more than a night of


Ko, a mutant pro hero with the traits of a cat, is in pursuit of the S rank villain Mirko. determined to take down and capture the rabbit villain to make a name for himself, he quickly finds that his opponents not fighting at her full potential and for a very obvious reason as well. Having experienced these same urges that some mutants go through in their life, he offers his help to the villain, perhaps with unknown intentions of his own.

A Futanari Mirko x Male OC story

Ko, someone who would be considered a rookie hero, has trained for years extensively to make a name for himself and rise through the ranks of the pro heros. For the majority of his life, he's often not been taken seriously quite a lot simply because of how his quirk makes him look.

His quirk is called "cat" which is pretty self explanatory, he's got a few attributes of a cat, bright blonde hair with large cat ears to match. He also has a tail, and while his teeth are normal, his bright blue eyes resemble that of a cats as well with fantastic eyesight to boot. His figure is pretty abnormal for a man too, kinda feminine in nature, skinnier and for the most part not that muscular, but it's something his quirk actually needs to keep him flexible and fast.

His outfit is no different either as a result, a black tighter hero suit that's very flexible and comfortable to move in with a hood hanging from the back that he actually asked to be added on so he could hide his head.

Apart from that though, it has a few knives on it, a long cut proof bundle of rope wrung around from his shoulder to his opposite hip, a katana on his back, and two large steel claw blades at his hips. The perfect kit for a silent and fast hunter, or at least that's what Ko thinks anyways.

With such good items and the reflexes of a cat, you would think Ko wouldn't be struggling in the hero world with how much better his physical advantages are but that's sorta the thing. Point is, he's a cat, most people don't associate cats as fearsome or threatening creatures rather than cuddly ones, and his quirk attributes were no exception, especially when he looked kinda like a twig.

As such, he wasn't taken very seriously when asking his school to refer him to UA, and so Ko never did get into the hero training school as a result. Because of this he found a way to work around this instead, got his hero license, and later went MIA for a couple years to further build his skill, stamina, and so on without the distraction of people constantly treating him like a pet.

And it's all paid off now, finally after years, he's currently in pursuit of an S rank villain, Mirko. A woman with a quirk, "rabbit" that gives her legs insane strength and speed, with a bloodlust for destruction and fighting to match it.

She's been terrorizing the city for years by now, and with Allmight out of commission, no one can really stop her for the main reason that she's just too fast and can get away easily whenever she feels like it. There's plenty of people who probably could keep up with her sure, but those heroes were either not actively looking for her or just wouldn't ever bother to give chase to the villain, until tonight.

Ko runs as fast as he can down the literal maze of allies, trying to keep up with the villain, Mirko. She's dressed in her usual black and white leotard, her signature ears perked up and her insanely powerful legs easily keeping her ahead of Ko.

She suddenly stops and leaps, hopping off the walls of the buildings from each side to try and get to the rooftops and escape.

Ko does the same though the difference is night and day between the two as with his claws he can get a much better grip on the walls, somehow passing Mirko as a result and beating her to the top of the roof, landing squatted with his tail flicking back and forth excitedly.

Mirko emerges from the side of the building a couple seconds afterwards, the villain about to start snickering and turning to tease the hero after her only to stop when she sees he's already right in front of her?!

"What-how did you..." she stops herself, instead smirking at the cat boy in front of her who's beyond serious and ready to go, "The hell, I thought I was being chased by a big scary hero, not some stray~"

Ko's tail flicks at the insult, his hood having flown back after he used his full power to beat Mirko here, "Yeah, well this "stray" is about to put you in the ground," he grunts back, trying to act cool or intimidating but getting just a laugh from his opponent.

"Ha!!! That's adorable," she says, taking a few steps towards Ko.

He reaches behind himself and grabs the two sets of iron claws resting at either side of his hero suit's belt, equipping them just as Mirko charges him.

She digs her toes into the floor first, following it by lunging forwards a lot faster than Ko was expecting.

"Oh well!!! I'll just get to add another worthless hero to my knock out list!!!" she roars, her ankle inches from his face already in the blink of an eye.

Mirko expects the very satisfying rush of adrenaline to coarse through her once her attack lands and put this rookie down in a single hit, but her foot kicks through nothing but air. It was so unexpected that Mirko almost falls, barely catching herself as she turns, seeing Ko ducked and already turned towards her. He's already up in her face, the claws he's gripping slashing from both sides of the rabbit villain who just barely manages to block both strikes, stopping him by holding his wrists.

She chuckles at him, "Wow, guess this kittens got claws huh-" she's stopped when Ko's foot is suddenly pushed into her stomach, the cat hero kicking himself away from her and backflipping in the air.

He skids on the ground and lunges forwards right afterwards, his arms outstretched and intent on stabbing into Mirko or slashing at her. The rabbit leaps back a few steps to avoid the attack, though Ko just doesn't give up and continues his onslaught.

Slashing at the rabbit villain relentlessly, attacks that Mirko can hardly keep up with as is, and she notices he's not striking randomly either. From the attacks that she can read, Mirko can tell he's aiming for parts of her that will do some real damage in the long run, and he does eventually get a good slash on the top of her forearm as a result!

Mirko's eyes widen at the sudden burn of pain, the rabbit reacting on instinct and jabbing a knee forwards to get Ko off of her. Hitting him in the side and managing to get him to back off, if only for a second.

'This boy's actually serious...' she thinks to herself, touching her just barely scratched arm and finding herself actually starting to sweat!

"Haven't felt this way in awhile, not bad boy~" she coos, having craved this kind of fight for some time now.

Ko however isn't even panting yet, keeping up with Mirko and deciding to keep going.

"Ugh, this isn't a game, damnit! I am trying to catch you," he reminds, wanting to be taken seriously, "I am going to take you to jail!"

"Hah! Sure you are, you can barely land a hit on me~" she retorts.

"And you can barely keep up," he fires back, his tail flicking back and forth again in clear annoyance.

Mirko can't help but feel a small sting from that little jab, after all Ko's not entirely wrong about that. Though she doesn't get a chance to reply when that same cat boy is already back on her with even more ferocity than before.

Strangely enough, the hairs on the back of Mirko's neck stand up in slight intimidation. The boy before her is anything but scary to her but he's genuinely not that bad of a fighter compared to the normal "pro" hero she fights.

'I can't keep this up though, not when I'm like this...' Mirko thinks to herself, her body too stricken with adrenaline and starting to get really hot now too.

Mirko leaps and kicks a few times, Ko barely blocking her attacks with his steel claws, she pushes him back pretty well, just enough to get some breathing room so she can turn and start running off.

Ko doesn't stay caught off guard for too long however and follows after her, pouncing on a plethora of rooftop objects like vents or the doors that lead into the buildings.

He's actually keeping pace with the rabbit villain pretty well, so much so that she eventually chooses to stop running on the roof tops and instead drops down into one of the nearby ally ways.

'This is my chance!!!' Ko thinks to himself, perching on the ledge Mirko dropped from.

