dragon loli supremacy

Summary:Reincarnated as a lewd Dragon girl in another world?! Say it isn't so!

Well, at least I am incredibly overpowered? And also have dozens of drawbacks that make me easily raped and beat by anything with a dick? Don't mind that too much, honestly.

(This is a work based off of the Demon's Blessing/Demon-God of World Creation CYOA.

I already started writing it on another site about a year ago, and decided to post it here as well.

The MC is a Self Insert, as well as a loli dragon girl, and also incredibly lewd, as you should be able to see from the tags.)

Notes:A list of all my powers and drawbacks is at the end, and it is rather long. Incredibly long even.

I already have 9 chapters written for this work, but that's it.

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Parasitized and Loving itChapter TextI feel myself changing from my previous, human body to a much, much shorter dragon girl body. My dick also disappears out of existence, being replaced by a perpetually wet and easy to pleasure pussy. Can't complain much about it, literally asked for it, nothing do be done.

Soon enough the transformation sequence stops, and all the abilities, choices and drawbacks kick into effect for me all at once, leaving my mind a horny, lewd, scrambled mess. Then I get dropped into the new world, on the grassy ground of the forest, my mind scrambled and barely coherent. But still coherent enough to use my most powerful ability, my Infinity, and simply changing my mind. I am not removing any of my drawbacks to restore my mental faculties. Rather, I use Infinity to boost my willpoer and mental strength to... basically infinity, of course.

The drawbacks will still affect me, of course, but not to the point where I can't even think about anything but non-stop fucking, and I seriously doubt that anything can actually mind break me now. Cause getting bad ended sounds like fun, but I don't want to actually get lose my mind, I still want to have fun getting dommed, but on my terms, even if my terms are something like 'I trip and fall onto my face and pretend I was defeated, then get raped by a monster'.

With that little thing done I look around for a moment, and see the mass of slithering parasitic tentacles coming towards me, with the intentions of fucking me and entering my body and probably messing around with my mind. I do have an ability for that, so I'm not really worried for that.

Now, I could just turn into a dragon and obliterate them all by breathing on them, or use Infinity to completely annihilate them, or use any of my other powers, but I'm not gonna do that. After all, why would I do that when I could have some fun with them?

So, instead of doing any of that, I trip and fall to the ground in front of the aproaching mass of parasites, letting out an erotic moan because of one of my numerous drawback as I fall face into the dirt, stopping the parasites in their tracks solely because of the sheer arousal it felt at hearing my moan.

"Oh nooooooo~ I hope no dastardly parasites are nearby to take advantage of my incredibly vulnerable position." I say in a beautiful, melodic voice enhanced by my numerous abilities and drawbacks, while laying face down in the dirt and ass up in the air.

Of course, this immediately drives all the parasites into a frenzy, courtesy of my numerous beauty enhancing abilities, which make everything about me, including my voice, the most beautiful, sexy and attractive thing in reality.

I just lay there, with my face in the dirt while the parasites my seemingly defensless body. Yep, I can surely do nothing to escape. I am totally trapped in place by... uhhhhhh... the... dirt? Yeah, sure I'll go with that.

And then I feel hundreds of tiny, slimy tentacles start to crawl up my legs, and I shiver in pleasure, my extra sensitive body feeling each single movement of the tiny monsters as they start slithering towards my dripping, exposed pussy, and I can't hold back my incredibly loud moan as I feel the little tentacles moving.

My breath hitches for a moment as one of them enters my incredibly slick cunt, and then I let out a loud, shuddering gasp as more and more start entering me, while some continue up my thighs towards my asshole, and others that started moving up my upper thighs instead of my lower start crawling across my stomach, which both brings me pleasure and tickles me.

Suddenly, I felt something touching my asshole, and before I could anticipate it or prepare myself I let out a strangled gasp as the tiny parasitic worm slipped into my ass. I moaned incoherently as more parasites slipped into my ass. One, two, three, five, ten, and then I couldn't hold on anymore. A combination of Anal Weakness, Extra Sensitivity and a bunch of other lewd drawbacks that made me incredibly easy to please made me orgasm in less than 5 seconds of parasites slipping into my ass, and I let out the loudest, lewdest, filthiest moan in existence as I cum my brains out from some parasites slipping into my backdoor hole.

Despite that, none of the parasites stop trying to crawl onto my body. Hundreds of tiny, little tentacle or worm parasites crawling across and into my body, some eagerly entering my cunt and intesifying the pleasure I was already feeling, others crawling into my ass, and others that continue slithering along my tummy until they reached my tiny, basically non-existant breasts and noticeable nipples. Some of them continued on their way up my body, but some stopped in place, curious about my nipples? Or maybe they realised how much of an erogenous zone it was, because they started gathering around my nipples.

Hey, do you remember one drawback that I had? I certainly do right now. Because having the Penetrable Nipples drawback means that these parasitic worms can easily push into my nipples and settle into my tiny, non existent breasts, even if it makes no sense that they could fit in there. But hey, that's Hentai Physics for you, and also have that, so its no suprise that this bullshittery is working.

Did I also mention how hot and pleasurable this was as well? Because while I was complaining a bit, I cretainly wasn't regretting my choices, as I came again and again from the parasites invading my pussy, ass and breasts, it was an incredibly enjoyable experience, to feel thousands of squirming bodies around my hyper-sensitive skin, and also hundreds of squirming worms inside me.

Now, normally... I have no idea. Nothing about this situation is normal, I have no idea what would happen to somone who isn't loaded up with dozens of perks and drawbacks, probably not this... but what I certainly didn't expect to happen was for my breasts to start expanding because of the parasties entering them. Like, I chose lolification as drawback, how is this possible? But yes, my breasts started getting bigger and bigger because of the massive amounts of parasites gathering in them. And of course they were getting bigger in a completely aesthetically pleasing way, with nothing to show that they were full of wormy parasites.

My train of thought was interrupted by my second orgasm, hitting me like a freight train, being even more pleasurable than the previous one, the little parasites in my holes wiggling over and over again, even as more and more of them continued climbing onto my slender legs, while some started slithering onto my hands and arms after avoiding my legs and instead moving forwards.

It didn't take more than another ten or so seconds for the parasites that crawled over my belly and those that slithered onto my arms to meet on my face, and start to head towards my mouth. Now, I could have just kept my mouth closed, and not let them desecrate me even more, but then they would have covered my face and nose, and I wouldn't have been able to breathe anymore. Ignore the fact that I don't need to breathe thanks to Perfect.

So, now my mouth started being filled with disgusting worms as well. I would have probably panicked if this was my last life, but as another orgasm hits me I can do nothing but scream out in pleasure from the intense pleasure that courses through my whole body like electricity, and I cannot hold myself up anymore because of the sheer, unimaginable ecstasy that hits me. I let go of my position, now just laying there as more and more parasites started crawling onto my body.

