Chapter Summary

Kyouka jirous day starts off hectic as she alone jotices midoriyas plight after a teasinf from midnight. Concerned, she follows him to help him, only to hear a deep secret she never should have.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Kyouka jirou has always been an excellent listener. It's one of the few things she really has over everyone else.

Her quirk may not have been the most flashy or effective in a fight but she knew very few heros had the type of capabilites she had.

A pencil dropped 2 floors below her, the gossip of classes surrounded her at all times, sometimes overlapping. You would be suprised how many students say the same thing at times, it's quite crazy.

Jirou twirled her ear jack, drowning out the chatter as she passed several other class students, all avoiding her like a plague. Class 1-A had clearly been at the forefront of UA news since the year started, it didn't bother her.

What did tho, was the shadow on their faces as they looked down on her, either out of malice or mockery.

Being the 3rd shortest girl didn't help, as she stood at a meager 5 and half feet (154cm). She wasnt particularly fit like mina, well endowed like momo or just chubby strong like uraraka, just thin and wiry.

The door to her class didn't help either, the thing was like 19 feet, as she slid it open. The beaming faces of her classmates smiling did lift her mood.

The bandaged hobo sitting on the desk holding a cup of coffe never got old. Their teacher, aizawa was in the middle of telling a life lesson as he tried to sip his coffee. The metallic thunk of the bandage had left multiple spills on his shirt.

"Ah, miss kyouka, get to your seat you'll want to hear this." He said, bloodshot eyes trying to focus if it really was her or not, she relaly hoped he'd be fast asleep by the time she came back.

"Yo, you took so long , had a quickie at the bathroom or what?" Mina ashido asked as jirou passed her, a cheeky smile on her pink face.

"Har har, Mina, i just took the long route." Jirou replied, whacking the alien girls temple with her ear jack.

"Ow!Meanie!" Mina whined as a purple bruise slowly formed a facehugger tattoo. Her cheeks puffed.

Jirou got to her seat, sero and kiri snickering as kaminari was busy on the retaliating end of of mina's fists for making an alien joke.

"So, its the 3rd year of heroics, the next drug bust was coming along just fine, even had all might on the scene. But, before then, i bought 2 similair thermos, one full of coffee and the other full of milk for the cats. I get into some trouble that day with some wierdo who could slide on all 4, very weird but things get crazy." Aizawa took a sip from his mug, the bandages making a gruntled face. It had gone cold

"Yeah, ended up being super tired, took a train to tokyo where the whole thing was happening and then took a swig of the thermos. Realisied something was wrong and i fell asleep before i could do anything. Next day, i get woken up by midnight who helps me get back home...and years later..im here doing a favour.."

"So..the life lesson is to..not buy similair looking thermos?" Iida tenya, class leader asked, raising his hand in a perfect 90°.

"No, iida! Its to never make favours or else you'll land in UA! Stuck having to fight birds on steroids " He pressed the bridge of his nose. "Class is almost up, you're all free till the next teacher arrives."

He then proceeded to fall backwards, crawling out in the yellow sleeping bag, aoyama the french transfer held the door open as he left.

Yeah, the usj villain attack had left a lot of us shaken, pretty sure aizawas high on some meds recovery girl gave him.

The class was left to gossip. Kaminari was busy with mina, who seems to have gotten super suggestive lately and the other person was bakugo, who seemed comfortable staring like a madman into his notebook, jirou drew short sticks at all turns.

Suddenly, two hands grabbed her shoulders, as an angellic face slid into her view, her smile bright enough to blind you, her jawline sharp enough to kill you.

"Ya-yaourozo! Don't scare me like that!" Jirou couldnt help but blush as the raven haired girls face inchied closer, the spiky strand of hair that always clung to the right of momo yaoyarouzo's face touched her cheek.

Momo's eyes were black as night, letting jirou look at her own reflection perfectly, her purple symmetrical bangs had gotten long enough to reach her shoulders.

"Hehe! Not till you call me yao-momo like everyone else!" The tall girl had a sprite like bubbly personality you couldn't deny.

"I'm planning on having a little group shopping spree before the festival starts since our previous trip was..hijacked!" Momo smiled, even though everyone almost died multiple times and she also had her outfit destroyed revealing her...

Kyoka stopped her train of thoughts nodding, delighted, momo stood up correctly, her E cups bouncing once before settling. Her uniform really fit her hourglass body well, even the red tie looked good on her, enhancing the curve of her waist and bust. Being 5'8 (173 cm) had it's benefits. Though, she was always making new buttons.

"Great! We'll be heading out 2 days from now, thats when the megamall gets full of the really cool stuff! Its a life hack my parents taught me, always wait till theres a festival or celebration in a week. then be as early as possible!" Momo waved as she went to talk to iida.

Wait..did she say everyone? As in all her classmates? Even the boys? Jirou glanced behind her, staring at a certain greenette who was looking back to a small grape boy.

Her earjacks instantly snaked their way to the floor, going through a small hole she made under her desk during clean up with momo, hovering it below midoriya's desk.

"So like, since my arms always hurt after practice, i cant really jerk off without pain." Mineta, always crass but he's slowly shown more respect to midoriya since the villain attack, whatever happaned between them, must have been awesome enough that he's spent more time thinking of his usefullness instead of discussing measurements of girls.

"so I'm thinking. Midoriya, why dont you and me go to the support workshop! We can get ourselves kitted for the tournament!" Mineta spoke, with a heroic smile in his face. It felt wrong and unnerving.

Midoriya shook his head, only looking back with his neck. It must be annoying for him, unless its some weird neck excercise. "If only we could, i tried going their after my suit messed up, but someone apparently built an exo skeleton which went on a rampage. Sorry mineta but how about after the festival?"

"Aaw.."minetal slumped over his his desk."thanks midoriya, another time then."

Midoriya nodded returning to his notebook. Softly humming a tune to himself. It was an oldie from back when quirks didn't exist. she could almost translate them. The house of memories, an american lost media that she discovered during her online treks in the abandoned site, spotify.

Her heart would beat just a little louder as he hummed the words, his rythm always on tempo. She noticed this on the first day. He'd always hum to himself a song when left alone. Something she used to do as a kid, when kids called her a freak for her mutation quirk.

Guess with a quirk as destructive as his, no wonder he never discovered it. Kyouka understood getting called a freak for having strings for ear lobes, even if the latter was more socially acceptable.

Jirou mustered enough courage, standing up from her desk, just as the door to the class burst open. All the students quickly ran to their seats, momo pulled out a grapple hook, pulling herself to her desk, knocking one of jirou's pencil back.

"Soooohh~reeeeee!" A voice pitched in as the smoke faded, several pieces of the door lay on the floor. Standing in front of the class was ms midnight-"but Iiiii aaaaammm HERE!'

NOT WEARING HER HERO COSTUME?!? The class gasped in suprise as they took in the sight.

She wore a sleek gray skirt and suit, though the lace socks stayed. Small chains linked around her chest, shirt buttons undone to show a bit of cleavage.

Behind her was the sickly figure of toshinori yagi, the blondest person jirou ever laid eyes on, whos zombie like cheeks gave off a serious look. The dude was wiry as a stick, even thinner than her. But those blue eyes of his held life as it scanned everyone, only stopping to look behind her, where his eyes softened.

"-For being late." Toshinori finishing midnights first sentence, looking at the destruction. "Huh, is this how i looked like when i used to do that?" He murmured under his breath, which kyouka could hear. Dude was a mystery, jirou figured he was a hero from way before

"Sorry for the delay! We just met up with some old friends!" Midnight said, walking between the studeng desk, stopping between bakugos and jirou's desk. She smelled of roses.

"This class, we will be talking about costumes!" Toshinori said, pulling out a projector from his yellow suit. He held the thing as it started stuttering an presentation, black and white with static scratches. A real hardcore westaboo, all he's missing is a cowboy hat.

"You all have some incredible first costumes! much better than ours considering all the new fashion trends." Midnight said, as toshinori showcased all of our outfits, from todorokis freaky half human half snowman thing, momos more exposive red leotard which midnight approved, deku's furry rabbit body suit and bakugos murder militia suit.

For first designs, they were kinda bad, jirou basically dressed like a regular person. Even kaminari had some lightning on his jacket, her's was just jeans, a scratched up pink shirt and a jacket.

"But, they can still be improved. Thats the one thing about heroism, one suit isnt enough when your constantly fighting something as adaptive as the criminal industry." He flipped to a chart of heros and all the outfits they wore, nost changed per decade, others removed and added adjustments per year.

