
Ochako Uraraka is a Slut for Himiko Toga

Himiko attempts not to giggle. "Tehehehee!" She fails. It's just so funny! Here she is, in the hospital all the people from the camp got put, without a disguise. And nobody is looking at her. Not a single questioning look as she moves about the building. Sure, she hasn't gone near the actual place where they're all put up, but still. You'd think they have better security.

Maybe they're so focused on Shigi they aren't looking close to home. Himiko can't help how her smile widens. More teeth than most people ever show gleaming out as she thanks the medical mask she picked up. It was a really good idea to grab it, even if it isn't very cute. Everything being this funny wasn't what she expected, but still!

"Ahh... hehe!" The blonde stops and schools her features. This should be the room Ochako is in. Such a cutie, Himiko just couldn't get the brunette out of her head. Most women sure can't manage that! Sure, they can be cute, but... well... this almost feels like love! Not that women can love women, of course. Her parents- "Huh."

Well... obviously that means this is love! If it isn't normal, then obviously it's something to go along with! That's what it means to be Himiko Toga. To live as she likes to, no matter what normal is. Just make your own normal and live your life. If other people can't accept that, well... fuck em.

"Hehehe!" Cursing is so fun! Doing it more might be nice, but it really kind of makes things so uncute. And Himiko needs to be cute. "Ahh... let's see."

Enough of this, time to see her love! Get some more of that perfect red blood! A quick glance shows nobody in this section of the hospital. Or at least, nobody is looking at her. Most of the people around are staring at their phones or rushing somewhere. Snatches of conversation whisper something about a tracker? And a code grey. Neat.

The door opens easily, and Himiko takes the opportunity to get a quick look inside. Which turns into a long look inside.

"I just..." Ochako looks down at her knees, her hands by her head. "I just can't get all of it out of my head."

"Ochako..." Shizuku reaches forward to rest a hand on the brunette's knee. "I'm your best friend. You know I'll help you with whatever you need."

"I know, it's just..." Ochako shakes her head. "Urgh! I need to focus if we're going to do this, but I can't get in the headspace." Her hand smacks onto the top of the bed. "I get that it's the right thing, and I'm going to go with you, but I know it isn't because I want to save him."

"That's fine, Ochako." Shizuku smiles, and Himiko gulps. She looks so soft like that. Like the sort of Hero that always gets put on TV. The sort of person that doesn't really exist. Or maybe just the sort that wouldn't ever look at someone like Himiko. "Just relax and sleep now ."

"Ohh..." Ochako slumps forward, her eyes growing distant. A small smile comes to her face as she looks at Shizuku. "Deku..."

"There we go." Shizuku smiles. "Are you feeling better?"

"Better..." The brunette leans further forward, her smile getting wider. What is going on here?

"Alright, Ochako. Are you listening ?" Ochako sits up at the words. "I need you to stop thinking about whatever is causing you problems, okay? Put it all in a box and don't remember it until after we get back from saving Kacchan."

Kacchan? She probably means that blonde guy, right? They're going to Kamino? Huh. Himiko should probably tell the rest of the League that they've been found out, but, honestly, fuck 'em. This is much more interesting.

"Okay..." Ochako leans back, her smile unfaltering.

"Now wake up, Ochako." Shizuku leans backward as Ochako blinks a few times. "Feeling better?"

"Yeah." The brunette shakes her head. "I can't remember what was messing with me, but it's gone now. Thanks for doing that, Deku."

"I really don't think it's the best way to deal with things, but it is effective." Shizuku rubs the back of her neck. "Just... don't rely on it too much, okay? I know I'm the only one who can do it, but still."

"It'll be fine, Deku. It's not like anybody else knows about it, and even if they did they couldn't do anything with it." Ochako chuckles. "Hypnotism isn't exactly something anybody really thinks about, especially if you don't have a Quirk for it."

"I guess." Shizuku sighs and stands up. "I need to get some blood drawn before they release me. I'll text you where we're meeting up."

Ochako nods. "Right."

Himiko takes that as her cue to leave. This is a very interesting development. Getting Shizuku's blood shouldn't be that hard, hospitals usually draw more than they need, right? Besides, some blood going missing shouldn't make anybody too suspicious, not in such a big hospital. It's not like she needs much, just enough to use what she just learned. It'll be fun!


Ochako rubs the back of her neck as she moves another box. Sure moving into the dorms will solve some of her money issues, but it didn't actually break her lease. Nor did it actually give her all that much space. Certainly not enough for all the furniture, cutlery, kitchenware, and other assorted things.

"Not like I can get rid of it..." She sighs. A shake of her head has her turn to lean on the counter. "At least I don't have to try." The lease will be good for the rest of the semester, and everything can be moved back to the house then. No waste that way.

"Ochako?" The brunette blinks. Deku? "Are you here?"

"Inside! The door's open." What is she doing here? Come to think of it, when had she told her where she lives? Eh, probably just not something she remembers. "What're you doing here, Deku?"

"I came here to see you!" Ochako can hear the door open and boots stomp on the hardwood floor. Weird, Deku usually walks really quiet. Though she is in a friend's apartment. She's probably pretty nervous. "I need to have a talk with you. It's been too long!"

"Huh?" Ochako leans forward. Deku strides into the small kitchen area with a big smile. Actually... she doesn't do big smiles like that, does he? "You saw me before I left?" Something is wrong here.

"Really?" Deku (?) shrugs. "Anyway, I need you to relax and sleep now ." "Ohhh..." It must be Deku. Yeaaahh. Must be. "Hmmm..."

Tension seeps from her limbs as she falls back onto the counter. Everything is going to be okay now. Half lidded eyes watch as Deku walks forward, a little smile greeting her.

Deku leans forward. "Ochako, are you listening ?"

A jolt rushes down her spine. Her mind clears at the promise of more rules to follow. "Yesss." Just leave it to Deku. Everything is going to be okay. Deku can handle it. Don't worry about it.

"Good, now I want you to listen to me." A rough hand pushes Ochako's head up just a little bit. "Until you leave this room you will not come out of your trance, and you will listen to anyone in this room just the same as if I was talking to you."

"Mmmm." That sounds good. Deku knows what she's doing. She wouldn't bring anyone that could harm her.

"Good." Sludge drips down as Deku falls away. A slow blink has Ochako looking at Himiko Toga. Her hands snap up to try and push on the countertop- "You want to listen to me."

Oh... that's right. Deku said to listen to anyone in the room. She won't do anything bad.

"Good girl." Toga giggles. "Actually, we'll start with that. When I tell you I need my good girl you'll fall into a trance just like this."

"Mhmmm." That sounds just fine.

"Good!" Toga giggles. "Now." She leans forward, skin brushing against skin as she whispers into Ochako's ear. "When you see me you feel aroused. You heat up."

Ochako smiles. Her head shifts to the side and she nuzzles into Toga's neck. Her pussy drips with want as the sight of her messy buns sends her heart pumping.

"You call me Himiko in your own mind no matter what." Himiko's voice comes out in almost a pur. "You're curious about me. You want to find out as much about me as possible. You want to know what it's like to be me."

"Okay..." That sounds right. Himiko is a good person. Giving her rules like Deku does. Of course she should think about what Himiko would do just like she does with Deku.

"Good." Himiko steps back. Her skirt falls to the floor and a hand slides into Ochako's hair. "On your knees now."

Ochako drops to her knees instantly. Or as instantly as Himiko's hand allows, tangled in her hair as it is. A massive dick greets her.

"This is my dick. You're obsessed with my dick. When you look at it you can't help but feel floaty." Ochako's head moves toward the penis. "Thought just bubbles away." The dick moves, back and forth, back and forth. "Watch it swing. Feel all those little thoughts floating away."

It's so... wonderf- amaz- gooood... Drool drips onto Ochako's breasts.

"Good." Himiko giggles. "I'm going to have fun with that. You are too." She gently pulls Ochako's head directly in contact. "Get to know it. I want you to be able to draw it from memory... actually- you will draw it from memory." Ochako's tongue slips out to lick up and down the shaft. "Whenever you're distracted while writing you'll draw my dick. When you see that you've drawn it you always get a little thrill."

The dick stiffens, but Ochako doesn't stop. A gentle hand pulls her head back, her tongue hanging out of her mouth and drool dripping onto her boobs.