What happens next definitely isn't something that I expected, but it is something that brings me extreme arousal. I can feel some prodding and probing in one of my ears as some adventurous little parasite enters my ear, and I can barely hold myself from screaming 'YES! DO IT!' as to not ruin this incredibly enjoyable rape that technically isn't rape, because I could have definitely escaped at any moment I wanted.

It slithered along my ear canal some more, much to my pleasure, heading directly to my brain. I think. I have no idea how biology works anD I DON'T NEED TO KNOW BECAUSE I'M CUMMING AGAAAAIN. YEEESSS~

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH~~~~" I orgasmed in the loudest way possible, this being the best orgasm so far, mostly because of the stacking pleasure from the Ahegao drawback. Speaking of ahegao, I was definitely making that face right now as my mouth opened wide and my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

I felt another touch at one of my ears. For a second I was suprised, and as I felt another touch and another, I realised that the parasites had decided that going through my ears was a good idea, and I couldn't have been hornier than that as some of the tentacle parasites started slithering their way through my ear canals, to the inside of my head, the first one ahead of them a couple of centimetres. And then I felt a literal brush against my mind, or more accurately my brain. Thank fuck that I got Hentai Physics, cause if I didn't have I'm sure the little parasite touchng my brain would be much less pleasurable, and much more death inducing.

And then I felt it start rubbing itself against my brain, at least I assumed that's what it was rubbing against, because my mind and head were lit on fire with pleasure as the little worm parasite started moving around my brain. Fuuuuuuck, that's sooo gooooooood~

So of course my stupid ass had to vociferate that out loud, because I am a pervert and chose this situation for myself.

"NGGGHHH~~~ Shooooooo goood~~" I say out loud in what must be the sluttiest voice in this world, and probably a couple worlds over as well. Well, maybe I would have thought that, but what was going on in my mind was more along the lines of 'yesshhhh, keep going you nasty, dirty, pleasurable parasites, keep fucking my brain hard and good' or something along those lines as more parasites started reaching the inside of my head. And then they also started rubbing and slithering all over my brain as well. And ten one of those little adorable fuckers got the bright idea to actually push against my brain. Yeah. Fair to say that without the protection of Hentai Physics I would be dead from brain damage.

But it's also fair to say that as soon as the little tentacle started worming its way into my brain I came again so hard that my screams and moans of pleasures could be heard for several kilometers, while my vision turned to white and I couldn't see or think anymore, simply because of how hard I orgasmed as my brain was fucked with.

Then another one slipped into my brain, and the proccess repeated, while I tensed so hard from the orgasm that I accidentally made a hole in the ground.

This process repeated for several more minutes, until the parasites decided that I finally had enough, and stopped sexually assaulting me. For now.

I recovered in around 10 seconds and looked around myself, and saw that I was in a smallish pool of my own cum. And by smallish I mean it could have filled a small room with how much jizz I released.

I look down at myself and stare at the dispropotionally large breasts compated to the rest of my body, breasts that are definitely bigger than my head, knowing that they're filled with parasites. I shudder in lust and arousal at the mental image, biting my lip at the idea, and knowing that it was at least moderately accurate.

Welp, I wouldn't be rid of these parasites for the entire month, so I should probably get used to having giantic, parasite filled tits for the rest of the month.

Wonder what starting penalty I'll find next?

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Only Good GoblinChapter TextFor the next day or so I just wandered around the forest, not doing much. I don't need to eat, drink, sleep or anything like that, so I can just randomly move through the forest for an entire day without getting tired, only collapsing occasionally from an extreme orgasm given to me by some of the parasites wiggling in my bum or my brains. I did train in some weapons, in case I'd need them. Swinging an axe around with enough force to chop down trees in one single hit is fun.

As soon as night came and midnight passed by and a new day started, another starting penalty showed up.

More accurately, a small horde of goblins came out of the woodworks, literally out of nowhere. I would not be suprised if they didn't exist moments prior, and they were created simply for the purpose of fucking with and fucking me.

Now, I could just submit to them like I did with the parasites... but that'd be boring! So, instead of doing that, I move one of the golden coins that I randomly found in the forest while wandering through it out of my inventory, before flipping it into the air. Dragon side up I kill the goblins, human side up I submit to the them. Ignore the fact that I have an ability that improves my luck, I'm sure that's not relevant.

"Oh, look! It landed dragon side up. You know what that means..." I say out loud to the approaching goblins, that had nearly reached me now, dodging its spear thrust, before using one of my items.

With a flex of my hand, my Transform Ring turns into a sharp pickaxe, and I heft it onto my shoulder menacingly while giving the goblins a bloodthirsty look.

"You know what they say. 'The only good goblin is a dead goblin', and y'all are about to be very good goblins." I say out loud, before moving forwards with a burst of speed, swinging my pickaxe into one of the monsters' heads, piercing its skull with a sickeningly loud CRCK, my weapon shredding through its brain, and coming out the other side of its tiny head.

I moved my weapon out of its head, and with my strength I removed a good chunk of its head as well. Not that it really mattered, it was already dead.

I charged the nearest enemy and swung my pickaxe upwards through its chin, the tip of my weapon easily moving through the internals of its head, coming out of the top of its head after removing whatever stood in its path.

"This is fun~" I say in my both childish and erotic voice, in complete contrast to the fact that I am wielding a blood stained pickaxe with little bits of sticky brain matter still clinging to it.

"Who's next?" I ask rhetorically, because I already knew who was next. All of them!

With another dash and a swing, another goblin was impaled through the eye and killed by my mining tool.

One of the nearby goblins decides to for some reason remove its loincloth and charge me, dick swinging. I don't know why it did that, but its super effective considering my moistening pussy and my suddenly dry mouth. No matter. If having this female body is making me unable to beat the fuckers, I simply won't.

So, instead of bothering with trying to fight with my biological and psychological needs of being dicked down by goblin dick, I simply turn into my True Dragon form.

And now the goblins look a little less confident in defeating me. Just to confirm that yes, they are going to get their asses kicked to hell and back, I throw my head back and let out a world shaking roar that could be heard for perhaps dozens of kilometres. When I return my gaze back upon them they are all dead...

Oops. Yeah, I should have probably expected that such a loud roar would kill anything near me... probably shouldn't use it again if I don't want to kill all creatures in a kilometre or so because of sheer loudness.

I turn back into my dragon girl form, and immediately experience a mind melting orgasm as I fall to the bloody, muddy ground, spasming in pleasure. Apparently the parasites didn't appreciate being temporaly removed while I was in my True Dragon form. Sucks to suck I guess.

Now, what to do now... it would be fun if I were to find a dungeon to explore. And with my luck, I'm sure to find one even if I just start flying in a random direction.