"My first costume costume was a belt, some pocket bra's and a trench coat!" She gloated, a shy blush on her face as she moved towards midoriya, who was already sketching the outfits.

"She also was the reason the skin exposure limit was added but you should all constantly have an image for yourself at whatever stage of your life. The hero you want to be today. Will it be the same hero in 10 years time? Or perhaps more? You'll be a symbol for the duration." Toshinori looked longingly at the numerous heros on the wall, just searching the heros who had all retired or died on the job.

"You'll be a symbol to the people. A pillar of the hero society." He shut down the projector, an unreadable expression on his face.

"Aww, midoriya!" Midnight shrieked, turning every head in class towards the blushing greenette. She had bent over midoriyas shoulders, her hands flipping pages on midoriyas notebook while her bra less bowlingball sized breasts were supported by deku's shoulders.

Midoriya blushed hard, his hands below his desk as he felt the side of midnights breast rub the side of his face. She could hear his heartbeat almost fade..

Untill she heard something loud. thump...thump..THUMP...THUMP!!

The sound was coming from midoriyas desk as midnight gushed over all the fanart izuku had drawn of her. "Aww, this was from my metal jacket era! My halloween one piece! Oh, i don't remember this one? A kimono styled with balloons?"


Midnight had a sly smile on her face, purposefully teasing midoriya. Guess for a 30 year old, this is the most action she gets?

"Hey now.." midnight clapped her hands together. "How about for this week, we have you all pair up! And design each others outfits!" Midnight said, walking back to the class board.

"Sounds good to me." Toshinori agreed, looking over to midoriya, experiencing the second hand embarrassment.

Bakugo turned around from his seat, the same old scowl on his face. "If i get paired up with you, sleep with your eyes opens tonight!"

Jirou felt a scowl form across her face, she flung her ear jack towards bakugo's desk, striking the tip of his pen, flinging it towards the back of his head. "Huh! Who did that!?"

His grunt was drowned out by midnight slapping the class board, having paired up all the kids.

It was really predictable, midnight had added all the kids she thought looked good together but toshinori's touch was really there.

He had added momo and shouji together, the two kids who had to worry about creating stuff out their bodys.

Shoto and bakugo, opposites in everything but their goals, both of whom have heating problems.

And then, the final toshi pairing, jirou and... midoriya?!

She glanced at deku, who also looked at her, both of them quickly staring at their desks as midnight blew a kiss to izuku and walked away, having made as much chaos as possible.

Toshinori followed her, bell ringing to save his life while the class quickly started packing up their stuff, some excited to design their partners outfits and others not so much.

Jirou packed her notebooks and pens into her bag, noticing that a pencil was missing. She looked around, seeing it lay next to midoriyas feet. This was it! Her chance to break ice.

"Hey, midoriya, guess we're partners now." She said non-chalantly."mind if i pick up my pencil? It fell a while back?"

"O-oh, sure, of course." Midoriya stuttered, flexing his arms as quickly as he could, she was mesmerised by how jacked he was, his shirts sleeves had several tears on the shoulders. The numerous scars only made it cooler.

Jirou kneeled as mineta ran to the other side of midoriyas desk, crying. "YOU SMOOTH CURLY HAIRED MOTHER FUCKER!"


"Gu-guys come on, it wasn't even anything-" the two boys attacked the greenette, defending himself with his bulky forearms.

Jirou picked up her pencil, her ear jack touching the side of midoriyas desk. KERTHUMPKERTHUMPKERTHUMPKERTHUMPKERTHUMP-

She felt midoriya throb through his desk, her ears twitching as she felt the side of her mouth water. The throb had shaken her jaw entirely just by feeling it through the desk.

She stood up, breathing quickly as her cheeks fired up. She bent her back forwards, feeling her nipples harden. Neck muscles tensing.

"W-well, I'll see you around midoriya!" Jirou walked away, midoriya stuttering out a goodbye.

She picked up her bag, her hand holding the pencil over the pocket as her hand trembled. She squeezed her thighs together, her pussy felt wet.

"Oh, kyouka, go right ahead without me, me and iida are gonna pick up the door pieces." Momo yelled out, a broom and dustpan growing out of her hands.

Jirou nodded, leaving the room as quickly as she could, ignoring the sensitive rub of her pussy againsst her panties. She made a bee line towards the bathroom right next to the class, entering one of the cubicle.

She sat down on the seat, shaking her head about thoughs of midoriyas dick, or how big it could be. How exciting the tremble of his cock was. She buried her face in her palms as her ear jacks hit her on the head.

She could only see flashes of midoriyas blushing face, red as a tomato before she pictured him towering over her with his dick out, momos face peeking from behind his shoulder as she urged him to fuck jirou silly.

She took off her skirt and underwear, her ear jacks rubbing against each other as her imagination went wild, she couldn't masturbate here of all places, the toilet paper was hard as rock.

40 minutes had passed.

Kyouka decided to stay, her skirt stained at the back and in no condition to be seen in public, so she bid her time, footsteps slowly disappeared over gruelling, restless minutes.

Noise disappeared from the first floor, to the 2nd, third and above, leaving only 2 footsteps behind at her current floor

Momo's was easy to recognise, her footsteps had a mettalic step to them since she covered the sole with sleek gold.

Iida's was precise and short,he'd step every twice every breath.

Jirou could hear them dissappear as well, her black panties still wet as she stepped out of her cubicle, putting them inside her bag.

Her ears pricked up, her fingertips touching the bathroom door handle. Familair squeaks of shoes echoed through the hall as her head peaked out from the bathroom.

It was midoriya, running sneaking around. Did he also sit in the bathroom? Well, he had to get rid of that boner. Guessing midoriya, he's probably never been teased like that before.

With her kind heart, kyouka decided to follow midoriya and see what she could do, like a true hero! And maybe get some measurements.

She took of her shoes, following him as quick as she could, ear jack sliding on the floor, following the vibrations.

2 flights of stairs and they were on the staff floor, she could smell spilled coffee and the smell of hot printed paper fill her nose. But no other heartbeats or footsteps. Did everyone just leave? How long did she sit in that bathroom?

Deku stood outside a door at the corner of the floor, jirou watched as the door opened. Toshinori welcoming the greenette in. The plot thickened.

She crept towards toshi's room, noticing a different room next to it, it had a domino mask on the door. Midnights office and it was left open. Jirou peeked into the perverted womans office.

It was rather modest, a cube like room that was quite spacious, a sofa to her right, desk near the windows. Shelves lined up, several types of outfits encased in locked glass, ranging from lingerie to full on dominatrix gear. A small fridge sat near the desk, bucket of ice spilled to the side.

She must have cracked a cold one...or too many cold ones..should brought some milk.

Jirou closed the door behind her, looking at a super large mirror, facing the room that midoriya had entered. She realised straight away, it was a 2 way mirror. Like almost every other mirror in the classrooms. Iida told me they built it after a certain villain attack during the founding.

Good chance is mrs nemuri has never even noticed, not that there was much to witness from a scrawny guy like toshinori.

She felt below the mirrors wooden frame, her fingers moving left and right before it pushed in a mechanism. The glass cleared immediately, revealing the room ahead.

It wasn't much like midnights, a couple flower pots, two sofas with a small desk in the middle, a couple portraits of toshinori, a muscular kid with a mullet, standing next to some white haired dude in a cape and some gym chick wearing a full black body suit.

Jirou plugged her ear jack into the wall,quickly drilling just enough to hear their voices.

"Welp, midoriya, my boy. Theres really not much i can do."

"Wh-but didn't you go through this during your teens?"

"Heck no, im a natural 8 incher, my boy. But it could be that your also a natural. But the lack of training and proper diet growing up stunted you. Those ten months of beach cleaning must have increased your hormone rate. Plus, your quirkless nature meant you were guaranteed the member of old humanity."

"So then. Did OFA do this?" He asked, his pants bulging ridiculously at half hus thigh. The radius of the bulge had to be as big as a fist. Whos aufa? His girlfriend?!

The skeleton man picked up his buzzing phone, reading a message. Before quickly shoving it into bis pockets.

"Midoriya, my boy, I'm summoned by an investigation. But fear not! For no mentor would leave a student in as familiar and boyish situation as this!"

The skeleton man cartoonishly pulled out what appeared to be a 22 litre, giant water dispenser jug, except it was clear as crystal, was midoriya going to release into that thing?!

"Andddd, i didn't forget this!" He handed izuku a remote, which had already been turned on.

A large holographic screen showed up, full of pictures of random, sexy female heros. Some were clearly pros while others were just from porn sites.