"Taste it." Himiko draws the head forward again and Ochako's mouth closes over the dick. "It tastes wonderful, doesn't it? The sort of thing you don't even have to think about putting in your mouth. As soon as you have a taste of my dick you can't help but put it all in your mouth no matter what."

Nodding is beyond Ochako. As is any sort of acknowledgement. Her thoughts float beyond her. The only thing in her head is Himiko's words, spinning deeper and deeper.

"Hmmm!" Himiko giggles and pulls Ochako back. "Take off your pants."

A hand pulls Ochako upward even as her hands push at her waistband. The smooth motions only possible from someone who has done something so many times they don't even have to think about it. Or from someone who can't really think in the first place.

"So eager for me... It's almost like you can't get enough of me!" Himiko giggles as she slides a finger over Ochako's slit. The brunette's breathing hitches, but she doesn't otherwise react. "The main event..." Himiko moves forward, dick sliding up into Ochako.

Ochako's mouth opens even more. Drool drips in almost a waterfall, splattering across her breasts.

"This feels right to you. No matter what I do, as soon as my dick is in you, you become mine." Himiko slides her dick back and forth inside of Ochako. "Memorize it, you'll recognize when I'm inside you no matter what. It's always just as good as the first time, and you always think you were made to perfectly fit my dick in you."

Ochako pants, her body falling forward and only held up by Himiko.

"I'm your wife." Himiko whispers into Ochako's ear. "I'm the person you can't stop thinking about, can't get enough of. When it's been a long hard day you just want to come back to me and relax. Don't worry about the home, I'll take care of it just like I take care of you." A hand lightly brushes Ochako's head. "Out there you do whatever you want, but you'll always want more of me. The person who makes certain you can relax and enjoy yourself after all those hard days being a Pro-Hero."

Himiko kisses Ochako on the head. "You won't remember I've done this. You know I was at the camp, but that doesn't matter. You know me now, know how much you need me, and you know that I'm happy with you. Just like you're happy with me."

A giggle shakes the dick inside Ochako. It pulses inside of her. Not that she is capable of recognizing what that means. Himiko saws back and forth, hands sliding down to pull Ochako's legs up. Then she starts fucking .

"You'll wake up from this trance when I cum." Himiko grunts as she slams herself forward. "We're going to have a lovely evening together, as people absolutely in love.. I'll be the best wife you've ever had!" Himiko leans forward, grunting more and more as she presses a kiss to Ochako's collar bone. "Almost there!"

Himiko slows at the declaration, her dick no longer pistoning in and out. A slow slide just like the lick she gives to Ochako in that sweet spot of flesh next to the neck. Himiko climaxes in time with the bite.

"HIMIKOO!" Ochako instantly cums as the divine dick inside of her pulses. It jerks forward a few times as warmth spreads inside of her. "Love..."

"My love." Himiko smiles as she brushes some hair out of Ochako's face. "Ah, I forgot some things, didn't I?"

"Maybe." Ochako leans forward to give the love of her life a kiss. "We can always do it next time, right? Maybe we can get another slut first, your dick is just insatiable, honey." A smile spreads across Ochako's face. "Besides, I want to try some of the things you do. Knives seems so... erotic."

"Just make sure to use the right ones, love." Himiko throws her arms around Ochako, dick still stuck in her vagina. "Do you love me?"

"Of course I do."


Ochako breathes in deeply. Himiko is snuggled up right next to her, resting on her- no, their bed. She... smells terrible, actually. Apparently the League of Villains don't have hygiene requirements, because she definitely wouldn't meet them if there were. Probably didn't offer a shower either, those assholes.

It's fine now though! Himiko is with Ochako, and Ochako is going to make damn sure she gets everything she needs. It might be a bit expensive, but taking care of your family is always worth it- and Himiko is definitely family now. Sure they aren't officially engaged or anything, but that'll just have to wait until Ochako graduates and starts getting that good Pro- Hero money! Besides, a good ring should be made to the taste of the wearer, and while Ochako has her own suspicions on what Himiko would want she just doesn't know enough yet.

Honestly, Himiko is fascinating! She'd been so eager to talk about anything and everything! Well... almost everything. Her parents... her old school... actually she really didn't talk about much of anything before she ran away from home. Just the fact that she had run away was hard to get. Frankly it's kinda sad- the lack of talking speaks just as much as actually talking does. Home is bad, school is bad... is it any wonder she went off to become a Villain?

It's not like Ochako hadn't looked into stuff like that herself. Nothing like what Himiko was doing, of course, but... some things can be surprisingly profitable. The only thing that kept her back was getting into UA- being a Pro-Hero means a more consistent payday. Plus, helping people is fun! Nothing will ever feel quite like looking at someone and knowing you can help them. That you have training for it.

"Huh." Ochako gently digs a hand into the golden locks of her girlfriend-fiancee. It... takes some doing. The hair matted and tangled enough that the blonde shifts in her sleep from discomfort. "I'll help you."

Himiko definitely needs it. Sure, Ochako would help her anyway, but this way is just so much better! Just do it like all those rescue operations they plan at school. First make certain your logistics are all set up, which'll be expensive, and then make sure you have the personnel to get everything done. Actually... doing both at the same time could be good.

"Hmm..." Ochako sinks down to bury her face in the crook of Himiko's neck. Momo isn't quite in her friend group, even if they are friendly. Not enough to get an invite to a private, unobserved spot. Especially not with... well how poor she is. Momo might not care, but her family definitely has people on look out. Which... fair. Taking some of her money is definitely the goal. "Feels dirty."

Himiko shifts in her sleep, her body pressing backwards into Ochako's. Ochako instantly melts into the touch, a soft sigh falling from her lips. Dirty or not- it's what she'll do. Though... maybe it would be easier if it wasn't actually for the money. Momo is a very beautiful woman, and Himiko could use some more lovers. Or just people close to her. They'll have to be vetted first, just like Ochako herself was, but that isn't a hardship. The only question is- "Who to start with?"

Mina Ashido is a Slut for Ass

Chapter Summary

Finding Ochako watching Momo is a bit odd, the brunette is absolutely hopeless for Shizuku, but Mina will always help love! Heading to Ochako's place to help her is just a natural part of that.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"Ochako?" Mina tilts her head as she observes the brunette stiffen. "What are you doing over here?"

"Nothing!" The other student spins around and rubs her head. "Just... wanted to be out and about! That's all!"

"Waaait..." Past those trees... Mina steps forward to look past Ochako. Just visible past the treeline is Momo sitting on a bench. It looks like Jiro is also with her, but mostly concealed by the trees. "Are you stalking Momo? Damnit! I need to update my shipping chart. I thought you were gaga for Shizuku."

"I'm not stalk-" The brunette blinks. "Wait, shipping chart? Wait! I'm not gaga for Shizuku!"

"You are totally gaga for Shizuku. Seriously, you almost melt whenever she comes into the room." Mina chuckles. It's a little funny, really. "Do I need to remind you about that time you walked into her tits while we were all-"

"NOPE!" Ochako's hands slap over Mina's mouth. "Nope, nope, nope. It never happened, ever. Not at all!"

"Mmpf!" Mina narrows her eyes and Ochako pulls her hand away. Nobody ever tries to cover Mina's mouth twice. Not after they're reminded that Acid can come from anywhere. "Don't worry about it! I'm sure Momo's boobs are a lot better to smack into. Though you're going to have to fight Jiro for them."

"I'm not into- well I mean-" Ochako shakes her head, cheeks flaming red. "I just need to figure out how to get her alone. We don't really talk all that much..."

"I talk to her all the time, it isn't hard." Mina winds an arm around Ochako's neck. "Say, if you're looking for help I'd be happy to oblige."

"Uhhh..." Ochako shakes her head. "It's something I have to do myself!"

"Oh, come on!" Mina pulls the brunette closer. Close enough to trap her arm within her own delightfully free pink tits. It's a good thing campus lets students wear whatever they want, otherwise this would never work! "I can totally help!"

Ochako gulps as she stares at her arm- and the boobs encasing them. Got her. Everyone knows Ochako is weak to big boobs. "Sure! We can... just come to my place later! I can have everything ready there! Right!" The flustered brunette steps back. "Thanks forthehelp,byeee!"

"Heh." MIna chuckles as her fellow student rushes away. "Gets them every time." Though... has Ochako been dumpster diving again? She smells weird.


