really grinding his gears was the lack of awareness they showed.

They teased him constantly, and they weren't ever aware of it. Upskirt shots when they bent over to pick something up. Wiggling their asses in his lap to "get more comfortable" while watching a movie. Sometimes they walked around the house in the barest of clothing for either comfort or laziness (though that was mostly Mahoro).

It was torture. Izuku tried his hardest to resolve the situation before it grew out of control, but with Eri and Mahoro being nine and twelve years old respectively, there's not much he can say without going through the whole birds and the bees talk, something he'd honestly rather not do.

At least he's been getting a bit more comfortable with their nightly baths. Sure, he still has an erection during the whole thing, but the girls under his care have become less and less curious about it and let it be.

Unfortunately Eri and Mahoro were becoming more comfortable too. They started snuggling up to him more and more, even asking to sleep in his bed with him. And their clothing choices, while not risqué, were becoming bolder.

Izuku was slowly but surely losing his damn mind, and if things continued, he'd do something he might regret.

At least the occasional video call to his friends and classmates along with the online schoolwork and studying has been helping to pass the time… At first.

Yeah, it turns out engrossing oneself in school work in order to escape their sexual attraction to bottom heavy lolis causes you to get several weeks ahead of schedule… in only a few days.

He couldn't keep going like this. Something had to change, or he'd break. Or maybe he has to break something in order for things to change. He didn't know which would happen first, and that slightly scared him.

At least the girls, kind and compassionate even under the harsh and bratty facade Mahoro puts up, tried to help when they noticed something was wrong. He genuinely appreciated it despite them being, well, the cause.

It was how he found himself with both girls in his arms under the covers as they rested up against him, with a hand from each young girl going to the bulge in his shorts. Mahoro was asleep, but the younger Eri was still awake, albeit fading fast, while looking up at him with a soft reassuring gaze held in her eyes.

"Don't worry Mr. Deku. We'll be your heroes. So just ask, and… we'll do… anything for… you…" she managed to say before sleep overtook her.

Izuku stared at her sleeping form with wide eyes. "You'll do… anything to help…?" he asked no one in particular. "In that case… maybe…"

As he trailed off, his hands began traveling down the girls' bodies, tracing their young curves through their thin clothing. He inevitably reached their asses, and before he knew it, each hand squeezed a cheek from each girl. It was then that his mind did what it did best and analyzed.

He noticed that while the islander Mahoro's was bigger, Eri's was more… malleable and plush. He traced the outer edges of the lower globes of fat before his fingers hooked onto the girls' panties. Izuku fondled for a moment before stopping and shook his head.

If he really was going to do this, he was going to wait for them to be awake first. It'd be fine though. Izuku was sure he could deal with his urges with just touching.

It was the next day, and the trio were taking their shared bath. Although the difference this time was that Izuku was looking happier. And that was because of what he said next.

"A new game?" Mahoro parroted in confusion.

Izuku nodded confidently. "Yup. It's one adults are meant to play, so you'll have to help keep it a secret. That said, I think it'll be fun with the three of us playing."

"Will it help you be less stressed?" Eri pondered, eagerly wishing to help the man who saved her get better. She smiled when he nodded back at her.

"Alright. Let's do it," the islander proclaimed, Eri nodding in agreement with renewed vigor. "So how do we play?"

"Well, first off are the rules which are pretty simple. Basically, we fondle the bodies of our opponents, and the last one to cum wins," he explained simply.

"'Cum'?" the horned girl asked.

"It's something that anyone can do and relieves stress. It can also feel really good, so that's an added bonus," the verdette explained.

"And we can make others cum-" Mahoro said, clearly testing the word on her tongue "-by just touching their bodies?"

"It's a bit more complicated than that since certain areas make it much easier to happen than others. I'm sure you two will figure it out. Ready?" he asked, wishing to get on with it more than anything.

The girls, less knowledgeable and experience and thus more likely to simply go with the flow, responded with agreement.

"Start!" Izuku announced before grabbing Eri and pulling her to him, her back on his muscular chest. His body towered over her even while sitting down, making it especially easy to get to everything quickly. Between her thick thighs sat his erect length, sticking up out of the water again.

Though he could tell both Major and especially Eri were confused by his actions, Izuku carried on, softly pinching the silvertte's nipples. She squeaked in surprise, but then seemingly melted further into his hold.

Things progressed further from there. Eri was helpless in her position, so Mahoro assaulted Izuku's body alone. She tried to copy what the sole male was doing with the younger girl, but she didn't get a reaction from him at all. She then started randomly poking and prodding, hoping to find one of the elusive spots Izuku spoke of.

As she did so, the man himself kept his ministrations going on Eri, even intensifying it by pulling on her erect nipples. The silverette moaned at that, sending Izuku further down into depravity.

In a desperate bid to escape his clutches, the younger girl threw her hands out and grabbed onto the closest thing she could find, that being Izuku's dick. Her hands couldn't wrap around the girth, but her palming the head caused Izuku to grunt. This caught Mahoro's attention, who watched Eri continue to haphazardly grab at the appendage with no real goal in mind.

Mahoro waded through the water and sat herself between the man's legs and looked up to see the other two in the throws of passion. She reached up to Izuku's cockhead to be more aggressive with the appendage, running her fingertips over it as if to tickle it. Though he did react to the sensation, it wasn't nearly enough.

In his grip, Eri was red faced and breathily moaning. She was on the edge, he could tell. All she needed was one last push. And to accomplish that, he released one of her budding breasts and reached down to her pussy and pinched the small nub above it.

The girl squealed in surprise as something akin to electricity ran up her spine before her body gave out and went slack in his grip.

"Looks like Eri's the first one out," he said with a smirk.

Mahoro attempted to please him further, but her lack of experience made it all too easy for Izuku to grab her arm and pull her in. His arm wrapped around her back, the conscious pair sandwiching Eri between them. And between the two girls was Izuku's length.

He didn't hesitate to start sawing his cock on her pussy. Nor did he stop to think about pulling her face closer around Eri's drooping head and before pulling the brunette into a kiss.

The constant rubbing against her sensitive pussy combined with Izuku plunging his tongue into the older girl's mouth led to a quick victory. The island girl reacted much the same as Eri, her body tensing as pleasure arched up her body before falling slack.

"Looks like I won," Izuku said with a chuckle.

He then stood up from the water with both girls in his arms. After drying them off, he laid them down alongside himself in his bed, all of them still just as nude as they were in the bath.

A short time later, as Izuku was beginning to think back on all his previous actions, Mahoro briefly stirred and looked up at him.