"Tha-thank you, A-" midoriya stuttered, stopped by the skeleton man raising his finger. "No, midoriya. Don't thank me yet!" He replied, a serious look in his eyes.

"You remember what i said about passing OFA?." He said, cryptically, a strained voice exiting his.

Midoriya nodded, as sir toshi walked away, holding the doorknob." Be carefull in your climax, you don't give ALL of it away. Lock the door behind you when you leave!" He shut the door behind him, leaving midoriya to himself.

Jirou could hear him stop jear midnights door, only to continue moving forward. She turned back to midoriya, the sound of a metallic click exciting het.

Midoriya undid his belt and flyer, revealing a black boxer with green linings. She expected an all might or UA symbol but only makes sense he didn't want to ruin them in anyway.

Her heart thobbed as she sat on the edge of midnights desk, her hand rubbing the lips of her pussy at midoriya's slow strip.

His pants fell to the floor, as midoriyas cock whipped out, stretching out from the boxer.

Jirous nipples hardened, becoming sensitive enough to feel the texture of her tight waist coat, her fingers wet, pussy swelling.

It stood gloriously, defying gravity, a good 1 feet (12 inches) of throbbing, muscular veins, the bulbous tip could break jirous jaw if it went 4 centimetres in.

Her breath got shorter as izuku's stroked his dick with both arms, unable to even fully hold it with his full palms. The girth and with had to be as big as an open hand. The nerves throbbing wildly, the size of golfballs as it delivered blood.

A strong stand of precum fell inside the huge jug, white as a canvas and making a wet slop, as it landed on the plastic.

Izuku let out a raspy moon, gripping hard on his dick, only to loosen his grip, slowly rubbing near his softball sized balls, that moved slowly as he stroked faster. Heavy and full, kept warm by the bushy green pubic of hair midoriya

Jirous clit found itself rubbing against the corner of the desk, a hand pinching ber nipples through her waist coat. The free ear jack grabbing her other nipple and twisting it in pleasure. Her moans muffled by izukus loud ones. And they were semi-adorable and semi-lewd.

"Come on, midoriya..stroke harder. ."she urged him through the glass, her mouth filling up with saliva threatening to spill, the sweat on her back was noticable, as she felt her muscles tighten, her nipples poking out, leaving imprints in her waist coast.

The remote in midoriyas mouth dangled, each stroke revealing a new image, of a big breasted woman wearing tight spandex, dressed in a clown body suit. Or a woman showing her fat ass, pussy wide with trails of white cum flowing down her back.

She felt hot and tense looking at the holographic images, untill the picture of a hot chick with flame covering her oil covered tips, wild fangs bared.

Kyouka looked at midoriya, his arms hanging to his side in exhustion, his arms hadnt fully healed.

His dick kept throbbing, shaking the huge jug with the vibration alone, the ooze of pre cum had already covered the entire base of the plastic jug.

Jirou stood up, her mind made up as she ran outside, pressing the mechanism once more to undo the mirror. Mrs nemuri can figure it out on her own, and if jirou's successful, she'll be spending quality time her soon.

She exited the room, her bag slung across her should as she closed the door, rushing to toshi's office, her knees wobbling.

A twist to the knob and she creaked it open loudly, midroiyas head slowly turning. His emerald eyes locked with her own. His back full of sweat and muscle.

"Ji-JiROU?!Wh-WWHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!!." He yelled as the door closed behind her.

"I-its ok! I won't tell anyone!" She said, getting closer to him. She could smell this fresh windy scent of his body, the familiar throb of his dick shaking the air itself.

Her nose then suddenly popped, sinuses opening as she smelled the cum leaking from his tip, like bleach or ammonia if edible, as it forced her to breath it all in.

"I heard your... dick thumping against the desk, when midnight...fondled you.." midoriyas face started heating up, his freckles almost melting in embarrassment as jirou stood right next to him. "I-i want to help it calm down!"

"I wont tell anyone! You have my promise as a hero!" Jirou stated, her hands trembling as it hovered over his dick. Electric sparks occurring as he throbbed harder, this was a monster and it was a hero's job to tame it!

Midoriya was thankfully 5'5(165 cm), so jirou was lucky the top of her head reached near his nose, she could at least look him in the eye and be as sincere as she could.

Midoriya nodded, giving her permission.

She grabbed his dick with both hands, her palm buzzing with energy as she pushed and pulled back on his dick.

Midoriya moaned at her soft touch, feeling his sensitice nerves explode as her soft palm grabbed tightly, around his thick cock, pushing through his bushy pubic hair. He could feel her delicate skin touch the base of his pelvis, her nails gently touching his heavy balls.

She pulled all the way back, her fingers were centimeters away from touching each other and every throb drifted them apart, droplets of jirou's saliva splattered over midoriyas sensitive skin as her hands reached the head.

Midoriya's smooth bulbous head was hard to the touch yet big as a softball in diameter. She jacked izuku off as quick as she could, getting her clothes and body covered in pre-cum.

Midoriya's breathing had gotten quick and steamy, pleasure in the form of jirous ever quickening handjob, as his cum and her tears acted as lube, feeling her ear jacks squeezing softly on his balls, slowly groping them as he felt his legs shake, his muscles tensing up.

"Ji-jiroi, i think-im-"jirou only increased her speed, groping harder on midoriyas balls. Her forearms groaned as midoriyas dick got hot, steaming the spit jirou lubed it with, electric sparks buzzed in the air as she aimed his dick near the mouth of the jug.

Hot, white cum erupted from his dick, in large globs. The first one splattered into the jug, followed by a 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5ths glob. Every throb squeezed just a bit more semen into the 22 liter dispense jug, the cum had risen slowly to above knee level as midoriya gasped for air.

He fell back on the sofa, dick throbbing as it shrank to a 9 incher. Jirous finger tips touched as she held on to midoriya's cock. Her hands drenched with cum.

She fell down on her knees, uniform pelted with several rogue strands of cum that was reflected from the jug. Jirou raised her tired hand close to her face. The cum on her forearms was viscous and sticky.

Jirou opened her mouth, licking the cum off her knuckles. It tasted sweet, salty with the taste of fish. The texture was smooth as she gulped it down her throat.

As midoriya relaxed and gained his breathback, jirou quickly cleaned herself, licking away at the thick, heavy cum. She's never tasted anything like it.

It dawned on her what she just did, giving her first handjob and now licking literal cum off her body. It warmed her face.

"Thank..you..jirou.." Midoriya sat up, blushing. "Ho-how much did you hear?"

"Only something about passing aufa? Is...is she your girlfriend?" She asked, hoping it was a secret code instead. She wnated to be the first girl to discover izuku's secret.

"No! No,no..its um..its just code for not getting hard during heroing..its..its happened a couple times.. for the past week I've struggled to r-release myself"

"I'm happy to help midoriya!" She sat next to him, her shoulder leaning on his. "What else are friends for?"

The greenette smiled, using his boxer to clean up the cum and spit on his dick. He must be keeping spares.

"Hey..can..can i get some new clothes?" "Huh,OH yeah! Wait!"

Midoriya dropped the boxer on the sofa, kneeling to look at his yellow bag, his back turned towards jirou.

She grabbed the boxer, putting it into her bag as quickly as she could.

"Here!" Midoriya exclaimed, showing jirou some brown shorts and a shirt with the words"red shirt" on it.

"They'll do,." She said, putting on the shirt. She was glad she never wore the uniform on hot days. She slid the shorts, raising her head.

Midoriya was already fully clothed, to her shock, his bulge not even visible. If she hadn't felt it with her own hands she wouldnt even know how big his cock really was.

"Ho-how?!" She asked, as midoriya picked up his yellow bag, shaking his curly head, as green eletric sparks.

"Oh, i just used my quirk! And. Kyouka...i-i want to thank you!" He yelled out, immediately bowing at her, she swore his head barely missed the floor.

"I promise! Ill pay you back!"

"It's totally fine midoriya, i don't..need much.." she looked away shyly, her hand on her shoulder. "But.. was this... your first..time?"

Midoriya shook his head, not looking up. He was awkard as usual but she found it adorable. "Well.. I'm proud to be the first to give you a handjob...so in exchange..midoriya..."

He looked up, still bowing, his round eyes shining brightly.

"Gib...give me all of your firsts!" She demanded, her face burning as she tried hiding her quivering lips under the shirt.

"My firsts?...you mean..."

"Your first blowjob...your first kiss, your first sex...you've already given me your first clothings..."

Midoriya stammered, his jaw opening but nothing coming out, jirours eyebrows raised up. Did she break him? Was she being rude?