He pushes off the edge, diving head first at the ground and easily closing the distance with the falling Mirko.

The rabbit villain hears Ko and turns in mid air, kicking her legs at full charge and landing a direct hit on the flat end of Ko's claws!

The steel claws shatter instantly at the powerful kick, Ko watching in slow motion as it does so, his hopes of winning this scuffle being dashed for only a split moment before that fire of determination is rekindled.

His tail wraps around Mirko's other leg, "H-Hey, the hell are you-" Ko pulls himself into her and tackles the rabbit villain hard into her chest.

He sends her straight to the ground first, quickly pouncing off of her, he retreats to the wall, reaching behind him and grabbing the very long rope that's been around his torso this whole fight.

"Damnit, just leave me alone already you brat!" Mirko demands, her mood suddenly shifting from cocky and confident to weirdly frustrated?

Ko tries not to think too hard on this and stay in the fight, lunging once more as Mirko tries to start getting up. He punches her in the shoulder from behind and also wraps some of the rope around her. She's too dazed to understand what's happening just yet and instead gets ready to counter his next leap.

The cat hero jumping at her, she throws a punch at him, "Die!!!" she exclaims, hoping Ko will just take the hit this time.

Ko however manages to twist his body around, avoiding the punch and wrapping a bundle of rope around her arm, forcing it behind her before continuing from there. Turning and jumping around the villain who continues to shout obscenities and curses at Ko the entire time, not stopping until the entire length of his rope is used up and the villain has been bound tightly and therefore, useless.


Mirko sits against the wall panting, angry, and just generally heated now, her teeth bared at the cat hero who's also panting and tired.

"Gonna... Hah... You're going to freaking pay damnit, nng!" she strains in the ropes, struggling uselessly and almost falling over onto her side in the process, "I swear I'm gonna pummel your ass into the concrete and rip that stupid tail of yours off!!!"

Ko sighs at her, "Sure, whatever you say lady..." is all he can really muster up in response, "Hah... I'd stop trying to get out of those ropes either way still. Those are Kevlar ropes, meaning they're for the most part cut resistant," he explains, letting her know her struggling is in vain though also knows she's probably not gonna stop trying.

"I don't give two shits, out of every hero that could have caught me, it had to be the one who looks like a wannabe ninja cat boy," she growls, absolutely seething that this is who ended up catching her, and worse that it's not entirely her fault for this outcome.

"Yeah, well you've been sloppy covering your tracks these last few days so that's not really my fault," Ko snaps back, taking out his phone and dialing the cops to come and pick his latest catch up.

Ko explains the situation and gives their location, then thanks the officers, and hangs up, the content feeling of accomplishment slow to come despite him having succeeded in the task he set out to do. He's just caught an S rank villain! He's gonna prove he's a capable hero now, people will actually take him seriously now for sure! So why doesn't he feel that great about it then?

'This was strangely too easy... This lady has been known to be an absolute monster in a fight, literally has crushed through entire buildings with a single kick. Other pro heroes couldn't even catch her and I'm not even in the top ten, but she was barely a challenge for me,' Ko thinks to himself, seriously pondering why this was even remotely simple to have accomplished.

"So... You been stalking me for a few days, kitty cat?" Mirko speaks up, forcing Ko out of his thoughts and his phone.

"Hm..? Oh, yeah. Like I said, you've been sloppy covering yourself these past few days," he mentions, having done his research, "But whatever, shouldn't be complaining now should I? I was expecting a much bigger fight against you actually, pretty glad that's not what I got."

Mirko growls at him, "Oh shut it you brat! You got lucky, that's it..." she looks away from him, her face sorta blushing light red now, "Goddamn this... Augh!!!" she suddenly grunts in frustration, gritting her teeth as if she's trying to hold back something painful.

"Right, got lucky, sure. You can say what you want but I seriously doubt I got lucky when you probably just got too full of your-eh?" he stops for a moment and notices something on the villain.

Apart from the fact that she's panting pretty hard and her face is a blushing rouge mess, Ko can't help but have his attention taken by the rather large bulge that's struggling to poke out from Mirko's skin tight suit.

Ko's mind struggles to process what he's seeing now, but another look at Mirko's eyes and how embarrassed she suddenly is, is enough to drive home the message.

She suddenly moves her legs up, doing her best to hug her knees to her bound up body and hide her raging hard on, "S-Stop staring you damn pervert!!!" she demands, trying to turn away from the cat hero who's more captivated with the futanari villain than he'd like to admit.

Now Ko finds himself blushing as well, doing as was ordered and turning away from Mirko's aroused state, covering his mouth in shock.

"S-Sorry!" he apologizes immediately, Ko's heart beat intensifying after realizing he was just gawking at Mirko.

She grumbles at him and scoffs, "S-Save it! I don't need your damn apology... UA pro hero pervert..."

"I... I didn't..." he gulps, "I-I didn't know you were... Y-Y'know..." Mirko glances at him a few times, the boy rubbing his arms a few times, "S-Sorry..."

He looks pretty embarrassed himself, not that it really makes her feel any better but then again, it's kinda nice seeing her captor fold so easily after putting up so much fight earlier.

They're silent for a few moments, Ko trying so hard to keep his back turned to the villain while Mirko just keeps her legs hugged against her chest to hide her raging hard on. She can't help but notice the way Ko's tail flicks back and forth the entire time they're waiting however, his foot tapping against the ground the whole time as well.

'Yeesh, this guys got the worst poker face. He's not even looking at me and I can tell he's a blushing mess...' Mirko thinks, finding this behavior to be kinda cute?

"Hey..." Mirko speaks suddenly, Ko's ears perking up, "What's your name?" she asks, much calmer now.

Ko glances over his shoulder, his blue eyes meeting Mirko's red neutral gaze that pierces through him immediately.

"Ko," he states plainly.

"Hm... You're not like the rest," she says, "Usually I get a speech about honor or justice or whatever other bullshit, but you instead ended up apologizing to me. Heh, you even seemed a little infatuated with me just now, huh kitty cat~" the villain teases.

Ko growls and turns around, his ears and tail sticking up straight and his eyes wide with frustration, "Augh! Shut up, and don't call me that!"

Mirko chuckles at him, "Hah! I'm right aren't I?!" she pushes, wishing her arms were free so she could corner this boy and intimidate him more, "You catch a villain that's also a futa and suddenly I've got you in the palm of my hands~"

Ko tries to ignore this villain and her teasing, his heart racing and butterflies in his stomach.

"How... How do you even have... That?" Ko asks, not thinking before he speaks.

"Oh? Why you wanna know kitty cat?" she asks, raising a brow and letting her legs relax a little, some of her boner slightly visible to Ko now who truly tries to remain respectful and not stare.

"I-I'm just curious... I've just... I-I've never met a futa before so..." Ko mutters, trying to be honest.

"Suuuuure," Mirko leans forwards, smirking at the cat boy, "How about I do you one better, hm?" Ko's ears perk up again in curiosity, "I'll let you get a look, fufu, a really good look, at my cock if you untie me~"

Almost immediately all of Ko's embarrassment is just gone, replaced with a blank stare of "really?" that anyone would have after such an obvious attempt to escape.