"Ah, this is the first time you've invited anyone to your place!" The first time she had told anyone in class where she lived, too. Not that Mina didn't know anyway , but that's a minor little thing. "It looks so cozy! I wanted to get an apartment too, but my parents wouldn't let me. 'No orgies before you're a pro' they said. And like, I was super offended." The nerve of them. "It's like they thought I'd put on a bad party!"

Ochako blinks. "Mina-"

"I'm the fourth best party planner in the world!" That was a fun competition. "The only people ahead of me are this weird guy named Al and a pink girl with a pony mutation. Wait... do you think Pony could be related to her?"

"What..." Ochako takes a deep breath and looks to be regretting many things. "What about the third one?"

"He got arrested for party crimes and put in the clown Backrooms, but they didn't strip his title." Mina frowns. "It was bullshit! It doesn't matter if they couldn't prove he cheated at internationals. Ugh!"

"'Party crimes'?" The brunette looks halfway between desperately curious and not wanting to know. "Okay... Mina I need you to check over this while I move some boxes up front." She gestures to a... very old looking TV. "I'm really not sure how well it'll take being moved."

"No problem, Chako!" Mina skips over to the TV and taps the power button. "It turns on at least." That... honestly wasn't something Mina was expecting. It's really old looking. "Huh. Doesn't look like it's getting any channels though."

Colours swirl around on the TV. Pink then yellow then blue then repeat. It's... very pretty.

"Hehee." Mina lets a slight smile split her lips as she tilts her head to the side. The swirls on the screen almost look to be changing! Shifting around as she watches, maybe, but it's hard to be sure. Just... look closer. Try and figure it out. "Mmm... pretty."

"It totally is!" Mina giggles as something presses on her back. She lets the hand guide her to the table and bend her over. "Just keep watching them. They're so neat, right? All swirling

around, try and see if you can catch how the colour shifts around." Mina lets herself lay flat on the table, boobs squishing against it, her eyes locked onto the TV. The voice is right, it does look like the colours aren't staying the same. It's just really hard to catch it. "Ochako... you know what to do."

A drunken smile overtakes Ochako's face. "Of course, love." Her hands paw at her clothes, pulling them away to drop to the floor.

"Now for you." A rough yank has Mina's skirt around her ankles. Her panties break as the hand tugs at them. "Shit. Wait. Are these breakaway panties?"

Mina giggles as something pushes against her ass. It isn't as big as her other toys, but thats fine. The swirling colours are far too important to look away from. Every little thought in her head bending into the gently moving image. "Blondes have more fun, but you can't beat pink!"

"I'm going to have a lot of fun with you." Breasts push against Mina's back. "Now, listen closely ."

Giggles gradually fade away as drool drips down Mina's chin. She has to listen closely. Had to do everything the voice says. Has to learn. Has to do.

Focus only on the voice. Everything else spins into little strands of cotton candy. Whirl around and around, ready for later. When it's time to remember and not listen.

"You're listening?" Golden eyes just barely come into view. "You've got really pretty eyes, they kinda remind me of mine." The woman chuckles before pulling back. "Though they're so much cuter! They aren't weird like mine are."

The dick against Mina's ass moves, sliding back to push at her entrance. A smile stretches across Mina's face, a bit of drool leaking down her chin. Her dick rises from its tucked position.

"Oh? You're like me! I've never met anyone like me before!" A hand wraps carefully around Mina's dick. It pumps once, twice, and Mina cums, seed splattering down onto the floor. "Not very experienced though. Still all sensitive! Cute!"

The hand retreats. Ochako stands to the side, nude and smiling. Mina doesn't really see her. She needs to listen, not see. Not unless the person telling her things tells her to see.

"It's super good to see someone else like me. My parents always said it was a horrible curse." Hands latch onto Mina's shoulders. The dick pushes forward the slightest bit. Not quite entering. Yet. "Ochako, is anyone else like me in your class?"

"I don't think so, love." Ochako shivers. "They'd never have a dick as good as yours anyway. Can I have some? Please?"

"Not just yet. I have to work on our new slut here first. You really chose well, I hadn't even considered anyone but Shizuku! Hmm... Ochako, turn around." Ochako turns without a

thought, her butt slightly jiggling at the abrupt movement. "Look at Ochako's butt."

Mina looks, finally able to see. It is an amazing butt. One Mina had wanted to fuck for a while, honestly. A small giggle escapes her.

"You see how good it is? Ochako, swing your butt side to side. Like a metronome." Ochako moves, her butt swinging in a perfect rhythm. Mina's dick hardens again at the sight. "You see that butt? When she swings it you can't help but look. Your thoughts are devoured by the booty, until all you can do is want to fuck it." Mina's hands twitch. The sudden need to plow her dick between those cheeks is almost overpowering. "You want to fuck every butt you see, but Ochako is the only one that drives you crazy. Ochako!" The brunette starts, her butt bouncing up and down as her spine straightens, but she doesn't stop swinging. "As long as Mina is fucking you in the ass you control her. You tell her exactly what you want her to do and she'll listen. No matter what rule or command."

"Is she my slut too, love?" Ochako giggles, her butt shaking slightly with the motion. "I've always wanted to fuck her! We need her to get Momo, but I figured you could always use more sluts. You deserve to have all the sluts you could ever want, love!"

"Thanks, Ochako. I never wanted anyone but you and Shizuku, but more sluts will be great!" Ochako makes a faint noise of incredible happiness at the praise. "Now, hear that Mina? As soon as you start fucking Ochako in the ass you're her slut. You get just like earlier, when you were told to be quiet and sleepy."

Mina cums, more seed splattering to the floor.

"Oh you love that, don't you?" The dick at Mina's ass finally moves forward. "Now, feel my dick. Clench around it and memorize it. No matter what, you'll remember it." Mina pants as she listens. Taking in every little bit of the length inside of her. "You love the feeling of your ass being full. You get nervous without it, can't stay still. You need something inside of you no matter what."

The dick hits just the right spot and Mina cums again. The swaying of Ochako's butt and dick is her ass clearing her head out even more. There isn't any cotton candy any more. Just the voice behind her and the ass in front.

"You're a complete butt slut. Fucking or getting fucked doesn't matter- you love it." The dick begins to piston in and out. Sometimes it twitches and then stops for a minute before moving again. "You adore the feeling of cum in your belly, and you want as much of it as you can get. That means futa dick, since no guy could possibly make enough to properly fuck you." Arms wrap around Mina's shoulders as the other girl lays on top of her, still thrusting. Mina can faintly feel her boobs pushing against the table. Tingling as the sensitive flesh stirs her up even more. "My dick most of all. You can't get enough of my dick or my cum. If I'm sitting down with my dick out you just can't help but sit right down on it."

The thrusts change. More forceful, faster. Whoever is behind Mina, the person with such a perfect dick, is really fucking her now. Not just playing while talking.

"When I cum in you." The voice is directly next to her ear. Strong, even when intermixed with panting. "You're going to wake up and turn around, and you're going to think I'm the cutest girl you've ever seen. You're going to be Ochako's slut, and Ochako is my slut. So obviously you're my slut too, and you love it." The thrusts are even harder now, skin slapping against skin. "Then you're going to fuck Ochako in the ass until she has a belly full of cum, and then I'm going to fill you with cum." The voice whines as the thrusting stops. "Then were going to have a wonderful day together where I take care of you both while we all fuck each other. Like real loversss dooo!"

Cum erupts into Mina's ass. It comes and it comes, filling up her insides with a pleasant, wonderful warmth. Her gut plumps a bit as the cum fills her, and her tongue hangs out of her mouth.

As the cum continues to fill her, Mina blinks. She can see the ass ahead of her. She wants it, her dick twitching in anticipation. A quick look backward shows the cutest girl she's ever seen with a massive smile on her face, dick softening as she flops back onto the couch.

"We're going to have a lot of fun, cutie!" Hopefully soon. Her ass feels so empty now. She needs to get a dildo stat! Or get the cuties dick inside. Maybe she'll do it if Ochako gets fucked hard enough!

"Ochako!" Mina pounces forward, her mistress falling under her. "Get ready!"

The feel of Ochako's ass is perfect. Absolutely wonderful! Enough to make the gnawing emptiness in her own ass go away, just as long as she keeps fucking.

Easy enough. Ochako shouldn't be able to move after this. Not with as much cum as Mina is going to dump into her.