"You- you weren't even close… you cheated… I'll get you.. next time…" she mumbled before going back to sleep.

The verdette calmed, glad to know that the girl was ready for the next round.

And so they played the game the next night… and the next… and the next…. Each time the girls only became more and more eager. Whether that was due to the challenge, the pleasure, or something else, he slowly stopped caring.

The two young girls also seemed to figure out a few tricks, such as rubbing and stroking his penis to get him closer to release, but with how sensitive their young bodies still were, they always lost long before he could. Izuku would have rub one out later on his own, but he had plenty of material to work with in his fantasies.

And after another week of this new routine, Izuku resolved to finally live them.

The hero student clapped his hands together to bring attention to himself. "So, girls, thanks for this, really. Now, this project is actually quite simple. Just say the lines I had you read earlier, and I'll take care of the rest."

"And this is really like the game we've been playing?" the horned girl asked in her usual eagerness.

"We'll make sure you lose this time," Mahoro challenged him.

Izuku grinned at them. "I'm sure." '-that it'll all amount to nothing you brat,' he finished internally.

With a short countdown and a press of a button, the camera on the other side of the room of the bed came to life and started recording. He then gestured to the girls to start.

"A-are you s-sure there's n-no way to repay you?" Eri asked with an anxious and unsure expression that fit perfectly with her dialogue.

"Yeah! We said we'd do anything!" Mahoro exclaimed.

Izuku took on a thoughtful expression. "Really? Anything?"

"Oh yeah. Anything~" the brunette unintentionally purred out.

In that exact moment, the fragile facade Izuku had built up was immediately smashed down by his lust and desire.

Green lightning flared to life around him as Izuku dashed behind the girls. He ripped Eri's leggings to shreds to reveal her bare ass and tore off the bottom half of Majoro's dress to expose the girl's polka dot panties. The man then reappeared in front of them and pushed them onto their knees.

The two girls looked up only to see his massive cock flop out of his ripped pants in between their blushing faces. And unlike before with their "game" the appendage was dripping with the verdette's precum.

"Oh, then I'm sure that we'll be able to work something out~" he said, more acting as himself rather than a character as he licked his lips at the sight of the girls' fat asses.

Below him, the lolis looked up at him with wide eyes, too startled to truly think. After a moment, their hands began to reach up to his hard on. He growled at them, giving the girls pause.

"No. Lick," he commanded.

To demonstrate this, he reached for Eri's head and pulled her towards the base of his cock. Almost as if on instinct, her tongue stretched from her mouth towards his groin.

Izuku then turned his gaze to Mahoro who was glaring at him in embarrassment. He raised an eyebrow at her in challenge. She relented but kept her glare as she licked his baseball sized balls. After a few passes of her tongue, she curiously began to suckle on it as if doing so would give her the thick, creamy milk inside.

'She's half right,' Izuku thought in amusement.

Artist: captain kirb


Izuku felt his meat pillar harden further at the ministrations of the young virgins below him. He kept a hand on Eri's head to make sure her tongue kept moving. That didn't seem like a problem though as she started becoming more fervent later, especially when she tasted his precum.

Remembering the "script" he made, Izuku decided to put it to good use.

"That's right~ For letting you sleep under my roof, eat my food, and live comfortably in my house, you'll become my personal whores. Only seems fair with the debt you owe me~"

His domineering tone sent shivers up both girls' spines. Even if the current situation started as roleplay or acting, the two girls began to get the feeling that this wasn't all fake… and that they didn't truly mind the thought.

Things steadily progressed from there. Mahoro began to push her face further and further into his ballsack. He could actually hear the little bitch snorting the sweaty musk of his hairy balls, something he made sure to have by spending some extra time in the personal gym earlier.

As for Eri, she had already licked his cock clean of precum. The horned slut was now slobbering his erection like an animal, obviously desperate to get his sperm. This was further reinforced when she stopped at the tip and circled it with her tongue.

Izuku grinned at the girls, steadily falling into depravity like him all on their own. Oh, sure, he gave the initial push, but the rest was all them. He'd be proud if they weren't becoming his whores.

Eventually, during one of the times Eri teased his tip, Izuku held her in place and pulled her in. Her mouth engulfed the thick cockhead, but she stopped when the tip hit the back of her through. The stud didn't care though as, with a slight bit of readjustment, he was able to push further.

Down and done he went. Four inches. Six. And while he felt she could go all the way, Izuku stopped pulling on her at nine inches when he noticed her panicked expression and movements.

He pushed her off, and Eri gasped in relief as air reentered her lungs. Izuku understood what was going on and moved to correct it.

He lightly clapped his free hand repeatedly against her cheek to grab her attention. "Breath through your nose. Focus on that, and I'll handle the rest."

Eri shakily nodded. Izuku wasted no time forcing her back down, this time by grabbing and pulling her by her horn. The girl displayed obvious discomfort but was obviously breathing correctly this time. She also winced when Izuku grabbed her horn, but he would never apologize for doing so.

The new handhold made it much easier to force her up and down the length of his cock. Already her earlier ministrations were being far outclassed by her cocksucking, especially with Izuku's unrelenting "guidance".

The pace began to quicken after that. Faster and faster, more and more. The same feeling that welled up in Eri during the game the previous night began to surge in her once more, even stronger now. The horned girl couldn't resist it at all… she didn't want to.

So, even whilst being raped in the mouth by the foot long cock of her savior, Eri came. She came harder than she has ever had before. So much so that one the whites of her eyes were exposed due to her pupils rolling into the back of her head.

Even as the girl lost focus and stopped breathing, Izuku used and abused her tightened throat until he was pouring his load down the girl's throat.

The stud forced her off of him without remorse, sending the girl to the ground as she writhed and twitched in pleasure.

Izuku growled as he turned his hardened gaze to Mahoro who looked up at him almost fearfully. She was frozen in place, helpless when the verdette grabbed the island girl by her twintails.

"I've gotta say, while the horn was a good place to give me a grip, these twintails will be a lot more useful."

He said nothing else as he pulled her in. He didn't need to as the bratty girl had obviously given up.

Just like with Eri, he managed to force her all the way down, her comfort be damned. Mahoro knew she couldn't stop him, so she didn't even try. Even as the pace got faster and faster. Even as he started matching the pace he set for her with thrusts. Even as she reached down with her free hands and began rubbing her pussy.

However, just like before, all good things must come to an end, as evidenced by Mahoro wearing a very similar cum-drunk expression as the younger slut.

The hero student pushed her to the floor too when he was done, but he wasn't done with them yet.

Izuku threw himself on top of her and began biting and licking the area around her neck and shoulders as his arms and hands began tearing at her remaining clothing, ripping it all to shreds in an instant.