"... I think we'll just wait for the cops to get here, but thanks for the offer," he says, about to turn away and ignore the villain from now on and not think about his own needs having been stirred up after so much dirty talk.

"W-Wait!" Mirko says, her voice suddenly a little desperate, "P-Please... I'm serious..." Ko stops mid turn, glancing back at Mirko and seeing a hint of panic in her, "What?"

"I'm serious... I..." Mirko stops, closing her eyes for a moment and trying to collect herself, Ko noticing her straining futa cock throb through her suit, "I need to get rid of this... I've been awful at covering my tracks because I can't focus anymore! This stupid thing between my legs is goddamn exhausting, I've barely gotten any sleep because of it! I just need a minute, okay? Please..."

Ko listens to her begging, he knows how much it sucks going through heat as a mutant, especially when you don't have someone there to help get through it either.

But still, she's also a villain! And this could be his big break after years of being seen as a joke!

He looks back at her and Mirko, her red eyes focused on him solely, begging him to at least give her this chance to relieve herself before the police arrive to collect her.

'I'm going to regret this so much...' Ko thinks, sighing suddenly at her.

He can hear sirens finally coming in the distance, Ko making a decision very quickly and reaching down, he grabs a bundle of ropes and pulls Mirko up.

"Fine... Fine, I-I'll help you out," he agrees, Mirko's red eyes going wide in shock, her ears twitching at the same time, "Don't make me regret this..." Ko whispers to himself.

He turns Mirko around, undoing the rope's knot with some difficulty before it eventually loosens enough that it falls to Mirko's feet. The villain takes a breath and turns to face the cat boy hero, looking up at him. He didn't notice this before, but for someone so strong and powerful she's a lot shorter than Ko was expecting, but then again that's probably also why she's so fast as well.

Mirko looks down at her very obvious boner, gulping and realizing she's going to need a lot more time than a minute to relieve herself of this ache. Luckily, Ko is already two steps ahead of her, reaching out and slowly putting the palm of his hand against Mirko's erect futa cock, an act that immediately makes her tense up while trying to suppress a moan or a grunt.

"W-Whoa, what are you-" she's stopped when he moves the tips of his fingers up and down the bottom of her shaft, just teasing her through her costume.

"Do... Do you have anywhere to go?" he asks, "Somewhere nearby? I could... Um..." he gulps, stopping his actions and scratching the back of his head and looking away, still blushing and struggling to force the words out of his mouth, "I could help you out. I know

how much it sucks going through a heat and stuff so... And having someone just leave you when you're going through one..." he mutters this last part though Mirko does pick up on it.

The rabbit villain feels like the gods themselves have just sent her the greatest gift of her life, seriously questioning how she's just been given a cute cat boy who's willing to help her out and relieve her of her sexual needs.

"Are you serious?" she asks, feeling an indescribable happiness swell in her.

He nods with a small, "Mhm..." which Mirko can't help but find adorable to see, especially when he was just so forwards with her.

She doesn't say anything else, as much as she wants to tease this cute cat boy more and give him permission to keep stroking her erect cock, she can only hear the sirens getting closer to them. Deciding that for now she'd just wait, quickly pulling Ko along with pure disbelief that this awful night has suddenly become the best of her life...


Mirko led Ko away from the ally, feeling his eyes on her the whole time probably out of suspicion that at some point she would just take off and try to escape from him. Thankfully for him, she had no intentions in doing so, after all, how could she when she's literally being offered such a good time for free by a cute cat boy?

"So, you usually just offer to give a needy futa a good time and throw yourself onto them like that, kitty cat?" Mirko asks, stopping outside an old and seemingly abandoned warehouse that's not been used by the city for some time.

"Please stop calling me that already..." he begs again, "And no, this is... I-I don't. And I-I don't know what came over me either, I didn't mean to touch you like that. I just..." he paused, shaking his head to refocus, "Look, I'm just helping you because I feel bad alright?" he says, grasping at straws here, "I've gone through heats without someone to help with them before, I know how much they suck. Not to mention, You already look really sleep deprived too by the way," he points out, Mirko's eyes slightly bloodshot with bags under them.

She opens the warehouse door, struggling slightly, she forces the shutter door open with a loud drag against the concrete floor.

"Well aren't you just sweet~" she coos, facing the boy with a much more casual smile on, any angers or frustrations and embarrassment seemingly just gone now.

"You're making me really regret this..." Ko mutters, walking inside past Mirko who closes the door behind her with a chuckle.

"Cause I'm a villain?" she asks, Ko sighing to himself.

"No... But you just won't stop with the joking and teasing so..." he sulks while taking a look around, "And... I kinda... I feel like I'm getting strung along or something..."

It's pretty dark, or at least that's what Ko would assume given his eye sight is great even if it's pitch black.

"C'mere," Mirko says, her voice a lot more nonchalant and tomboyish as she walks past Ko and over to a nearby shelf that's not actually really a shelf.

It's been forced apart, the steel beams bent with a large mattress put in between them, the first shelf acting as the bottom support while the second and third have been unprofessionally "removed". There's also a few makeshift lights that are set up above the mattress with some blankets too, it's over all a kinda cozy set up for what Ko assumes is Mirko's DIY bed.

Mirko walks over to the bed and sits down on the edge of it, patting the mattress beside her and gestures for Ko to come over.

His tail and ears slump, walking over to Mirko and sitting down next to her, nervous and starting to question what the hell he's doing anymore?!

She puts her arm around him and pulls him in, leaning her head against his, "I hate to tell you this Ko, but you are cute, and fun to tease," she says, Ko avoiding eye contact and grumbling a little, "You might not like it but it's true. And earlier, you muttered something, going through a heat of your own and someone walking out on you?"

He nods but again refuses to look at her, 'Why did I even mention that to her? I don't even know why I brought that up, it happened forever ago...'

"Well, I don't know what your past partner told you or whatever, but you literally let me go to help with this," she points at her still erect member that Ko can see very clearly in her suit, "And I can't think of many guys that would be willing or into the idea of taking futa dick either. Cute doesn't even begin to describe what you are, boy~" the rabbit hero coos, grabbing Ko's jaw and squishing his pouting blushing face.

"I... I guess..." he mutters through his squished cheeks, slowly starting to admit defeat.

Mirko lets his face go, instead gently bringing Ko down and hugging him against her neck. It's a little awkward given they're sitting side by side, but it's nice and he can't deny he appreciates the gesture.

'She's actually not all that bad... Er, maybe,' he thinks, not totally sure what his opinion is on the villain just yet, 'Though I have to admit, I kinda missed this... She's really warm, and I like the quiet.'

"Soft..." Ko mutters, wrapping his arms around Mirko, reciprocating the hug. "What was that~" Mirko coos.