"Shame we don't have a cumslut though." That'd be just great! Hmm... who would make a good cumslut?

Momo? Futa cum is very nutritious, and Momo had that thing where her body takes in food super fast! Super well too, since she only gets bigger after eating an absolute ton!

"How much cum do you think it'd take to get Momo a little thicc?" The two C's are important.

"Nnn... you aaaannnd... Hi mi kooo!" Ochako shudders as she feels Mina cum in her, flopping forward as Mina continues to fuck her. "Could dooo it..."

"Aww, my sluts are already planning." Himiko giggles. "So tell me about this girl..." ~[#]~

"Gahhh." Mina slams herself deep into Ochako's ass.

"Ahh!" Ochako pitches forward at the motion. Her ass shakes a little, and Mina just can't look away. Every bit of it is just perfect. "Like what you see, Mina."

"Ahh." The slap of flesh against flesh almost seems to echo about the room. Mina leans forward, breasts pressing into the brunette's back. Her dick smacks forward again and again. The feel of the ass around her dick absolutely wonderful. "Mmm..."

"Alright Mina, here's what you're going to do." Ochako pushes backward. Mina flops forward with a shiver. It feels so good! "We're going to do a little experiment with your Quirk. You're going to make a special acid I know about, and you're going to make sure Momo drinks it."

"Mmm." Go to Momo. Use her special move. Golden eyes cross as a pink dick continues to slap into Ochako. The soft feeling of the brunette's ass, the way it pushes on her dick... "Ahh..."

A bit of drool splashes onto Ochako's back. "Once she's had enough of it and is all nice and suggestible you're going to tell her to give you a keycard for her apartment. Then you're going to tell her to make sure nobody is looking the rest of the day."

"Yeess..." Pink hands squish into the perfect ass. It indents just enough that she can feel her fingers warming up, the fat curling around the digits as they knead at it. Mina shudders as she cums. "Ahhh..."

"There we go." Ochako giggles. Her arms come around her back to awkwardly wrap around Mina. She wiggles her butt and more cum pours out. The pink woman's head flops forward, no thoughts remaining in her head. "You're going to make sure she's ready for Himiko to take her. All hypnotized and ready for us to move in. Himiko deserves better than this place, and I'm going to give it to her." The brunette's voice lowers. "Plus, you'll get to play with Momo's ass after. It isn't as good as mine, but it's pretty good."

"Mmm!" Mina shudders again, more cum pouring into the brunette.

"You're so pent up! Not as much as Himiko, but it does feel good." Ochako wiggles herself some more. Her arms slide away from Mina to rub at her own expanding belly. "Just remember what I told you and I'll let you do this again, okay?"

"Ahh..." Mina giggles. Her hips buck forward a few more times as she splurts just a little bit more.

"Good girl." Ochako chuckles as she gently works Mina out of her ass. "You just rest while I give Himiko her shower. I really don't get why she's so against them, she's so much cuter when she doesn't smell. Not that she ever isn't cute of course, but..."

"Hehehe..." Mina curls into herself. Her dick is finally flaccid for the first time in a while, Ochako's ass enough to make sure she doesn't need her fix for just a little bit. Hopefully Himiko will be up for some anal after her shower, but it probably won't happen. It'll be back to the dildo.

At least she had a good stash of them before all this. Probably need more later though. Momo can hook her up. Once she's officially inducted.

Chapter End Notes

New year, same degeneracy. Hope you all like it.


The Madhouse- Millionhypothesis' Corner-

Momo Yaoyorozu is a Slut for Cum

Chapter Summary

Momo gets into a conversation with Mina. She doesn't quite remember it, but going to sleep in her penthouse apartment nude is only natural afterward.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"Yaomomo!" Momo lets the towel rest on her neck as she looks up. Mina gives a wave as her fellow student's gaze falls on her. "Good to see you!"

"It is excellent to see you as well, Mina." Albeit unusual. Mina doesn't usually make use of the nature trails through UA. Though it does sound like the pink woman wants to speak. "Is something the matter?"

"Nah." Mina giggles. "I was just looking out for ya. I know you like to jog the trails after we get out of class, so I figured I could offer you this!" Her hand comes up to show a refillable bottle. "Got this smoothie recipe from a friend and figured you could use it."

"Oh?" It would be nice to drink something more flavourful than water. "What is in it?"

"Lotsa stuff!" Mina shakes the bottle for a second before holding it out. "Buncha fruit and stuff."

"Right." Mina is a lovely person, but perhaps not the most attentive. Momo grabs the drink with a sigh. "I would be glad to try what you have made."

"Should I have memorized the stuff?" Mina tilts her head to the side and rubs the back of her head. "I was kinda focusing on other stuff while we were making it."

"Many people have allergies that could prevent them from drinking something like this. I do not, but if I did I would have had to refuse." Momo pauses as another thought comes to her. "Additionally, it is important to know exactly what goes into something so that you can modify the recipe later. I do not know who taught you, but most would not enjoy having to teach you the recipe multiple times. " That had been an issue before. Asking to continually be read the atomic composition of various things was... not well received. The staff still did it up until Mother intervened, after which they were left to their own duties. "Thank you for thinking of me, however." A present from a friend!

The first sip is interesting. The smoothie is thicker than expected, and tastes a bit like lemon. It actually lingers just enough that taking another sip is natural. Then another. The taste building on itself until Momo can't help but guzzle it down.

Mina's voice pierces the fog. "Hey Momo?"

"Hah hah..." Momo shakes her head and swallows as she pulls herself away from the drink. Everything feels a little fuzzy. "Yes, Mina?"

"You like it?"

"It is exceptionally good. Almost addictive." That said, Momo jumps back to drinking it. Everything starts to fade away, the thickness of the smoothie demanding her full attention as the amount gets lower and lower. Sucking at the straw gets harder and harder, using enough air that the strain of it can be easily felt. Her head hurts a little from the lack of air, only coming up to breathe when absolutely necessary.

"Momo." The voice is ignored. It isn't anything important. "Momo, listen closely ." Momo sucks again on the straw, but raises her gaze to Mina. Maybe she has a good way to

get more of this drink? She did say someone taught her how to make it.

"You want more of that, right?" Momo nods eagerly. "Good. I'm going to need you to do something for me, okay?" Another nod. "Hand me the extra keycard for your apartment."

It doesn't take any thought to do it. Something about Mina's voice is irresistible now. It almost feels like the same as the drink- one word making every other even more necessary.

"When you go back home make sure nobody is looking at your apartment. No cameras, nobody questions who goes up there. Okay?" Another nod. "Good. When you get to your place you're going to fall asleep on your couch and remember how you feel right now. When you wake up, you'll listen to whoever is with you just like you're listening to me. Oh! Make sure to get naked before you fall asleep."

Momo nods. That sounds right. Listening to Mina is amazing! It feels so right, so good.

"You're going to remember that we talked, but you won't remember what." Mina holds out her hand. "Give me the bottle." Momo doesn't hesitate. The smoothie isn't anywhere near as good as Mina's words anyway. "Good to see I can make specific acids. I'm sure Ochako and Himiko are going to have fun with this." She chuckles for a second. Then shakes her head. "Start your jog again and remember to do what I told you."

Momo nods, turns, and heads down the trail. ~[#]~

Momo settles down on the couch in her penthouse apartment with a sigh. Mina had spoken with her after class about... something? It's a bit fuzzy due to her just coming off a push stretch.

"What was it?" Even in that sort of situation she can usually remember things. Her memory is excellent- not quite eidetic but she'd trained to be as close as possible. Instead everything just sort of fizzles out into a haze of something. Momo smacks her lips and shakes her head. "It likely was not anything important."

She yawns and stretches her body. It must just be her exhaustion. A short nap should suffice to stop it. Yes, that must be it. A nap would do wonders. She quickly removes her clothes, another yawn rocking her form as she pulls her panties off.

"Hmmm..." She shakes her head and flops onto the couch. Her body lists to the side, suddenly too heavy to stay upright. "So tireeedd... mmm..."

Momo shifts as something warm slides into her. It feels comfortable, warming up her lower body despite being a little uncomfortable. The heiress shifts in her sleep before whatever it is moves. No- pulses. Warmth filling her belly as whatever is inside of her twitches.

