You just drop straight into feeling like this when she rubs your belly, fit for new orders and instructions. Understand?"

Tsuyu lets her head fall into a nod. Then she falls even further forward, instantly asleep. Himiko catches her, shivering again as the tongue in her pussy doesn't let up a moment.

"Might have over did this a little."


"Ribbit." Tsu snuggles backward into Ochako's boobs. The bed is nice too, but the boobs really bring it all together. "You know you didn't need to do all this."

Ochako's hands pause halfway through running through Tsu's hair. "All of what?" "Hypnotizing me into being with you." Tsu hums for a moment. "I would have said yes."

"I did it for Himiko." The statement lingers for a moment. The next statement is much quieter. "I was scared."

"This is a bit much for 'scared', ribbit." Tsu lets her tongue move like it wants to. Sliding down her bare body. Slipping between her own legs to slide eventually-

"Ahh!" Ochako's body shudders as the tongue slides inside of her. "I... ah!" Her body curls inward, breasts squishing against each side of Tsu's head, as the tongue shifts around inside of her. "I figured if it worked for Himiko..."

"Himiko is her own problem. She isn't someone you should try and be like." Probably can't be like. Most people can't exactly drink anywhere near the amount of blood she does without getting sick. Though Ochako doesn't seem to have attempted to emulate that particular bit of strangeness.

"She's getting better!" Ochako takes a hasty breath as her near shout settles into the room. "She... she was in a bad spot. I helped her."

"Ribbit." The thing is- Himiko is. The difference between her at the camp and now is so much that Tsu couldn't believe they were the same person at first. Amazing how much good lighting and different clothes can change someone. "You shouldn't have. Even if it worked out now, that doesn't mean it always will. Besides, she's hypnotized everyone in this apartment. That's something a Villain would do."

"It is." Ochako rests her chin on Tsu's head. "She wanted to stop after Jiro. But I asked her to do this. I was scared and I knew I couldn't ever get away from her and I knew you wouldn't like her. So I solved it." Her head droops, the next words whispered into Tsu's hair. "'M sorry."

"I can't not forgive you, ribbit." Literally. From how Ochako tenses she gets the implication. "The other girls are curious. Todoroki too. They'll come around and you'll have to do this all over again. The teachers might look into it as well."

"Really?" Ochako's body stiffens, terror lending a higher pitch to her voice. "They shouldn't, right? They can't!"

"If it affects our classwork too much they might think something isn't right." Though none of them seemed to be suspicious of any of them. As far as Tsu could tell at least. "You're going to have to have a plan."

"I..." Ochako gulps. "I'll think of something." Chapter End Notes

That is an actual thing with frogs. Putting them on their back and rubbing their belly can actually hypnotize them, though I would caution everyone reading not to try it at home.

This was a fun chapter just for that, honestly. Very unusual method that I had only seen once before on a picture on DeviantArt.

Tooru Hagakure is a Slut for Sex

Chapter Summary

Tooru is excited! A big party with all her friends is always a good time. Maybe she can figure out whats going on with everyone too.

"Tooru." Now is that a good saying of her name or a bad one?

Turn around aaand... she doesn't look angry at least. "Whatcha need, Momo?"

"Your presence, preferably." She holds out a card. "I am having a party at my apartment over the weekend and would like to invite you."

"Oh? Sweet!" Swanky high class party? Sounds really neat. "Is Mina helping?" "She insisted on planning it, yes." Momo shivers. "I attempted to help but..."

"Yeah, that's Mina." Tooru chuckles. "When she gets into something she takes seriously she gets kinda scary. I'm... a little glad she doesn't take a lot seriously."

"After coming into contact with her working at something she takes seriously I am inclined to agree." Momo shakes her head and turns back to Tooru with a smile. She doesn't quite manage to make eye contact, but at least she tries. "Though I am appreciative of her lending her aid in crafting a party. It will be the first one I have thrown and I am excited for it to go well."

Now that she says it... there is definitely an air of excitement around her. Not obvious, of course, but all of the class knows each other well enough by now to tell. Before then working with Momo had been... difficult. Only the fact that she 'broke face' a few times really got things going. The explanation as to why she does that was really complicated, but apparently it's important for her family. Or something. Whatever.

"That's great!" A glance at the card shows the details- definitely an easy day to attend. "I'll definitely manage to come." A second glance around shows few people around. "About the other thing..."

"That... is not looking promising. Recently some new material came to them, but I can not say how quickly it may result in something." Momo huffs. "Once I had made contact with I- Island I had hoped for something already being researched, but the rarity of Quirks like Erasure has stymied their efforts. It does not help that there are a number of groups that are... exceptionally hostile to Quirks of that nature and that such Quirks are necessary for dealing with specific high powered Villains. Very few have the time off in sufficient amounts to come to the island, and fewer would even consider using their time in that way."

"Well... thanks." That mention of something new is nice but... well there's been a lot of hopes over the years. None have worked.

"I... likely should not be telling you this." Momo stills herself as Tooru snaps her attention back. "There are bullets being used by yakuza remnants that suppress Quirks. Nothing has been made public as of yet, but it is likely that whatever these rounds are made of could be sent to the island. Just a singular bullet could mean exceptional progress."

"Really?" Momo hesitates, but nods. "That you!" Hugging Momo is instinctive. That's the best news anyone has ever had!

"Be aware that it may not come to pass. It is simply a possibility." Momo doesn't relax into the hug, but that's fine. It just means she needs another hug more privately later. "I do not want you to get your hopes up just from this."

"It's still more than I had a week ago." Tooru pulls back. "Thanks, Momo."

"I do not feel that was..." Momo blinks as an invisible finger covers her lips.

Accepting praise really doesn't need to be this complicated. "Thanks, Momo."

Momo blinks again before relaxing. A hand quickly pushes the finger away. "You are welcome, Tooru."

"Right." A quick buzz comes from Tooru's pocket. "That's the signal. Gotta go. See you at the party, Momo!"

Momo waves as Tooru turns and walks away. "See you." ~[#]~

Even before she gets out of the elevator Tooru can hear the music. It pulses and pounds, reverberating deep in her body even through the insulating elevator doors. Then they open and her bones shake to the bass.

"Mina!" The party rocker herself! "This looks awesome!"

"Hey, I am one of the top five party planners on the planet." Mina slings an arm around Tooru's shoulders. "Shizuku is running a bit late, but everyone else is here. Take a seat while the music does it's thing, I'll get you something to drink."

"You know what I like." They'd talked about it a while ago now. Just a little light conversation about what a good party should have. Thinking about it- was Mina planning this that long ago? "Couch free?"

"Yeah, take a seat." Mina gives a pat on the shoulder as she heads to one of the exits to the room. "I gotta mix your drink."

"Right." The couch is lovely, or at least soft. Perfect to drop heavily down onto. "Mm, this music..."

It continues to pulse and pound. Tooru can't help but bounce her leg to it, even as it starts giving her a bit of a headache.

"Don't like it?" Huh? Tooru looks to the end of the couch to see a blonde sitting there. Her smile is pretty cute... "It was the one thing I agreed with my parents on. Never liked loud music."

"I think it's kinda good! Makes me want to dance!" The headache is even going away as she focuses on the music. This is a party after all, best to not worry too much about other stuff. "Haven't seen you around before, cutie, another friend of Mina's?"

"Yeah." The blonde's smile gets softer. Is that a blush? "I never had a friend like her before."

"She's awesome like that!" Tooru spins herself on the couch, pulling her body up next to the blonde. She leans in, settling her head on the blonde's shoulder. Probably a good thing, the sudden movement gave her such a headache. "Though I guess you might like her a little more than friends, huh?"