"N-Nothing..." he mutters, not about to add on to his flusterment, "So... What do you wanna do..?" he asks, changing the subject to the matter at hand, "I imagine you don't want to just give me a hug and that's it given what I untied you for..."

Mirko chuckles through her mouth, admittedly she wouldn't mind just hugging and cuddling with Ko all night, touching his ears and teasing him, but her third leg would definitely ruin that.

"Well now you've really got my attention~" she coos, leaning back and letting Ko go, "Still, you sure you're okay with this?" she asks just in case.

"Do you really want to go to sleep with almost a foot of ache..?" Ko asks a little sarcastic, Mirko's ears straightening at the nightmarish idea of dealing with this for an entire night.

He can't help but chuckle at the rabbit villain, her reaction is actually really cute, maybe he can see why she enjoys messing with him so much after all.

"Didn't think so," he says, slowly getting up to stand in front of Mirko, "But... I-I'd appreciate it if you're gentle at first? I've never done this with someone else before so..."

"Y-Yeah, sure, o-of course, I'll try not to go crazy at the start," she agrees, taken aback watching Ko get on his knees and in between her legs, the villain's red tired eyes wide and locked onto him in anticipation.

She takes off her gloves and tosses them away from her, reaching down and moving her hero suit to the side while pulling out her throbbing futa cock, Ko also noticing a patch of white fluffy hair above the base of it.

Ko's heart is racing at the sight, he's never seen one up close before or anything, it's actually a lot more intimidating than he was expecting.

"W-Wow," he gulps, Mirko holding her member at the base, smirking at him.

"Bigger than you thought?" she asks confidently, her cock standing at a comfortable eight or nine inches.

He nods at her, "Much..." he mutters, Mirko's cock taking up a majority of his field of view.

'She smells so strong... Salty and musky,' Ko thinks to himself, his ears twitching and tail constantly swaying back and forth before he slowly lets his tongue roll out and gently lick the bottom of Mirko's shaft.

Dragging his tongue up to her tip before stopping and circling his tongue around it a few times. She's throbbing really bad, hot too with her tip constantly leaking precum no matter how many times Ko rolls his tongue over it.

"Mmf... R-Rough," Mirko mutters, Ko stopping for a second while putting his hands on the rabbit villain's knees, "Y-Your tongue feels like sandpaper..."

"O-Oh... Um, sorry Mirko, I-I didn't-" Mirko's hand suddenly grabs Ko's head, her palm rubbing against his ear softly.

"No, no, I-I like it, keep going," she encourages, Ko waiting a moment before doing as she asked, continuing to lap at the bottom of Mirko's tip getting another moan from her, "B-By

the way, you can call me Rumi if you want, oh!"

Ko quickly takes all of Mirko's tip into his mouth, sucking on it gently while trying to keep eye contact with the rabbit villain. He starts bobbing his head up and down on Mirko's cock, getting to about halfway down the giant girth of fuck meat. He can't help but gag a little on it, closing his eyes to try and focus while Mirko just strokes and scratches at his ear.

"G-Good kitty, oh!" she exclaims suddenly when Ko drags her cock back out from his throat, the bottom of his tongue scraping her dick, "Y-You're really good at this so far."

Ko tries not to listen to her, not wanting to get distracted and just focus on pleasuring his partner's member. Wanting to taste more of her precum and determined to make Mirko feel good, even if it means impaling his neck on her cock.

'She tastes so salty... I-I really like it,' Ko thinks, the taste of Mirko's cock slowly being imprinted onto his tongue as he licks around it, 'I wonder what her cum tastes like? A-And she's really trying not to be too rough with me either~'

Mirko could tell exactly what her partner was thinking, his eyes rolling up in his head and sudden enthusiasm in taking her cock down his throat was more than enough to tell her he's really enjoying this right now, his gags and chokes only assuring her of this.

"T-That's it kitten, ugh! Fuck, you've barely done anything to me and I feel like I'm gonna burst already," Mirko grunts, Ko looking up at her while taking her length constantly, moaning and choking on her with the sweetest look in his eyes Mirko's ever seen.

Her heart is beating out of her chest at the sight and the feeling of her aching cock just melting in this boys soft warm throat only added to it all. She's never experienced something so amazing, had someone focus so much on her and only her while receiving nothing in return but a sore throat. It's enough for Ko to notice the sudden intensity that her poor aching cock starts to twitch.

"Rhumi?" Ko speaks up, still sucking on her tip as he does so, "A-Ahre you cwouse?"

Mirko leans her head back, holding the edge of the mattress while slightly thrusting her hips upwards, wanting to get her cock back inside Ko's throat already.

"Yes, yes, yes, don't stop I-I'm... I-I've never came this fast before!" she exclaims, her cock throbbing more and balls absolutely churning with cum, "You're amazing!"

Those two words are enough to destroy any further hesitations Ko may have had, the cat hero suddenly taking as much of her dick into his throat as possible. Almost nine full inches of futa fuck meat filling Ko's throat and gagging him as he chokes on Mirko's precum being forced into his stomach.

"H-Holy shit w-wait I'm gonna-" Mirko's hands suddenly grab onto Ko's head, holding him close while the cat boy just gives in and relaxes.

Or well, relaxes as much as he can anyways. Hard to do that when you're almost violently choking on a futa woman in heat but if anything it just helps push Mirko over the edge more.

"C-Cumming!!! K-Ko I'm cumming, augh!!!" Mirko shouts, her voice nearly echoing through the warehouse as her cock shoots out thick spurt after spurt of hot gooey jizz into his throat.

Ko's eyes go wide, his throat being stuffed even more now, trying to swallow as much of it as he can only for his mouth to just totally reject it. Instinctively moving off of Mirko's still throbbing cock, a mouthful of cum being left behind as a result that he chokes on, coughing a few times.

He huffs, gasping for air while lazily trying to swallow whatever of Mirko's cum that he could, so much of it dripping out of his mouth while the rabbit villain strokes herself to satisfaction. Some of her jizz even staining Ko's face and outfit as a result, not that he entirely minds it that is.

He swallows what he can of Mirko's thick jizz. It's so warm and salty too, though it's kinda sweet somehow. He wasn't sure what to expect it to taste like, but he wasn't complaining at all.

He closes an eye as some of it gets on his face, moving back in and sucking on Mirko's still ejaculating tip to milk her of whatever's left, and ride out her obviously needed orgasm.

"Holy... S-Shit, Ko," she says, putting her hands against his head and forcing the cat boy off her cock, "I-I... I-I don't even know what to say, my heads freaking spinning," Mirko says, her words somewhat slurred and dazed.

Ko does what he can to clean himself up, at least trying to wipe his face clean of whatever Mirko got on him.

"I-I'm glad," he says, flicking his hand down his face and flinging some of Mirko's cum onto the floor.

'Jeez, there's so much... Did she really enjoy me sucking her off that much?' he wonders, not remembering the last time someone enjoyed his company this much.

"Sorry about that," she says, her hands suddenly on Ko's face, trying to help him clean up, "I didn't know I was that pent up... But you really tried to make me feel good, and did~" Mirko coos, cupping Ko's still cum damp cheek.