Once he was done striping and marking her, he picked the brunette up and tossed her onto his bed.

For Eri, the process was far different. He grabbed her by one of her ankles with one hand and lifted her off the ground. As she dangled there, eyes filled with nothing but his cock, he started ripping everything off.

When he was done, he grabbed her other ankle and brought her soaked pussy closer to his face.

"It'd be so easy to eat you out right now you slut," Izukuharshly told the girl, "but I'm not about to lower myself to your level and get you off. You're the one serving me now."

After that, he carried the girl over to the bed and set her torso down before letting one of her ankles go from his grasp where it now hung from the side of the bed, leaving the girl in a standing split of sorts.

Wordlessly, he aimed the tip of his wet dick at her soaked pussy and slowly but surely began to push. Eri squealed at the large intrusion, but there was nothing she could do to stop its advance.

Just like with Mahoro, the horned girl realized that resistance was futile at best given the man's frame towered over them. And that was without any other factors.

Once his cockhead was fully inserted, Izuku looked Eri in her pleading eyes brimming with tears. Even so, the man didn't hesitate to rear back and explode forward with unrelenting force. Not only did the tight pussy engulf his dick now, he forced himself into the girl's fertile womb to fully fit himself.

Eri howled, her tongue hanging from her mouth as Izuku's massive cock violated his favorite girl's whole pussy in one fell swoop. Eventually though, the silverette ran out of steam and fell silent once again.

Mahoro, transfixed by the scene, couldn't stop what she said next.

"You gonna fuck her Daddy? Turn her into your little cumslut?" she asked, remembering it from the script, only to immediately realize what she said.

"Yup. And when I'm done with her, I'm coming to rape your ass too," he proclaimed, shutting her up.

Then, almost like a gunshot had sounded, Izuku started furiously fucking the small slut in his grasp. He didn't relent, holding her in the same position the entire time he was railing her. Eri reached out to brace, but all she could feel was her own leg in Izuku's grip.

From her spot on the bed, Mahoro could see the large bulge that repeatedly appeared as a result of Izuku's massive cock. And as the pace increased even further, she wondered what it would feel like, the thought sending her hands to her pussy to finger it.

The brunette would soon get her answer as Izuku brought Eri into a kiss before slamming his groin into hers and started audibly pumping his load into the little whore.

A second passed. Then another. Then a minute. Then another minute passed. And during it all, Mahoro could see her friend's belly distend, growing bigger and bigger as more cum was forced into her. Sooner or later however, the flow came to a stop, signaled by Izuku starting to pull himself out.

Eri's torso barely hit the mattress again before Izuku was on top of Mahoro. The man had her by the ankles too, but hers were forced above her head as she laid down.

"You goddamn whore," Izuku swore as he sawed his shaft against her slit. "You're over here getting yourself off when I'm fucking your friend silly. How low can you get?"

The girl barely registered his words as she was primarily focused on her own pussy. Pleasure like she's never felt before arced up her spine like electricity. And going by what she just saw, what she felt was likely only a fraction of what she was about to experience.

She wanted it. She wanted all of it and more. She was desperate to have it, something instinctual in her body screaming out for it.

"F-fuck me, Daddy," she pleaded, much to the man's surprise. "Do it! Turn me into your faithful whore so I can serve you for the rest of my life!"

Izuku sat stunned at the gril's depravity. He did this. He turned her into this…

And he wanted to drag her deeper into it.

The verdette roared as he forced his cock into her, all the way down to the base in one swift motion, busting through her cervix and into her womb. Mahoro screamed in pain, but he didn't care. The only thing she'll feel in a few short minutes is overwhelming pleasure.

And so he began thrusting. One after the other after the other. His groin crashing into her fat ass with reckless abandon. The brunette kept screaming, but after a few minutes some moans could be heard.

Wanting to shut her up, Izuku dove for a kiss, capturing her lips and forcing her tongue into submission with his own. He saw the girl's eyes roll, the only other clue to what was happening being the tightening of her pussy. Izuku grinned ferally at the girl's first real orgasm of the night. It would be far from the last he decided.

So he kept going, mercilessly pounding her young cunt, drowning her in the throes of pleasure. When he released her upper lips, all she let out were moans and barely recognizable pleas for more.

He'd be sure to give her exactly what she wanted, but he'd been balls deep in her pussy for some time already. So without any fanfare or care, he hilted and blasted her womb with her thick cum, just like Eri.

At the thought of the horned girl, he let go of the delirious Mahoro, allowing her out of her mating press, and reached for Eri. He grabbed her by the horn and pulled her to him.

After a few seconds, Izuku had the silver haired girl laying atop Mahoro, their faces inches away from each other. The brunette's fuck-addled mind blearily recognizes this as she craned her neck up to connect their lips in a slutty union.

When he saw the display and subsequent battle of tongues, Izuku chuckled and slapped Eri's ass in amusement.

After that was a bit of a blur. Despite being fully into it, Izuku felt that he lost control of himself for a time. He hastily remembers some details.

Him fucking the girls in their pussies and mouths the entire time. Trying their assholes from time to time only to angrily give up. Trying various positions by taking advantage of the large size difference between him and the young sluts. He even took them to different rooms at one point.

When Izuku next finds that he's fully in control of himself again, light is pouring in through the window from the morning sun. At the foot of the bed, Eri and Mahoro are covered in his thick spunk, fucked silly, and most definitely unconscious.

And Izuku? He's feeling better than he ever has in a long time. His head is clear, and he knows exactly what he's going to do next.

He planned and schemed, ready and willing to do anything to achieve his goal. And lucky for him, they got regular shipments of whatever they needed, all done automatically by robots. That's what made it so easy to get a bunch of birth control pills before he put this plan into action. He wondered what else he could manage to get.

His thoughts were interrupted when he felt… something touching his still-hard cock. He looked to see the exhausted and ruined forms of his girls slobbering over his meat pole with loving expressions.

The man grinned viciously. He was going to enjoy breaking these tiny sluts.

"Alright, since a couple of things have changed around here, why don't we set some ground rules. And since I'm the oldest and the one with the dick you sluts love so much, I'll be making them.

"First off, no more clothes. We've all already seen everything. Plus, there's no point when they'll get ripped off later."

Eri hummed happily as she watched her morning cartoons. Mahoro was splayed out on the couch next to her, phone in hand as she lazily scrolled through whatever apps she had to distract her bored mind since Izuku was watching a lecture.