"Yu-yes!" He replied, slapping his freckles lightly.

"So...guess..same time tommorow, here.. what will happen to the water jug?" She gestured at the thing, the cum inside it a creamy white.

"Untill it's full, we keep using it." "Why not just use a bucket?"

"Well..." she could feel his heart beat quicker, his throat gulping. "Mr toshinori wants to save it! So we can...sell it...later." his voice lowering. The poor boy twiddling his thumbs.

It made sense i suppose, midoriya's quirk is immensely powerfull, no telling what his sperm was capable of.

"I-ill walk with you outside, though, i get on a different train." He said, opening the door outside.

"Thanks...deku.." she whispered the last word, knowing it was a symbol of friendship between him and uraraka...some day...she'll get to scream it out load...on a soft bed if possible.

Chapter End Notes

Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoy it!

Ch 1: Pleasure to be pleasing

The first thing jirou did when she got home was check if her parents were around, sneaking through the main living room full of guitars, drums, instruments and even microphones you'd need to sell 6 kidneys and half your brain for.

She could feel the floor vibrate from across the house, her parents studio had a red light. She could hear her moms angellic voice pierce through the concrete. Her father must be experimenting with wall echos again.

Jirou rushed upstairs to her room, her bedroom door open since she had rushed to get up this morning. She quickly slid in, slamming the door behind her and locking it, incase her mom heard her.

She lay on the floor, a giddyness in her chest as she smiled. She pulled the neck of the red shirt to her nose. She smelled a fresh aroma, probably fresh from the washing machine.

Her room was as she left it, a sleek purple wallpaper with musical symbols. Her bed in the corner, desk to her right with her high end computer and several tons of wires for all her different instruments.

She stripped the red shirt and the brown shorts, unbuttoning her waist coat and letting it fall to the floor, along with her skirt.

She put midoriyas clothes under her bed sheets, picking up the now, smelly uniform and entering her bathroom.

It wasn't fairly big, her parents were rich but they werent going to spend it all on stuff they dont need other than the essentials. Although her parents had bought a bathtub but that was still being delivered.

She dumped her uniform into the sink. Her gray coat had several streaks of yellow cum, already dried up. She'll have to make sure her mom doesnt find it.

Jirou left, not bothering to shower, quickly sitting down at her desk and going incognito. Fingers tapping away, looking up hyperspermia or quirks related to sex or sexual tendencies. She even went as far as to open up a tab with midoriyas name on it.

She found really nice valleys and forests but that was it. Very few quirks were ever related to sex other than quirks that target the mind and make it horny or shapeshifting but on the dick only.

Nothing. No relations at all apart from shapeshifers or mutant types. Aparently gang orca held the record for mutation for 17 inches.

Jirou found herself searching up images of huge dicks, finding old subreddits from centuries ago, her seat getting wetter with each click.

She shoved both of her earjacks inside her pussy, vibrating them as fast as she could, using a middle finger as she scrolled through multiple tabs at once, pictures of women, their faces completely buried in thick cum as a dick that could be mistaken for a log sat on their face, mascara dripping from their eyes.

Jirou came 18 times before she realised just how much of a mess she made, her thighs and seat sticky, her clit sore and the nerves around her pelvis painfully throbbing. She had never cum that fast so many times in just 7 minutes.

She had never felt this horny or hot before. her first handjob left her hornier than a dolphin.

Jirou cleaned the mess with spare napkins, thankful she didn't have a carpet. She was able to impress midoriya only because he was having a hard time with jerking off.

And if she's going to blow him off tomorrow, her jaw is going to need a lot more than just enthusiasm. She'll nee-

knock knock

"Honey? Jirou dear, are you alright? You didn't even say hi or tell us you came home?"

"Uhhh- i had to REALLY use the toilet mom! I'll be out in a minute!"

"Oh, alright. Then come down when your ready, your father and i are going to a new

restaurant opening, he's the dj!"

"That's great! Be there in a minute!" She replied, her mother's footsteps slowly fading away.

Jirou was glad that her mothers quirk was only good for singing into guitars or microphones.

She quickly grabbed her phone and grabbed the freshest, blackest jeans and shirt she could find, she'll just wing it tommorow.

Tommorow also arrived unusually fast. She stood outaide the gates of UA, frozen but shattered inside.

She didn't sleep a wink, constantly dreaming of dekus cock, then watching some porn and masturbating to it before trying to fall alseep. Dreaming of izukus thick...

She blinked, as a fresh breeze passed her. The cold touch of her wet panties made her legs shudder. She couldn't trust her own body, to the point she wore all black spats.

If it can absorb gym sweat then it can absorb her hornyness as well. At least she hoped. "Kyouka-" jirou turned, her head to a face she didn't hope to see.

Her plump cheeks made her smile so much cuter as she greeted jirou. Uraraka ochako, the girl who was friends with everyone, except bakugo, hes a wip.

"Did i scare you?" The chubby girl asked, doing the fingertip hold. The strap of her bag had dug behind her round, D cup breasts.

"Y-yeah! Just.." she yawned for a good 3 seconds before realising she was being perceived.

"No sleep huh, me too. Let me guess, it was about the costume designs huh?" Jirou felt a hand on her waist, as uraraka pushed her to walk. "Me too! Iida's already got a perfect costume. That and everything else I think of is just him wearing a Subaru or Transformers outfit."

Jirou chuckled at that, her brain had finally sunk to kaminaris level of eh-ing. Ehehehehehehehehe.

Ochako beamed at having made jirou laugh, she was only ever seen with a serious stare or a goofy one at kaminari's expense. She was really happy.

"You're really lucky jirou, you had Midoriya as your partner!" She said, floating up the stairs using her quirk, bringing jirou along, the wind blowing her skirt up to reveal her thicc ass. Pantyhose stretched to its limit, revealing the pink underwear she wore.

"He probably has some fascinating notes. I'm kind of...well, very jealous, ehe. He could really help you out if you needed advice on improving a costume. He'd also remember to tell the support staff your actual measurements unlike me."

She slapped her forehead lightly, tugging jirou along before she cancelled her quirk, both of them standing on their feet.

"You're really good friends with midoriya, uraraka..." jirou rolled her ear jack around her finger. "Any advice on ice breakers? I could get him to drop some advice on your outfit, i-if you want!?"

Jirous hands were wrapped up by urarakas own, the contacts pressed against her hand, they felt so soft and warm but it felt so strong too.

"Really! Thank you jirou! Id ask deku but.." uraraka blushed, floating up as her cheeks turned redder, spinning in circles towards their class. Jirou rushed to stop her from daydreaming herself a concussion.

The two shook hands before entering the class, jirou having lost most of the drowsiness, which would no doubt return once ectoplasm started discussing biology once again.

She sat down, grabbing one of her notebooks, she had packed this one just this morning. It was on the floor when she dragged herself out of the bath.

Flipping open the book, her eyes suddenly became as focused as a laser sniper. It was doodles, sketches of midoriya! Most of it was just him naked wearing different tights. Shirtless or just bondage gear. Every single one of his pants had a huge ass bulge implied in his trousers-A COCK RING!?

She didn't remember any of this!? THIS IS SO... BIZZARE!?! Did she sleep lust her way into drawing this!?

She closed the book, putting it under a pile of books as ectoplasm entered the class. Unlike Aizawa and Nemuri, he was as normal a person you could get.

"Hello, class 1-A. Todays, quite the special lesson!" He had brought a projector too, was this a trend? Or were teachers finally using powerpoint right?

It was a skeleton on the picture, which was fairly normal. Then a second skeleton slid in, seeming like an exact copy. Until you looked at the toes. And you'd notice a difference in the joints.

"You all know this basic one, toe joints and how it confirms if your a quirk user. But that's the stuff thats common knowledge."

He snapped his fingers, as a clone quickly clicked a button on the projector.

"What they don't tell you. Is the durability of your bodies!" He lifted the trench coat he usually wore, revealing pants and his prosthetics legs.

"I lost my legs but not easily. They went through hell and back before giving out. By then the fight was over and lives were saved. I lost enough blood that my brain went 4 minutes without blood!"

The class gasped, some impressed and others unnerved, jirou found the durability interesting. One of her biggest concerns were the sheer size of midoriya's cock. Hell, his dicks head alone, compared to the rest of her small jaw.

She'd be viable as a certain green haired clown in a dark gothic city with a billionaire protag, her facial scars would be authentic at least.