"Well... maybe." The blonde shakes her head, still with that small smile. "She's just so... there. Happy. Being with everyone and helping people and being herself."

"She totally is." Tooru takes a deep breath and relaxes further. The headache goes away again as she focuses more on the music. That pounding rhythm seems so soothing now. "Like she's exactly who she wants to be. Kinda wish I could have that..." Huh? That... isn't usually something to admit, but it's fine! A party is about getting to know each other.

"I get that. Trying to make everyone happy but gluing a mask over your face." The blonde huffs. "I hate it! I want a world where nobody ever has to do that. Everyone can just be themselves."

"That sounds great." Tooru blinks and shakes her head. Listening is important, but this music is just too loud. Bouncing all around in her head, and every time she tries to stop listening it just results in a headache. "Sometimes ourselves... doesn't work out... though."

"Yeah, I guess." The blonde purses her lips and winds an arm around Tooru's shoulders. The invisible woman lets her companion move her. Setting her head on her lap. "I had a friend that tried to be herself and got attacked for it. Haven't seen her in a while though. Hope she's doing okay..." She sighs, hands trailing down to hook into the top of Tooru's skirt.

"Good..." Tooru lightly shakes her head. The music is making it hard to keep track of things. Pumping and grooving- tying all thoughts in knots. At least it's super easy to listen to the blonde. Her voice is just... so easy to hear. "Gotta... gotta make things good."

"Just relax, okay?" The blonde giggles, and Tooru giggles with her. Especially at the feeling of her skirt coming off. The thrill of being naked while out and about sends a spark through her. A short twitch causes another giggle. Looks like she noticed that there aren't any panties! The thrill gets heavier at that, heat pooling down below. Even if it's just this one woman, it's still someone she doesn't know well enough to get naked in front of normally. "I've got it all

figured out. Heard all about your issue, so I've given Momo some stuff and she's getting people on it."

"Mmm..." That sounds nice. "Waait... I shoul- should knoww all the things, riight?"

"Nah, just having a Quirk doesn't mean you know all about it." The blonde gently pulls Tooru's head from her lap. Standing up to spin around and drop in top of her. Practically laying on the other woman. "All of you are learning new stuff about them all the time at school, right? I bet you figure out plenty of stuff before then too. All having it means is you're used to it, but that isn't always a good thing."

"Mmm..." Makes sense. Makes a lot of sense.

"Just sit back and listen to me, okay?" Tooru lets a smile cross her face as a dick bumps into her thigh. "Uh... one second..." It slides across her thigh and taps her pelvis. Then slides back and forth, moving downward until it finally settles at her entrance. "I thought that would be easier..."

"Hehe." Funny!

"Yeah, yeah..." The blonde shakes her head and pushes forward. Their breasts squish together. An unusual feeling of fullness makes itself known as the dick enters her pussy. It feels really good. "I need to you to understand some things, okay?"

"O...kaay..." All of Tooru's attention focuses on the blonde. The music in her head temporarily quieting, though never going silent.

"We all love helping you out. Making certain you're okay and listening to your problems. Your problems are something we're always willing to help with." The blonde moves back and forth. "Especially the lewd ones." Her dick almost lazily pumps forward and back inside of Tooru. "It doesn't matter where we are. Like our own private game of hide and seek. We wear skirts with no underwear, and you try and sneak around to get us to cum without anyone realizing it."

The light smack of flesh meeting flesh melds into the music. The blonde's words lending lyrics. They echo about, repeating in her head over and over. It's nice to listen to. Makes her want to go out and have some fun!

"Of course, if you succeed we have to help you out too. Take you wherever you want. You have to be really careful with your Quirk so nobody can tell, but that just makes it more thrilling, right?" The blonde pauses, wiggling her hips with a smile. Tooru lets her tongue loll out. The words merge with the music, bouncing around and around. Settling themselves inside unforgettably. "Having to ride that razors edge between focusing on your Quirk and enjoying the feeling. Keeping your focus even while someone is fucking you raw, slamming in and out!"

Words match actions as things speed up. The dick redoubling its pace, turning the languid lovemaking into a proper fucking. So much so that Tooru shudders as she cums. The music reaches a crescendo as she pants in climax.

"You just love taking advantage of being invisible, and you love showing what you can of being fucked. Keeping your cum belly as it pushes out your shirt, letting bits of cum rest in your hair or on your skin." The blonde pulls herself up, slamming herself into Tooru with every thrust. "Keeping your clothes all messy from when they got pulled aside. Focusing on pleasing us so you can get fucked and walk around like that."

"Ahh!" Tooru shudders as heat floods into her. The climax of her partner, feeling the cum flood into her, sending her into one of her own. Her belly inflates just a bit, enough to see a bump in the fabric of her shirt. "YES!"

Another orgasm rocks her. She pants, moans almost loud enough to be heard over the music. The rest of her body falls limp, the music repeating every bit of her instructions back to her over and over.

"Rest now." Tooru whines as the dick pulls out of her. Her hand slides down unconsciously, ensuring that none of the cum can get out. "We can make sure everything gets put in just right later. We'd hate to screw up your furture job."

"Mmm..." Tooru just smiles. The music drowns out all the rest.

"Good." A hand pats Tooru's head. "Now, when is Shizuku getting here?"

"Should be about an hour." Momo's voice replies. "A situation came up in Nagano and I'd bet she's watching the live stream."

"Of course she'd forget about a party to watch a Hero fight." Ochako gives a short laugh. "I'll call her."

"Thanks, 'Chako! Not quite yet, though." The heat of another body presses back onto Tooru. "If we have some extra time, we should welcome in our newest lover properly, right?"

"Yeah!" The couch bounces and a pink dick smacks down right onto Tooru's face. It jerks back just as quickly. "FUCK!" Tooru absently giggles. Its a little hard to focus, but the slight sting helps. Enough to giggle at Mina screwing up at least. "That was a bad idea."

"Mina..." The blonde chuckles. "You've got to stop doing that." "Ribbit." Tsu's voice is obvious. "Want me to make it better?"

"I really don't think that'd help, Tsu." Kyoka's lower tones are equally obvious. "Just give her a bit. Or flip Tooru over. That'd get Mina right back into action."

"I'm not that easy." The silence is so deep it even muffles the music for a bit. "Come on! At least I can't be made useless by being shoved into a pair of tits!"

"I'm not that baaa... Mmmm."

"Yes, you are." Momo chuckles. "Enough banter everyone. Let's get to it."

"Yeah!" Tooru shivers as the dick pushes back into her. "Guess I should introduce myself. I'm Himiko, your newest lover. Just let me handle the house, okay? Your body too. Be the best Hero you can be, and trust me to handle the rest."

A massive smile shines on Tooru's face. That sounds perfect. ~[#]~

"Mmm..." Tooru nuzzles further into Himiko's lap. It's a really nice lap.

"You doing good?" A hand lightly presses against Tooru's head. "I know everything went a little fast..."

"It was fine." Tooru opens her eyes, the pale skin of her arm greeting her. It still makes her a little giddy. "I've wanted this for a long time. Was this what Momo talked about earlier?"

"Yep!" Himiko sighs. "Momo says the big jump only came after she talked to you. Its still in testing, this is just one of the first things they got out. She didn't want to tell you until she had it and it came in esrlier today, so it was easier to wait for now." She smiles and pats Tooru's head. "Let me tell you- getting those bullets wasn't easy. Ochako has to talk to Shizuku to figure out where the yakuza might be selling them. Then we had to make sure it wasnt a sale being stung before I went in with Momo's money to buy some. Then Momo got those to I- Island."