"Yeah, let's goooo!" I cheer as I jump into the air and take flight in a random direction. And as I gain height and start flying over the tree tops, as I feel the wind whizzing past me as I fly faster than a car, as I look at beautiful landscape before me unfolding itself in front of my eyes as I fly and dance through the air, I know I gained a new passion. I'm wondering why I didn't do this yesterday? It's amazing!

"YEEEEEEEEEEE!" I shout as I dive nose first towards the ground, like in a roller coaster, only there is nothing holding me in place, only my wings guiding my flight, and I feel the sheer amazingness and exhilaration of free falling straight towards the ground. Just as I am about to hit the ground, I right my flight path, barely avoiding a collision with the ground by a half a metres or so, and I can do nothing but laugh as adrenaline fills my veins.

"HAHAHA. THIS IS AMAZINGGGGGG!" I shout out as I gain speed once more and start gaining height again, looking at the beautiful forest before me, with a city in the distance in the opposite direction to where I am going, and a mountain top in the direction I am heading towards.

While I could just go straight towards the mountain, and probably find a dungeon or whatever, I don't want to do that. Instead, I am cursing myself for not thinking of doing this yesterday, what an idiot I was.

Also, none of the parasites have done anything to me since I took flight. Perhaps they realise if they make me lose my flight by making me orgasm we'll both die? I don't think I'd actually die, considering I gave myself nigh limitless endurance and strength, to the point I'm pretty sure that I could just head down towards the ground at max speed and not recieve any damage from the momentum. But I'm not sure they know I'm virtually immortal.

Either way, what matters is enjoying myself, and while I'm sure that I'd enjoy myself with whatever erotic traps and monsters there are in that dungeon, I am having much more fun fucking FLYING. I am flying, hahahaha. It's a dream come true, to just go around flying. This is truly a wish fulfillment world simply cause of the fact I can fly around the sky at incredibly speeds.

I know that at some point I am going to wake up collared as a slave in some random nobles basement as a sex slave, and I was going to play along... but now I'm not so sure. I would have to stay trapped in some basement for several days and not enjoy flying. Well, I don't have to, that's just what I planning to do, give him the impression that I am actually trapped, but if I'd have to give up flying for that I defently don't think I want to play along now.

A couple of hours pass by while I fly around the mountain, thinking about what I am planning to do in this fantastical world, and how much I enjoy flying. Eventually I do decide to land and explore the dungeon, mostly because I am curious about what there is in it.

As soon as I touch down, I am instantly dropped to my knees from an orgasm as the parasites decide to make me orgasm a lot after my flight, and I can do nothing but twitch in place an ahe gao from the sheer amount of pleasure. For a couple of minutes straight I'm just orgasming again and again, until they eventually subside and stop making me orgasm.

"Haah, haaah, haaah. You... huuff... guys don't joke around, huh?" I ask the parasites inside of me once I recover from the ordeal.

"Time to explore this dungeon and see if there's anything of interest in it. Maybe some lewd traps that will take advantage of me?" I talk to myself with a smirk, before entering the dungeon, ready to get fucked by some tentacle pits, or web traps, or some interesting. Only there aren't any traps to be seen around, just a dark, damp hallway.

Eventually I do come across some monsters, but they aren't hornylewd monsters, they're some skeletons that obviously aren't lewd, and just head towards me, swords drawn.

"Sigh. That's sooooo boring..." I complain as I use my Transform Ring and turn it into a pickaxe once more. The sounds of skulls and bones breaking under the swing of my pickaxe as I strike and strike at the approaching skeletons is fun though. In no time at all the 30 or so skeletons that were attacking me are now nothing more than some piles of shattered bones that couldn't resist the power of my pickaxe.

I head deeper into the dungeon, until I find what could be the person responisble for the skeletons. A young looking man, reading from a book and doing some strange gestures with his hands as a corpse is slowly being covered in burning green flames.

As soon as I lay eyes upon him I wonder what his cum would taste like, and that I should drop to my knees and suck him off. Wait, what? I wonder for a second, before remembering that I am addicted to cum. Oops.

Should I try to kill the man that made those skeletons? On one hand, I have nothing against necromancy, I think its neat. On the other hand, they tried to kill me as soon as they saw me, sooooo... I guess it's killing time.

I dash towards him with a burst of speed, and before he can even react or realise what is happening, my pickaxe is embedded into the back of his head, cracking his skull and piercing straight into his brain, then busting his jaw and coming out through his chin. Fair to say he's dead on the spot.

"I didn't really hesitate to kill him very much... I guess some of my abilities are affecting me so I don't feel any hesitation on killing people? Maybe Battle Maniac or something..." I trail off, before looking at the corpse that he was working on. I can't really make anything out of it, not even its gender, it's too badly mutilated. Oof.

"Welp, not my problem. I'm outta here, I have better things to do. Like flying." I say as I leave the dungeon, and take flight once more.

Wonder what'll happen tomorrow.

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: To be or not to be (a sex slave)Chapter TextFor the rest of the day, I switched it up from flying around and enjoying the feeling of the wind blowing past my face as I flew faster than a car, then landing and instantly getting blasted with a couple of orgasms for a few minutes from agitated and annoying parasites that infest my body, then spending an hour or so training with swords, axes, spears and pickaxes made from my Transform Ring.

I didn't need to eat, drink, sleep, rest or any other silly and boring thing like that, like I needed in my previous life, so I could just keep going indefinitely. Honestly, the biggest regret is the lack of internet. No more interacting with strangers online, no more reading fanfiction, no more listening to neat and wonderful music, no more porn games, no more normal games, and a bunch of other stuff. Incredibly sad, but nothing to be done now except enjoying my new lot in life. And it is a pretty amazing thing that I got going, I'm sure plenty of people would kill in my place, it's just that I can't keep myself from missing the few things I don't have anymore because I'm an extremely horny dragon girl in a perverted fantasy world.

Anyway, all of that thinking and wondering and all that jazz gets interrupted when between one blink and the next I go from flying above a random forest, to being in some dark room with a collar around my neck. Ah, just what I was thinking about a couple of hours ago, now what to do?

I am laid down on a table, with some manacles holding me captive on it. I could probably easily destroy them with a flex of my hands or, even better, just by turning into a True Dragon, and destroying this entire house just like that.

Of course, I don't do that because I am curious about what will happen next, and willing to endure a few hours, or maybe days, of being locked up. And because I am horny, can't forget that incredibly relevant addition.

No one shows up for a while. Which should be obvious in hindsight, considering I am pretty sure that it's around midnight, so obviously the person living here is asleep right now. Doesn't mean it's not annoying having to sit down tied down to a fucking table for an entire night. UGH.

But eventually, I hear a door opening, and I come face to face with my new temporary owner. And... there's nothing much to say about him. Just your average background character, you know?