"Ohhh!" Momo shudders as her eyes snap open. Her vision is hazy, eyes crossed as she shudders in delight. In front of her is someone with blonde hair, but- "Ahhh..."

More warmth floods into her stomach. Her mouth falls open as her body relaxes at the feeling. Warm liquid splashes her vagina and thighs as a hand pushes down between her shoulders. The thing inside of her moves back and forth, jolts of pleasure radiating out as Momo relaxes into it.

"Hey there." The blonde leans forward and Momo blinks. It doesn't clear her vision much, but it's enough to make out the golden eyes of the figure. Perhaps someone related to Mina? It would- Ah! The heiress tongue hangs out of her mouth as more fluid slides into her gut. It's warm and feels a little heavy, enough to push her stomach out just a bit. It feels perfect, relaxing on the couch as someone makes her feel good, heavy with food in her belly. "You look really happy."

Momo gives another blink. Between everything going on, words... aren't the easiest to understand. Another thrust obliterates all tension, her body fully giving itself to the sensation as she smiles. A massive grin forming almost without thought.

"That's good." A hand pats Momo on the head. It feels nice and safe- like being rewarded after doing something good. More would be wonderful. Perhaps Kyoka could do it? That would be amazing. "You really like Mina going to town on you, don't you?"

"Mmm..." Momo's stomach gurgles. A shudder runs through her body as her belly begins to deflate a little. Whoever is behind her seems to take it as a challenge, going faster and faster. Not even pausing as more warmth floods into Momo. Mina is doing this? "Gooodd..." Futa cum is exceptionally nutritious, though nobody quite knows why. Though that question is secondary behind what created them in the first place- most suspect a reality warping Quirk of some kind. Privately, Momo suspects one of her extended family members created them for a laugh. It'd be just like Uncle Yog.

"That's good. You really love it when she cums in you." The blonde pokes Momo in the center of her forehead. "I don't know how you managed to get to sleep without your nightly filling."

Nightly filling. Momo blinks a few times. Going to sleep like this every night? That's... how did she do without it? The memory of even not doing it fading away as Mina continues to fuck her.

"You absolutely love it when you get filled with cum. So much that you almost can't move. Sure you love any amount of cum you can get, but that's what you look forward to the most." Ah, the blonde must be right. "Mina's cum is really good, right?"

"Ehehehe..." Momo can feel her Creation reserves fill. Not with any sort of specificity, but a general feeling of what all she can create. Futa cum is not very useful in creating fat, nutrient rich but calorie poor, but Creation has its own sway on things. Her body is immensely efficient at extracting everything it can from what she eats and more than capable of turning extra nutrients into Creation material. Calling her Creation reserves 'fat' is more an easy misnomer for people who do not really need to understand the exact peculiarities of her Quirk. Though even aside from that Mina feels good inside of her. Enthusiastic as well- anyone else would have their butt be very sore. Luckily there's quite a bit of padding back there.

"Mine is so much better." The blonde shifts, body moving upward to reveal her dick. "Something about it is addicting to you. You can go without it for a week before you just have to jump on my dick as soon as you can."

That makes sense... If Mina is this good, how good would another person be? Going to sleep without this is already impossible and Mina isn't the best at it. Her sister would obviously have more experience.

"Aww... there we go. Open wide." The dick slides forward, touching Momo's mouth. The urge to start sucking is so strong Momo doesn't even realize she is before the taste finally makes it register. "Good girl. You know you love this. You won't ever let go until someone cums. You just can't get enough."

Momo lets Mina's continued thrusting help her. Her mouth slides up and down the blonde's dick... well enough. Something to work on later. She needs to get the cum out, after all, not linger on the penis. The faster the shot, the better everything is.

"The warmth of cum in you is something you find relaxing. When you get stressed or worried a good bit of cum is just what you need." The blonde carefully threads her fingers into Momo's hair. Her gentle tugs directing the taller girl. The guidance is just perfect- exactly what is needed. Thinking is already so hard- easier to have someone else do it. "It makes you happy. Enough of it, enough to give you a little paunch, makes you so happy you'll listen to anyone. Like floating on a cloud, anything anyone could ask you really isn't that much trouble."

The blonde bursts, her cum flowing into Momo's mouth. The heiress sucks down every little drop. It tastes just as amazing as she said, though Momo really shouldn't be surprised. She already knew it was the best, after all.

"There we go." The blonde's hand gently glides through Momo's hair. Her dick is still hard, and Momo can't help but continue to suck. Mina cums into her again, her thrusts slowing just a bit. "When you get really stuffed full of cum is when the fun happens. You'll just accept anything anyone tells you. It doesn't matter what it is, you'll just know they're correct."

A smile forms on Momo's face as the dick pops out of her mouth and her eyes close. Mina is already snoring, occasionally thrusting forward into Momo's ass as she sleeps. From the shuddering she's cumming too. A giggle fills the air as the blonde settles down on top of her newly thicc lover. Sleep comes soon after.


"So... why don't you just grab her?" Himiko raises an eyebrow. Ochako hums, carding a hand through the blonde's hair as she watches Momo.

Momo takes a deep breath. This certainly feels like the same thing as a meeting of the board. Despite being only two people, and Himiko having her head on Ochako's lap, the pressure is the same as in the corporate boardroom, with many people in highly expensive suits, that she had occasionally been in before. Perhaps worse- this time she actually is attempting to get something instead of just watching.

"I could not just do that." Momo takes care to look Himiko in the eyes. "You are the head of house and that means anyone coming into the house must be brought to your attention."

"I guess that's right..." Himiko furrows her brow. "I think I remember that. It's... been a long while since I attended those classes." She huffs. "So why do you want her here?"

"I... well... she could be a musician for us!" Perfect!

"Do we really need that?" Ochako runs her hand through Himiko's hair again. "Kyoka is really good, but she's only one person. You've got a really great sound system here."

"Why do you want her, anyway?" Himiko holds up a finger. "Not for the household or whatever. Why do you want her?"

"Well..." Momo swallow. Just thinking about Kyoka... her heart pounds despite the other woman's lack of... conventional beauty. Perhaps even because of it. It is so different from everything she has ever known! Though, there is something about someone who just settles against you like a puzzle piece. "I... want her around me. I feel better when she's there. When I can turn and just see her in the corner of my eyes. I feel warm when she is happy, and delighted when she looks at me with joy. I would do... a significant number of things to ensure her happiness. Just... I... I don't know how to describe it."

"Oh!" Himiko turns a befuddled look at Ochako. Ochako, on the contrary, is smiling widely. "You love her!"

"What?" Himiko leans backward... as much as she can. Which isn't much. Ochako's thighs are, from Momo's personal experience, not as squishy as you might expect. "That doesn't sound like it at all."

"That... does match." Talks with Mother and Father come to mind. Back during the time she had reached majority and they'd informed her of their plans for her future marriage. That being absolutely nothing- they'd prefer her to marry for love. Why they had to spend a minute laughing before answering her question is still confusing. What about asking 'what is love?' was so funny? All they would provide as an answer were various mislabeled links.

Instead of dictionaries or scientific journals they all went to a specific internet video. "I... I know I don't have any reason to bring her in here, especially with so selfish a reason, but-"

"Wait." Momo snaps her mouth closed as Himiko blinks. "Is that what you feel? I always thought love was... getting what you wanted out of someone. Mutual cooperation, kinda. Where you do things to help their goals and they do stuff to help your goals."

Momo answers after a short pause. Ochako seems... stricken. Too surprised to speak. "That... is not love, no. It is a way some approach marriage, but it is not meant to indicate love." Where had Himiko heard about that? It is not popular, even among those of higher society where things were more common in years past. "Those arrangements usually meant the couple tolerated each other. Occasionally love comes out of it, or perhaps friendship, but often those involved had lovers on the side that they were emotionally more attached to."

Himiko lifts herself into a sitting position. "Arrangement? I thought it was a fight? Get to someone good enough to help you before anyone else has the chance to grab them."

Momo glances at Ochako, but she is busy having some form of revelation. How annoying- lovers should stick together in things like this. Unfortunately it can not be helped. "Generally the arrangement is made between parents. Usually for business reasons. Someone attempting to... fight like you say isn't going to have an actual arrangement. It would be more in the realm of some of the more... obsessive fans of a Pro-Hero attacking each other in an attempt to be with them. Albeit hopefully more restrained." Those situations had gotten very dangerous far too many times. Most Pro-Heroes have significant security in place even at smaller meetups entirely because of how many had resulted in damages to people and property.