"How did they get it done so fast though?" They can't have had everything that long. Well... not long enough for all the science they would have needed to do to be done. Or at least that's what it sounds like. It's not like she's a scientist...

"The raid. Overhaul had all his files taken in as evidence, and Momo was able to get copies to I-Island somehow. Working off of that let them finish with this a lot quicker, though I think this is going to be like their other really restricted stuff." Himiko settles back into her chair. "I dunno how it all is gonna shake out though."

"I can see how this could be really important." More than just helping one woman with her Quirk issues. Keeping that guy from Kamino in jail must be really hard. Overhaul too- his Quirk would make him really hard to keep anywhere. Hopefully it'll let Tartarus stop being such a terrible place. Shizuku had ranted about it before. "Right. What have you been doing?"

"I... took a walk." Himiko chuckles. "I found this awesome girl while I was out. She was super cute and apparently really into vampire stuff? Also lots of other things. She was super easy to hypnotize- it happened when I wasn't even trying. I Invited her over earlier so everyone can get to know her."

"Dunno how Ochako will take that." In the apartment Ochako is something else. Really Himiko crazy that one.

"Probably well? Uh..." Himiko gulps. "Shizuku should be here soon, right? I'll just... make sure she's distracted before Camie gets here."

"Probably for the best." Ochako throwing someone into orbit would be bad.

"Anyway! Uh..." Himiko glances around the room for a moment. "Uh... tell me about your classmates? I've heard Todoroki is looking around?"

"Oh him." Todoroki is... interesting. What to even say? "He's kinda hypervigilant about people being hurt? And nobody here is really... good at restraint." How sore her ass feels is a good enough show of that. Mina rides haaard! "I think he had issues at home? Shizuku would probably know more. Or Ochako."

Himiko stills. "Issues at home, huh? I'll have to talk to Ochako. Probably Shizuku too, once she gets here."

Shizuku Midoriya is a Slut for Quirks

Chapter Summary

Shizuku is glad to actually be able to attend a party. It's a prospect so unfamiliar she had almost forgotten about the invite. Hopefully this won't be like some of the others- those had all been... unfortunate jokes. Not that Shizuku ever found them funny.

This should go better.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"Ochako, I really did forget!" Frankly, the idea of being invited to a party is still... new enough to feel weird. "It's just-"

"I know, Shizuku." Ochako's sigh can be heard across the line. "You're just really passionate and get sucked into stuff easily. It's part of what I like about you."

It takes effort to ignore the warmth that the last line brings. "I really am sorry about this. I was looking forward to hanging out with everyone... I don't think we've had a girls night in a while..." Those were always fun...

"We really haven't. It's just been a little hectic after... everything." The pause is a little awkward. Sure it had been a bit since the raid but... well that sort of thing sticks with you. "I really want to show you around. Spend some time together. It's been a while."

"Yeah. I guess we both just got busy. At least we managed without... y'know." The hypnosis sessions had been... an interesting idea. The idea of using all that stuff hadn't even really been on Shizuku's mind when she researched it- Dr. APPEAR! claimed to use it instead of his Quirk and checking whether that was possible or not was an interesting dive- but it had become... not necessary but useful. First to manage her own anxieties, and later aches and pains, but then to help Ochako manage her own. "It probably wasn't healthy to use it that much..."

"But it worked. With everything else... I'm not sure we'd have managed without it. Well... no. We would have." Ochako falls silent for a moment. "It would have taken time and attention we couldn't spare."

"Yeah." UA really is something else. Apparently most universities don't run their students this hard. Or maybe this year is just special. Or cursed. One of the two. "Anyway, I'm almost to the apartment. Maybe ten minutes?"

Ochako's voice perks up. "I'll let everyone know. It'll be great to see you!"

"You too!" The call ends. Shizuku stares at her phone for a second before she starts walking again. Hopefully this party will help explain why all of them have been so secretive recently. Not that she needs an explanation! It's their business. Though... it would help.

A bunch of girls being secretive hasn't been a good omen in the past. A very bad omen, really. Though this time... maybe it'll be good?


"Guess they started without me." Shizuku idly taps her foot at the pumping music filtering through the doors of the elevator. It makes sense. At least it wasn't too hard to get over. Suprisingly few interruptions today. Shame Shoto couldn't come due to paparazzi staking out his house in the wake of Endeavor becoming number one. "At least it isn't as bad..."

The doors ding open as Shizuku sighs. That family situation is... fraught. Shoto himself is, put simply, a bit of a mess. So much of him caught up in his father's obsession that when he broke out of it and the man stopped... well, he didn't know what to do. About being a Pro- Hero or himself. At least it's something he can actually try and dig into now, instead of push to the side.

"We really need to have another sleepover." Things get solved there. Or at least put out in the open. Probably a good idea to have him talk to Jiro as well. Some of the things he said... they resonate with some of the problems she's had too.

"Midori!" Shizuku snaps her head up at Mina's cry. "You're thinking too much again! Come on, come on!!"

A hand yanks Shizuku out of the elevator. The apartment flashes past as the girl tries to keep up with her fellow futa, barely stopping herself from stumbling. At least until Mina suddenly stops. A convenient leg trips her into Ochako and Tsu's laps.

"Come on." Gentle hands press down onto Shizuku's head. The pads on them rubbing her scalp in a way she knows Ochako knows gets her all aroused.

"Ochako..." Damnit. Now she's hard again. "Please..."

"Momo has a stupid amount of rooms. If you're... you know." Ochako giggles. "We can take care of it later. For right now, though, Momo had something she wanted us to try." A simple looking collar slides into Shizuku's vision. "She says it'll help you relax."

Shizuku blinks at the collar. It's a metal thing, with a light on front. It looks... kinda nice? Not really her usual vibe but if Ochako is saying to try it, well... might as well. Ochako wouldn't steer her wrong, after all. Her... fuck buddy? That sounds too vulgar. BFSF- Best Friend Sex Forever?


Not that last one. Just. No.

Shizuku sighs. "You can put it on me. I think some focus would help right now." Being like this is not doing any favours for her hard-on. Especially with Ochako rubbing her head like she is. It never fails to get her ready.

"Alright!" Cool metal slides around Shizuku's throat. It feels sort of nice, honestly. "There we... go!"

Something clicks. The metal almost seems to hum against Shizuku's skin. Prickling at her throat pleasantly. It's so easy to just relax into the feeling, let it push out further and further. Her body unwinds, stress falling away. The humming buzzes in her head, interrupting each thought with a little burst of delightfully numbing sound. It almost feels like it's saying something. Words forming but being interrupted by her own thoughts just as much as her thoughts are being interrupted.

"Gotta... figure it out." Shizuku relaxes further. She can feel Tsu's tongue poking at her, winding around her hip to duck into her pants. The sight of that long tongue sliding it's way down her body... "So pretty..."

It wraps around her dick. The appendage curiously not as wet or slimy as expected. The humming in her head gets even louder, a light smile unconsciously spreads over Shizuku's face. The tongue slides up and down her dick, taking care to touch every inch of the twitching organ. It's so easy to just... let it happen. The whispering static in her head gradually takes over all of her thinking. Letting everything be focused only on the moment.

"That's right! Just relax!" Shizuku rocks as Mina settles onto the couch. A gentle hand presses onto her back, cool goo quickly seeping into clothes. "Don't you love it?"

"Mmm..." Shizuku shivers, butt arcing up as Mina rubs more of her Acid into her back. A particular kind that Shizuku helped her figure out after a 'futa club' study session. A lot more is acidic than you think- it just takes some study for Mina to recreate them. Somewhat like Creation, except without a sort of 'default' emanation instead of requiring the atomic structure before anything. "Love..."

