First Day

The training ground was filled with the sound of barked commands and the shuffle of boots as the recruits struggled to form a proper formation. The training instructors were merciless, scolding the recruits for every misstep and mistake.

"Move faster! What are you waiting for? Stand at attention!" one of the instructors roared.

Another instructor chimed in, "I said look at me! Do you want to spend your entire military career as a failure?"

The recruits did their best to maintain focus and stand straight, but the fatigue was beginning to set in. They were nervous and scared, not knowing what the day had in store for them.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the group settled into an orderly formation. A hush fell over the training ground as a figure walked onto the podium.

The commanding presence of Sergeant Mason could be felt in the air. Adorned with medals and experience, he exuded authority and demanded respect.