Unfortunately, my thoughts are interrupted by the man standing in front of me realising that there is an incredibly beautiful dragon girl locked on his table in the basement, much to his suprise.

"YESSSSS! THIS IS A DREAM COME TRUEEEEE!" He shouts in glee as he begins taking off his pants. Totally cringe by the way my dude, dreaming about a dragon loli being tied up to your table while wearing a slave collar, but whatever floats your boat I guess. Cause while this is technically not rape, since I actually want this, he doesn't know that. All he knows is that he's about to fuck a 10 year old looking girl restrained in his basement. Not a very good look, dude.

And the first thing he does once he gets naked, is walking up to my head, dick bobbing up and down while getting harder as blood flows into it. And damn, that smells good, and I also want to taste his cum and suck him off and...

My mind trails off while my eyes focus on his dick, constantly sniffing in his delicious musk, mouth open and panting, ready to take in the tasty looking cock in front of me.

"Damn, you already look like you're in love with my cock... you're such a slut..." He begins saying while moving his hips left and right, his cock hypnotically bouncing left and right in front of my face. "Repeat after me: 'I'm a huge slut, and I want to taste Masters' cock and drink his cum.'" He orders me, and I decide to comply with his request, my mind way too clouded by lust and his smell to consider doing otherwise.

"I'm a huge slut, and I want to taste Masters' deliciously smelly cock and drink his cum." I respond, basically as he says. For a moment, he looks delighted, before frowning a second later.

"That's not what I said... Slut, say 'I'm a huge slut, and I want to taste Masters' cock and drink his cum.' Nothing more, nothing less." He orders me, and while I could do that... I'm not going to~

"I'm such a huge slut for Master and his gigantic, smelly cock, and want to drink all his cum deep in my tummy~!" I inform him, while grinning mischievously. He looks a little frustrated for a couple of seconds. Then, he smirks and starts moving his dick towards my face.

"Fine. If you want to play like that, guess I'll have to punish you. Open your mouth wide and say aaah." He orders me, and I instantly comply.

"Aaaaahhh~" I start saying while he shoves his cock into my mouth, and a second later he's eagerly thrusting away at my mouth, a look of ecstasy on his face as he pounds away at my poor, poor face, his hands wandering down to my horns, and then he's holding onto them as he rams his shaft down my throat, and I happily moan and take more of it as I orgasm from the feeling.

And then I start actually sucking him off, bobbing my head back and forth, while he holds onto my horns, and in that moment I remember my incredibly long tongue. So of course, I put it in action by wrapping it around his dick as I inhale more and more of it into my mouth, until my nose meets his pubes, and I inhale the scent of his dick while eagerly sucking it into my throat, working my throat muscles and my long tongue to get him off. And in no time at all he's cumming into me, the salty taste of his cum on my tongue causing me to go cross eyed in pleasure from his delcious semen.

He pulled back his hips for a moment, then rammed his hips back into my face with all his strength, ramming his rod down my throat and into my actual stomach as he begins to facefuck me hard, consistently thrusting into my mouth without stop or care as hard as he could. Which is not very strong, considering he's just some random human, but I'll still give him an A for effort. And for the delicious taste and smell of his meat rod.

The smell of his dick continued to assault my senses since his length started assaulting my mouth, and my loud, lewd moans could probably be heard across the entire house. All the while I continued moving my tongue around his dick, eventually deciding that that wasn't enough, and slipping my tongue outside of my mouth and wrapping my tongue around his cum filled nuts, licking him as thoroughly as I could. Soon enough he couldn't hold it in anymore, and he took his dick out of my mouth as he started twitching wildly.

"Damn, you're a good cock sucker, bitch." He groans out while starting to ejaculate across my face. I, of course, open my mouth and catch a few of splatters of cum with my mouth, much to his obvious arousal.

"Phew. I need to go drink something after that." He mutters to himself, pretty obviously exhausted.

Welp, that was fun, but I don't really feel like staying here much longer. Time to find the remote control of this slave collar so I can leave and do something else instead. Like flying. I easily break the chains restraining me to the table and go about finding the man who has control over my slave collar.

I find him in his kitchen, drinking some water. When he spots me he almost drops his drink to the floor, but he quickly puts it on the corner.

"What the fuck?! How'd you esca-" He begins saying, but instead of letting him finish, I snap my fingers in front of his eyes and hypnotise him.

"Show me where the remote control of my slave collar is." I order him, and he easily leads me to his room and moves his bed, showing a hole in the floorboards under the bed where the remote control is. I simply grab it and snap it in two, then four, then eight, then throw it on the ground and stomp on the remaining pieces. I then tear the slave collar off of my neck, and stomp on it as well.

"Nice. Bye. Hope you had fun while it lasted, cause we ain't meeting again." I tell him, before snapping him out of the hypnotic trance. He just stares at me in suprise and horror as I leave his shitty house.

People point at me when I'm out in the street, and I'm not very suprised. It's not every day you see the most beautiful being in the world, who also happens to be a naked dragon girl, who also happens to look to be around 10 years old.

I then take flight, going over the houses, the walls and leaving the city behind me in no time at all, and soon enough I get back to the forest where I was dropped in.

And then I have a very important realisation. I haven't trained in magic at all! The horror!

So of course, I immediately fly down to the ground, endure five minutes of orgasms from the resident parasites in my body, recover from that, and begin my forray into magic.

I, of course, begin with making a fire ball in my hands, which is not hard at all, considering I have 4-5 abilities that boost my ability to use magic. Still, it is satifying to throw a ball of flames into one of the trees. Of course, after doing that I create a torrent of water to end the flames before I accidentally start a forest fire. That wouldn't be very cool. For now.

"I wonder what cool ass shit I can do with magic?" I wonder to myself while staring at my hands, before a grin makes its way onto my face. "I don't know, but I'm sure it'll be fun to learn."

Next, I try to create a gauntlet of flames around my right hand. Or more accurately, try to create a giant claw bigger than my head made out of flames around my right hand. Sadly, instead of doing that I just create a layer of fire around it. A pretty thick layer of fire, but it wasn't very impressive. Oh well, I did just begin a few minutes ago.

Instead, I try to create a giant plant claw from the nearby vegetation, using a few of the nearby trees as material for the spell. It fails. Mostly.

I just form a big clump of wood and leaves in front of me. Like, pretty fucking big, definitely bigger than a normal house. I circle around it, for no other reason than because I am curious about it.

Continuing on from there, time to try out earth magic! Let's see what I can cook up...

It's been a couple of hours since I started, and my understanding of magic has increased. A little. I'm still not much better, which isn't really suprising. I mean, it has only been a few hours, and I kept switching types of magic from fire to water to nature to earth to air to blood to protective to ice.