More goo splatters onto Shizuku's back. It feels different. "That's right, love." The voice is different now. A dick pokes at Shizuku's vagina, some goo still sticking to it. The absent thought of forgetting panties in the rush is getting ready is obliterated as the dick slides up and down her pussy. "You just love this, don't you?"

"Yes!" The word comes without thought. Without any thinking at all. This feels amazing, and Shizuku wants more! "Please!"

"Someone so cute, how could I resist?" The dick slides into her, the goo acting as lube. Shizuku's eyes cross, instantly cumming from the feel of the goo inside her. Plus Tsu's tongue and Ochako's finger pads. It's like a dream! "Now listen to me, okay?"

"'Kay..." The tongue continues to swirl around her dick, licking up all the cum. Ochako's rubbing gets harder, pads pushing into her head as nails begin to scratch. "Nnn..."

"You just love it when people use their Quirks. You especially love it when we all use our Quirks." The dick pumps back and forth. Her mind blanks- thinking entirely gone in favour of the numbness in her mind. Ochako continues to rub her head, fingernails leaving a tingling trail. Tsu's tongue continues to pump up and down, occasionally squeezing. "It just sends your dick right up, your pussy aching. By the time Hero training ends you just have to fuck someone right in the locker room." The dick pauses for a moment. "With their costume on, of course."

"Ahhh~" Shizuku shivers as she cums again. Mina steps in front of her, hands reaching under Shizuku's shirt to rub at her boobs. Shizuku's mouth falls open, eyes barely seeing anything now as everyone continues to play with her.

"You just love how everyone's costume works. How it shows their personality, and how it helps their Quirk." The dick smacks forward, the slapping of flesh on flesh echoing into the room. "You just can't help it. Peeling off that costume. Ripping through the crotch and butt. Fucking someone right through it! It just sends you crazy!"

"MMMPFF!" Shizuku cums again. Her eyes look at nothing, the sensations taking up every bit of her. Nothing is real except the people fucking her and the words. The new guide to her life, easily laid down. All she has to do is listen.

"You just cum as soon as one of us uses their Quirk on you. Quietly of course, you can't have anyone else knowing about this. It's our little secret." Arms reach down to wind around Shizuku's shoulders. Breasts press into her back as the dick fucks her harder. "You especially love it when I fuck you as one of them. Or as yourself."

Something new touches her dick and winds its way into her pussy. The thing strands shiver, pulsing in tune to what is undoubtedly a heartbeat. Shizuku's body shudders again as the realization that Kyoka's jacks are assisting the others slowly makes its way through her empty head.

"You can't forget using your own Quirk, of course. It isn't quite as sexy as someone else, but the sensation has you shivering." Something pushes at Shizuku's skirt. The fabric sliding upward enough to fully expose eveything. "You just love to tease yourself with it. Turn it on just a bit and let the feeling settle over you. And if one of us comes around while your doing it? You know any hole is ready for use, as long as you can see it."

Mina smiles and slides over hand further down. Cool liquid follows her hand down, sliding across skin and leaving goosebumps after. Shizuku whines as the hand stops at the base of her shaft. Tsu's tongue moves aside to let Mina's fingers play. The clench around her base, liquid seeping out, before moving up and down. More cum spurts out at the feeling, and especially at the feeling of Mina using her Quirk to provide the lube.

One for All springs to life almost on its own. A low level of power sparking across Shizuku's skin. She cums again at the feeling, the couch under her completely drenched. Light shines as something is pressed to her dick. The familiar sparkle of Creation enough to send Shizuku over the edge once again, the usage of One for All enough to fill her balls right back up- just as it always does.

The fingers around her balls are replaced once more by Tsu's tongue. After a moment a dick enters her view. No thought is given to it- her mouth opens wide automatically. She is rewarded when the pink organ pushes forward- it tastes a lot less sour than expected. Not that the taste is important- the only thing on Shizuku's mind is sucking. Nothing bouncing around that head of hers except what she's been told.

"Ohhh~" Both dicks inside her twitch, unleashing twin spurts of cum. The weight on Shizuku's back increases as she gets filled up. Guzzling down Mina's cum as her womb gets filled up. "Such an eager girl. Ochako, what do you think?"

"Deku takes herself too seriously. She needs to relax. Let go." The finger pads pressing into Shizuku's head begin to slow. "I think she would do best if she didn't have to worry at all with us."

"It would be useful to have someone around to assist without question." Momo hums. "I understand you work as much as you can, Himiko, but between all of the tasks that need to be done and satisfying everyone... well there are only so many hours in the day."

"A maid." Tsu's tongue tightens at that. Shizuku's shivers at the feeling, her dick spurting even more cum. "Maybe a pet? She likes being pet already."

"Yeah!" Mina bounces as she talks, her dick tapping against Shizuku's tongue. "It'd be super cool to have a good pet! I can't always use Ocha's ass."

"Ochako does already have a pet." A chuckle sounds right next to Shizuku's ear. "Buut, we can always have more. One for all of us. You hear that, Shizuku? You're our pet maid. You don't need to worry about anything when you're with us. Just let all those thoughts drip out of your head and do what we tell you. If we don't tell you to do anything you can just lounge around or try and find one of us, but you can't think."

"Be a good pet for us, okay?" Ochako leans down to place a kiss on top of Shizuku's head. "You'll be an amazing Hero, just trust us to make sure you reach there."

The words swirl into Shizuku's head. The war with her for a little bit. Obviously they don't mean that, after all. She needs to be better. Do more. Live up to the Quirk she has and the people she admires. And yet...

Her body relaxes as the buzzing gets heavier. Those doubts falling away under it. Being replaced by the words others have told her and nothing else. All mind gone.

Her body finally goes entirely slack, her gaze empty as she gently suckles on Mina's dick. A click sounds out, the collar shifting slightly.

"There we go. Just relax. Let us take care of you." A hand reaches around to brush Shizuku's jaw. "You're our good pet. As soon as one of us asks for our good bunny back, you get just like this."

"Mm..." Shizuku's voice is so quiet. Relaxed. She... can't remember the last time it sounded like that. Without that frantic little note of needing to rush to the next topic, next thing. Just...

unburdened. It feels nice.


"Y'know..." Ochako lets a hand rest on Shizuku's head. Which is currently in her lap. "I know we kinda got big on making her a pet, but..."

"She kinda took really well to this, yeah." Mina looks down at the other woman. Shizuku just tils her head and smiles. "It's... probably going to help? She can't really worry like this..."

"Ribbit." Tsu hums. Her tongue is hanging out of her mouth, but not in anyone. Yet. "This really isn't going to solve the problem."

"Of course not, but it's Shizuku." Ochako sighs. "I don't think she knows the meaning of 'quit'. Trying to get her to relax enough to actually get help isn't going to happen. Remember- she was the one who started the while hynosis thing. It's the only reason she was so upbeat at the start of the year."

Tsu huffs. "Ribbit. This works as a good stopgap then, I guess." Her tongue slides down, creeping just above the couch to touch Shizuku's leg. "I'm really worried about what happens when we all get our licenses."

"That... is a good point." Ochako slumps down. She watches as Tsu's tongue swirls around Shizuku's leg on its way to her pussy. "I just... don't know what to do. Shizuku will break herself if given a half good reason, and she keeps getting reasons."

"Maybe Himiko can help? Like, not with this all," Mina waves vaguely at the room, "but actually helping us deal with all the Villain stuff. Shizuku helped with all that Yakuza stuff, and it's done, but the LoV is still out there. I know Shizuku will think about them waaay too much."

"Plus there's that weird thing that happened during the joint training." Tsu shudders as her tongue makes contact. Her hand idly begins playing with her own pussy as Shizuku starts to moan. "Something is definitely up with her Quirk."