The horned girl glanced at the older girl's body and saw, not for the first time, the dual tone skin. Parts like her arms and legs were noticeably tanned whilst most of her torso was pale. Eri loved tracing her tan lines as they always seemed to get a reaction from the other girl. Of course, what she loved touching most was her bare cunny, out in the open between Mahoro's spread legs.

Light steps echoed out behind Eri. She didn't move or react, the girl knowing perfectly well who was behind her. This was reinforced when large, scarred hands gently picked her up.

Izuku himself sat down before placing the girl in his arms down on his lap, his large cock standing at attention between her small legs.

Eri drooled at the sight of the foot long cock standing at attention, her small body reacting instantly as a need began to grow in her.

Off to the side, Mahoro had stopped scrolling through whatever app she was on as she stared too. Her eyes were transfixed on the erect bitchbreaker in front of her. The brunette's free hand went down to her pussy, her fingers now lightly massaging her clitoris.

There the trio sat for hours, the man constantly sawing his dick against his younger charge's bare pussy. The girl in his lap was no longer even thinking about what was on TV. All she cared about was the cockhead infront of her face. She tentatively leaned down and licked it were her tongue. When Izuku hummed appreciatively, she continued her ministrations.

"Secondly, names and/or titles. The two of you are prohibited from calling me by my name. As of now, you may only refer to me as Master. Anything else, and I will punish you however I see fit. As for you two, I'll refer to either of you however I want. Your names, a nickname, anything. So if I call for Slut One and Slut Two, what are your responses?"

"Yes, Master?"/"Yeah, Master?"


"GUUHHHHH!" Mahoro screamed through the balled up panties in her mouth.

"This is what happens when you break the rules" Izuku said as he sent another smack down onto the brunette's ass, causing her to scream again.

Eri watched on from the sidelines, burning every last second of what was happening into her memory, savoring every last second of Mahoro getting spanked for being a bad girl according to Master.

After a few more minutes of this which brought the number of total spanks up to one hundred, Izuku was done. Eri just knew that the other girl's butt was going to be red and incredibly tender for the next few days. But there wasn't much she could do about that. The rules were pretty clear.

Master reached into Mahoro's whimpering mouth and ripped out the panties muffling her before he spoke.

"Have you learned your lesson whore?" he probed with an intimidating tone of voice.

"Y-y-yes…" the girl bent over his knees gasped out.

"'Yes' what?"

"Y-yes… Master…" she responded with labored breathing.

The verdette reached under the girl and began fingering her lower lips. Mahoro mewled in delight as Master growled out how she was a good girl.

It made her feel… fuzzy…

"Next is that there is no such thing as privacy for you two in this house. Living room, bedroom, bathroom, the doors stay open. If I see even one closed, you both get punished, no matter who closed it in the first place. The only exception is when I'm in the middle of a lecture and I don't want to hear you whores squealing like pigs."

Mahoro sat down on the toilet seat as pee began to gush out of her overfilled bladder. She sighed in satisfaction, the pressure she was previously feeling falling away.

Just then, she felt someone's eyes linger on her. The brunette looked up to see Master standing in the hallway outside casually leaning against the wall as he watched her unflinchingly.

Sooner rather than later the flow stopped, leaving Mahoro simply staring at the man and his massive cock which stood at attention. Feeling naughty, the girl lowered her hands down to her cunny and started rubbing.

She sped up, putting in more effort when she saw Izuku smirk with satisfaction at her display. The loli fuckslut gasped as she pinched her clit with one hand, the other desperately plunging into her pussy further.

Inevitably the telltale surge of pleasure appeared, leaving Mahoro moaning like a whore as she came. When she relaxed before bringing the hand that had taken the dive into her wet walls up to her lips and began licking and sucking on them.

The man let out a deep but pleased hum before the sound of footsteps indicated his departure.

Mahoro licked her lips one last time with a pleased groan. "Seems Master liked the show~"

"The fourth rule is that sex will always be allowed. Infact, it's encouraged. No matter when or where you are, with the exception of, again, my online lectures."

Eri loudly moaned as she was railed by Master in the ass on the balcony overlooking the backyard. She cringed slightly at how wide her rosebud was forced open, but the slave didn't truly mind as the pleasure she felt far outweighed anything else.

The man was holding her in what he called a full nelson which allowed her fellow slut full access to her cunt for the other girl to ravenously devour.

"You're being a really good buttslut Eri. But you'd be an even better whore if you tightened up that hole of yours," Master whispered in her ear, egging her on.

The nine year old girl listened to his advice the best she could in her pleasure-addled state. She must've been doing well if his grunt of approval meant anything. Eri gasped when Mahoro's moans of annoyance sent a spike of pleasure up her spine. Master must've overheard her.

"Don't be such a pathetic brat you bitchslave. You'll get your chance soon," he told her in a condescending tone.

Seemingly accepting this, the brunette went back to tonguing and fingerblasting Eri's exposed cunny with vigor.

The scene continued on for the next few minutes, the man tuning out the whorish moans of the pair of kiddie sluts and instead listened to the sound of birdsong in the surrounding forest.

He then suddenly, for them, began pumping his semen into Eri's ass as he came. From her position, Mahoro could feel her Master's dick pulse and surge with each load that ended up inside her sister slave.

As she began to feel herself being filled by his semen, the pleasure started to overwhelm Eri. Slowly but surely, more and more, until the knot in her stomach was wound so tight, it could only snap and break under the pressure. Eri came, covering Mahoro's face in her juices.

The horned girl fell slack in his grip, her body simply no longer having the energy to tense up. And with her head lolling back in exhaustion, the dominant hero student took advantage and planted his lips on hers. She didn't reciprocate for obvious reasons, but that was fine.

Once he was done, he removed her from his dick and tossed her off to the side onto a chair. Semen squirted from her rosebud from the impact, but he didn't care. And neither did Mahoro as she continued to unflinchingly stare right up at him.

She blinked, and in the next second, the brunette found her torso hovering over open air. The feeling of two powerful hands holding her hips caused her to look back to see that the man had picked her up and shoved her smaller body through a wider section of the ornate yet functional railing.

And even with Master holding her, she could tell that that was as far as she could go. Her wide hips and fat ass made sure of that. Still, it left her in a prime spot for fucking. It seemed Master had the same idea as he leaned down as far as he could and spoke.

"Since you're such a pussy hound, I'll pound yours good~" he purred before penetrating the older slave's lower lips.

When Izuku was finished with her, he left her fucked silly body stuck in the railing and locked the door back inside behind him to leave his slaves outside for the night. They were desperate and eager when he opened the door again the next morning, though not before teasing them quite a bit on the other side of the bay windows.