Definitely interesting, but also a headache to learn. I want to clear up my mind from having to deal with that much learning, even if it is fun learning, by going on a short flight around the forest. And by short I mean couple of hours long, and by around the forest I mean that I am probably going to go so far I won't see this specific forest again.

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Goblin CaveChapter TextI raise a wall of stone in front of my eyes, shear off the top of the wall, twisting it away and remolding it in mid air into 5 spears of earth, which I quickly aim at a tree, utterly destroying it.

With a raise of my arm, gigantic, jagged spikes of earth burst out of the ground beneath some of the trees, uprooting some of them while also utterly shredding through their trunks and roots and branches. I have no idea what the average mage can do, so I have no idea if this is an average proficiency in magic or not. I know I'm supposed to be super awesome at magic, but this also isn't getting impressive yet.

So, instead of bothering with that, I continue with my practice, shooting out a belch of fire from my mouth, setting the ground and some of the trees in front of me on fire, before summoning a wave of water with a swish of my tail to extinguish the flames. As soon as all the fire goes out, I twist my wrist, and the wave of water instantly turns to frigid ice, jagged frozen spikes being visible across the entire surface of the frozen wave.

And then my training session is suddenly interrupted by the thousands of horny parasites inside of me suddenly moving as one, and deciding to continiously give me orgasms for the next 5 minutes. Fucking assholes.

Now, don't get me wrong, it is enjoyable, but come on, I was enjoying doing some magic, couldn't that have waited for just a little bit later?

Oh well, it doesn't really matter. A moment later, accompanied by the bending of my knees and the flapping of my wings, I am shooting up into the sky, enjoying the way I tore the branches and leaves of the trees around me simply from my velocity.

But as soon as I'm up high enough, I stop going vertically, and I start moving across the landscape once more. Only this time I wouldn't just enjoy the feeling of the wind whipping my face. I'll also practice some magic as well.

A flick of my clawed hands, and from them burst two blasts of wind that shot towards the ground. Of course, the wind magic lost its cohesion long before touching the ground, but its the practice that counts, not the damage you deal to your surroundings. At least I assume so, because it would be kind of a crappy magic system if you got stronger by destroying the environment.

Next, with only a thought, I cast a wind blast at the sole of my feet, shooting me forwards even faster. And also destabilising my flight a little. But that was much less important to the boost of speed.

"WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" I gleefully shout while boosting across the sky, using a wind blast every second to not let my momentum get cancelled. Kinda like dash hopping in Ultrakill, only completely different in basically ever way, except for the excalating momentum.

Eventually, though, I get a little tired and annoyed by the constant increasement in my momentum, so I decide to stop with the going fast as fuck, and start with practicing magic once again. Or at least that's what I would have done, only a couple of seconds later, I wasn't in the sky anymore, but in some underground cave, surrounded by goblins. It also appears that my momentum was completely canceled, or else I'd have probably gone straight through several dozens metres of stone.

The moment I appeared, all the nearby goblins jumped back in fright from the magic that just happened in front of them. They remained wary and scared for all of three seconds, before they realised how hot I actually was, and then they buried whatever fear of magic they had deep within them, and instead they took off their loin cloths so they could fuck me and fuck me up. At least I assume so, it's not like I'm reading their minds, but I don't see any other reasons for why they would do that.

As three of the nearby goblins approached me, I realised that I was trapped in a stockade. I have no idea how they managed to make or steal one, but whatever. Another thing I notice are the size of this cave, and the many, many other women trapped here, getting raped.

One other thing I notice is the hard dicks of the little green monsters, and I'm already wet and salivating just by looking and smelling them. Not to worry though, cause it didn't take long for them to get on my case. Or, more precisely, one of the little bastards to jumping onto my back while ramming its dick into my ass and spanking it, much to my pleasure.

That caused an incredibly lewd moan to escape my mouth, while my eyes started rolling to the back of my head already from the extreme pleasure. And then I had a dick stuck in my mouth, only about half a second after I opened it wide from my moan. Oh well, certainly can't say I mind. The smell is delicious after all~!

I start wrapping my long tongue around the dick of the goblin humping my mouth, already anticipating a tasty treat of cum. And then I feel a touch upon my horns, and I loudly mewl around the invading cock as I feel the tug upon my personal handles, as I take in more and more of the green shaft inside my mouth, my tongue working diligently to clean and pleasure every single spot on this delicious rod as the goblin keeps hold of my horns, and using them as handle bars to shove his length deeper into my mouth, much to my growing arousal and pleasure.

Then, suddenly, I feel much harsher tug at my horns as I'm forced to deepthroat its entire dick down to the base thanks to its manhandling, while at the same time ahegaoing around its cock from its forcefulness and the use of my horns.

My thoughts are taken away from my face as the goblins that climbed my ass continues ramming its dick into my tight, petite butt while spanking it over and over again, which lead to more muffled, lewd screams and moans from me, which enhanced the pleasure of the goblin fucking my mouth and throat even more.

The two goblins were fucking me so roughly that it seemed that the wooden stockade keeping me in place was already breaking. Or more lkely, because of the strenth of my orgasms, and brief loss of control over my strength during them. Not that the goblins seemed to notice, they were too busy pounding away at my holes to notice anything unusual or unnatural about me.

I was also busy with enjoying the feeling of their hot, throbbing cocks inside of me, being sandwiched between two horny, barely intelligent feral beasts that were pounding away at my holes with only the thought of breeding me and enjoying my body for their own pleasure.

One of the goblins suddenly let out a little screech, and the other followed after it. I thought for a moment that maybe they were communicating, but no, they were just expressing their pleasure. I figured that from the fact that both of them rammed their dicks as far into me as they could, before errupting inside me, one of them painting my insides white with hot, feritile cum, while the other filling my mouth with his seed, which I desperately tasted and gulped down into my stomach.

Then the two goblins were removed by two of their bretheren, and this time the one at my back thrust its hot rod into my gushing cunt, and it slid its cock into me to the hilt effortlessly because of how slick my inner walls were. At the same time, I was enjoying the smell of the dick of the other goblin, that decided to lay its cock onto my face, so I opened my mouth and moved my tongue towards its tool, licking at it while he rested it on my face, much to its obvious enjoyment.

Rubbing my face against its dick was the next logical step, staining my pretty face with its sweat and its musk, eager to have the smell of this delicious meat stick covering my entire face.

The slaps on my ass cheeks were continued by the goblin now hammering at my pussy without a thought behind its empty, greedy eyes except for breeding me. I continued moaning in pleasure with each strike like the slutty whore I was. Not exactly correct, because I wasn't getting paid for this, but it is close enough of a descriptor.

My thoughts are once more derailed by the meat of the goblin proudly rubbing it across my face moving its cock and shoving it into my mouth, and eagerly I accept it and begin servicing the tool in my mouth without a second thought, just blind accpetance and obedience as I wrap my tongue around it and begin trying to milk it for all the cum it contains like the greedy slut I am.