"Those tentacle things... it reminds me a little of that guy from Kamino. He had little energy tentacles like that, right?" Mina hums. "It's been a while since I saw that fight, but I definitely remember some sorta tentacle thing."

"Shizuku has always been really close with All Might though, and that Kamino guy really wasn't." Ochako shivers at the memory. Even watching through a screen... it was something else. That level of Villain was supposed to be gone. "Maybe there's something with that? I dunno..."

"It's something Shizuku would have to tell us. SooOOOHH!" Tsu's hips buck forward with a moan. Her fingers continue to push into her pussy even as they get more and more wet. Some

spills onto the couch as she pitches forward, one hand slapping onto her breast. "Haah haah, we just have to help her as best we can."

"Our best way to do things is probably to try and get her to open up out of here. If we don't know how it all started we can't really help." Mina blinks as the other two look at her. "Hey! I can people! I just... can't math."

"Right." Ochako shrugs and flops back onto the couch. "I guess this is the best we can do then. Making sure she gets the rest she needs, even if it's a really bad way to go about it."

"Ribbit, I will not apologize." Tsu gives a slight smile. "A pet is just what we needed."

"It's kinda what Shizuku needed too, just... not all she needs." Mina sighs and runs a hand through her hair. "One day we're going to need to pull her out and really work on her issues. Once she's out into the world and being an actual pro I don't think she'll be home much."

"We'll have to talk with Himiko I guess." Ochako scans the room. "Where is she anyway?"

"I think she said something about an extra guest?" Mina shrugs. "It can't be too bad. I already plan for at least a couple more people than say they're coming, so we aren't in danger of running out of anything."

"Ribbit, you say you can't math and yet you're able to do all this." Tsu hums. "Maybe you need to rethink how you think about the problems."

"Maybe." Mina shrugs and throws a peace sign. "But right now it's a party! I just hope whoever Himiko called is gonna like it."

Chapter End Notes

I originally had Shizuku being hypnotized by a screen, but I rewrote Mina's chapter to have that. So I needed to do something else. Tech control/collar worked out pretty well, since the pet thing had already been planned.

It's not a good way to deal with Shizuku's issues, but it is a way and thats probably the best they're gonna get. It's not like Shizuku has made a habit of actually getting help on her own...

Also- AfO is unrelated to Shizuku. That line of thinking just seems logical if you don't know about OfA and see the Blackwhip tendrils.

Camie Utsushimi is a Slut for Hypnosis

Chapter Summary

Camie Utsushimi gets an invite she just can't refuse

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"Like, yeah!" Camie stretches. "Totes gonna get crunk this weekend!" No classes and a free schedule. If she'd known how much extra work the Hero course gets at Shiketsu she might have tried for somewhere else. Totes not cool.

Still, it's totes amaze to actually be able to be a Hero. Got a license and everything! Though getting it was second to seeing all those beauties- especially from UA. Umf, it'd be great to get crunk with them. They've gotta party hard, right? Like, it's their motto!

"Hm?" Camie looks down at her now vibrating boobs. A message? "Like, who could be calling?" Maybe Sprigatito has some new bud? That girl has, like, totes the best weed in the city! So glad there, like, wasn't a drug test before giving out licenses. Those few days before are suuuper blurry. "Hmm..."

The phone is swiftly, and bouncily, retrieved. It is not, as one might expect, pink. It's glitter. With a fake knife charm Camie doesn't ever remember buying. It is a neat charm though.

"Let's see..." A quick tap pulls the message up. "Oh. Ohhh..."

The first line of the message is enough. Camie relaxes, her whole body drooping. Her head straightens, all attention directed at her phone. Her outfit is suddenly just a bit too tight. A wave crashing through her body at the sensation of being hypnotized.

"So, like, that's what happened..." It takes far too much to not immediately Glamour the area so she can masturbate. One hand jerks back already, barely stopped from creeping into her outfit. The reminder of that time makes everything surge up even more. Her panties dampen at the return of her mistress' face.

It'd been mostly an accident. Mostly. A bit... a lot of the fault really lies with her. Going on a walk after a... very heavy session of autohypnosis probably wasn't the best idea. Where every swinging object pulled her eyes in and every flash of light left her standing still and drooling. Sure that sale was totes amaze, but still. It'd have been better to stay home and wait for the next one.

Or maybe not. Like, doing it yourself is nice, but nothing will beat actually being hypnotized. The feeling of everything falling away as the coin on a string swung around. Mistress moving

it back and forth to get the trash off. It shining brighter as it was cleaned, enough to begin glinting in the light. Pulling Camie more and more into it, leaving her smiling and drooling just a bit into the alleyway.

"Ohhh..." Camie shudders and starts walking. Mistress hadn't touched her then, even after realizing what she'd done. Something about her girlfriend, which, like, no cap- totes admirable. Still... Camie had definitely touched herself that night. "Mmm! Like, tonight too."

Though... mistress has plans. An address and a time noted in the message with just one instruction- come. Very straightforward. Though... well it's nobody's business how Camie interprets that, right?

She misses the next step, her legs giving out for just a moment. Enough to have her stumble forward. These panties are probably going to need to be tossed. That's half the fun though. Maybe this time mistress will touch her. That'd be even better.


The elevator dings. Camie blinks. When had she gotten in an elevator? There was that text and then... nothing? The doors slide open.

"Ohh..." Camie relaxes as she sees Himiko smiling at her.

"There you are!" Himiko reaches in to pull Camie out of the elevator and shouts at the rest of the room. "Camie's here!"

"Sweet!" A pink woman smiles at the two as they walk into the main room. Her dick is currently stuffed into another woman's ass, the green haired girl providing a convenient platform for it in an impressive display of athleticism.

"O M G, I love your hair!" Camie doesn't even think about unzipping her outfit. She doesn't take it off, not yet, but just putting the zipper to the bottom means it's easy to get to everything anyway. "How'd you get that, like, super fab bow?"

"Ribbit." The woman... attempts a shrug. "Lots of practice."

"Rad." Camie nods. Then her legs thud to the ground as something slips into her pussy. "Ohh...."

"Eager aren't you Tsu?" Himiko giggles. "You keep Camie company while I grab everyone else. She's a total hypnoslut so I think we can all have fun with her. I didn't even hypnotize her intentionally, she was just like that when I got to her!"

"Ribbit." The tone sounds curiously flat, even when there isn't anything flat about what she's doing.

"Right there..." Before Camie can even think about groping herself something is there first. Thin cords winding around her breasts and squeezing. "Yaaass..." The blonde lets her head fall back, presenting the slice of her skin shown off by her unzipped suit.

"Really nice." Someone settles behind her. "I'm Kyoka." Hands slide past Camie's arms into her suit, joining the cords wrapped around her tits. "Pleasure."

"Yeaaah..." Camie lets her body fall backward as Kyoka kneads her boobs. The cord tenses and relaxes in a rhythm, the heads gently tapping her nipples and sending a few fast pulses through them. The hands focus on other things, pushing against flesh and rubbing circles into skin. All the while Tsu's tongue keeps exploring her insides. "Nnn!"

The Shiketsu student shudders, a loud croak coming from the green haired woman at the action. The tongue writhes, suddenly caught as the blonde tenses in climax. Kyoka's hands lift the slightest bit up and then smack down on Camie's boobs. Tension suddenly drops, Camie flopping backward into the shorter woman, a stupid smile on her face.

"Wow! It took a while before I got her there." Himiko giggles as Ochako carries her back into the room. "Not that I did much! I was totally waiting for you before I went farther."

Ochako narrows her eyes, but nods.