"That... that's what Mother said it was." Himiko flops back onto the couch, eyes wide. "I... Ochako is what Momo said how you feel about me?"

"Of course!" Ochako pulls Himiko into a big hug. "I love you! Being around you is amazing, and I'd want to do it no matter what. It's why I've been doing all this- you deserve better than what you had."

"Oh." Himiko's voice sounds very small. "Momo? You can invite her over. She doesn't need to do anything. Uh." One eye peeks out from between Ochako's boobs. "How do you want to do this? Like... how?"

"I just want her to be happy." It is the only thing that matters. "You are in charge of the household. I am certain you will figure out a way to make it so."

Himiko slumps at that, her face almost disappearing into Ochako's boobs. Her shoulders drooping and body slumping into Ochako. Momo takes that as her cue to leave.

Chapter End Notes

I'm not certain if it was quite obvious, but Mina made an acidic compound that was added to the smoothie. This compound is how Momo was hypnotized. A bit more esoteric, but I'm trying very hard not to repeat myself here.

Kyoka Jiro is a Slut for Boobs

Chapter Summary

Kyoka gets invited to Momo's penthouse.

Chapter Notes

Kyoka is trans. If you have issues with this you can fuck right off.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Kyoka sighs as she settles back onto the bench. Momo had been a little distant recently. Even when she'd been around there had been something making her hesitant to really relax like she used to. So much so that she'd been talking with Ochako and Mina more than Kyoka. Which... is to be expected, maybe. Those two are absolutely beautiful and Kyoka is... not.

The reminder has her shift. Her body itching and her gut dropping as she once again pays attention to her skin. Everything has been working out, but it isn't enough. A slow march forward using old stuff because the new stuff is too expensive. Sure her family is well off, but paying for Quirk help or using something I-Island cooked up is stupidly expensive. Not to mention how long the waiting lists are.

"Ugh!" Kyoka shakes her head and pulls out her phone. "Stop worrying about it."

It helps a little. At first. Then her scrolling inevitably hits thirsty art, or some new girl from an anime, and things just get worse again. Envy winding its way through her limbs to bite at her heart. The snakes binding her limbs ensure that scrolling away and finding someone else isn't going to happen. Her hands press into her sides, her small boobs comforting and disappointing.

If only she could be like Momo or Ochako! Even that crazy girl they'd all been given a picture of. Himiko? The one from the camp attack. She's probably the one Kyoka will end up being like. Not super busty, but still undeniably a woman. A very cute woman with her own charm. Charm that Kyoka knows she doesn't have.

Shoulders still too wide and hands still too large. Makeup can help her face, but it can't hide everything. The lines not quite matching up like they should. Not like all of the others. They probably can't see it, but it's obvious. Anyone who really looked could probably figure it out. That her body doesn't fit.

Kyoka hunches further into herself as she continues to scroll. Following link to link to gradually find herself at even more extreme pictures. Nude shots or even heavier things. Videos with big breasts bouncing up and down. Women pushing them together into a wonderful mass of jiggly flesh that has envy stabbing further into her heart. Anoth-

"Load up on guns, bring your friends-" Momo? Jiro immediately accepts the call.

"Kyoka!" Momo sounds so happy. Kyoka can feel something in her shoulders unwind at the sound. That her friend is okay. That Momo bothered to call her. "I must apologize about how I have been acting recently. I was recently involved in something and had certain revelations that, in hindsight, I should not have allowed to make things so awkward."

"What'd you figure out?" Must have been a real big thing to get under her skin like that. Momo has always been quick on the uptake.

"It concerns you primarily." Momo pauses for a moment. "Wouldyoumindcomingtomyapartmentafterschooltoday?"

Kyoka takes a second to parse through the rushed words. "Of course I wouldn't mind."

"Thank you!" The relief in Momo's voice is a balm. "I will make certain everything is ready. Just come over after your classes. No need to text me, the front desk will know to let you in."

"Rockin'." Kyoka leans forward and rolls her shoulders. Things feel lighter now. Her previous thoughts there, but not quite so bad. Her watch chimes. Oops, that whammy had really eaten a lot of time. "I've got to get to class soon. You need me to do anything else?"

"No. Just enjoy your class." Momo's voice makes it sound like she is practically jumping for joy. "I will see you later, okay?"

"Okay." Kyoka breathes out. "Bye."


"Momo?" Kyoka steps into the penthouse apartment, eyes taking in the fancy art on the walls and equally fancy furniture. "You here?"

Whatever was so important that Kyoka needed to come over right away is a mystery. At least it was something instead of Momo just getting tired of dealing with her. Plus it's a chance to see Momo, and that's always something to get the heart pounding. It's not like she has any chance at all, but she can dream. Standing at her side and those are her tits.

Shit those are big. Bouncy too.

"Kyoka." Momo smiles bouncing in place like... well an eager schoolgirl. Not that Kyoka is really bothering with noticing that. Noticing that Momo isn't wearing any form of top is about the best she can do. Bouncy bouncy. "Nice to see you're here."

"Uh huh." Kyoka swallows. Why isn't Momo wearing a top? Her eyes follow the bounce bounce bounce of those boobs. "Yeah."

"Aww, you like my titties?" Momo hefts her tits up with her hands. Kyoka follows them up, her thoughts pausing. Then the drop and Kyoka lets her mouth fall open. "Just keep looking at them, okay? Let all your thoughts just sink away. Bounce right out of your head."

"Riight." Kyoka attempts to take a step, but stumbles. Momo is right there, moving faster than she ever has before. A wolflike rush that has her tits bouncing even more. "Ahh."

"Tired? Just rest." Momo pulls Kyoka in. Letting her companion's head rest on her boobs. The feel of bouncing flesh around her face causes Kyoka's cheeks to heat up, even as she nuzzles further into them. "Relax. Rest. Listen. I'll take care of you. Just let me take charge."

"Huh..." Kyoka blinks slowly. Yeah. Momo knows what she's doing. Just... let her take charge. No. No, she would never if she knew. "Nnnn..."

"What's wrong?" Momo bounces up and down. Up and down. Kyoka relaxes further, all strength going out of her limbs. She can feel down there acting up. Pushing against her panties. "Oh, what's this?"

"No!" Kyoka attempts to stumble backward, but Momo locks her in place. "You'll hate me!"

"Why would I hate you?" Momo's arms gently slide around Kyoka's waist. Her breasts bounce more. "Do you think something is wrong?"

"Mm... not pretty." Kyoka can't help but answer. Momo deserves that anyway. To know what sort of person she's bouncing for. "Not a gi-"

"Stop." Momo's voice hardens. The sheer authority in it completely unlike her. "I won't take anyone saying that about themselves. You are who you say you are. And you are beautiful just the way you are." She smiles and gently pushes Kyoka's head back into her cleavage. "But if you want more, then I can make that happen. Just relax and let me work my magic, okay?"

"You... you..." Kyoka swallows. One of Momo's hands slides down to rub at Kyoka's smaller breasts. "Expensive... can't... advantage..."

"Shhh." Momo rubs Kyoka's back. She bounces her breasts around Kyoka's head. The flesh swelling up and around before coming back down with a soft clap. Something Kyoka can only hear because of her Quirk. "Relax. Rest. I'll take care of you. I want to."

"Mmm..." Kyoka falls forward, legs no longer capable of supporting her.

"Good girl." Kyoka shudders at the sound. "Now, let's start. I'm going to tell you some things, alright? You're going to make sure to press them into the cute mind of yours. Let them reach into the deepest parts of you."

"Nnn... 'kay." Kyoka smiles as the breasts bounce up around her at the answer. They're just so perfect. Her smile gets bigger as her head is pressed further into them.

"Good girl." Drool leaks out of Kyoka's mouth. To hear that again... "First, you love breasts. Any breasts, but especially mine. If I pull your head into them you get just like this. You love

to kiss them, suck them, play with them. You just can't get enough. You spend every night you can sleeping on them."

Kyoka nuzzles further in. "Already knew..." Boobs are great, and Momo's are the best. That's just obvious. Hopefully hers will be even half as good..

"Second," sludge falls away as the breasts Kyoka is nuzzling against get much smaller, "these breasts are slightly less perfect. You want them only slightly less than Momo's, and they put you into this boobie brain mode just the same as hers."

