Chapter 21 Part II

“Come back to sleep,” the young man repeated.

Under the dim light, which made things still visible, Sakunthara still showed clear hesitation. If she didn’t sleep in this room, that meant she would have to sit in the kitchen or the dining room until the morning. Aside from the environmental conditions, with her illness, she should really not walk out of the room.

She could not return to the children’s room, which she had been sleeping in every day, because she didn’t want to be labeled as the one who had spread the virus to them like the young man had insultingly said. Children at that age were very quick to catch viruses.

The best solution was to convince the young man to leave and go back to sleep in his own room, so she could continue to use this room happily. If one were to ask how tired she was, she could answer without hesitation that she was ready to fall asleep at any second, even standing there.