"It was... toootes-" Camie shudders as something begins licking her tits. Her jumpsuit being pushed out of the way by invisible hands. "Totes lame. No cap, a vampire hypnotizing me... mmppf."

"That is certainly a coincidence." Momo chuckles. "Are you someone who has Carmilla on your bookshelf?"

"No cap, how'd you guess?" Camie blinks as Momo pats her on the head. "Was it, like, something I said?"

"Never mind that." Ochako looks down at the currently tensionless woman. "What are we going to do with her?"

"Well... she's our slut." Himiko shrugs. "More than the rest of you, anyway. Our hypnoslut. She's so easy you could mumble and wave your hand to put her under."

"Makes sense." Kyoka pulls at the blonde's shoulders. Camie giggles as her jumpsuit falls off. Opening more of her skin to be licked by the invisible tongue. Especially her abs. "I think I already got her down."

"Yeah... I think I made it a little too easy." Himiko shrugs. "It only really works when she feels safe, and she only feels safe when I tell her she does."

"How useful." Momo tilts head to the side. "Shame she doesn't have anything extra."

"Eh, can't win em all." Himiko shrugs. "I can't think of anyone else to bring in. I really just wanted Ochako and Shizuku, but Ochako had her own plans and everything kinda spiraled."

"And we love you for it." Shizuku tilts Himiko's head down to plant a kiss on her lips. "Camie Utsushimi... she was at the license exam, right?"

"I remember her... she took out some people around where we ended up." Ochako furrows her brow. "I don't remember her Quirk or anything though."

"Interesting." Shizuku tilts her head. Then she turns to Camie. "Say, what's your Quirk?"

"Glamour!" Camie shudders as the tongue slides over her mouth. Hot breath heat the liquid left, an invisible mouth right above her own and ready to pounce. "I can, like, make illusions and stuff."

"Enlightening." Momo pats Shizuku on the ass as she steps forward. "I can think of many ways to use something like that."

"It sounds really impressive!" Shizuku taps a finger to her lip. Her other finger slides into her skirt. "I wonder how extensive her illusions can get. Shoto said he dealt a bit with Inasa while at the remedial exam, and he talked about Camie a bit. Said she was really good."

"You really talk about Shoto a lot, huh." Himiko wiggles in Ochako's grip to give Shizuku a teasing stare. "Anything you want to tell me?"

"Ah, not in that way. I don't think he's ready for anything like that." Shizuku rubs the back of her neck. "I'm not sure if Endeavor would allow him."

"Allow him?" Kyoka frowns. "That doesn't sound good."

"His family situation isn't the best." Shizuku sighs. "Apparently it's getting better? I don't know."

"Maybe I should talk to him. I know how family can get you down." Himiko's eyes scrunch. "Momo, I'm going to need to talk to you later too."

"Of course." Momo gives a nod as she wipes Mina's dick off, Tsu twitching at her feet. "Just tell me what you need." She gives one last wipe and promptly does her best to swallow the entire dick.

"MOMO!" Mina's hips buck forward. "Gah! I thought you were full!"

"I made a few things for Ochako, so I need some more." Momo pats her belly, which is unusually flat despite being in the house. "Be a dear and cum for me."

Mina groans as Momo returns to her sucking. Camie twitches from her position in Kyoka's arms.

"Oh, she's getting herself back together." Himiko giggles. "Someone should take care of that."

"Take care of whaaAAA!" Camie flops backward as something plays with her pussy. A tongue and fingers carefully teasing around it as a giggle fills the air from an invisible source. "OH YES!"

"There we go. Thanks, Tooru." Himiko shifts, snuggling against Ochako. "Make sure she's nice and ready. Mina has to take her own turn, then Ochako and I have to do her."

"When do I get her?" Shizuku steps forward and grabs Camie's boobs. "I have so many questions about her Quirk!"

"You'll take the longest, and half of it won't be sex." Ochako chuckles at Himiko's (completely true) assertion. "You can have her after. That way her legs won't work enough to run."

"Fine..." Shizuku droops and pushes her hands forward. Camie's boobs finally pop out of her top, in the perfect position for Kyoka to begin her ministrations again. This time using her mouth.

"Ohhhh!" The blonde shudders as the punk rocker licks, nibbles, and breathes out on her tits. The combination of cooler saliva and hot breath causing her hips to begin bucking and her gaze to get even emptier.

"We're going to have a lot of fun with you." Shizku giggles and leans in to add her own tongue to Kyoka's efforts.

"That we are." Ochako flops onto the couch next to Mina. "I've got to thank her for sending Himiko my way."

"Aww, I love you too!" Himiko snuggles further into the embrace of the brunette. "Just be careful not to break her. She's going to be a coworker of yours later on."

"If you say so." Ochako's hand gently slides up Himiko's leg to palm the bulge at her crotch. "As long as she understands that this is only ever a loan we'll be fine."

"Ribbit." Tsu finally flops to the side, cum spilling out of her butt. ~[#]~

"So. You said Shoto has a bad home life?" Himiko turns to look at Shizuku.

"It's getting better..." Shizuku swallows at Himiko's stare. "That's what he says!"

"So it was bad. Mm." Himiko sighs. Her hips pull back and then slap forward. Between them Camie moans, her voice muffled by Shizuku's dick. "He's going to try and figure out what's going on here, right?"

"Absolutely. He... really doesn't like thinking he doesn't know something about what he cares about and is... disposed to thinking there's something more to everything." Shizuku chuckles and shifts her hips. Her dick gently twisting with the motion inside of Camie's mouth. "Mmmm..." She shudders as Camie's tongue slides over her skin.

"So we probably have to deal with him. Any chance you could tell him something that'd make him back off? Or... actually..." Himiko leans forward, dropping her elbows on Camie's ass as she cradles her head. "Could we get him away from all that? Like we do with you."

"I... don't think he'd mind? He... I'm not actually sure what he wants." Shizuku puts a hand to her chin. Her hips saw back and forth almost absently. Her frame lightly shudders, her jaw tensing as she fucks Camie's mouth. "He wanted to be the number one Hero, but now... I don't know. I'm not sure he knows."

"Sounds like he could use some time off." Himiko chuckles and leans back. Both of her hands smack onto Camie's ass, prompting another moan from the woman.

"OHHH YEESSS!" Shizuku shudders. Her body curls forward as she cums, Camie drinking it all down without protest. "HAH hah. But also yes to that. Shoto could use some time to explore himself. The only problem is doing it without anything getting in the way. Even without his family he'd still get noticed on the street."

"I think we can solve that..." Himiko smiles. "Heeeyy MOMO!"

"You do not need to shout. I am right here." Momo looks up from Kyoka, who is currently blissed out between her tits.

"Hey, you got any more of that I-Island stuff?" Himiko smiles wider. "I think we got a use for it."

"I believe I do." Momo chuckles and lays a hand on Kyoka's head. "My rocker here was a bit more petite than I had realized when I sent in the order. It should be enough for Shoto."

"Wait... how did you get Kyoka's weight that wrong?" Shizuku furrows her brow. Camie shudders as more cum is pumped down her throat. "Isn't it usually used in milliliters?"

"Well..." Momo clears her throat. "I had failed to take into account that not everyone has their weight near invisibly altered by their Quirk."

"That'd do it." Himiko chuckles, swinging her head back to Camie. "We can plan all that out later. We've got work to do!"

Camoe squeals as both women begin to fuck her in earnest. She, like, hadn't thought they were being serious when they said they'd fuck her so much her cum belly would keep her from moving. Turns out they were totally right! No cap, best way to spend a weekend. Just a cum drunk, cum stuffed, hypnoslut ready for anyone to have fun with!

