The Wraith King

As Augustus ventured into uncharted territory, he faced the Death Skeleton first as it was the closest. Having not yet explored the area fully, there were still multiple mobs lurking around, waiting to be defeated.

Determined to face the challenge head-on, Augustus decided not to rely on his Frost Palace Domain, opting instead to utilize purely his Aura and Swordsmanship skills.

With upgraded Dawn Blade in hand, he charged towards the horde of undead, slashing through tough flesh, bones, and claws with ease. Ghouls fell left and right, and even the skeletons were immobilized instantly.

But the Death Skeleton proved to be a tougher one. Just as things were looking grim, the Blinding Light passive activated, stunning the surrounding enemies and even inflicting damage with its strong divine power.

The undead writhed in agony, but the Blinding Light's activation had unintended consequences. More undead were attracted to Augustus's location, threatening to overwhelm him.

Determined not to let this setback hinder his progress, Augustus focused all his efforts on defeating the Death Skeleton before him. With quick and precise strikes, he dismembered the skeleton's limbs and destroyed its main body.

As the dust settled, Augustus noticed something different about the loot dropped by the Death Skeleton. Unlike the loot from small mobs, this one has larger cube which is easily noticed by Augustus after the death skeleton turned to dust.

As Augustus quickly reached for the cube dropped by the Death Skeleton, knowing that other undead were coming at him, he made a swift grab and revealed the item.

[Death Gem, Tier-2 Gem]

Can be used in Gem Socket Slot.

Effect: +10% Damage, +8% Life Steal

After inspecting the item, he smiled as he remembered he still had Death Essences with him, and he could stack the effect with the gem. "The life steal effect would be even more prominent now," Augustus muttered.

Augustus quickly socketed the gem into his Dawn Blade and sprinkled the Death Essence on the blade, enhancing its already lethal power. As he did so, the blade released a powerful Qi and Aura, as well as a dark death aura.

Curious to test out the effect, Augustus purposely ignored the attacks of the ghouls, allowing them to graze him. He wanted to test out the life steal effect of his enhanced weapon, and he wasn't disappointed.

With each kill, he felt the life force being sucked into his body, healing his wounds. The feeling was odd and uncomfortable, but he knew that he could now take on even the toughest opponents with ease.

"It's much crazier than health regens," he thought to himself. But the feeling was odd and uncomfortable.

With the life steal effect, small mobs posed no problem to Augustus anymore. He could sweep through them and get them off the battlefield with ease.

As he was about to confront the Death Wraith, a loud bang echoed through the chamber as the lid of the coffin fell to the ground.

"Augustus! It's the Wraith King!" William yelled from the other side, warning Augustus about the Wraith King waking up.

As if on cue, the Wraith King's voice boomed through the chamber, shaking the walls and causing the ground to tremble.


The Wraith King stood up from its slumber, towering over Augustus with its massive two-meter-tall frame. Its green glowing body was ominous, emitting an eerie aura that made Augustus shudder in fear.

The Wraith King's appearance was grotesque, with a skeletal face that had empty eye sockets and jagged teeth. Its body was covered in tattered robes that seemed to be made from the essence of death itself.

The wraiths heard the call of their king and heeded the command, rushing toward their king's direction to power him up.

As the wraiths entered the Wraith King's body, his body increased in size, and it glowed much brighter than before.

"This is similar to what all the mini-bosses did, powering up by absorbing things," Augustus thought to himself.

Augustus quickly took action to prevent the Wraith King from gathering strength by killing all the wraiths that went past him. He knew he couldn't get rid of all the wraiths, as there were too many.

It seemed like the Wraith King had called all the wraiths residing in the entire castle, as Augustus saw some wraiths coming through the ceilings as well.

"Geez, there are a lot of them," Augustus thought as he killed the wraiths that passed him. But then he realized that he would not be able to kill all the wraiths. There were simply too many of them, and they were coming at him from all directions.

The Wraith King was not pleased. "HUMAN, YOU DARE TO KILL MY ARMY!" the Wraith King thundered. "THEY'RE COMING FOR YOU!"

The Wraith King stood up, holding its giant staff made by the wraiths themselves, and was surrounded and possessed by probably hundreds of wraiths.

The Wraith King waved its hands and shot a thick death aura towards Augustus, yelling "GET TO KNOW DEATH!"