"Your bones can shatter more than non quirk user. You can even sustain multiple death risk injuries without 1/10th of the issue. Most of your DNA makes your body malleable, so your quirk can grow, give enough time, you could even force it to become better! This goes to all the ones with unexplainable abilities. Keep working-"

Jirou drowned out the rest, glancing at deku, who had already gotten deep into the lecture, his eyes on his notebook, scribbling away like its his last minute test. She couldn't help but find the way his eyebrows furrow in concentration adorable.

The rest of the class went smoothly, with ectoplasm using his clones to bring him stuff like bone charts and dna models.

As the bell rang, ectoplasm waved goodbye, floating away, the class erupting in discussion over the new revelation.

Jirou found herself standing next to midoriya's desk, sticking out her chest, since almost all of deku's were around women with big chests, she hoped it was enough to rev the engine ready.

"Hey. Midoriya! Hows today been!" She leaned in close, face buzzing with embarrassment as she invaded his privacy.

"Ahh!uh! Good! Its going great!" He replied, more confident and comfortable with talking to jirou, despite her sudden appearance. His heart got fast but not a whisper from below.

"Hows my new design coming along? Can i see it?"

Midoriya blinked, before quickly nodding, enthusiastically pulling out a different book than the one he was using.

It was about class 1-A, she could see all their names in a table with 1 to 300. It seems to be based on whose quirk deku first took interest in. He flipped several pages, fast enough that jirou only caught glimpses of everyone's suits.

Bakugo with what seemed to be a headset. God knows he needed it to shut out his own ego. Along with some smaller, more closed off gauntlets, which seemed to have an adjustable base so bakugou could switch explosion types.

Iida with a more aerodynamic chassis, less lengthy pipes and a belt with some water cooling and some durable footwear.

Kaminari with a rubber collar around his neck, question marks around it. No way to know if that would work or backfire but best to not mess with his eh-ehing.

Uraraka's however, was a lot longer, there were several depiction or rather improvements on a clearly improved design.

Climbing gear harness, which would be useful if uraraka needed to carry multiping things with her, like civilians or debris.

The later designs had integrated it for her suit, using the crotch and hip belt as a place to carry rope and slings.

Ingenious..uraraka will be happy about this!

Yet. Jirou felt a crevice form in her heart, clearly midoriya had been brainstorming for her suit, not just to make an improvement of her quirk but to make it fashionable to her outfit.

He must really like her, Lucky bitch.. jirou felt her mood rotten, as midoriya kept flipping, even toru fucking hagakure got a sketch before jirou did! Was she really that unnoticeable

that not even the quirk analyst wondered about her quirk.

Midoriya stopped at what appeared to be one of his most recent entries, her name written in a soft font at the top. Her height and weight written on the side. The first sketch was of her outfit, black jeans, pink shirt and black jacket and last but not least, her choker.

The 2nd sketch caught her eye. Her jacket had been cropped in half, ending near her breasts, the back had a triangular cut, upto the collar.

Her chest had a harness, two straps above and below her breasts, with two straps being supported by the ends of her crop jacket, another two forming an x behind her. Most likely Deku wanted to put a machine that emitted loud music on her back. Maybe even. Larger variant of her jack amplifiers.

Her shirt replaced with a tank top that ended at her belly button, a sizable back window that wouldn't be noticed when she wore the machine but would work really well at photo shoots.

Platform boots with bass speakers inside, which would help jirou fight while moving.

Deku may have saved her, best for last, as the crevice in her heart slowly started filling up. He had given her a more revealing outfit as well, unlike uraraka's suit.

"I-i hope it's not too out of your style!!" He stuttered.

"Midoriya, I love it! It looks wonderful!" She replied, genuinely impressed. As a treat, she could lower the jeans to reveal more of her hips, make it easier for deku to grab her. In the near future of course.

"Can i take a couple pics? So i can have it ready and detailed for the design support?if-your permis-if your okay!"

Midoriya nodded, handing the book into her hands. A bright smile on his face.

"I trust you, jirou an-" that sweet and somber moment was pre-emptively ruined by another polite slam of the door. At least momo wouldn't need to clean up.

"IIIII AAMMMM HEREEEEE!!" A large figure waltz into the room, his red and blue costume like a signal flare. Muscles so defined he looked like a greek sculpture when still.

"ALL MIGHT!" The entire class yelled out, his bright smile second only to deku's, seemingly healed from his previous injuries at USJ, he really is the best.

"Children! Rising stars! Since our last trip was so uneventful!!" I'm going to be setting the rest of you! On a hide and seek challenge!" He raised his arms.

"You all must have noticed how empty the school is!"

Jirous ear jack went straight to the ground, realising she had been so off that she didn't even realise how quiet it was. The entire floor was empty, as if class B and the rest were gone.

"Cementoss took the other classes on a small incursion, a maze of sorts! But i wanted to let you all feel like kids again! So this entire floor is free to hide in! Don't worry, me and cementoss did a couple tweaks, so even with quirks, it should be fun!" He used a hand to cover his face, pointing his other hand to everyone else.

"Eeeni, meeni, miny, moe!" His hand floated from iida, froppy and bakugo, to hagakure, who yelled out in excitement.

"I was ALWAYS the best at hide and seek!" No shit. She'd just strip butt naked and she'd be home free. Does that make her an exhibitionist?

"Hahah, alright! Now! Ill also hide, so you count to 50!" All might said, quickly running away.

The entire class burst into chaos as toru's uniform headed to the corner. Though jirou didn't trust that at all.

She grabbed midoriya by the elbow, dropping the notebook into her bag before she ran away, she'd need to make adjustments later on.

"Lets go!" She could hear him make squeaks, as she rushed outside, bakugo and todoroki had already used their quirks to get ahead. Only for the entire hall to suddenly shake and tremble.

The concrete walls retracted, floor expanding as new walls rose, separating all the students from each other, poor tooru. It'll take forever for her to find us.

The halls had gotten longer, with there being multiple classrooms. "Hey, midoriya, i thin-" jirou, started, as deku grabbed her by the arm.

"Thi-this way!" He said, dragging jirou behind him, electric sparks flew from his feet as they almost bounced from corner to corner, before they arrived at a door. Jirou recognised this door.

"Mr toshinori's?!" Jirou was pulled inside, deku closing the door behind him, locking it. His legs trembled as he turned to her, a bit pale.

"Midoriya, what's going on!?" She asked. Instead of answering, midoriya tore his belt off, his pants falling.

A gasp left jirous lips, midoriya's dick had been wrapped with tight rope to his thigh, rope that was fraying very quickly. His dick a sickeningly blue, veins popping with purple.

"Ji-jirou..." the rope broke, his 9 inch dick swelling almost immediately, as blood rushed to his huge tip, every throb brought colour back.

"I had Al-mr toshinori help make this possible! I couldn't stop!" He pleaded, softly. "Help me, jirou, it's been hard since i woke up!"

Jirou stared at his 9 inch dick. Did midoriya really recover this fast or was he simply horny. For her.

"G-get on the sofa..deku, I'll help." Of course she would, she could sniff the cum leaking from his tip, the stench of his cock, sweaty and dirty without her to clean it up, to enjoy every last drop of semen that izukus ball's manufactured just for her.

Izuku sat down, on the sofa, as jirou fell to her knees. Pre cum trickled down his dick like a fountain with a faulty pipe, she grabbed deku's shaft, gripping it tightly as izuku moaned, the buzz of blood coming back and jirou's finger tips forced spurts out of the tip.

She closed her eyes, as hot, warm semen decorated her cheeks and face, several strands of cum connecting her two bangs, the smell of cum burned her nose.

She licked some of the top of her lip, salty, sweet and a sticky, sliding slowly down her esophagus.

"The-the jugs over there, jirou" Midoriya pointed to the water dispenser behind jirou, the soft white cum from yesterday had become a musty yellow, which is pretty good consider how long its been there.

Jirou wanted to say she could take it all..but her heart knew she couldn't..she wasn't strong enough. But she'll come back and gulp this all down when she is.

Jirour quickly dragged the jug between her and deku, who used his thighs to keep it in place as jirou started stroking the cock.

She licked the tip, tasting delicious cum and enjoying a soft texture as she gradually opened her jaw more and more, the warmth of dekus tip on her tongue.

Jirou herself was hot, her pussy leaking fluids into her spats, which had started leaking around her thighs.

Midoriya's face was in bliss, eyes rolling to the back of his head as she continued to make popping noises on his dick with her lips. She then opened her mouth wide, forcing her self to swallow it.

She could feel his tip push down her tongue and brush against the roof of her mouth, her teeth could feel his heavy skin drag softly, the cum and her spit being the perfect lube.