Chapter End Notes

This was a fun one! And indicative of my original ideas for this fic. Before I changed it to Ochako getting grabbed just after camp the intention was everything started because Himiko replaced Camie at the license exam, per canon, and witnessed the same sort of hypnosis scene as starts the fic. Hence why Camie was already hypnotized when we got to her part- it was done during the 4 days she was replaced by Himiko. Also a

convenient way to excuse how Himiko managed to keep Camie down for 4 days. That part never really made sense to me.

Anyway! Had fun with this one. Especially adding in the traditional coin on a string. Haven't used that one before.

Next time we have our final hypnosis ft. Shoto. Thats going to be a bit of a different one- it's not like Shoto has the same freedom to move around as the rest of them. Plus theres the matter of getting him out of the house so he can figure out what he actually wants to do.

Shoto Todoroki is a Slut for Milk

Chapter Summary

Shoto has been noticing things have been off for a little bit with various members of his class. Finally he gets an invitation- time to find out what's really going on.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Something isn't right. It hasn't been right for some time now. It just... isn't the bad kind of not right. Or at least it doesn't seem bad at first glance. That doesn't mean it isn't bad, but it does mean that barging in and causing issues would... cause issues.

Shoto frowns. There has to be a better way to put that.

Regardless- something is going on with the women in the class. The Pro-Heroics 1001 class. Not the secret cabal of number shifters in Calculus getting into a war with the Geometry cabal. Or the ancient society based in the business course attempting to spread its influence to the sororities, opposed, naturally, by the ancient society that already has the sororities in its grasp. Or...

Wait, this may have gotten away from him.

"I need to look at my chart." Far too much is going on right now. Most of it hidden and with only little evidence to be found. Others might call that a sign of falseness and they're probably right. But not all of it is necessarily untrue, and things are... more fun like this. "Hm."

Yes. It is a... fun... hobby? Or perhaps something else. What separates a hobby from something else? It can't be a job, there is no expectation of pay, but putting these together isn't exactly purely leisure. There is a lot of investigation and examination that goes into it. Or maybe that does make it a hobby? It is interesting, after all, and done during what spare time he can gain.

"Shoto?" Shoto blinks and turns to Shizuku. "You just stopped and stared into space for a minute. Are you okay?"

"I am uninjured." Well... besides the expected. Training doesn't exactly leave someone unmarked, but that's something he has long grown used to. Not worth mentioning.

"Right..." Why does Shizuku seem so disbelieving? "I was going to get together with a few of the other girls after class to study. Would you like to come? I know you're having trouble in history..."

"Oda Nobunaga was a woman. I do not care what our teacher says." He has the research to prove it too. Right alongside King Arthur, Uesugi Kenshin, and Xuanzang. "You are asking me to come alone, to a place you are in charge of, when I know you know that I believe something is off."

Shizuku blinks a few times, brows furrowing. "Yes?"

"Excellent. I shall be there after class." Shoto turns. Then turns again. "Where should I go?"

"Momo's penthouse apartment." Shizuku blinks again. "The one near campus, not the other one."

"Right." That sounds like a likely location for everything. "Should you have any nefarious purposes for this I hope they dispel the confusion surrounding everyone's actions."

Shizuku waves her hands. "It's totally not nefarious or anything! We just... want to study together. And help each other out. Y'know. Figure out what classes we want next term and everything."

"Ah. Right." It's probably something nefarious, but possibly a more usual form of nefarious. Like attempting to have Shoto practice 'self-care'. Really, Shoto has always been able to care for himself. What does having hobbies and resting have to do with it? "You invited me because I'm not sure what I wish to do."

"Well..." Shizuku hunches in on herself. "A little."

"I would welcome a new perspective." Always take into account every option possible. Though becoming an idol, like that one woman with the mushroom Quirk said, does sound attractive. "I will be there after class."


It is the smell that gets to Shoto first. Getting stronger and stronger as the elevator goes up the floors. It isn't a bad smell, pleasant really, but it is rather unusual. Nothing like he's smelled before though which... isn't the best thing nor is it the worst thing. It cuts out a number of things it could be, but also means it could be something worse than the gasses he's already researched.

The elevator doors open as Shoto takes a deep sniff. His body leans forward as he finishes, the scent weighing on his brain. It's like a fog, or like the one time Mina snuck some alcohol into the dorms. Being drunk was an interesting experience- things slowed down and the world was a bit more straightforward. Another sniff has the mist get even stronger.

"Todoroki, come in!" Momo steps into the elevator to grab his arm. "Everyone is waiting for you."

"Right." Shoto sniffs and stumbles forward. Only Momo's hand on his arm keeps him upright. He sniffs again. "Nice..."

"I didn't think it'd hit you this fast." Momo half walks half drags Shoto into the living room. "I suppose we laid it on a bit thick."

"Mmm..." Breathe in, breathe out. Shoto chuckles as he blinks. Everything looks swirly and vibrant! "Pretty."

"I'm certain it is." Momo gently lays Shoto out on the couch. It feels so smooth! "Wait here for a moment. Himiko has some questions."

"Okay." Shoto lets his eyes close and relaxes. He never gets to do this. Not really. Everything always bites at him and he can't get comfortable. Always waiting for that slight spike of heat that signals Endeavor coming into the room. "Comfy."

"That's good to hear!" Shoto opens his eyes just a crack to see a blonde in front of him. "I'd love to make this place one where you're all comfy and happy! You guys try so hard to make everyone else happy, you deserve some too!"

"Yeah..." That sounds nice. "Happy."

"So, what makes you happy?" Himiko leans forward with a smile. "It has to be being a Hero, right? Since you're studying at UA and all."

"Dunno." Shoto yawns and shakes his head. Why is he at UA? It was originally to become number one without Endeavor's Quirk... but that doesn't work now. "Just had to." Well... it's not like there's a choice to leave now, is there?

"Do you have any hobbies?" Himiko's smile gets smaller. "A game you like?"

"Mm... I think... I saw Natsuo and Fuyumi playing a card game once..." Shoto smiles at the thought. They'd been so animated, so serious. They looked happy despite everything else, playing each card like it was the one thing that mattered in the world. "Looked fun..." Conspiracy... well that being a hobby is still uncertain.

"What about school stuff?" Himiko is frowning now. "Like Home Ec and stuff. Cooking and cleaning and whatever."

"Nope!" Shoto chuckles. Fuyumi did all that! Mom too, before... "Never had to."

"Uh..." Himiko drops. Her hand stumbles through the air as her gaze grows distant. "How about at the dorm? Did you try anything there?"

"Ehh..." Shoto leans back to rub his head into the couch. It feels nice. "Dunno how to."

"Well... I..." Himiko swallows. "What do you want to do?"

"Dunno." It was always someone. Endeavor saying to be the number one. Endeavor again but from spite- to be number one without fire. UA itself, pushing and pushing to go beyond, to be a Pro-Hero. "Don't know."

"Is... is there anyone you want to be like?" Himiko looks to the side with a frown. Whatever she sees just causes her to droop even more. "Someone you look up to?"

"Fuyumi." Mom as well but... it's too early for that. Fuyumi kept everything together even when she shouldn't have needed to. Kept the home, made warm meals, and those few times he saw her were always the best.

"Would you like to be like her?" Himiko's lips quirk upward. "What did she do?" "Cook. Be nice. Warm. Caring." So many little things. "Be like her."

"Okay." Himiko reaches forward and sets her hands on Shoto's chest. "Momo?" "Right." Something shifts next to Shoto. "Be ready."

"Do it." A sharp pain spikes in his shoulder. It's only there for a moment before everything gets numb. The fog encompassing his thoughts gets even more pronounced. Every bit of himself lost.