Why does degrading myself make me even wetter and hornier? I don't know, but I'm certain the goblin pounding into my cunt and playing with my ass like a pair of bongos doesn't mind me getting even wetter, and accepting the sliding of its dick in my insides even faster.

I continue accepting the relentless pounding of my holes without complaint, resistance or annoyance, basking in the pleasure of the rough fucking I was getting and the constant orgasms I recieved from the goblins, and the occasional delicious orgasm I milked from the pair fucking me.

Obviously, I didn't actually allow the one fucking my twat to impregnate me, because I was not very interested in laying goblin eggs or young. Maybe they would even be something like half-dragon goblins, or something like that, but I am definitely not interested in finding out.

Instead, I simply ignore those thoughts, and continue being a good cocksucker for the goblin in front of my face, who is constantly babbling things at me and pleasurably tugging at my horns as it forces its dick deeper into my mouth, as deep as it can shove it, again and again.

Not much later, the two goblins tire out, and step back from me, exhausted, and another two horny goblins replace them, ready to raveage my holes just like the previous four did. And I gleefully welcome as well, soon enough enjoying another dick ramming into my ass and causing me to orgasm, and another dick to suck on like a lolipop. Heh, lolipop.

Time passes by, and more and more goblins get exhausted and have to be replaced by new goblins. Of course, I have basically unlimited stamina from a multitude of my abilities, so I'm not even really being tired out by the constant, non-stop fucking.

However, I do eventually get bored. Much as I enjoy getting trapped and dominated by some goblin dicks, there are other things in life to do other than sex. Like magic.

So, I move my arms and easily shatter the barely still holding stockade I was trapped in, much to the suprise of the goblins, and just begin walking towards what I assume is the exit of the cavern. It isn't. I try the next room. Still just another corridor.

"Sigh. This'll take a while, huh?" I mutter to myself while aimlessly wandering through the cave, ignoring any of the goblins unless they try to attack me, in which case I easily shred them my claws or create a spike of earth to impale them on.

Eventually after enough fumbling through the cave without any idea on which way I should go I manage to find the exit. As soon as I am out of there, I jump up into the air and take flight, enjoying the sight of the bright landscape before my eyes.

What isn't that enjoyable to see is the small band of skeletons I can see marching near that mountain. What is that doing there, I thought I killed the necromancer?

Welp, let me take a closer look, and maybe it'll be a little clearer to me then.

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Necromantic ApprenticeChapter TextI slowly fly closer over to the group of marching skeletons, curious to see what they were doing out here in the forest, and how they made their way here.


It doesn't take me long to realise they are being led by a figure in a black, hooded robe. I guess maybe that guy wasn't the only necromancer in the area. This one is heading right towards where the other one was living, so it's possible that they were affiliated, and this one is coming to check out the area since he didn't respond for a while or something like that?


Either way, I start slowly following him through the air, looking as the small, skeletal group slwoly gets closer to the mountain. And while I wanted to gather more information about them, I was also curious and impatient about finding more information up close and personal. And no, that wasn't an inuendo. I don't think they have dicks anyway.


While they are steadily advancing towards the mountain, they are just. SOFUCKINGSLOW. God, it's fucking annoying how much time I'm spending not doing anything because these fuckers are slow as hell, and it'll take a billion fucking years for them to reach the mountain.


Eventually, after an hour or so, I get so impatient that I decide to say 'Fuck this' and just go towards them and find information directly from them, instead of just watching them from a distance.


So, I begin descending towards the group at a moderate speed, and then I 'crash land' in front of them, ass up and pussy exposed, obviously, with my head in the dirt, curious to see what they'll do.


For a couple of seconds nothing is heard but the silence caused by the sudden stop of the marching of the skeletons. Then...


"Skeleton Warrior #23? Execute the naked, and most likely lewd dragon girl." I hear a male voice, while I lay in the dirt.


Honestly, I am pretty suprised that he's just going to kill me. Like, really? You're not even gonna try to tap this amazing, delicious, sexy ass? Rude.


The skeletons gets to me and tries to cut off my head with his sword. Of course, as soon as his sword is within a couple centimetres of my neck, my arm surges up and cracks the iron sword like an egg with my incredible strength.


I get out of the dirt no worse for the wear, and look at the black robed necromancer and his small army.


"That was rather rude. Honestly, why'd you do that? I thought you'd trie to rape me, not execute me, ya weirdo." I complain to the suprised necromancer. Oh, I almost forgot~!


I grab the skull of the skelly boy who tried to execute me, and crumple it like a paper, only its skull breaks into pieces very, very fast.


"Oh, fuck off. Really? This world really is fucked up, if naked dragon kin girls crash land in front of armies of the undead and play dead because they want to get fucking raped. Eugh. Do people have no decency these days? Don't answer that, I already know the answer to that question. Do you have no shame? Sigh. You obviously don't have any shame, you don't even have clothes." He goes on a small rant, waving his hands through the air with an annoyed expression on his face.


"Of course I have no shame." I reply to his question, even though he already answered it. Mostly because I wanted to.

Before he can say anything more, I turn around and bend over, showing off my perfect, petite, bubble butt and shiny, wet cunt, waving my tail back and forth while moving my rump side to side in a enticing and lewd motion.


"Whaddya say, huh? Wanna feel this petite ass around your cock, big boy~?" I ask with a teasing grin on my fang filled mouth.


"No." He replies with a straight face, barely embarassed, much to my suprise. Like, come on! I'm supposed to be basically the most beautiful thing in the world!


"Huh. Really? Why? I am pretty sure I am super duper sexy and stuff, so why don't you want to bang?" I ask him, suprised and mostly not insulted.


"Becoming a necromancer means sacrficing all your lust, your perversion, your pleasure and everything related to the carnal acts in exchange for the power to endlessly control, command and supply your dead with the magic to remain animated." He informs me with a serious look on his face, his arms showing off what I can only assume is his personal army.


"Damn, sacrificing your sexuality to do cool ass necromancy is pretty based. Too bad I won't get to do any necromancy though. It's super cool, and I love necromancy as a concept, but I don't really wanna become a celibate or whatever. Would have been fun." I complain. Just my luck that I go into this world with the most sexualised build in existence, and it turns out necromancy is incompatible with that. Super sad.


His eyebrows raise in apparent suprise, before he grins and opens his mouth to say something, this time much more excited.