"And considering our… activities, we'll definitely need a rule about cleanliness. Which is why, from now on, the fifth rule will be that you two will be in charge of cleaning up any cum or other juices and liquids after we're done. No exceptions. In addition, each of your meals will also have cum on it."

Eri eyed the thick ball batter dripping from her fellow slut's anus as the brunette whorishly licked at the floor for even one more droplet of delicious sperm while her cheek was pressed into the hardwood boards. So caught up in her rabid desires, the avid cum guzzler didn't even register where the new dollops of what could be considered liquid white gold to the pair of loli sluts were coming from.

Taking advantage of her sister-slave's stupidity, Eri dove for the anal fuckhole and started immediately tonguing it.

Mahoro yelps in surprise at the new sensation and tries to escape, but her own submissive tendencies combined with Eri's arms wrapped around the other girl's legs keeps her in place.

The horned girl licks and sucks away as Mahoro's eyes roll in pleasure. And as the next few minutes passed, the irresistible taste of Master's seed faded away until nothing was left.

When she was done, the horned slut released herself from Mahoro's ass-pussy with a satisfying *POP*. When the brunette recovered enough, she whirled around and tackled the young girl to the ground.

"Fucking bitch. Stop hogging Master's cream!" Mahoro then pressed her lips into Eri's in a vain and honesty half hearted attempt to take back some of the cum that she had "stolen".

"Dinner's ready you ball-gargling fucksluts!" a masculine voice interrupted their heated battle.

The two barely hesitated before untangling themselves and scampering over to the table that made up the dining area. Master was already sitting at his seat, the only plate on the table already in front of him.

At his feet were two small piles of food scraps, the undesirable portions from the meal he made himself. They weren't all that big as Master needed all that he could to be strong, but that was hardly a concern as the rest of their nourishment had yet to come.

When the girls came to a stop under the table, they patiently waited, sitting on their knees for permission to eat.

One minute after the other passed as Master continued to eat his fill, occasionally tossing bits and pieces down onto the piles under the table. Both girls thought the man was incredibly generous that day considering the sizes of the piles, but that was unimportant.

Half an hour after he began, Master sat back in his chair with a satisfied groan. He then glanced under the table at his two eager sluts before nodding, giving his permission to start.

Instead of diving for the cold food however, they instead went to his dick. Mahoro took the tip into her mouth whilst rubbing her body up against the long shaft, while Eri went to his balls, her tongue slobbering the pendulous factory of spunk.

Master let out a pleased groan as they brought him closer and closer to orgasm. Soon the telltale sound of gurgling brought them out of their horny stupor and forced them to be hyper aware of the next few moments.

One load after another sprayed from Master's dick. Each shot landed either on or around the two piles as the girl's tried their best to aim whilst trying to give their own piles more.

Eventually it ended and Master stood from his spot to rinse his dishes. Eri and Mahoro were left to clean up the mess, and they gladly and eagerly did so.

Thick, hot ball batter over cold, disposed food scraps was the best. In all honesty though, eating normal human food at this point seemed unappealing to her. Cum was far more delicious in comparison. She'd eat a full cum diet if Master wanted her to.

Eri hummed in delight as she continued thinking while she ate. Maybe she'd bring up the new diet idea up to Master. He'd be happy to know that he'd no longer be wasting his precious human food on worthless bitches like her and Mahoro.

"Rule number six is that everything will be recorded. I've already got multiple cameras set up in each room that will capture every single moment of you getting fucked. Try to put on a good show."

The two girls pumped their hips in time with one another, the double-sided dildo that Master had managed to sneak in between them. Off to the side was a high definition camera that was taking in every excruciating detail.

As the session progressed, Master sternly ordered them to make the scene more interesting. Mahoro reached out one hand up to her budding tits and began fondling and pinching them. Eri meanwhile twisted her body slightly and began fingering her own ass. Their audience of one licked his lips behind the camera as the timer next to him counted down.

Minute after minute, the girls were told to change things up again and again. Kissing, fondling each other's breasts, Mahoro pushing Eri over and using the dildo more like a strap-on.

Eventually the timer reached zero, bringing the pair of young whores to their instructed resting position on their knees. Master loomed over them with a second camera in hand.

"Alright girls, how many times did you cum?" Master asked like one would when discussing the weather whilst getting in close to record them better.

"Thirteen," Mahoro answered dutifully.

"Seventeen," Eri followed suit, embarrassed she had so many more.

The verdette nodded with a devilish grin. "That means that both of you get thirty spanks each. You know what to do now."

Both girls nodded as they turned around and presented their fat asses face down ass up, a well-trained and flawlessly executed jack-o pose.

Their Master stood between them, making sure the camera could capture every second of the scene before he lifted both of his hands and sent them crashing down in a resounding twin *SMACK!*s that echoed in the room.

"One! Thank you, Master!" the two girls chanted simultaneously.


"Two! Thank you, Master!"


"Th-three! Thank you, Master! Four! Thank you, Master!"


"AHN~ Five!…"

When Master watched the recording over later, he praised the girls as high quality whores and rewarded them with an extra helping of his thick cum for dinner.

"Rule seven. You sleep where I tell you. If I want you sluts in my bed, warming my cock all night, that's what happens. If I want you somewhere else scissoring each other all night, that's what happens. If I want one of you skanks on the couch, watching the porn videos I made using footage of you two, again, all night, then that's. What. Happens."

Mahoro stared unblinkingly at the TV in front of her as she pumped an eight inch dildo into her wet cunny. Master told the brunette to sit and watch the porn videos of their many sessions and rounds that he had finished editing. When one finished, another started up. And even after five hours, there wasn't a single repeat.

In another room, she knew that Eri was currently made to use all their former clothes as masturbation tools until morning.

And if Master found either one of them asleep by the time he woke up, he would punish both of them.

But that wasn't what Mahoro was focused on right now. Instead, she was solely focused on the screen, the current video showing one of their more recent escapades.

Master was relaxing in a hot tub after a long day with each of his arms draped over the shoulders of his girls. His fingers stretched down to fondle and squeeze their rock hard erect nipples, causing them to squirm. He occasionally leaned down to swap spit with either girl, kissing them deeply as he invaded their mouths with his tongue before swapping to the other one.

After a few minutes he stopped and smiled devilishly when he realized that Eri was staring at the tip of his cockhead which just barely poked out from the water.

Desperate for cock, the girl dove down on her target, immediately taking it into her throat for maximum pleasure. She couldn't hold her breath for long, her small body utterly incapable of doing so.

That's when Mahoro jumped in as they started to alternate. One girl would deepthroat his massive cock like a slut should whilst the other took a moment to regain their breathing.