"Yeah..." They are pretty great. Yaomomo's are soft and squishy, lots of fat, but these are rougher. A story very unlike the heiress, one filled with punk alleyway fights and rough living.

"You also love Ochako and Mina's boobs. You just love the feeling when you sneak up and grab a handful. Of course, you can't let anyone see. It's stealth training." A hand comes around to pet Kyoka's hair. The student sighs and nuzzles further into the boobs. "You wouldn't do anything like that to anyone else. Not without coming to me. It'd be really uncute to make them uncomfortable."

"Not punk..." Be just like Mineta if she did that. The idea causes her to shiver. "Shh... you're good." The voice lowers. "Third, do you like Momo? Love her?"

"Of course!" She has the most perfect breasts! Fit to just sink into and relax on. Plus she's just generally pretty and really smart and always trying and determined and she loves to try new things and the look on her face when she focuses really hard on something and the way her eyes light up when she sees something new she wants to try and-

"Shit. Is that really what it looks like? It looks nice..." The girl chuckles. Jiro frowns... that felt forced. Unhappy. "Well, third, talk with her. Tell her how you feel. You know she loves you. In every way." A pause. "Actually, you love yourself. You aren't anything to worry about or be ashamed of. If anyone has a problem with you they can just fuck themselves, because their opinion doesn't matter at all."

"Yeahh..." That's a good thought. Of course it's true. Especially when she says it.

"Good." The girl shifts, pulling Kyoka to the couch and laying down on it. "Now, fall asleep. You can't sleep well without being in someone's boobs after all. You must be so tired from last night."

"Mmmnnn..." Kyoka lets herself relax. The girl is right. She has been a little tired today.

"You know you can come to any of us if you need. We're here for you." The blonde smiles and places a hand on top of Kyoka's head. "Always and forever. Just like a family should be."

Kyoka mumbles something unintelligible as she settles down. Her boob pillow isn't as good as Momo, but it's just perfect after a long day. Usually she needs special earmuffs just to

sleep, but these tits block out sound well enough. Especially since the penthouse isn't too noisy. Just the sound of a few others having sex, and they're being quiet about it.

"Momo," Kyoka half opens her eyes at the name, even as tension continues to drain, "look into getting Kyoka the proper care. Especially with you all going to be Pros. Can't have anything but the best, otherwise it could result in Kyoka here being hurt."

Mumbling comes from farther away, the boobs preventing Kyoka from hearing more than Shizuku's name and something about tigers. It's fine. They're just looking out for her. It's nice to have that. It isn't something she's had in far too long.

The thought brings a smile to Kyoka's face as she nuzzles further into her lover's boobs. Sleep comes easily.

~[#]~ "Urgh!" Kyoka throws herself onto the bed.

"Oof!" Himiko grunts at the unexpected leap into her tits. Her arms curl around Kyoka as the other woman settles herself atop her. "Rough day?"

"Y'know the others are asking questions, right?" Kyoka can feel Himiko freeze at the words. "Just the girls right now, but I think Todoroki has caught onto something. Easier to hide everything with more people, but Mina's ass obsession has definitely been noted. Tsu's leaning on Ochako, too."

"Shit." Himiko shifts under Kyoka, but can't actually get up. Exactly as expected. Filling out or not, a Pro-Hero in training has a lot of muscle. More than enough to keep Himiko on the bed without actually being obvious about it. "I- shit!"

"Pretty sure Ochako is planning on bringing Tsu soon. Mina's fun, but Tsu has always had this connection with her." Kyoka chuckles. "She got greedy after she got you. Wants another girl now."

"I didn't have anything to do with that!" Himiko shifts again. Kyoka just keeps laying on top of her. "She just... she wanted things for me! I didn't think it'd end up like this!"

"If this goes on too long you're going to have to deal with all the girls in class. Probably Todoroki as well." Kyoka huffs. "From what I've heard he'd be way better off here. Even with all the brainwashing bullshit you got going."

"How?" Himiko finally stops trying to get away and flops down onto the bed. "I just wanted someone to like me how I am! Now I have Ochako doing everything and Mina looks so happy to see me and Momo keeps deferring to me on stuff and-"

Kyoka places a finger over Himiko's mouth. "Shh. That's why I haven't called anyone. You didn't say shit to me about keeping this secret, and your tits are great, sure, but I'd still have Momo after."

"WHY?" Himiko shudders. "That doesn't make any sense! I'm a Villain! I hurt people."

"You aren't a Villain right now. Far as I can tell you haven't been out of this apartment ever since you got here." Kyoka tilts her head. "That probably isn't healthy."

"This is where I belong, right?" Himiko giggles. The mad sound running into itself, trying to get out too fast. "I fucked up and I get everything I wanted. Why should I leave, right? I'd have to deal with Shigaraki and everyone else. Nobody wanted me out there, told me I was a demon, so obviously I should just stay here, right? I told Momo I was in charge of the house, so I should stay with the house."

"Yeah, no." Kyoka pulls herself forward just a bit. Enough to raise her head and look Himiko in the eyes. "All of them out there are obsessed with you. At least a bit. Enough to ignore all the crimes you did. All the crimes you're doing."

"That's them and you're you!" Himiko looks so much like a trapped cat. Eyes wide and darting around. The normally faint sound of her breathing accelerating clear as day to Kyoka's Quirk. "Why not just end this?"

"Maybe it's 'cause Momo is happy. Or because I'm finally getting the good transition pills from I-Island." Kyoka huffs and shakes her head. "Or maybe it's 'cause this is good for you. I think you'll give it up on your own, and for right now you aren't hurting us." Kyoka tilts her head. The still healing bite marks at the base of her neck tingle at the motion. Right. That. "Well... not much. It's super fucked up, and I'm definitely not thinking straight, but I figure better to have you here and figuring out what better even means than out there with the LoV doing whatever the fuck."

"Right." Himiko takes a deep breath. "I... I'm trying to be better. I guess. What does that even mean? Everyone out there thinks I'm a demon."

"Nah." Kyoka smiles. Figures Himiko wouldn't ask. "You ever talk to Ochako about what went on? After you ran from school and everything? People really weren't happy with what your parents said in that interview. Once you got declared officially a Villain your file became public, and a lot of people really don't like how the cops handled it."

Himiko's voice is flat. "What."

"All the cops got is suspicions. You maybe hurt this person here and stuff. Meanwhile a lot of reporters are looking through everything they can and they really aren't happy with everything that hit you." Who was it again? Oh right. "Shoowaysha Publishing was big on it. Pointing out everything they could about how what happened was 'cause your parents are assholes."

"What." That is the exact same tone.



"Well shit." Kyoka gently shakes Himiko for a second.


"I broke her." What to do? A quick shrug has Kyoka pull back a bit. Himiko's boob are still pretty great, and if she has any problems with Kyoka having a bit of fun with them she can fuck off.

Chapter End Notes

I have to admit I have a fondness for titnosis/boobnosis. Dicknosis too, but thats a little harder to find.

I rather liked how this all came out. We also see the beginning of how Himiko is changing her approach as she finally has access to enough food/sleep/care. Especially with her recent revelations.

Tsuyu Asui is a Slut for Pussy and Penis

Chapter Summary

Tsuyu confronts Ochako about how she's been acting very suspicious lately.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"Ribbit." Tsu stares at Ochako. The other woman just blinks, her hand idly sketching something on the pad of paper in front of her. "What is going on, Ochako?"

"What do you think is going on?" Ochako narrows her eyes. "You've been really suspicious lately."

That really isn't like her. Well... not quite. Tsu tilts her head. Ochako has gotten like this before. Whenever anyone asks about something to do with money she always gets defensive. Though this probably isn't about money. Or maybe it is, just not in any way to do with not having enough.

"I don't know what's going on, but I know something is happening." Tsu stabs a finger to Ochako's paper. Right on top of the dick now drawn in the margin. "I don't know why you started drawing this, but I know it isn't like you. You also keep disappearing with Mina or Jiro or Momo."

"Oh." Ochako swallows as her gaze falls on the dick. Her blush deepens and she quickly pulls the notebook to her chest. "That's just... I..." She shakes her head. "Why do you want to know? That's between me and them."