Augustus dodged the attack casually, thinking the projectile was slow. However, he didn't expect it to change direction as though it had a mind of its own.

The attack hit him on the lower side of his back, and the death aura seeped into his body. Augustus felt the pain coursing through his body, as if he had been stabbed multiple times on the same side.

"TAKE THEIR PAIN!" The Wraith King shot more projectiles towards Augustus.

Augustus stopped groaning in pain and saw more projectiles coming his way. Instead of dodging, he slashed through the projectiles using mana, destroying them one by one.

"It's like he's shooting condensed death wraiths out of his staff," Augustus speculated as he braced himself for the next attack.

The battle raged on between Augustus and the Wraith King as undead armies rose from the ground and waves of wraiths flooded the air. Augustus knew he had to act fast to avoid being overwhelmed by the range attacks and to preserve his stamina.

As he closed the gap between himself and the Wraith King, the evil monarch swung his staff horizontally and summoned a wave of deadly wraiths.

"Tch, I tried to close the gap, but it ended up getting bigger," Augustus gritted his teeth as he fell back, realizing he had to take out the summoned wraiths before he could advance.

But the Wraith King wasn't done yet, in control of the battle, he unleashed his most powerful attack yet: Wraith Nova, a giant ball of condensed wraiths hurtling towards Augustus.

Quick on his feet, Augustus evaded the attack and watched as the ball of wraiths smashed into the ground, causing undead armies to rise, including skeletons and death skeletons..

Augustus knew he had to take control of the battle. He activated his Frost Palace Domain, creating a line of domain to save his Qi and connect himself with the Wraith King instead of the surroundings.

The Frost Palace Domain froze the Wraith King's hands and prevented him from wielding his staff. "Freeze spell? You do realize I'm a wraith," The Wraith King scoffed, turning his body into spirit and escaping from the ice.

But Augustus had expected this move. In a split second, he closed the gap between himself and the Wraith King, slashing through the skeletons that spawned in his path.

The two combatants clashed, and the Wraith King proved to be no pushover in close combat, blocking Augustus's attack with his staff. "You think you can overpower me?" the Wraith King taunted, taking Augustus head-on with his staff.

"No! but this one will." With his Dawn Blade, he unleashed Blinding Light, showering the Wraith King with Divine Power. As a more powerful undead, the Divine Power was more effective towards the Wraith King. The Wraith King screamed as his skin was scorched.

"ARGH!! DIVINE POWER?" Wraith King skin's was scorched by the divine power.

With the Wraith King stunned, Augustus seized the opportunity. He cut the Wraith King in half, causing wraiths to leak out of his body. As the Wraith King's body leaked out wraith it's body get thinner.

Augustus knew he had to kill the wraiths if he didn't The Wraith King would absorbed it again to regain his strength.

With a missile barrage, Gorlak destroyed most of the flying wraiths that emerged from the Wraith King's body.

Augustus relentlessly pursued the Wraith King, unleashing his attacks with great force, but the ghastly creature continued to reform its body no matter how many times he struck it.

Despite this, the Wraith King was gradually reducing in size as more wraiths were being released from its body, and its once bright green aura was now dimming with each passing moment.

"I won't be killed that easily!" the Wraith King roared as it abandoned its staff and vanished into the ground, escaping Augustus's relentless attacks.

"It's returning to its main body. It's inside the coffin," William advised Augustus, who looked confused at this sudden turn of events.

The coffin? Augustus turned to look at the nearby coffin and realized he had never checked inside to see if there was a body within.

"AHAHAHAHA!" Suddenly, the Wraith King emerged from the coffin, waving its hand and summoning its staff, which transformed into a great sword that glowed with an eerie death aura.

"I will strike you down!" The Wraith King jumped at Augustus in incredible speed and swung its sword, and Augustus barely managed to block the attack.

The force of the blow sent him flying several meters away, and he tumbled to the ground, his ribs broken by the sheer strength of the Wraith King.

"He's way stronger in his main body," Augustus thought to himself as he quickly gulped down a health potion to heal his injuries.

"My army! Attack him!" The Wraith King commanded its minions to swarm Augustus, hoping to prevent him from healing. But Augustus had already finished drinking his potion and was now fully healed.

The Wraith King charged towards Augustus, wielding its great sword with deadly precision. But Augustus was ready and activated his Frost Domain Palace, creating a frozen layer around his surroundings this time.