Master hummed, almost impressed at their ingenuity and willingness to work together to fulfill whatever obscene goals they had.

Exhausted and out of breath, their faces red with effort, heat, and lack of oxygen, the man grabbed each girl's head in either hand and pressed their lips together at the tip of his cockhead. When he came, spunk was forced into both waiting mouths.

Both of them drank as much as they could like the greedy cumsluts they were made into.

As the pair battled over what was left with their tongues, Izuku stood up and left, not willing or interested enough to stay till the end.

The video ended, showing the next one where Mahoro's pussy was being raped so hard that Master was using her spray to water the plants outside the house. But as the video continued, accompanied by her pathetic moans and the overpowering sound of flesh being harshly slammed into flesh over and over again, Mahoro couldn't help but remember the rest of that night from the last video.

After the sluts finished and realized that Master was long gone, they quickly found out that he locked the door behind him. Mahoro was slightly annoyed, especially since it was a bit cooler that night and the hot tub had turned off.

Eri though, she loved degrading herself under the stars. The horned girl stood at the side of the pool with spread legs and pissed into it like a bitch, all the while chanting that she was a useless rapemeat whose only purpose was to be fucked. Then she sawed her pussy up against one of the guide rails around the pool and drenched it with her juices before licking it all off like one would a cock. And then she pressed herself up against the glass door and slobbered all over it with her tongue.

And just when she was feeling tired, she dove at Mahoro's pussy and ate her out, slurping up the older girl's juices with a fervor.

Mahoro didn't remember much after that, mostly since Eri began changing that she was a useless fuckslut who loved to be humiliated again into the empty night air. One thing she did remember was that she came and came hard that night.

No, wait, that was the present her Mahoro realized.

She whined, realizing she got too caught up in her memories. "Master's gonna be so mad~…"

"The eighth rule is that you useless whores don't cum until i tell you to. You need to be trained properly after all."

Master slapped Eri in the face, the blow stinging, but not nearly as bad as when he spanks them. He then pinched her clit and slightly twisted it.

"You've been a bad slut," Master growled at, sending a shiver down her spine. "Can you tell me why?"

The pre-teen bitch nodded. "I came w-without Master's p-permission."

"And why did you do it?" he probed further.

"Because I'm a bad slut that thought about her own pleasure first instead of M-Master's," she ended with a wince and hiss as the man twisted the sensitive nub even further.

The verdette nodded at her statement. "That's right. And that's why you're not getting any dick for the next week. Now go get me a drink," he said, waving her off as he put his full focus on Mahoro who was currently riding him.

Eri ran to the nearby cooler and pulled out one of Master's favorites. She ran back, now standing next to the lounge chair he was laying in next to the outdoor pool and holding the drink reverently towards him.

"Guess you're good for something after all," he told her, grabbing the drink and opening it.

Eri beamed at the rare words of praise he gave either of them.

"O-oi!" Mahoro called out indignantly. "D-don't forget- AH~! -th-that I-I'm- mmmnnnn~~~ -M-M-Master's favorite- Yes Master! S-so good~!"

A smack to her ass shut her up. The man then suddenly shifted their positions. Mahoro now laid face down in the chair, Master hovering over her with his massive cock still buried in her snatch. He then leaned down and wrapped an arm around the front of her neck.

"Listen up slut, I ain't got favorites!" he growled in annoyance at her presumptuousness. "In my eyes, both of you are nothing but needy little kiddie whores who need to be taught how to behave like good sluts should. The only difference between you two right now is that you've been following the rules. Got that?!" he exclaimed, tightening his hold.

Mahoro gasped and gargled to speak as she vigorously nodded her head as much as he could in his grip.

"Stupid onahole bitches like you are only good for taking dick! And don't you forget it!" he roared as he started furiously slamming into the girl below him.

Mahoro's eyes immediately rolled into the back of her head, the pleasure far exceeding anything she could handle. So much so that the brunette immediately released a powerful spray in uncontrollable orgasm.

Master let go of her neck and rose up, leaving the girl coughing at the rough treatment.

"Fucking whore. Just when I thought you could actually resist your base instincts," he growled with a harsh slap to her ass.

Mahoro let out a breathy, exhausted moan at the hit. The man stood from his spot over her and moved to reenter the house.

"Neither of you are getting dick for a week," he firmly stated. A soft whine from Eri caused him to stop and look at her with an annoyed expression. "Want to make it a month?" he asked rhetorically with narrowed eyes, daring her to speak up.

Predictably, Eri tightly clasped her hands in front of herself and deeply bowed her head in silent apology.

"Fucking thought so," the man grunted as he continued on.

And just as both girls feared, for the next week, their Master didn't even consider initiating any kind of sexual contact with them. They certainly tried to get him to reciprocate; rubbing their small bodies up against his, seductively lying in desirable locations, or even outright begging for him to end the punishment early.

The man didn't budge. He simply carried on with whatever task he was engaged with. More often than not that task was editing the indescribable amount of footage he had into something both entertaining and appealing. He sometimes masturbated to whatever scenes he was watching, edging himself on some of his favorites.

In those instances, Master very rarely dumped his load down one of their throats to finish, instead simply shooting his virile sperm whenever and wherever. Once he did that, the two girls descended on the puddle of pearly liquid with ravenous hunger.

And when the week ended, Master kept fucking them for the entire next week. His cock filled at least one of their holes at all times, even during lectures when he could. During the night, he fucked one them in his sleep. The other girl was forced to silently sit and watch the spectacle.

By the end of the period, the pair of depraved lolis were left unconscious, gasping for air, their bodies so strained that they couldn't move even if they wanted to.

Eri and Mahoro now understood what it meant to truly cross their Master, and they made absolutely sure to never do so again.

Eight months. It had taken eight months to get to this point, and Izuku was proud of himself for doing so.

The constant degradation, corruption, and pressure his sluts had been under had finally reached its conclusion. There was still more to do, there always was, but that could come later.

The straw that broke the camel's back, or in this case the lolis' minds, had been a month-long fuckfest. He had experimented in the past by limiting it to a week, but he had finally been ready to go full force.

Constant sex during his every waking moment, sleep depriving the whores though punishments and other methods, a diet of nothing but his thick ball batter, faking a livestream to give the girls an "audience", and so much more to deprive them of a chance to breathe or relax.

And now they kneeled at his feet with wild yet vacant eyes and strands of Blackwhip around their necks as they tended to his cock under his desk during one of his lectures. Their bodies were covered with red handprints and bruises of various sizes.