His large cat eyes lock onto Mirko, her genuine smile and thanks making him melt and wish he could hear this from her all the time.

"Oh uh, thanks yeah, and well don't worry about it, I... Liked it too, so..." his ears twitch a few times, Ko trying to hide his happiness though Mirko can tell he's feeling pretty good about himself right now.

She was about to compliment Ko and stuff, maybe give his ears a scratch or two as a thanks, but she stops when the cat hero suddenly grabs her still rock hard shaft, stroking her a few times.

"Ready for more?" he asks, not missing a beat, his face still a slight mess with Mirko's jizz. "More?" Mirko repeats more out of disbelief rather than confusion.

"You're still hard, like, really hard too," he mentions, squeezing her shaft that only pulses back in response, "I said I'd help you get through your heat, Rumi. And I can tell you're far from satisfied."

She can't help but smirk at Ko and his perception, "Jeez, you're making me blush kitten~" she coos, biting her lip when Ko grabs her balls all of a sudden.

When he was done warming Mirko back up, the rabbit villain helped him strip out of his clothes. An action she took much pleasure in doing as it just gave her even more of an excuse to run her hands along his body.

She of course did the same as him too, the two mutants laying in the makeshift bed with each other, Ko trapped underneath Mirko who's hovering above him with the biggest "fuck me" expression he's ever seen.

"You're really cute," she says, touching at Ko's own member that's not nearly as big as her futa cock, "I wish I had lost to you sooner, would've been great having such a nice ass to fuck rather than staying up all night losing sleep like I have been."

He gulps, his hands against his chest as he tries to keep himself covered to an extent instinctively, "R-Right uh... Just... Not too hard please? Or fast? I've never..." he stops, looking away with his ears drooping, "I-I've never done this with another person before..."

Mirko can't help but chuckle at him, she can see he's trembling from anxiety too, something she plans to fix very soon.

"Aaaaw, so that means I get you all to myself then? I'm flattered~" she coos, shaking her butt a few times and her hands move to make Ko raise his legs so his own butt is more exposed, "But trust me kitty cat, once you get used to my cock, you're gonna be begging me to make you my little kitty bitch~" she whispers into his ear, Ko shivering at the thought.

"Um... Y-Yes please," he stutters out, completely taken by that idea and submitting to Mirko entirely.

She holds Ko from behind his knees, pressing his legs towards the sides of his hips, quickly spitting onto her hand and stroking her cock a few times just to lube it up as much as possible first.

"Ready?" she asks, wiggling her hips and teasing him with the tip of her cock.

Ko nods at her, his ears straight up and alert with his eyes not too different, the rabbit villain taking this as a sign that he's going to need some time before he's relaxed and used to this


She slowly pushes her futa cock in, Ko groaning to himself with his hands clenching, 'B- Big...' he thinks as the tip of Mirko's cock slips into him.

It hurts a little admittedly, but at the same time Ko can't help but feel a sense of relief, gasping out heavily with his entire body almost going limp.

"You okay?" she asks, trying to focus on the boy beneath her rather than how tightly Ko's ass is hugging her member.

He nods a little dumbly, his eyes already hazy, "Y-Yes, just... You're big," he huffs out, Mirko's heart skipping a beat or two at the sound of Ko being so out of breath already.

She smirks and rears her hips back slightly, "Good, cause you're squeezing me so much," she leans down and whispers to him, "I'm gonna loosen you up kitty cat, try and relax for me~"

He gulps, Mirko adjusting her grip on his knees before thrusting forwards, shoving all of her cock into Ko's ass, or at least as much as she can fit into him for now.

"F-Fuck..." Ko grunts under his breath, his ass stuffed with Mirko's cock making him slowly reach up and wrap his arms around Mirko's neck.

She smirks at him, leaning down and giving Ko a kiss on the cheek before putting her full weight down on top of Ko, impaling him on her cock.

"Y-You're so... B-Big!" he moans, squirming under Mirko as she smothers his prostate with her dick.

"Heh, you already losing yourself to me, kitten?" she asks, biting her lip from how tight he's hugging her cock.

"Y-Yes! I-It's been so long since I've done this, I-I forgot how nice this felt," he gasps, his eyes hazy and full of need for Mirko.

"I better make sure you don't forget ever again then~" she coos, moving her hips and pulling out before gently thrusting herself back in, getting multiple moans from her lover, "Any toys you've used before won't ever bring you any satisfaction after this~"

Mirko promises, Ko's own member twitching at the idea of having his ass trained to take Mirko's cock only. All the while, the same rabbit villain is trying not to give in to her animalistic urges and breed Ko properly, deciding he still needs to warm up and enjoy himself for now, no matter how much she wants to make him cum drunk.

Instead, she moves higher up as she bounces her hips up and down into his ass, fucking him in a mating press and making sure he's completely trapped underneath her.

'S-She's fucking me so slowly,' he thinks, moaning when she forces her cock down again, her balls slapping against him, 'I-I can't believe this is happening to me, but it feels so good that I don't want to stop!'

He doesn't get much of a chance to voice his pleas for more however, not when Mirko suddenly gives a few rough thrusts into him, shocking Ko out of his thoughts.

"Hey! Don't you go dozing off now kitten, focus on me," she orders, Ko doing as she asked and keeping eye contact with her, "We're just getting started. And I wanna see every embarrassing pleasure drunk expression you make for me~"

Before he can nod or agree, he feels an aching burn in his own cock, Ko gritting his teeth and clinging to Mirko, the rabbit fucking him a bit faster and pressing into his sensitive prostate more.

"R-Rumi I'm c-cumming!" he chokes out, his dick twitching and spurting a little mess on his stomach while making his butt tighten and hug Mirko's fuck meat more.

"Damn, wasn't expecting that so soon~" she teases, stopping her thrusts for a moment and watching Ko's orgasm, finding it a little pathetic but adorable, "You like being railed that much kitty cat~"

He nods at her without thinking twice, panting with his mouth open and drooling slightly.

"S-Sorry, but you just are so... W-Warm and nice and I-nng!" Mirko stops him, shoving her thumbs into his mouth and holding his face down.

"Good to know, though, I still haven't came yet Ko~" she reminds, her cock throbbing inside Ko's ass, and he's able to feel all of it along with his racing heart, "So I'm gonna breed you like you're mine, and by the end of tonight, you will be. Got it~"

Ko, while sorta panicking a little, nods while reaching up to hold her wrists, the rabbit hero choking him with her fingers in his mouth and making him keep his jaw open.

"Good boy~" she coos, digging her feet into her mattress and starting to fuck Ko again, "That partner who walked out on you during your own heat doesn't know what she's missing, mmf, absolute A tier ass!" she exclaims, leaning down and spitting in Ko's mouth.

He gulps and swallows while his ass continues to get impaled, the cat hero starting to move with Mirko and lean into her thrusts as best he can.