She choked, gagging, making a guttural retching noise as she felt his dick brush against her uvula, pushing it up. She felt the cum trickling into her stomach forcibly block the acid rising from her stomach.

"Jirou?!jirou maybe w-" she raised a finger, pushing deku back into the sofa when he tried to sit up.

She bobbed her head front and back, spitting cum and saliva as she did, realising she had only taken half of midoriya's actual length.

Her ear jacks took over the stroking, one wrapping tightly around his dig as the other vibrated midoriya's balls. Giving an autotune affect to his moans.

"Ah!ahh..augh...jir.ah." he braced his fists against the sofa. Jirou's hands supported her on the sofa, making her neck and chest align with midoriya's dick.

"Glugglugglubglubglubglub" jirou couldn't help but make these noises, throat being pushed out as deku's dick slowly renovated it, her muscles expanding to make space for his cock.

She could feel spit slide downbher throat, her lips burning as deku's dick stretched them, having cum and spit splatter across her face, bubble popping around her lips.

Jirou could barely breath as she felt herself slowdown, dekus dick having returned to its former glory of 12 inches, her nasals whistling with effort, tears forming on her eyes as she blinked them away.

The smell of cum had stopped burning. It even felt refreshing as she felt her mouth heat up, deku's shaft swelling as he gasped, whispering her name.

her throat burned, hot, gooey semen flooded her mouth, jirous eyes widening as the pressure went straight down her throat, feeling it travel down her neck, chest and into her stomach.

Hot cum flooded out of her nose as well, into the jug, as her mouth filled up from the semen. She had stopped breathing as dekus dick left her lips, sticking into the jug. Her vision blurry, with stars floating.

She swallowed the cum, feeling solid lumps float around her throat, hands on her stomach, watching dekus dick throb, still flooding the jug with fresh cum.

She snorted strands out of her nose, her belly full of semen, face bleached with cum, wet bangs stuck to the side of her face, wet and sloppy, she licked her lips, smiling as she rubbed her stomach, feeling a slight bump.

"Ji-jirou..that felt..soo good.." deku moaned, his dick throbbing, but not shrunk, no it was still hard, and jirou could see his balls, still swollen and full of cum...the main course was still waiting.

"Dyej..." she tried speaking,cum spilling from her lips into the jug as she vomited the cum she couldn't down. The jug was now half full, as she blew chunks of her spit and cum into the jug.

"Deku.." her ear jacks grabbed his dick, pulling it closer to her lips, her lips kissing it as it lay heavily on her face.

Midoriya throbbed hard, seeing the pure lust in jirou's eyes, the lewd smooch sending his quirk into overdrive, as jirou felt an electric sting on her lips. It wasn't painful but it attracted her lips to his dick like a magnet.

Kyouka moaned, her lips quivering tiredly, earjacks dripping from sweat as they simply slumped around midoriya's shaft.

One For All, was not your typical quirk. Undocumented, unresearched and having been passed down by 8 other people, had evolved into something stronger than a quirk. Izuku midoriya was simply lucky to have been quirkless, or else he would have died at the entrance exam.

Deku grabbed jirou's shoulders, pulling them apart, post nut clarity had cleansed his soul and riddled him with shame as he used the spare napkins to clean jirou.

"Mi-midoriya? We're not done, your still hard!" Jirou complained, As the greenette softly wrapped a towel around jirous neck.

"I-im fine, jirou I'm so sorry, it's all over you!"

Jirou couldn't stop him, as his hands slowly traced her face and neck, cleaning up after himself, as she switched places with Midoriya, who already used a towel to clean himself and put on pants.

"So... why were you...like that?" She made smalltalk, as he unbuttoned her waistcoat , his fingers touching her breasts.

"Uh..ah...well..." he stuttered, blushing. "Ever since yesterday, I've...thought..about you.."

"It!it wasn't lewd! At least, until night but it was just...i never noticed how c-cute your bangs made you look.." he took her waist coat, grabbing her by her thighs and back.

The muscles of his arms surprised jirou, like a spy, his muscles seemingly disappeared when relaxed, she felt weight less as he supported her into a bathroom.

She found herself sitting in front of the sink, staring at her reflection, her purple hair completely bleached with cum. Her skin shinier than they used to be.

Water trickled down her head, as midoriya held a handshower over her head, the other hand full of soap.

His hands softly pressed against her scalp, as he plucked through every strand, she closed her eyes, smiling with how good it felt.

"Mmmmh..midoriya~. You should have been a barber.." jirou complimented, feeling her nerves tingle as he rubbed behind her ears. She almost purred in pleasure.

"Thanks! My mom couldn't always afford a haircut, so we would be barbers for each other."

Jirou opened her mouth...as a single thought came to her head.. why tell her all the truth? Midoriya clearly liked her. And uraraka's ass was certainly something...

"He drew you a harness, above your hips, near your belly button, use rope and some slings from mountain climbing."

"Ooh, smart. I can help more people or carry more things!"

"Lose the.." jirou poked the side of uraraka's rib, tracing up the side of uraraka's bra, over her shoulder and then back down. "A lot of sweat builds up, since you have to move your arms so much.. "

"O-oh." Uraraka's cheeks turned red. "I mean...if deku thought of it..then.." Jirou smiled as uraraka blushed Away, the gravity girl was just as gullible.

"You could also try wearing some tighter bodysuits... after all, midnights certainly caught his eye."

Uraraka nodded, a small smile on her lips. "So deku...like's girls with bodysuits!"

Kyouka nodded. "He is a boy. I think you've got this uraraka! You've got the assets!" She gestured to uraraka's breasts and ass.

"Your right...i do...if i eat a bit more..exercise my butt and boo-chest more.. maybe deku will.." the gravity girl smiled away. Those two were practically made for each other.

Kyouka walked Away. Uraraka wouldn't have a single first from deku, doubt she'd even care as long as deku was interested. Besides, she could use the extra food.

A devilish idea formed in her mind, as she sat in her chair, deku was clearly too much for her. And even though deku warmed up to her, he hasn't given her his number, or invited her to his house.

And if he didn't do any of those, she'd never get good enough that he wont even leave her for momo or uraraka. His cock already chose her, having already begged every other girl to notice it.

She'd need to get used it to, so the first thing she needs..is to make a dildo replica..and since tomorrow was the big shopping spree, she could have deku get his dick scanned..then..she could entice him with a couple outfits...

He doesn't need to say anything. But his dick certainly will. He'll learn to love her, by all means. And every other girl can help out with servicing his needs.

CH 2: 3 birds, 1 deku

Something noteworthy about the internet, is that there's always an answer to it. Math question? Mathaway 5.0. Questions about how quirkless humans built the pyramids? Quora. A reason to nuke all of humanity? 26th chan.

It's there, just never too easy to find. Jirou, of course, had a good virus defense. Mutahar 4.15. Best state of the art system ever. Even has customisable virtual machines on it easy to use and very lightweight.

Jirou's screen was black as night but she wore special glasses that only let her see what was on screen. Very useful around strangers, even more as she walked to the mall that momo and the class were going to show up at.

It was one of the biggest malls, so big in fact, it has its own specialised hero's for protection, new shops and areas are discovered because it was built and rebuilt so many times, you could argue it's a mystery mall.

Crowds, gangs and shopping spree'ers collectively made it a hassle for jirou to walk, especially since jirou's new fit wasn't best for this type of stuff.

She wore a dark purple shirt, large enough that it covered her entire body, all the way to her knees. The fabric was heavy and thick since it was the only one she had.

Her body felt the awkward hug of tight clothes, from her red panties and bra to the thin, white crop top and short jeans. She had popped 2 of the buttons on the jeans and had to sew it shut. As if all her clothes had shrunk.

She folded her arms, entering an elevator in the center of the mall. She could feel the slight touch of her breast on the top of her forearms. She would shimmy between her legs to undo how tight the panty was.

Ever since she got closer to deku, her body had felt unusually hot and warm. Maybe her horniness was finally triggering her body to mature.

A beep signalled her to focus again, as she stared at the map on her phone. Blips of ice cream cafes, lolita shops and arcades. Surface level stuff to keep the police from looking further. But if you could switch client into the hornier websites. A few "special" shops start standing out.

Slutty fashion shops, pachinko love hotels, gyaru breastaurants and last but not least, a special dildo shop that had custom printed dildo's. She was lucky it was only on the third floor, thats where the most boring stuff is, like the library, science wiz and the garden of clay cups. Good chance is no one would bother her and Midoriya.

She found herself in between a shop that served women's underwear and a sort of bath house. Between the two was this potted plant.

