New Goal

At that moment, Arielle's head began to throb, and she groaned in pain, "Argh, my head..." She knelt on the floor, clutching her head.

"Are you all right?!" Augustus asked, his concern evident. Not long after, Aria also began to suffer from the same affliction as Arielle, although for her, the headache only lasted a short while due to her photographic memory.

"I see... understood. I'll try my best to learn and become a proper librarian," Aria said, committed to her task, while Arielle remained on the ground in agony.

Augustus didn't pay much attention to Aria since she was not in pain at the moment. "Hey, it'll be over soon," he said, realizing that the pain was due to the imparting of knowledge, just like the pain he experienced when he learned the Frost Domain Palace.

After a full five minutes, Arielle's headache finally subsided. "What in the world just happened to me? It's as if something was forcefully stuffed into my brain," she said, bewildered.