'I love this, oh gosh this feeling,' he thinks, his eyes rolling up as he struggles to keep looking at Mirko's smirking face and focused eyes, 'S-She's going to ruin me~"

"Fuck," she suddenly breathes out, "You're really trying to milk me huh, boy?" she asks, Ko just nodding and going along with it before she spits in his mouth again, "Want me to pump your cute ass with my jizz? Fill you up and breed you till morning too~"

He nods without hesitation, Mirko laughing at him and suddenly starting to plow into his ass with a fierce desperation! Mirko's powerful legs thrusting her cock into him, the villain using him like the best ona hole she's ever had.

"Gonna cum, gonna fill you up and make you mine!" she thinks aloud, Ko holding onto her wrists tighter with his eyes rolling up, forced to lay there as she keeps him pressed down,

"Cum, cum, cum, nng, yes!!!" She exclaims suddenly before forcing all of her cock into Ko at once.

She lets his face go, putting her hands besides his head and grinding her pleasure wracked cock into him, Ko gasping and sticking his tongue out while moaning, his ass being drowned with her thick white baby batter.

"G-Gah! Oh god, R-Rumi, you're... I-It's so... W-Warm~" he mutters out, Mirko arching her back and trying to make sure she gets as much jizz out of her dick as possible.

"Feels, nng, good?" she asks, Ko just nodding as he lays there and takes it all from her, the first of many many loads he'll be taking from her...


Ko bites into the sheet of the mattress, his hands doing the same and clenching at the sheets. His butt feels like it's on fire, Mirko's cock pumping in and out of him at a much faster rough pace.

She didn't even give Ko a second to rest, she just flipped him over onto his knees and kept going from there. Shoving him down into the bed while his ass stayed up for her to use, and he was loving every second of it.

"Rumi! Oh god you're so deep!" he cries earning him a light smack to his ass from his lover.

"You like having my cock fill you up you slut~" she growls, thrusting up suddenly and stretching Ko more.

"Yes! I-I love it, Rumi! Please keep going..." he whines, moving his own hips back into Mirko's in a desperate attempt for more.

She chuckles almost gutturally, grabbing Ko by his tail and yanking it suddenly. He gasps at the sudden pull on his sensitive tail, all the hair on his body standing up.

"Oh! Goddamn, you like getting your tail pulled huh?" she asks, leaning over and pushing her chest against Ko's bareback, the cat boy looking over his shoulder, tongue rolled out and eyes lost in pleasure, "You tightened up real good when I did, is my kitten a bit of a masochist~"

He gulps, trying to hold back his moans from Mirko constantly thrusting into his ass. The rabbit villain losing patience and deciding to give his tail another tug while grinding her cock deep into him.

"Yes!!! Yes! I-I like when you pull my tail Rumi! Please, I-I'm going to c-cum again!" he exclaims, Mirko leaning off of him and giving his butt another spank, this time much harsher.

"Then cum! I wanna see you ruin these sheets while I fill you up with more of my jizz!" she demands, her thrusts getting even faster and moving the mattress as a result, Ko struggling to do anything else but try and keep focus on staying awake and sane.

He groans, feeling like his brain is short circuiting as his untouched member dribbles and twitches another orgasm. Not that it mattered, he can't do anything about it when Mirko grabs his thighs without warning.

"Gods I love this already, seeing you cum your brains out like that is amazing! But y'know what I like even more than watching you cum?" Mirko asks, Ko looking back at her with pure lust in his eyes as he listens, "The look you make when I pumped my first load into your perfect ass~"

She pulls him back, giving small quick thrusts into him getting multiple jolts of pleasure to Ko. His constant moans and yells filling the warehouse until Mirko suddenly jams her cock inside of him, grunting out and holding Ko's thighs tight as she pumps another thick load into her lover's ass.

"Yeeeees, freaking milk me dry baby," she growls out, watching the dumb pleasure struck look on Ko's face.

The cat boy stuck face down and arched as he's forced to let this futa in heat absolutely drown his insides with her warm gooey jizz. She doesn't stop her thrusting the whole time though, riding her orgasm out with Ko trying to help by pushing his butt against her more. Some of her jizz starting to leak out from Ko, his ass already having reached its limit with how full it can get, and yet he still continues to try and massage Mirko's thick hard member.

"Goddamn, I really did cum a lot huh?" she says, watching her cum drip down Ko's inner thighs with his own dick dripping for more.

"Y-Yeah... S-Sorry that I couldn't keep it all in..." Ko whimpers, apologizing which Mirko just laughs at awkwardly.

"You're apologizing..?" she asks, Ko immediately feeling like he did something wrong only for Mirko to suddenly lean down and wrap her arms around his stomach, "You're adorable my little kitten~" she whispers, kissing his cheek.

She feels Ko shudder against her, his ears incredibly sensitive now, and it certainly doesn't help that Mirko insists on softly humping against her shaking lover to feel him more...

Despite how much of her cum she managed to relieve herself of, Mirko's cock was far from done or satisfied either. Though it was enough that she got a hold of herself again to not absolutely plow Ko into the mattress mindlessly for the rest of the night, not that he'd really mind that either though.

Ko whines quietly to himself as he's held off the ground, his back against the cold steel wall of the warehouse as Mirko presses all of herself against him, her breasts squishing against Ko with the top of his cock somewhat rubbing against her abs.

She's holding him up, her hands placed firmly under Ko's butt, spreading him more and thrusting up into him easily at the same time with gravity doing most of the work. He couldn't do anything but cling to Mirko's shoulders and watch as her cock would sometimes bulge up from his stomach that has also been nearly stuffed with futa cum.

"Mmmmm," she licks her lips, unable to take her eyes off the desperate looking cat boy who's been completely taken by her, "I can reach so deep inside you when I have you like this~"

"S-Stop I..." he whimpers and closes his eyes, "Don't look please."

She chuckles at him, leaning in and kissing Ko on his forehead, "Why? You look so hot like this, panting, covered in sweat while I pump your cute ass with my cum~" she coos, the rabbit pressing against him even more, feeling his squished cock twitch more against her.

She grunts, suddenly thrusting up roughly, Ko yelping at the jolt of pleasure and clinging to his rabbit lover immediately.

"T-Too much! S-Slow down a bit I'm g-gonna c-cum!" Ko begs, words that fall on deaf ears as Mirko only takes this as a challenge instead.

Thrusting her hips just a little bit faster and trying to get her cock to rub against Ko's prostate as much as possible.

"Go ahead kitten, I'm not stopping until you've milked me dry, and you get real tight after you orgasm~" she whispers, Ko clinging to her tightly as he does just that.

His smaller aching cock ejaculating against Mirko making him tense up, Mirko gritting her teeth at the full massage her far from satisfied cock is getting in return.

"Good boy~" she reaches up, gently patting Ko's head, "I love the sound of you panting like that, Ko," she whispers, Ko barely hearing her even say that to him with how much his head is spinning after his third orgasm.

"T-Thank... Hah... T-Thank you, Rumi," he gasps out, unintentionally grinding himself against Mirko and even bouncing himself up and down on the futa now as she stopped moving to give him a second to recover.