"It'll only last for a short time." Momo's voice echoes through the fog. He latches onto it as best he can, desperate for something. The lack of anything is scary! Something needs to fill his head!

"Okay. Listen to me." Shoto listens. "Your name is Natsumi Tonami. You remember Shoto Todoroki like a dream. You know you were him, but you aren't him."

That sounds right. Natsumi is a nice name.

"You're a woman. You like to try new styles and looks." Hands rub Natsumi's chest. Fat builds up under them, pushing out farther and farther. Natsumi groans at the sensation. "You are kind. You're curious and want to try new things. You're caring and warm. You like to cook."

Natsumi smiles as her head fills up. The fog rolls away as Natsumi pushes at her own body. Her breast pump up even more. Her top rips away as they grow to be bigger than her head. It feels nice, like Momo's. She'd always been a bit curious.

"You can return to being Shoto Todoroki, but in our house you are always Natsumi. Natsumi is happy and confident. She stands up for herself." Hands gently slide down off her breasts. Natsumi shivers at the sensation. "You know all of us are here to help you. Me, Shizuku, Ochako, Momo, and all the rest of us. You know we're always willing to listen and help as best we can."

That sounds right. They're trying to be Pro-Heroes, good ones. Natsumi pushes her ass out, her butt bubbling bigger and bigger. Her thighs plump at the same time, squishing against her dick as her mouth falls open. Her body needs to be ready to help all of them!

They're going to need a home and good meals. Maybe even a bit more. A slight giggle comes out of Natsumi's mouth as her breasts jiggle. Milk fills them, the pressure of being full is a

wonderful feeling. Oh how great it will be when they drink from her! Or... perhaps they'll let her drink from them? It sounds wonderful!

Drool drips from her mouth at the thought. Suckling from Momo's breasts or having Kyoka suckle from her own. Just a dream! Not one she can recall having before, but... it feels like a nice one. Safe and comfortable and as far away from... someone... who? It doesn't matter. Part of a bad dream. Just something to avoid, and nurturing someone... well that sounds as far from it as possible.

"Don't worry about needing to do anything. We'll make sure you're able to do whatever you want." Natsumi giggles. Such great lovers she has! Willing to care and assist someone like her, whose interests change with the wind. "So find out more things to like."

Of course she will! She can't have them around all the time, no matter how much she'd like it. It just means finding other things to do. Things to herself! It wouldn't do to be bored, after all.

"Ahh..." Natsumi shudders as she hits climax, bursts of milk dripping from her nipples. Her vagina needs a good dick in it, and her boobs need some milking! "Milk me! Ehehehe, milk me!"

"I did not expect that." Momo's further observations are put on hold in favour of her mouth clamping onto Natsumi's nipple. The feeling is divine, and Natsumi cums from that alone. Her body shudders as she is finally milked. Only appropriate for a milkslut like her!

Her mouth hangs open as another mouth clamps onto her other nipple. Thought becomes distant, just like she likes it. Certainly finding new things and satisfying her curiosity is fun, but nothing beats being a mindless milkslut! She wiggles her pussy as it heats up. Nothing like a proper fucking to really blow her mind!

"Huh. Alright." Himiko's dick slide in super easy! Natsumi cums again at the feeling, her wet, aching pussy allowing easy entry. "Ohhh shiiit!"

Natsumi flexes unconsciously. Trying to milk everything she can out of the dick in her. Her boobs practically bounce as the girls at her nipples continue to suck them.

It's everything she could ever have wanted.


"So- we all agree that was out of nowhere, right?" Himiko sweeps her gaze across everyone. Natsumi lays on the couch, sleeping. "I really didn't expect that."

"Yep." "Absolutely." "I really didn't see that coming." "Totally." "Yeah." "I didn't think Shoto was like that..."

Himiko nods. "Right. So it isn't just me."

Shizuku rubs the back of her neck. "I really didn't think it'd end up like this. I thought... I don't know. Something that wasn't..."

"MILF-lite." Mina gives a heavy nod. "With big milkers."

"Yeah... that." Shizuku sighs. "There won't be any problems with that, right?"

"Not... really?" Momo hums. "I do not believe anything like this was tried, but the pill is exceptionally powerful. Going back and forth should not produce any noticeable effects. Though... if this is truly how Shoto wishes to look then I suppose some of the changes would persist."

"How much of the changes?" Ochako gestures at the sleeping woman. "Even something like a fourth could be really noticeable. Especially if it stacks up."

"Nothing quite that much... but perhaps enough that we should consider concealing measures." Momo places a hand on her chin. "Especially due to the nature of the split between Shoto and Natsumi. The goal is to eventually not have a split at all- each growing closer to the other as they both benefit from the difference in perspective. Had Shoto continued to look mostly the same any changes could be excused, but like this... we will need a more concrete explanation that does not involve very rare and expensive drugs from I- Island."

"Do we?" Everyone turns incredulously to the speaker. Kyoka raises an eyebrow. "I'd definitely be willing to give Shoto the low down on punk, and if we play it right he could be like me. Might've already been considering this... just didn't know it."

"We'd still need to say how it happened." Tooru pokes one of Natsumi's boobs, an indent the only indication. "These don't come from nowhere. Even if someone is like you."

"Yeah, wouldn't Shoto's dad know if he was taking anything that'd cause that? Especially Quirk stuff- that's hard to get, right?" Mina turns to Momo, who nods. "Something would have to cause it."

"A Quirk." Tsuyu blinks as everyone turns to her. "Quirks can be anything, and we're all patrolling. Plus Endeavor is the number one. Someone throwing a Quirk at Shoto would make sense."

"Yeah... they'd need a report though." Shizuku frowns. "We'd need to figure out a time to call someone to report the Quirk use, where Shoto would logically be, and without any witnesses."

"We would also need to avoid implicating anyone in particular, but ensure that nobody can identify that this effect is from a Quirk drug." Momo furrows her brow. "Or perhaps... we could potentially say the effect is from something similar to the Deleter Rounds. Those were able to produce an effect entirely on a bullet that had nothing to do with the user's Quirk."

"Probably the best way to do it." Kyoka sighs. "It'd probably cause a manhunt though. Those bullets really got everyone crazy to stop 'em, and making up another will cause issues."

"Ribbit, it only matters if Shoto starts to show parts of Natsumi." Tsuyu shrugs. "That might not happen. We can work at it more later."

"Yeah... you're right." Shizuku chuckles, shaking her head. "I guess we got too swept up in it. We should celebrate, right? We finally don't have anyone who's going to look into us."

"Yep!" Himiko giggles. "We can all just relax! Which means..."

Nobody is quite sure who moaned first, but by the end they're all doing it so it doesn't matter. There are still problems to be dealt with, but for now they can all rest.

Chapter End Notes

There we go! Finish!

Bit of a different tack, this one, but I did like it. Not quite as connected to everything else, but eh. It works out.

It was a fun ride to go through, but I don't think I'll be hitting anything quite like this for a while. I do have longer ideas, but I'll save those for after I've gotten more into my current longer projects. That said I do have some things like this that are mostly done- just a bit of editing and maybe a scene or two. I won't promise them, but they're definitely something I'll be looking to dust off and shape up.

Hope everyone had fun! Tell me which was your favorite in the comments!

End Notes

I plan on updating this weekly. We'll see if I can manage, but I do have a backlog this time. So... hopefully it'll continue. The character tags are in order of who will be next up, so check those if you're interested.

Places you can find me-

The Madhouse- https://discord.gg/QB9dHn3cww MillionHypothesis' Corner- https://discord.gg/pMcNg8mFXr

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