Tallies littered parts of their bodies, primarily in three areas. First the inside of their thighs. Next were the ones spread across their ass cheeks. And finally were the ones on their cheeks and necks. Each tally represented one time Izuku came in that respective hole over the past month, and each girl had over a hundred in total on their individual bodies.

They were ruined even beyond that. Both girls' stomachs were bloated with semen. So much so that they looked pregnant with twins. And keeping this massive quantity of cum contained were a few sex toys he managed to acquire.

Eri had a large buttplug up her ass and a wide and short dildo up her cunt. Mahoro's pussy had something similar plugging hers, while a string of anal beads was shoved up her ass.

They were thoroughly used by that point and would require a rest period and exercises to keep their holes tight, but more importantly, they were broken. Their minds had been shattered due to pleasure, and Izuku was going to make sure that they would serve him and only him when he rebuilt them.

But, again, that was for later. For now he had to smile and not act as if his two slaves were not devouring his cock at that moment, an easy feat given his experience.

So there he sat, participating in his online lecture as normal while his broken whores were slurping away for even more cum they so desperately needed. When the lesson finished and everyone signed off with smiles on their faces, Izuku made sure his camera and microphone were completely off before looking down at his leashed slaves.

He willed himself to not cum, relishing in the sight below him as they continued their single minded efforts for more cock and cum. Izuku watched for almost an hour before he got bored.

He harshly slapped both girls in the face simultaneously before calling out to them. When they looked up at him with their bleary, fucked-stupid eyes of theirs, he spoke in the most commanding and dominant tone he could muster.

"Final rule: obey me."

The kiddie whores sat staring up at him for a few moments before, in an act of ultimate submission, they bowed. Deeply at that.

Izuku's eyebrow arcs in intrigue. He never taught them the dogeza, feeling no need to in such an environment. But not only were they doing it, they did so flawlessly. Foreheads to the floor. Bodies tightly pulled in to outwardly present themselves as small and helpless as they truly were to him.

The verdette grinned visciously, seeing definitive proof that slavery and submission were so thoroughly entwined with the cores of their beings. They were perfect for him.

It feels strange walking around on her feet again. It had been more than six months since she last did that, usually getting around on her hands and knees or by being carried in one way or another by Master. It was necessary however. The lockdown was being lifted after over a year, fourteen months to be more precise, which meant no more isolation. No more isolation meant other people which weren't under Master's control like Eri and her sister slave were.

So they had to act human for a bit until Master could arrange something more permanent. Honestly, Eri couldn't wait for the day where she could be a slave for the rest of her life. Master was the best, showing her and Mahoro the truth about themselves, molding them into what they were always meant to be. The silver haired shortstack pouted that she'd have to wait to be that again, but Master's orders were absolute.

"Ya know, as much as I like showing off, clothes are a must in some situations."

The voice drew Eri's attention as she looked up to see Mahoro standing in the doorway in her new outfit. Though, rather than looking like a human, the thirteen year old girl seemed more like the prostitutes in the porn videos Master showed them one time.

Red high top sneakers over black thigh high leggings. Further up was a pair of small denim short shorts with the button undone and a fur lining on the bottom edge. From under it came the thin strings of a highleg thong.

Adoring her chest was a yellow crop top with spaghetti strings to hold it up and the words "Free Fuck" artistically written near her left breast. The brunette's nipples could be seen through the thin fabric due to her lack of a bra. Finally was the pure black belt choker tightly secured around her neck.

The only way anyone could tell that she was the same Mahoro from before the lockdown was her similar hair color and style, and the emphasized tanlines on her skin almost framing her pale torso that she got after beggin for a one-piece swimsuit to tan in.

Honestly, none of that would've been all that bad if the little whore's body type was the same as a year ago. Turns out that an all cum diet for an entire year has certain benefits for young whores like her and Eri.

Their young bodies grew and matured faster, growing in certain ways to increase their appeal to more easily have more sex.

Mahoro's thighs thickened to make them soft and pliable. Her ass followed suit and became more plush and cushiony. This caused her short shorts and thong to ride up even more on her thin waist.

Further up, the top she was wearing was mostly being kept in place by the tension created from it covering her large breasts as the straps were basically useless.

And the haughty and almost feral open-mouthed smile she had on her face showed that she knew exactly what she was doing with having her body as exposed as it was.

Artist: manabebebe


Mahoro hooked both of her thong straps with her thumbs and pulled on them before letting them return to her skin with a double satisfying *SNAP!*

"Ohhh yeah~ Mama like~!" she purred whilst licking her lips.

"U-um, are you sure Master will approve? We're supposed to be acting human, remember?" the horned girl warned her sister-slave.

"Nah, I'll be fine~ Master's gonna love this," she said, dancing in place by raising her arms above her head and suggestively swaying her hips.

The brunette then turned around, presenting her almost-bare ass twerked, her technique on par with the likes of a professional stripper as evidenced by the consistent clapping of her asscheeks.

"Fuck yeah~ That's the good shit," the brunette continued with a pleased sigh.

Eri's eyes shifted away, not out of shame or embarrassment, something Master thoroughly fucked out of both of them a long time ago, but in slight fear at Master's reaction.

Suddenly a strand of Blackwhip sprung out and struck Mahoro in the small of her back with a sharp *CRACK*. She and Eri both turn to the source and immediately went to their knees and bowed in submission.

Master entered and kept his intense gaze on Mahoro and her choice of clothing. After a moment, the man sent out two more strands of misty-looking construct and whipped them across the same asscheeks she was shaking just a moment ago.

"If I wanted you to dress like you were some bimbo working the street corner at night, I would've told you to. Fucking dumbass whore," he cursed.

Mahoro didn't respond. She didn't even whimper in fear as she wasn't asked a question or ordered to speak.

The man then turned to Eri and sighed. "Get up, both of you." They complied instantly, Mahoro returning to her feet as Eri merely stayed kneeling.

She knew this would happen. Despite her completely willing submission and obedience, Eri just knew that she wouldn't have been able to fulfill his orders. She didn't ever have an eye for fashion, and that was before her early growth spurt. And thanks to her only eating Master's thick cum as well, her body had matured even further. She had no idea what to wear to present herself as human. So she hoped that maybe…

Artist: losforry custom


Her thoughts were interrupted when Master glared at her, unimpressed. "Oi, fuckmeat, where's the rest of your clothes?" he asked in a dangerous tone of voice.

Eri anxiously swallowed, her mouth dry as her pussy wettend. She bowed her head in submission. "U-um, I-I was hoping that you'd… choose for me Master…"

"And why should I do that?" he probed.

Eri fidgeted slightly. "W-well Master, I thought you'd enjoy it more if you… dressed me up. I'll wear anything you want me to. Nothing is off the table."