She lets him do this, not remotely against having her dick ridden instead, the villain putting her arms down to the side to better enjoy the way Ko is riding her.

"Mmm, that's it, keep going, ride me like the cock slut I know you are~" she encourages, Ko's ears slumping forwards embarrassed but doing exactly that.

Keeping clung to her back and holding onto Mirko while moving his hips up and down on her with his only thought being to get her to cum again.

His muscles are already burning after just a couple minutes of this, but he can't stop himself from moving. His legs are forcing themselves to slam against Mirko more, the feeling of being so full like this way too intoxicating to stop simply because he's a little fatigued.

Not to mention the grunts and hard moans that his dominant lover is giving off from having her cock caressed like this, it's only making Ko want to keep going more!

Mirko's hands suddenly ball up into fists, the rabbit villain grabbing back onto Ko's ass without warning, "Fuck! I can't wait anymore, I need to get another load in this hole of yours!" she growls, her arms squeezing around the cat boy and holding him still, "Hope you're ready to have your guts filled up again~"

Before he can even reply or anything, Mirko pounds up into him a few more times, hard and needy thrusts that are sure to leave him sore in the morning. But even still, he can't deny how amazing it feels to have this happen, the only thing on his mind right now being Mirko's smirking face as she looks at him the entire time.

"M-Mirko~" Ko moans out, the rabbit villain putting her hands beside his face before giving one last hard thrust into him, "Gah!!!"

Just like the last two times, this is no different, the already familiar feeling of Mirko's cock throbbing inside of him along with the delivery of her hot load, it's almost too much for Ko to take while fully conscious. His entire body going limp with his arms falling to his side before falling against his futa lover.

"Mmmmm, yeah there we go, that's the stuff~" she groans, giving a few more thrusts to the exhausted cat boy that's almost passed out against her, "I've came inside you so much and you're still so damn tight, Ko~" she compliments, making sure to massage Ko's prostate as best as possible while still filling him up.

"T-Thank... You..." he gasps out, unintentionally biting down on the rabbit villain's shoulder to try and cope with this mind blowing pleasure...

Thankfully, Mirko brought them both back down to the bed soon after, seeing how tired Ko was getting she figured he would enjoy being fucked on the bed again. And she was right as the moment she hit the bed with him, the cat boy clung to her and started nuzzling her neck and jaw.

It was a weird feeling at first, Mirko's never had this happen to her before, but hearing him purr and feel his ears and head against her neck was admittedly a very pleasant experience. It's only better with the soft deep thrusts from the futa as they lay on their sides and Ko is quietly fucked.

"Ko?" she calls, the cat boy humming back in response as he's too focused on wanting to snuggle right now, "You getting tired?" she asks, slight concern but also worry in her voice as she's still insanely needy.

He nods, "Mhm," while giving Mirko a little kiss to her neck, his tail flicking back and forth lazily, often times flopping against Mirko's thigh, "Don't worry, I know you still need more," he assures, "Y-You can keep going, Rumi. But I'm just gonna... Lay here for a minute... You're really soft and I feel... Safe."

She grunts, entangling her legs with Ko's and grinding herself inside of him as much as she can. The cat boy moaning at the softer treatment he's getting, especially after he's been absolutely filled with so much of Mirko's cum.

"I know I said it already, mmf, but I wish I had found you so much sooner. I don't think I ever want to go through this again without you~" she coos to him, Ko suddenly clinging to her and cuddling the rabbit villain close.

He whimpers multiple times, "I-I don't want to either. I-I didn't know that it felt this good," he gasps out, laying there as Mirko passionately cuddle fucks him, "I-I love this so much!"

Mirko can't help but growl and chuckle at the same time, "Good, cause I don't think I'll be done for awhile, hope you don't mind not being able to walk tomorrow, kitty cat, cause you're mine now~" Ko can't help but shudder really hard after hearing that.

"Y-Yes m-ma'am..." Ko says, giving in and accepting that he's going to be Mirko's onahole for the rest of her heat, and probably for future ones too.

And with that, Mirko suddenly shoves her cock balls deep into Ko's ass again with the all too familiar throbbing from her unsatisfied member pulsing through his body. Ko gasping out in a moan as his already slightly bloated stomach gets filled up even more with another hot load of Mirko's cum.

Suffice to say, it was going to be a long, long, night for the both of them... ...

Ko feels absolutely exhausted, like he had just drank three times his weight in alcohol, which is already concerning as he doesn't even drink. The cat boy groaning as he turns on his side wraps himself up in the blanket that was already covering him.

Normally he'd just go back to sleep as a result, but finds it to be more of an annoyance when there's a massive beam of sunlight hitting right over his eyes from one of the windows.

"Mmmmm..." he whines to himself, reaching up and rubbing his eyes, ridding himself of the addicting sleep as best he can, "Stupid... Sun..." he mutters.

He carefully sits up onto his knees, holding the blanket against him and covering his front, slowly realizing that he's still naked with the worst ache coming to his thighs without warning.

He hisses through his teeth, Ko looking down at his legs that seem just fine at a glance, that is until he remembers everything that happened last night. It's a blur, but he recalls the rabbit villain having done exactly what he agreed to, that being she could still use him even if he ended up falling asleep. Ko had passed out multiple times as a result only to wake up for a few moments to Mirko still having her way with him, probably why his legs feel so awful right now too.

He doesn't know how many times it happened or how long Mirko fucked him for, but it was certainly one of the most taxing nights he'd ever gone through.

"Wait... Mirko, Mirko, where's Mirko-" he turns around, looking for the rabbit villain and expecting to see her there with him in the bed, but finds that he's the only one there?

'She's... Not here..?' he thinks, his heart suddenly in his stomach when he sees he's alone.

The feeling slowly starts to set in, that feeling of being abandoned by someone he thought liked him. It's a little pathetic admittedly, but he can't help but feel awful by this given this has happened before.

There's a pain in his chest and pressure behind his eyes, tears pricking at the edges of them, "I... She just..." he clutches the blanket to him more, sniffling and trying not to break down despite definitely jumping to conclusions.

Though before he can actually get upset or anything, the door to the warehouse suddenly is pushed open, struggling and dragging against the ground.

Ko is startled by the loud scraping of metal, looking over to the opening warehouse door that's suddenly kicked open by an all too familiar set of legs.

"Ugh, stupid ass door, I should've just put the bags down first," Mirko complains, stepping inside and putting three different bags down inside before she forces the warehouse door shut, this time with ease.

She sighs, flicking some of her hair out of her face before she picks up all the bags from the ground again and turns towards the bed where she had left Ko.

"Oh, you're awake," she smiles, walking over to the still naked cat hero, "Good, I thought you'd have been out until night, would've been bad if you woke up just as I'd need you again!"

She sits down and looks at him, bringing a bag of something that smells absolutely delicious up and setting it on the bed.

"Here, I brought you some food, and a lot of water and tea as well," she says, opening up the bag and taking out a few containers of food for Ko.