It's probably sex, considering the dick, and that is useful. Narrows it down a little- only a few of the girls have a dick. Be hard to hide it when they all dress out for Heroics classes together. Shizuku would be the obvious choice, but the other girl hadn't looked any happier recently. Mina is a possibility, they'd definitely run off together a few times, but it probably isn't her. Not primarily at least- the dicks don't match. It'd have to be someone else. Someone who makes Ochako really defensive to be asked about.

"Is she asking for money?" Ochako blinks at the question. "Ribbit. You only get defensive about money. You would have told me earlier if it was something you didn't have any doubts about."

"It's not that..." Ochako shrinks backward.

"If you're paying someone, I know people who would be happy to help." Tsu leans forward, voice dropping. It had taken... some time to figure this out. Being a student at UA is

stressful, and being a Heroics Major is also stressful. Toys and your own fingers can only bring so much relief... so... "Just stop going to whoever it is and come with me. We can talk with Nejire and she'll help you find someone who's willing to help for free."

Ochako bolts upright. "That's a thing!?" She blinks then hunches into herself, blush even more obvious. "I mean! I don't need that, Tsu. Uh... maybe we could talk about this later? Not outside on campus?"

Tsu hums. "Ribbit." That would probably be a better idea. Especially since this is definitely going to be a long conversation. "Where should we go?"

"We can head to Momo's place." Ochako smiles. Tsu can feel her heart speed up at the sight. "I can show you everything there, so you can stop worrying. Maybe even," She swallows and leans forward, voice softening, "talk about what you said?"

"If you want." Well, that settles it. This entire situation is a little fishy, but the opportunity to figure out everything, and maybe even talk with Ochako about some fucking on the side, is too good to pass up. Besides- it's really unlikely that this is some evil plot. Probably just Ochako getting caught up in some normal scheme or another. "We can go after the next class. I don't have anything after that today."

"I have a drawing thing, but they run it a couple times this week." Ochako shrugs. "I can catch it the day after tomorrow. This is more important."


"Don't worry, Tsu." Ochako's arm winds around Tsu's shoulders. "It's not anything bad."

"Ribbit." Tsuyu keeps her face passive as Ochako begins to rub her belly. It's... a little weird, but it feels nice. Suspicious, but it feels so good. A dream come true. "I'm just worried about who you're with all the time.."

Not to mention the times Ochako left with Mina or one of the others out of the blue. Just doodling on her desk before she crumbles the paper and gives Mina a look. Or when she gets deep into thinking and practically starts running out the door, picking up Jiro in the process. None of them bar Yaomomo had been that close to the punk rocker before Ochako suddenly started doing it.

"Come on, just relax." The pads of Ochako's fingers push in, the sudden weightlessness negated by the arm around her shoulders. It's... really nice.

"Ribbit." Tsuyu lets her eyes half close as the elevator slows to a stop. Her lips quirk up in a soft smile. Ochako continues to rub her stomach as she floats midair.

It's soothing. Like laying in the ocean, nothing but water and clear sky. Plus Ochako, but Tsuyu is dedicating what little thought isn't being pulled into the swirl of the finger rubbing her belly not to thinking about that. Daydreaming too hard has resulted in... some Quirk accidents over the course of the school year.

"Come on. Let's get you settled." Tsuyu lets Ochako pull her along, floating as her princess continues to rub her belly. Her tongue pokes out as another hand joins Ochako.

This one is more calloused, unfamiliar. Maybe Jiro? "Ribbit~" It doesn't matter. A sigh escapes as the rest of her clothes are pulled away. Her sight is unfocused and half lidded, her body limp and drifting under the effects of her princess' Quirk. "RIBBIT!"

The length that greets her as she is set down is completely unexpected. Rather large, too. It doesn't hurt or anything though. It actually feels really pleasant. Warm.

"Mmm. Ribbit." A blob with probably short dark hair steps in front. Tsuyu just relaxes backward, her head meeting squishy pillows as the warm rod in her ass twitches. "Ribbit..."

Hands pull at Tsuyu's hip, opening them up and exposing everything. The warm humidity of the room brushing against her vagina has her shiver. Then another rod pushes in, smaller than the other but just as warm. It settles for a moment, twitching inside as Tsuyu lets her body relax into the feelings.

Then they begin to move. Rhythmic pounding. The rod in front pulling back and slapping forward as the rod behind jolts upward in between. It's perfect, and Tsuyu doesn't even bother to stop her flopping, letting the pounding shake her body as it pleases. The first gush of warmth into her belly has her mouth falling open, tongue spooling out to rest past her chin. The second, into her pussy, causes her to shiver, flopping backward to rest more heavily on the pillows around her head.

"Ribbit!" A gentle hand, still calloused but different to the one still rubbing her belly, pulls Tsuyu's head back. A curious feeling of weight settles on her shoulders, the pressure there but without any accompanying need to adjust. A blink brings her eyes back into focus as her head is gently pushed backward- the pillows she had been resting on engulfing her head. Even with the sudden darkness the frog girl can make out the pussy in front of her, topped by a small bit of short blonde hair. "Huh?"

"Shhh..." A hand begins to rub Tsuyu's head. Two more spurts of warmth fill her and she goes limp again. Her princess brought her here. She isn't in any danger. "Just relax, okay? You know you love this anyway."

"Ribbit!" Tsuyu pulls her tongue back into her mouth. She doesn't think it's true. Not because it isn't, but because she can't think. Not now. It is true in the same way a heart beats, without any thought- brain unnecessary.

"You've always loved sticking your tongue up pussy or swirling it around a dick. The feeling of it is something that you just can't forget or explain."

Tsuyu's tongue slips forward. She isn't thinking about doing it. It just does, sliding naturally into the pussy in front of her. The feeling of all sides pressing in, clenching around it, the taste, the motions as her tongue explores every little bit. It doesn't even require thought to be lost in the sensation, the warmth from the two dicks inside of her becoming second to this.

"Of course, you can't just do it with everyone. That wouldn't be good at all. No, you know you have to pick and choose." The pussy moves forward, pillows clenching around Tsuyu's head. "You can't let anybody see either. Especially since you love to slide out your tongue and wrap it around your lover's dick or stick it into their pussy no matter where they are."

Tsuyu shifts her head in what could generously be termed a nod. The thighs around her head keep her from actually doing the motion, if she's even capable of the thought required to do it. "Ribbit."

"It's just something you do. If you're not paying attention your tongue will just slip out to tease one of your lovers. Never anyone else though. No, it's only reserved for us." The pussy settles right over Tsuyu's mouth. The frog girl helpless to do anything other than eat her out with gusto. "Ohhh, shit! I knew your tongue game was on point, but I really didn't expect those lips!"

Of course Tsuyu is good with her mouth. How do you think she aims? Sure the tongue is a muscle and can sorta move on its own, but proper mouth movement is essential.

"You love to relax just like this, getting fucked in both holes while you use your tongue to get someone off. Fuuck!" The thighs clench, the pussy around Tsuyu's tongue pulsing as whoever is on her face orgasms. "Even if you don't have anyone in you, you'll still try and tongue whoever looks idle. It's a little game we play, trying to reel someone in by putting your tongue in their pussy or around their dick before they start working on something."

More warmth floods into Tsuyu's stomach and pussy. Her belly pushes out, enough that the hands still rubbing it now feel even better. The slightly stretched skin is sensitive and with just enough give to allow the fingers to push in just a bit more. It's enough for Tsu to slump down, her own orgasm snapping though her body.

"Shit." Tsuyu continues to work her tongue. Not out of any ability to knowingly do so, but because that is just something she does. Like a heart beating. "Did we 404 her?"

Tsuyu's body shakes again, the feeling of the rubbing hand alone enough to cause her to cum. Both dicks stop moving.

"I... think so?" The voice of the girl in front sounds distant.

"What's a 404?" From behind a hand reaches downward to grope Tsuyu's ass.

"I'll tell you later. Nnf!" The person on her face shivers. Her climax squeezes Tsuyu's tongue enough to send the frog girl into a third climax of her own. "I really think she needs time to recover though. I'll just... do the rest while she's asleep."

The rods pull out, and the thighs around her head move away. Had Tsuyu been capable of taking in... anything at all, she'd see Himiko Toga looking down at her, concern on the blonde's face.

"Just remember. None of us here are going to hurt you. We're your lovers, the ones you know you can try to play with whenever you want." The blonde leans forward. "Especially Ochako.