"Well, you seem pretty perverted... that isn't a compliment by the way. But! The hornier, lewder and more perverted you are before you sacrifice your sexuality to the Goddess of Necromancy, the more powerful and capable you will be as a necromancer! The Grandmaster, the oldest and strongest of our order, was said to be an incredible manwhore that fucked thousands upon thousands of women, before realising that his life of deviancy and hedonism was unteanable and unfullfilling, and sacrificed his wicked lusts to the Goddess." He excitedly starts his recruitment speil and also drops a bunch of lore on me. I wasn't sure if Gods exsisted or not, but apparently there is a Goddess of Necromancy? Cool.

"You have an order, huh? What's its purpose then?" I ask, probing for information now. While I don't want to rely on fantasy steretypes, necromancers and necromancy in general is evil, even if I don't like it. And this guy seems like a newbie, so maybe he'll accidentally reveal the fact that his order is evil or something. Maybe.


"Our goal is to remove the lewdness and perversion of Euraria, and install a regime pushing back the corruptive nature of the curent society, removing the corruption and endless seeking of pleasure and hedonism. Next, we'll implant necromancy councils for each country, and the smaller and weaker necromancers, like me, will rule over towns or small cities to ensure no hedonism or perversions happen." He goes on about his orders plan, and about how cool it will be to rule a town, and blah blah blah, but I'm not really interested anymore. Just annoyed and exasperated.


Like, really? I make this world as lewd as I possibly can, then this happens? Or maybe the necromancer council would have existed even if I didn't make the world super lewd, and instead it would have had far less benign goals than just making the world less lewd? Either way, I can't have that.


"Sorry dude, but I'll have to stop you and your order from doing that. I like my world perfectly lewd and perverted, thank you very much." I interrupt him, my grin missing from my face.


He notices that, and suddenly goes pale, then scowls.


"Right, right. Minions! Forward! Do not leave this lewd dragon kin alive, she may inform some of the kingdoms of our plans!" He shouted while pointing at me as the small army began advancing forward.


With a grin on my face, I twist my hand as the ring on my finger suddenly twists and turns into an axe with one bladed side. I heft it into my hand, and jump high towards the nearest skeleton, weapon held above my head, before I embed the axe into its skull. More accurately, shattering its skull with ease and continuing to fly past it, crashing through and crushing a few other skeltons in my way.


I get up off the ground in the blink of an eye, and I'm already cracking another skeleton with the axe. Then, with a command from my mind, the axe shifts into a pickaxe. Nice.


Another satisfying crck sound as I bash another undead skull into oblivion, and then another and another. It's kinda boring, but the sound they make as they crack is fun. Kinda like breaking eggs, only much more enjoyable and without making a mess.


In no time at all the skeletons were all dead though, so I made my way towards the necromancer who had turned tail and ran by now. No problem though, cause in less than one second I catch up to him, and with another swing, my pickaxe crashes into the back of his head, through his brain and out his underjaw. Ouch.


Now what? I don't know how capable I am of tracking them down, and I don't really feel like doing that anyway.


Soooooooooo... I guess it's more training time?

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Necromancy is Fun!Chapter Text 

Magic is fun, wholesome, and lets me burn shit down real easy. Yeah, sure, I can shoot lasers in my dragon form, but there's nothing quite as cathartic as creating a fireball and then hurling it at a tree, watching as the beautiful forest slowly is set aflame. I, of course, don't let it get too ​​​​out of control, restraining my pyromaniacal tendencies at least a little and creating a wave of water to put out any fires and clean the ash and burned down trees, grass and other shit that I set on fire.


Another thing I can't resist is the siren call of Necromancy. Yeah, sure, the order of necromancers around here want to make the world less lewd, which is boring, but that doesn't mean I don't want to create some undead monstrosity, or some lewd ghosts or something like that, because not doing that would be boring as hell. Raising armies of the dead just has that cool factor, even if I'm probably not going to actually use them for anything because I'm not sure I have the desire to commit genocide or conquer the world or anything like that. I just wanna screw around with undead and Necromacy because it's fun and cool.


So, that's exactly what I do, and with how much magic talent I have from all the boons I got, creating my own Necromantic spells by just making shit up is reasonably easy. Do I have any idea how the necromancers around here use Necromancy? No. But I can just make my own branch of Necromancy I think, because I am unfair, fuckign bullshit, unkillable and basically a God with how strong I am, my only weakness being the fact I have like a couple of dozens of sexual weaknesses. Other than that, I could probably survive a nuke without being hurt at all, because I am, as I said, utter bullshit, OP, broken af.


This is confirmed by the fact that within five minutes of beginning to try learning Necromancy I manage to create a basic rotting spell, that shoots out of my hand in a bright, sickly green blob of magic that hits the healthy grass in front of me, and quickly withers the healthy plants in less than a second, turning them to dust. Of course, it's grass, so not actually that impressive, but I'm still proud of myself.


Shooting the brand new spell at a tree causes it to quickly begin… not quite sure how it's called when a plant rots, other than rotting. Its bark begins cracking and breaking, drying up in clumps, the green leaves on the branches shrivel up and dry as well, turning brown, black and grey, falling off of the branches or remaining attached to the quickly dying tree, until they actually begin withering and simply turning to dust or just falling apart all on their own, with the bark of the tree gradually becoming more and more cracked and grey, until the trunk gets so weakened and fucked up that it can't hold its own weight anymore, crashing to the ground and splintering into thousands of pieces. Definitely interesting.


Then I try my hand out at my first raising of the dead, and since this tree is kinda dead then I might as well use it as my first target. Tendrils of green energy emerge from my hands, splitting apart in dozens upon dozens of thin, green threads of Necromantic energy, which enter the fallen tree and quickly begin saturating it with the green energy of death, rot and undeath, the tree gaining a sickly green hue all around it, like an aura of decay, and moves a little, its branches and roots stirring in place, almost trying to come alive, but it seems like I did something wrong, because instead of rising or coming to undeath, a mighty crack resounds from the tree, and the barely still holding together tree trunk just splinters, again, only this time in a much worse way, quickly decaying and falling apart until nothing but mulch.


Oops? Not what I meant to do, but still interesting. Probably should try to reanimate something smaller, and figure out how I can actually do that first, instead of fucking around with a tree. How sad.


Of course, to practice necromancy some more I actually needed some targets, so I went on a quick tracking and murder of a few deers. Actually, now that I let my mind wander, there's this horrific to think about disease called Chronic Wasting Disease that affects deers and other related animals. It's a prion disease, which I don't remember what that means, and it causes deer to begin salivating excessively, makes them drink a lot of water, causes them to eat less and to just stand still for long periods of time, causing them to waste away, and lose weight quickly, makes them very confused and no longer scared of humans and eventually kills them. Anyway, I was thinking about this disease because it's also called the Zombie Deer Disease, and I was thinking about trying to do something like that.