Master blankly stared at her for a few moments before sighing. He silently admitted that he would, in fact, enjoy that more. Especially since Mahoro had already failed so spectacularly.

So that's how, a few minutes later, Eri ended up with a short black skirt, an undersized white t shirt which was slightly stretched as a result of her busty body, a similar belt choker to Mahoro's except red, matching red cuff "bracelets" on her wrists, and no underwear to speak of, letting her pussy juice flow freely and her erect nipples be seen by the world.

"At least now you're showing less skin than her," Master stated whilst pointing at Mahoro. And at reminding himself of the thirteen year old girl's existence, he turned around to face her directly. "And Mahoro, I told you to act normal, but be in your best behavior. Got it?"

"Gawd, you never let us have any fun," Mahoro grumbled with a huff. She squeaked when a hand firmly crashed down on her ass, the fatty orb rippling under the impact.

When she turned to give the stud her full attention and devotion, she was met with a firm slap to her face. It was then quickly followed by two more of increasing force and severity. The domineering man finished it off by roughly grabbing her by her hair and harshly pulling her towards himself.

"I know I told you to act like the brat everyone else knows you as, but that doesn't change the fact that you're getting on my last nerve you empty-headed bimbo," Master growled threateningly in her ear. "Tone it the fuck down, or I will make you."

"Yes, Master," she fearfully responded with reddening cheeks after instinctively switching back to the more steady and submissive tone of voice she was more familiar with.

Izuku let go and pushed Mahoro away without a second thought before turning to the other girl standing before him and glared down at her smaller form.

"And as for you Eri, for wasting my time with this, I've got a punishment in mind." The ten year old in question nervously nodded at his statement.

Half an hour later, the silver haired whore was kneeling at a low table in the living room, a cushion unnecessarily softening the surface. She sat reading a book with perfect posture. At least that's what it looked from the outside.

In reality the book in her hands was camouflage for the two screens buried where the pages would be. On each screen was some porn Master had made. It would have been silent had she not been wearing earbuds, blasting the sounds of Mahoro's and her own moans into each ear.

Additionally, her "perfect posture" was due to the foot long vibrator in her pussy and three foot long bendable dildo shoved up her ass which had temporarily stiffened inside of her. She physically could not shift her position without causing some amount of discomfort or pain.

Meanwhile, Mahoro was lounging around on the couch, trying her hardest not to bury her fingers in her snatch thanks to the erotic photos of them she was scrolling through. The temptation to give in was even greater thanks to the egg vibrators Master shoved into her thong.

And neither of them could let their instincts take over to fulfill their whorish desires with their sensitive bodies due to Master's orders. Which, while difficult, was possible given that they had been thoroughly trained by Master to follow his every order. From humiliating themselves in every possible way to becoming bitches in heat at the snap of Master's finger. If he ordered it, Master got it.

So when the trio heard a knock on the front door, only the sole male in the house reacted by walking to the entryway to welcome the visitor.

Mr. Mirio cheered as he was let in, happy to finally see the three of them again after so long. Master responded in kind whilst Eri smiled shyly like she would've done a year ago as Mahoro simply grunted in greeting.

When asked about the second girl's clothing choice, Master cut in with a carefully crafted lie saying "she's been in a bit of a rebellious phase recently. Probably been cooped up here too long." Mr. Mirio easily accepted the explanation.

A few hours later, when Master had funneled Mr. Mirio and several other visitors who had shown up later out of the house, he turned to them with a wicked grin both of them were intimately familiar with.

Months passed, and life returned to normal for everyone. People walked the streets, heroes watched over them from above, and villains skulked in the shadows.

Many of the houses that UA built for the lockdown had been torn down or repurposed for other uses. One of these, nestled far in the corner of the university's property, was kept properly maintained by robots but was left forgotten about. Except by three individuals.

Two girls sat in the living room, the lights were out so as to not draw attention. They sat transfixed by the images shown on the TV in front of them.

It was them from their first night with Master, when he showed them the pleasure of being a slave for the first time. They had been so young and naive then. Disobedient too. So different from the submissive slaves who know their true place like they do now.

"Yes, Master~ Show that whiny bitch her place~ Ahnnnn~!" Mahoro moans as she watched her past self get railed by Master while her present self bounces on a massive dildo.

Eri does the same, hands behind her head as her eyes are rolled. Her tongue is also hanging from her mouth, drool leaking from between her parted lips. "Yessshhh~ Fuhck meh Mashtehhhhh~"

Izuku watches on, grinning maliciously at the girls.

After the lockdown, he was granted primary guardianship of the girls, especially after Mahoro's dad died in a car accident. And as their uncontested primary caretaker and an outwardly kind boy, no one has checked up on them in some time.

With the new freedom and some falsified school and medical records, he was finally allowed to fully break the girls further, turning them from devoted sex slaves to living fuck toys. The proof of his success lay in the metal collars that were tightly secured to their necks, the only thing they wore really, and… well…

Izuku eyes were glued on his two fucktoys' pregnant bellies, both visibly bulging and ballooning due to them being around eight months pregnant. Mahoro was even bigger as she was having twins. Izuku ogled their bodies too, the hormones doing wonders for their figures.

He'd have to move them soon though. He'd found someone far too close to the hidden house a few days ago. It was laughably easy to find a place though, especially one where people don't ask questions.

All of that would come later though. For now…

"Alright you cum guzzlers, it's time for your dinner!" he called, the girls instantly listening to his voice due to their extensive training.

The pair both slide off their foot long dildos and begin wordlessly crawling to him on their hands and knees. When they reach him, they sit down on their plush asses at his feet and pant like bitches in heat, waiting for his cock or cum to bless them.

He suddenly whipped his dick out and harshly slapped the whores' faces with it, the foot and half long appendage leaving quite the imprint due to its sheer weight and girth. Without giving his girls a chance to recover, he shoves it down Eri's throat. She's been a good pregnant slave bitch the past few days, so she deserved it.

A few hours later, Izuku had fucked his girls unconscious before dragging their slack bodies by their necks to his bedroom and hooking their collars onto the chain leashes on either side of his bed. He would prefer leaving them outside like bitches, but he'd rather not risk it at the moment. Maybe in the future though.

For now, he watched some more porn, rubbing out one last load before turning in for the night. When he was getting close, he shifted his body to blast Mahoro in the face a few times before turning to paint Eri's face with the rest. The pregnant skanks needed all the nutrition they could get after all.

As he drifts off to sleep, Izuku begins to ponder if there are any other girls that he could corrupt and break. Though he felt like he'd be better off starting a bit younger. Lolis are quite impressionable after all.