Ice barrier was created preventing the skeletons and ghouls from closing in on him.

"Now that he's on his main body, slippery floors and restraining skills will affect him," Augustus thought to himself.

At that moment, he activated the traps he had set up in the field.

Countless explosions occurred, and paralysis and other traps were triggered as well.

"I can't hold out for long," Augustus sensed that his Qi would not last much longer. "I might as well bet it all here," he muttered to himself as he activated his last resort, King's Rage.

"He's slow, way slower than the Goblin King with King's Rage. My basic stats increased by 200%, meaning I have triple the STR, AGI, and INT. With it, I should be able to dominate him," Augustus thought confidently as his skin turned red, resembling more of an orc than a human.

Hot steam emitted from his body, and he could feel a strong power coursing through him.

However, at the same time, his mind went blank as he felt consumed by anger. "I'LL KILL YOU!" Augustus yelled, his eyes raging with fire, and blood flowing out of them.

He had gone mad after activating King's Rage and was no longer in control of his own mind. All he could feel was bloodlust and madness.

"IT TURNS OUT YOU'RE A KING TOO! WHAT KING ARE YOU?" The Wraith King also activated King's Rage upon seeing Augustus do so.

Its green glowing skin turned into a bright dark red. "ONLY ONE KING SHALL EXIST IN THIS CHAMBER, AND THAT IS ME!"

Both of them clashed on the frozen floor, and inside Augustus's domain, he was much faster.

His attacks continued to land on the Wraith King, but the Wraith King was not taking them for nothing. As Augustus kept up his offensive, The Wraith King managed to land an attack that sent him flying.

However, Augustus paid no mind to the pain and didn't budge at all, nor did he drink any potions to heal his injuries.

He instantly resumed his attack, ignoring the injury on his side. As Augustus charged in again, the Wraith King unleashed its skill, Wraithfire. "HAHAHA, FEEL MY FIRE!"

The green-colored fire exploded all over the area, strong enough to melt Augustus's domain. The fire remained on the ground even though there was nothing to burn.

Augustus protected himself with a thick ice armor and instantly restored the frozen field back to normal by releasing more of his Frost Qi.

The attack resumed, and this time, Blinding Light activated from his passive.

It stunned the Wraith King again, and not only that, but Augustus's injuries were half restored from the Blinding Light. "ARGH! THIS AGAIN!" The Wraith King started to cast Wraithfire again, but Augustus was also casting something much more interesting.

The Wraith King released its Wraith Fire, causing an explosion that engulfed the surroundings. Augustus remained still, taking the full damage of the Wraith Fire, but he ignored the pain and kept charging his Ichimonji's Strike.

"YOU TOOK THE FIRE HEAD ON?" The Wraith King was suprised seeing the fire remained on Augustus body but he remained unfazed.

The Ice Armor that Augustus created are protecting his body right now but the fire still continue to burn while his ice armor is melting.

The Wraith King knew that Augustus was preparing something, as he saw his sword raised above his head. Thus, he started to swing his great sword, trying to cancel Augustus's attack.

Before the Wraith King could attack him, Augustus released his Ichimonji's Strike, one of the most powerful sword techniques he could execute.

With triple the strength and agility, it was much more devastating than ever, even though he had charged it for only a short time.

The Wraith King instinctively blocked the attack as he sensed the power of the incoming strike. Although he had originally been swinging his sword towards Augustus, he quickly retracted it, realizing that his own attack wouldn't land as quickly as Augustus's strike.

The Ichimonji's Strike landed with a loud bang on the Wraith King's great sword, causing the ground to shatter and the Wraith King to stumble from the impact of blocking it.

As it turned out, the great sword was not able to withstand the powerful attack and it cracked in two. Part of the Ichimonji's Strike connected with the Wraith King's body, splitting its head in half. "MY H-HEAD!" The Wraith King spoke with its mouth split in half.

As it was busy worrying about its head and trying to mend it together, Augustus was preparing another Ichimonji's Strike.

"HOW DARE YOU!" The Wraith King wielded the broken great sword, trying to get to Augustus.


The powerful Ichimonji's strike went all the way, cutting the Wraith King in half this time. However, the broken Great Sword also stabbed Augustus's stomach, but he managed to kill the Wraith King.

['Wraith King' slayed]

[You have cleared the 20th Room]

[Contribution 100%]