It was fake like the two shops, which were clearly two fronts for a risqué service. She knelt down, looking at a small black dot. She reached under the shirt and into the pockets of her short jeans, feeling the fabric rip around her hips as a purse was pulled out.

A fat 500 stack of 10,000 yen currency flashed into the black dot, as jirou stood back up, holding onto the purse. Her right thigh could breathe more now, if she were to put it in, no telling if the jeans will even last another minute.

The door for the womans lingerie opened, a woman stepped out, wearing a mask and shades. Her blond her in pigtails as she wore a black sweater with a short skirt and some thighhighs.

Jirou stepped back, as the worker grabbed the pot, moving it away to reveal a staircase down, into the hidden black market of lust.

She bowed. A hand gestured to the stairway.

"Please! Enjoy your stay! We thank you for your patronage here!" The muffled girl said, jirou was clearly at a high quality place!

Jirou thanked her, descending into the dark stairs.

Unbeknownst to her, the blonde woman smiled, wide enough to leak out of her mask. She closed the stairway, her left hand clicking on a small device. Fresh blood just dropped by and by the smell, fresh excitement too.

The time was now 9:10 Am. A good 20 minutes was left before her class arrived and jirou's path had lit up, revealing exotic sights that made her weak in her knees. Thankfully there was a guard rail.

The hallway ahead of her was full of merchandise, dildos of length. Width and both, official ones of pro heros and anal beads that resembled all mights firsts. There were plenty of flashlights that were straight from other heroines. She recognised midnight and mt ladys. Seems only fashionable pro hero's get to be here.

The hallway ended at a small room, several more glass cabinets surrounded the entire room, a desk and two chairs stood in the middle.

A woman sat, facing jirou. Her glasses were prime black, as bright grey eyes stared back. She was a busty woman, wearing what appeared to be a cropped shirt that showed her revealed her massive cleavage, her sleeves rolled to her elbow, as some curvy W was tattooed on her palm, with faint tails wrapped around her wrist.

Her head was a messy mop of black wild hair that was held up by a blue cloth wrapped around her head. She had a faint blue lipstick and some blue nails as she tapped the table.

It slowly split, rearranging into a box as jirou sat on the chair, the woman sitting with a leg over another, her fat thighs stretching her short skirt thinner, barely covering her ass.

"I am so happy, that you chose to come do business with us!" The woman said, smiling warmly. "We would love to offer you the most pleasuring orgasms with our products. I'm

fushi, owner of fushidara's barroque works!"

"He-hello! Should i introduce myself?"

"Oh, no! No no. We value your right to privacy, otherwise, why else would you arrive with such an adorable large shirt, covering the whore you are!"

Fushidara switched her stance, leaning forward, her skin slowly brightening as blue little marks glowed.

"I can feel your getup, very risky, very bold, even as you walked in, I could notice the injury around your throat." Fushi smiled, her grey eyes glowing silver.

"Throat injury?!" Jirous fingers traced her neck. She did feel sore but did something relocate without her feeling it.

Fushidara laughed, giggling. "Im sawrhy! It's such a good joke, everyone falls for it! No, miss 1A1833- thats your codename btw- you're throats fine. My abilities only let me feel my surroundings, allowing me to deduct the information gathered during Scan!"

"Now! Not to waste your time, but I'm deducting your here for a trial run. You're ready to take your relationship to another level, and want to try out a couple gadgets to impress?"

"Y-yeah, that sums it up.." jirou replied, in shock as the bombastic, foul mouthed woman smiled narcissistically.

"Uh huh, uh huh. Will it be doggy style anal or crusader pussy?"

"B-both? Is that an option?"

"Ahh, daring and willing, submissive like any good slut."

"I-i wanted to make a custom dildo from my boyfriends dick.." jirou said bluntly, this shopkeeper clearly dealt with weird customers.

Fushidara blinked. "Your..your here to actually commission..us?" "Yes! Why else would i be here?"

Fushidara smiled."well, most of my customers are just broke cheating hags trying to be exciting in their mid life crisis or some college students deep into debt. Usually they leave empty handed..which.." she gestured to all the cabinets.

"Oh...then again, i had to pull an all nighter to find this place..maybe you should market better? Its not like word of mouth can be stopped?' Jirou suggested, feeling pity towards the woman. Clearly trying to make a living in an unprofitable industry. "I could have a couple of my friends down here today, if you promise a 150% plus ultra service!"

Fushidara stood up, revealing her curvy hips and the tattoo of a succubus on her pelvis.

"Miss 833~ bring your boy any time. I'll have his dick sculpted like a greek statue! One even all might would falter against! I'll Use my own body to get him the hardest he can be!"

Jirou opened her purse. "Great! Whats the pri-" A finger pressed against jirous lips.

"Payment can be discussed after, you get the comm. Here at fushidara's baroque works, we please, then we sna-take your money!"

Jirou stood up, as the woman pressed a button, a ladder appearing out of nowhere, as she handed jirou a card of black shades and a moon.

"This will lead you to one of the shops above! My assistant's will help. Whenever your ready, you come here! I'll have the procedure set up!"

Jirou nodded, climbing the ladder up into the bathshop. She was assisted by two blondes as well, wearing the same black sweater and skirt, also wearing shades and a mask. Guess they like having uniforms?

The last minutes was spent making her way down to the ground floor, entering an ice cream cafe to cool off and make it seem like she just got there. First things she needs to do is isolate herself and deku, which should be easy.

Midoriya's fashion senses are terrible and everyone knows it. Uraraka would be the only problem...

She bit her lip. Then again, she did promise fushi that she'd bring her friends..momo could buy out the whole place.. but would she do it? Shes so precious and sweet and so far from such lewd things. She was more innocent than a nun..

Jirou had to show momo this blace, good girls going bad is the hottest thing, especially since momo has such good assets on her disposal. She could introduce momo to deku's...big friend..and take a risk that she'll fall for it.

In the end, kyouka was her usual presentable stuff, not mentioning all the sweat accumulated under her heavy shirt, she had slid several cubes of ice down her shirt and that helped.

Kyoukas phone buzzed, momos pfp on the notification. "We're here!!"

The purple haired girl quickly exited the cafe, almost speed walking to the gate of the mall. She caught a glimpse of a velvet red limousine pulling away as a ragtag colourfull group made their way towards her.

The entirety of class A had arrived, all of them asking momo about how much a car trip in her limo would cost.

Jirou spotted deku's yellow signature backpack at the back of the group, she felt her heart flutter when his soft green eyes peaked above everyone else's head, staring directly into her own.

She waved, as the other students greeted her. A certain alien queen pouting.

"Whats with the getup?! Did you already scout all the good outfits! Are you hiding sweet fits underneath!"

Mina asked. Ever since jirou jabbed her forehead, mina had been more confrontational.

"I just got here, besides, what fun would it be without the rest of you? You pick prettier outfits."

Mina's face fell, puppy eyes returning as mina hugged jirou. "You do care, uwaaah! I'm sorry for being so meannn!"

The bakugang tore mina from jirou, dragging her towards the arcades where a dance dance dance dance revolt revengeance game was open.

Everyone had scattered, grouping up with others of interest.

"Hehe, i promised to pay for everyone's purchases this time! So we'll get some good work done!" Momo said, wearing a pink plaid skirt with a large tucked in purple shirt, purse slung on her shoulder.

"I'm also pitching in, using endeavours credit card..if you find a Perma-frosteez diner, do your best to pay for everyone's meals. My dad owns the franchise" todoroki said monotonically, his eyes full of malice and his voice dripping with daggers.

Dude was definitely a loner type but not edgy like bakugo. But guessing by the scar, its not hard to see why he hates his dad so much, going through a zuko arc.

Momo locked her arm with jirou's as uraraka and deku tried to lift todorokis mood. Baggage so heavy it took a strongman with the nuclear bomb for a quirk and a literal harnesser of gravity to get him to smile.

"Turns out shouji and me are at dead ends that don't involve nanotech, I'm not rich enough to stay afloat if i used nanotech, sooo"

"Mind getting midoriya's input on me? I knowwww that's asking a lot but uraraka told me he gave you his handbook." Momo pleaded.

"Sure! Except, you'll have to do something for me and izuku!" Jirou teased, putting her hand on momo's soft waist.

"Wh-what would that be?"

"Well, I'll send some ref notes to you later, I kept the book at home. But you still have to pay midoriya something."

"Will money do? I could give him a couple million?" Momo asked, blushing. Jirou couldn't let that happen, not yet at least.

"Nah, izuku's too kind for that, he'd never take it. But how bout we give him a little eye candy?"