"You... Left to get me food..?" he asks, saying it in a way that more or less is him just needing confirmation.

"Hm? Yeah, you took like eleven loads from me, kitten. It was early noon by the time I finally got a hold of myself and was satisfied," Mirko says, Ko holding the blanket around him more to hide himself, "At the least I had to get you some water and... Uh..."

She stops when she sees Ko's eyes that are slowly welling up with tears of relief, his ears again slumped forwards in submission which Mirko can't help but feel the most rattled at seeing.

"Woah, h-hey, are you oka-" he reaches down suddenly and grabs the plastic container of food.

"Yes! I-I'm fine!" he exclaims, quickly opening it and just starting to stress eat in front of her, shoving rice and whatever kind of meat was on the side with his hands, not paying attention to what he's putting into his mouth.

She watches quietly for a few seconds, wondering what she did wrong to make him upset, though she gets her answer when Ko's tail suddenly wraps around her wrist. The rabbit villain looking down at the limb wrapped around her arm and immediately knowing why her precious Ko is upset.

She leans over, wrapping an arm around him as he was about to stuff more food into his mouth, "You thought I left you, didn't you~" she teases, Ko grumbling at her.

"N-No..." he lies, sniffling again.

She hums smugly, knowing she's right and finding pleasure in it, giving a firm kiss to Ko's cheek and snuggling up close to him now, moving the other two bags she brought to the side so she can hold Ko close.

"You're adorable," she whispers, leaning her face against his, resting on him, "Don't worry cutie, I don't plan on leaving you just randomly like that alright? Apart from the fact that I could really still use your help for the rest of the week, you actually do seem like an alright guy. In fact, I was actually kinda wondering if maybe you'd... Stay here, with me?" she asks, suddenly becoming a little timid which Ko wasn't expecting at all.

Ko stops mid bite into his food, sitting up straight again and glancing back at Mirko, "You want me to stay? With you? " he asks, one of his ears dipping down while the other stays up.

She nods at him, her own rabbit ears wiggling, "Yeah, like... For good," she pauses.

Ko, while not totally against the idea, sees one slight issue with this request, "I... I wouldn't really mind I guess but... Rumi, you're a villain," he reminds though Mirko doesn't seem remotely phased by having this pointed out.

"A villain that you let pound you into the sheets and use you as her personal onahole," she retorts immediately getting a blush from Ko who tries to hide his face.

"Please don't say it like that..." he begs, though secretly loving this constant teasing from her.

"Look, the point is, I really appreciate what you did for me, Ko. I don't really care that you're a hero either, I like you a lot already, I wanna hang out more," she clarifies, refusing to let Ko take this the wrong way

Ko thinks it over, sighing to try and reset his thoughts, 'Maybe... I mean in actuality she hasn't really done anything that bad. Lots of property damage and stuff to buildings, but she's never actually killed anyone or any hero for that matter either, just injured them... Still, I really like her too, she made me feel a way I haven't felt in years...'

Mirko waits patiently, watching the cat hero think to himself until he suddenly speaks up, "I know you won't just straight up quit being a villain entirely, but I guess... If you agree to at least dial the villain shenanigans down, I-I wouldn't mind going out with you then, Rumi. But I'll still help you get through your current heat regardless of what you choose."

Mirko sees this as the easiest compromise ever, she gets to go out with this super sweet cat boy, still be a villain, and he's still going to help with her heat regardless?! What more could she possibly have hoped for?!

"Yes, instant yes!" she exclaims, "But that means you're no one else's then, kitty cat," she takes the container of food she got for Ko from his hand, moving it out of the way before leaning in very close to Ko's face, so much so that he can feel her breath pass over his lips, "You'll be responsible for my needs, and me yours. And, of course, that means only I get to fuck you, adore you, and call you my cute little kitten~"

Ko, while not being that against such a proposition, still pouts at being called cute and is also seriously overwhelmed by how nice all of that sounds too. Trying to lean away from her very strong advances only for Mirko to cup his face instead.

"I..." he sighs and rolls his eyes at her, "Fine, fine, I'm too tired to try and argue with you about calling me cute anymore..."

She can't help but snicker at him, suddenly moving from his face to instead grab the back of Ko's head firmly, her massive gloves holding around him.

"Good~" she states, suddenly leaning in and kissing Ko deeply without warning.

"Mmf!" he's a little surprised by the sudden show of affection but doesn't stop her, instinctively putting his hands against her shoulders and giving in to the villain's affection and lust.

She pulls away quickly, tasting some of the food that she brought for Ko which reminds her she needs to let him rest before she gets too needy again.

"Alright, now that we've gotten that cleared up, eat," she says, bringing the container of food back up to her still nude lover along with some chopsticks for him to use this time, "I probably won't be as intense tonight now that I've recently been relieved, but you're gonna want all the strength you can get to keep up with me~"

He does as she suggests and continues to eat, enjoying the warm meal that the rabbit villain brought for him and also chugging down a little over three bottles of water at the same time. He didn't even realize how thirsty he was until he drank the first bottle, he was definitely wondering now how long he had been out for Mirko to make him so dehydrated.

When he finished though, he almost immediately felt the soreness and fatigue hit him again, Mirko noticing this and carefully taking the boy into her hands before helping him lay down again. She can't help but chuckle to herself at the sight, his sleepy eyes too adorable to her, it's making her wish she didn't have the urge to plow him into the pillows later honestly.

She lays down with him, about to pull Ko in only for the cat boy to beat her there and snuggle up close next to her, his tail wrapping around her waist and arms her back while shamelessly putting his nose in between her chest.

"Heh, wanted to cuddle me that badly, huh?" she asks, returning the gesture gladly.

He nods at her, his eyes closed still, "Mhm..." he's silent for a moment, listening to the beating of Mirko's heart and her deep breaths to try and settle himself in properly, "You were right earlier, by the way," he says, Mirko trying to look down at him, "I thought you did leave. But... I'm glad you didn't..."

Mirko feels her face heat up, thankful that Ko's eyes are closed and can't see her blushing. She reaches behind her, managing to grab the bag that had all sorts of goodies for her to use on Ko later tonight. Taking out a small black collar that she stopped by a shop to get, she unclips it and puts it around his neck.

"Good to know, and now you'll know that you belong to me, so whenever you feel that doubt, this little trinket will remind you whose you are~" she coos to him, clicking the collar on him and expecting Ko to respond with flusterment, or more like hoping he will.

To her surprise though, he actually gives a small grin of content, moving into Mirko's chest more with his tail tightening around her waist, "Thanks... Rumi..." he says, drifting off back to sleep against his rabbit lover, more then fine with Mirko claiming him like this.

It wasn't exactly the reaction she was looking for to be honest, but she can't deny it was still a very satisfying one to hear the almost tsundere boy finally give in to her advances. The rabbit villain instead just taking the win and going to sleep with Ko, deciding to get some rest as well while thinking of all the ways to ruin her boyfriend with pleasure. This was going to be the best heat ever...

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