Actually… is there plague magic? Is biological warfare something to be considered in this world? I mean, it sounds fucked up, but also I am kind of fucked in the head already, so making some biological weapons of mass destruction probably wouldn't be too much a problem…


Anyway, getting back to the subject at hand, I have a couple of deer corpses, and I want to create literal zombie deers instead of just deers affected by a horrible disease. Tendrils of necromantic energy emerge from my outstretched hands, weaving around and into the corpse of the deer I selected, and a sickly green aura surrounds it, more and more of its flesh rotting and decaying, while its closed eyelids just withered away, revealing the eye sockets beneath them, with the eyes of the dead animal also having rotten away, an empty void lacking in life except for the two glowing green pupils of the now undead animal.


I stare at the slowly rising deer, and at the state it is in. It no longer has eyelids or eyes, just two pinpricks of green light as pupils, its antlers look much more… fragile? I hope they don't fracture much more easily, because that's one of its most important weapons. A lot of its flesh is sickly green, brown or black, in several different stages of decay, several of which I think are completely unnatural and just necromancy induced. Its ribs are literally showing, most of its organs and underside having rotten away as well, dead flesh and organs falling out of its ribcage and onto the ground beneath it, taking less than five seconds for the decaying, disgusting sacs of flesh that were previously its organs to begin attracting annoying flies.


I looked at my first necromantic creation, and was forced between two viewpoints. On one hand, its fucking cool, edgy and amazing, but on the other… it smells rancid. Eugh! Almost as bad as that one mashed potato meal I had back in my old life. Just fucking disgusting. But I don't let that bother me… too much. Because I have another couple of deers to reanimate and play around with.


Of course, I'm not just going to do the same thing all over again for them, so instead for this one I focus on preserving, and hopefully even strengthening its antlers as much as I could, mostly because I think they would be useful as weapons.


The result is interesting. By the time it is reanimated its antlers look even stronger, looking much sharper, more durable than the other ones, with a slight glow to them that I could tell was some kind of magic. Which, yeah of course the glowing antlers are fucking magic, thank you magic sense. What wasn't expected was the rest of its body, because now instead of just its underside rotting away, a good portions of its feet were also stripped of flesh, while the ribs of the undead monstrosity decayed away into bone dust, nothing remaining of them but a fine pile of dust on the forest floor.


Slowly, I reanimate the other corpses I gathered, each one with a focus on something different, like preserving the stomach, which resulted in a bloated, incredibly unhealthy looking stomach and a partially rotten head, or strengthening the hooves of the undead beast, which caused its antlers to just straight up crack and fall apart in splinters, being rendered broken and only a quarter of their original size.


Each one had something especially wrong with them, and I'm not sure it's just the nature of the Necromancy for that to happen or it's because I really suck, but it is most likely the second one. Considering that I couldn't reanimate the tree, I just probably need to 'git gud' at necromancy.


Of course, I can't wait to do that, but first…




So, for the next couple of minutes I intensely watch the woods burning down around me, fire catching on and on off the trees around me, rendering them to ash and bare, burned stumps, much to my delight. I was pretty much immune to the flames, so I frolic through the burning trees without problem, and enjoy the sight of the massive fires burning away everything around me in a glorious, gorgeous, gigantic blaze.


Very cathartic and entertaining, but sadly I can't let it go on too long. Honestly, now that I think about it I should learn some Druidic Magic, not only because regrowing the trees I burn down would be useful, but because reanimating a tree would also be a mix of Druidic Magic, right? Or maybe not? It's not like I know much about the magic system of this world, I'm just making shit up as I go along, but I think I'm probably some kind of idiot savant of this magic system thanks to the abilities I picked up from the CYOA.


Anyway, as much as I may want to try learning Druid Magic thing, I can't interrupt my current Necromantic groove of learning. Well, I could stop with the Necromancy and begin learning Nature Magic or whatever, I just don't wanna. I just want to play around with reanimating and rotting stuff some more, so that's exactly what I do.


While rotting some more trees would be fun, I also want to do other things. Other Necromantic Magic things, like acid, poison, bones and blood and other death stuff like that. The next thing I do is try to create some kind of toxic cloud of magic, stuffing a bunch of mana into an enclosed bubble and just pumping the bubble full of magic juice while introducing some air mana as well, and mixing it with some smoke as well, and in a short amount of time the bubble I created was filled with a thick, swirling gas, dark green in colour and looking like it'd choke someone out simply because of how solid the mist was.


I popped the bubble, and the trapped gaseous matter started quickly spreading and slowly coming to the ground, a creeping mist of deathly green covering the floor of the forest, grass wilting under it and being absorbed by the necromantic gas, while the trees around slowly began looking sicker and sicker, withering at a subdued, but still noticeable pace while the leaves started wilting one by one, dying by the dozen with each second the roiling mist flowed over the base of the trees.


Looking at the thick miasma of death slowly spreading across the forest, I wondered if I fucked up, because this definitely looks very unsafe and dangerous. Of course, I'm not affected because I am bullshit, but the withering nature all over the place wasn't exactly very amazing, so I tried to reign the Necromantic spell in, using my magic to drag it back to me and snuff it out with a quick flex of my magical might.


The forest… well, it's seen better days. Everything in at least a couple of dozens of meters is kinda rotten, wilted, fucked up. The ground is a dry, cracked black, its fertility, the nutrients within it, any insect, plant, and presumably even microorganisms gone, dead, rotten away, leaving nothing but an infertile, cracked patch of earth, where no plant could grow. The trees around don't look too much better, most of the younger ones already having died, their leaves having wilted and turned to dust, while their bark rotted off, while the wood beneath looked cracked, desiccated, like it would come apart at any second, at the slightest of breezes.


Well… oops? Not what I meant to do, but it just shows that magic is really fucking dangerous, and I should probably stop playing around without a way for me to fix the mistakes I make.


With a flap of my wings and the bending of my knees before I leap up, I find myself flying towards the sky at incredibly speeds, trying to whistle innocently like I didn't just partially rot a small patch of a forest, only for air to rush into my mouth instead of any whistling happening.


Spinning around in the air is amazing, the dizzy feeling as I speed and spin around even better than when I did it on the ground back in my old world, and this time none of the usual nausea accompanied me as I spun around like a beyblade, my red wings a blur as I moved in a random direction, with no other goal than to enjoy my flight, moving up and down, over and over again, ignoring the lack of air at the high altitude I was flying, instead just whooshing around the sky without a care in the world, when suddenly a brilliant idea came upon me.


Are there Leviathans or similarly gigantic fish monsters in the seas of this world? Because giant sea monsters are epic, and killing giant sea monsters and reanimating them as my undead monsters would be even cooler.


Sadly, I don't really have time to do that right now, so instead of trying to find the nearest ocean, I enjoy my flight, watching as day turns to dusk and night approaches. I'm pretty sure that once the next day comes another one of my starting penalties will be happening, with no way for me to resist, probably. Not like I'm gonna try very hard, or at all.