"Eye candy?" Momo blushed harder, a hand on her cheek. "W-will that suffice?" She didn't say no.she didn't say no! "Bu-but you pick the outfits. I don't know what sort of things boys like!"

"Of course! Deku would probably be inspired to make new adjustments after what i get you, besides, he's such a soft boy, he'd never lewd you ,right?" Jirou said. Swiping away her long bangs.

"Your right! W-well..guess we should head out then!" The tall girl said, motioning for the rest of the squad to follow.

Jirou found her place at deku's right side, as uraraka took his left.

"Hey~ how'r ya doing, today?" She asked, giving him a wide smile. Her body felt awkward keeping up with his strides as sweat trickled down her thighs.

"Swell! How are you. Jirou?" He asked, repaying her with a smile of his own.

"Ah, doing great. I wanted us to get to a shop, later. And. You can thank me later. " she felt his brows furrow in confusion, as they took the stair case to the 1st floor.

The first shop they headed to was a maze of clothes and outfits. While todoroki and. Midoriya's headed to the mens section to grab some clothes, jirou already found her arms full of lingerie esque clothing. She grabbed several short skirts, some tight leotards and bras.

Momo and uraraka entered the changing room, trusting in jirou's judgement of outfits. One wishing to seduce a greenette for top marks, the other wishing to have deku notice her.

Jirou's ear jack quickly wrapped itself around her phone, jacking into a special port she had in her phone.

With that, she entered momo's changing room, hiding the phone behind her.

Momo stood bare naked, her godly body on full display as she slipped her bra off, her breasts bouncing softly in the light. A blush of momo's face reddened every minute jirou stood there gawking, hiding under her strands of spiky hair.

The curve of her chest to her hips could be a golden ratio. The soft bump of lower belly looked cute on her. The soft glow of her almost spotless skin.

The soft vibration of her earjack let her know she had successfully taken dozens of pictures, the phone swaying from hip to hip and getting new angles.

"Momo..wow~.. you really want to impress midoriya?" Jirou teased, pulling softly at momo's hips.

"We-well, you'll need to take measurements? My bra and panties would got on-get din-get in the way of that.." momo stuttered, lifting her hands to her face, her E cup breasts swaying as she fidgeted, her nipples hardening in real time.

It was something she saw a lot in changing rooms during hero activities, the other girls had special bra's to fit for physical activity.

Jirou handed momo an extreme crop top hoodie. It was a purplish black colour, with a large hoodie to hide even momo's spiky ponytail. The black soft fabric tightly hugged her shoulders, as the material slowly lightened below her forearms, becoming see through as the sleeve tightened around momo's wrist.

The extreme crop top was extreme for a reason, as it didn't cover much else apart from her neck, shoulders and arms. The strings had slowly followed the shape and width of momo's collar bone and almost disappeared into the hoodie crop top.

"J-jirou, it barely covers my breasts, heck, it doesn't even cover my arm pits! Isn't this too lewd for midoriya?" Momo questioned, pulling on the hoodie, which didn't stretch below her collar bone. "Its..too tight.."

"Hey hey, trust me! Here.." jirou grabbed the heavy shirt she wore, pulling it over her body revealing the wet tanktop that basically was invisible as it stuck to her skin and black bra, her jeans had turned a deeper shade of blue.

"Have- have you been wearing it this whole time?" Momo asked, blushing with a big stare.

"Y-yes! It's-its what midoriya's into! You've seen all mights costume, it's practically a second layer of skin!" Jirou said, pulling on her tanktop, feeling relieved that she wasn't under all that heat anymore.

"Well..i guess..your right.." momo grabbed the next bit of clothing was a dark green tube top with two metal chain straps to the side.

Jirou put the front piece, which was wider and more tear shaped on momo's soft breasts, she could feel momo's nipples through the soft fabric as momo slowly moaned at jirou's touch.

Jirou felt her finger sink as she traced the top over the side of the breasts, her finger tips right on momo's ribs as she felt the end of the front piece and the metallic strap.

Jirou's free ear jack wrapped itself around the back piece's left strap, which was connected to the right side of the front piece, pulling it over momo's back and stretching it closer till the hook of the metal chain strapped to the front piece.

Momo shivered, feeling the cold metal on the side of her body and the smooth yet stretchy tube top, she could feel tight bands over the top of her breasts and below it, keeping it from falling off.

It couldn't cover most of her breast but it kept her pink areola from being in public view and that was good enough for jirou, who refrained from gazing.

"Sorry, i wanted to get you a bandeau bra, so we can match chokers without you wearing one. Sadly, none come in dark green with red chains." Jirou replied, having taken several pictures and also a close up of her breasts from below. Her finger tips buzzed with an electric thrill.

"It-its ok, I rather like it. It's only for one day right?" Momo jiggled her breasts, bouncing them from side to side to test the tubetop, almost posing for jirou as she hid behind a blush.

Next was a high waisted black skirt, beginning from where her belly button was and ended right below momo's pelvis, a couple inches below her pussy, along with a lacey red panty, which fit momo's pussy perfectly, along with a garter belt.

Momo's thighs were squished into a tight green thigh high, held up by the garter belt. Momo took a look of herself in the mirror, smiling as she turned around, looking at the way her curved flowed.

Jirou wanted a more exposive skirt, but showing off too much skin could warant unwanted attention.

"So? How does it look?" Jirou asked, as momo focused on the top, stretching it up as the tube top shaped itself to her E cups.

"Its wonderful!!..thank you jirou."

"That's what friends are for, heheh, midoriya's socks will be blown off! I'll go check on uraraka!" Jirou said, quickly stepping out of the changing room. She quickly entered uraraka's, her heart beating like a drum.

"Oh, jirou? Did you finish with momo?" The bubbly brunette replied, wearing a thin white underwear. Jirou noticed the flex of her bicep as she tied her hair, the ripple of her D cup tits swaying. A hard six pack formed on her stomach. The curve of her huge ass fittet perfectly with her thick thighs.

"Jirou?your sopping wet! Your bra is also visible through your tanktop! What happened?!" Uraraka asked.

"Ah?! Yeah, i wore these underneath mg shirt..hehe, silly me, couldn't tell.."

Jirou felt herself blush. Uraraka was hiding such a body like this under her uniform and costume. Did the department also add some extra armour to hide them?!

Jirou leaned down, her face pressed against uraraka's stomach, feeling the muscular definition of her stomach.

"Ji-hehe,rou! That tickles!haaha" uraraka chuckled as jirou stood up again. "Surprised you huh! I'm glad! Seeing deku strive so hard to build himself..i just couldn't help but work hard myself!"

"R-really?" Jirou didn't buy that answer. "Or is it because he has a type?"

Uraraka's body jerked up, turning around to face the wall, her thicc ass directly infront of jirou as her ear jack took several shots.

"Alright, i wont tease you. But i know just the thing that would make deku think of you all night long!" She opened a bag she had tied to her rip.

She pulled put two finger-less black sleeves, which she scrunched up, till uraraka could slip her hand through the bunch up sleeve and into the palms of the sleeve, her fingers wriggling out as jirou pulled the sleeves back up uraraka's shoulder.

She could see small tears around the bicep and forearm but it gave uraraka a more badass vibe.

"These feel comfortable, jirou. Very soft." As uraraka closed her palm and opened them. The pink disc like things on her finger tips reminded jirou that uraraka could levitate anything she touched. So if she touched deku's balls..will all the semen come rushing out?

Jirou pulled out a turtleneck, sleeveless leotard/bodysuit with an underboob and large back window.

"O-oh! Jirou that's..really revealing.." uraraka said, looking at how high waisted it was and how thin the fabric was.

"No takesy backsies uraraka, its what

Deku likes. Think of this as a beta-costume test!" She urged uraraka. By now, the boys were probably bored out of their minds.

Uraraka sat down, blushin as she undid the pink straps on the body suit, giving jirou a very wide shot of her thighs and pussy as she slid them on.

Uraraka found the turtle neck to be a soft but tight material, her face having a burn as it slid the neck of the body suit down. She could feel it tightly around her neck. Her breasts spilled out from below the underboob hole, before she slid her breasts up, hiding her pink nipples, which softly protruded from the body suit but was invisible due to the black colour.

Her ass cheeks basically hid the leotard which had definitely stuck itself on a sensitive spot as uraraka's lips quivered on the sensation.

Jirou handed her some bright pink panties and some dark biker shots. Uraraka put them on, the red strings of her panty lying on her curvy hips as the spats hid her huge ass, the rest of her thighs covered up by a green striped thigh high that bit into her thigh.