Chapter 25 Part III

“Do you want to upset me?” the young woman blurted out.

The young man opened his mouth to accept it, and she fed him spoonful after spoonful, not stopping until the bowl was emptied. After that, she handed him water to drink.

“Sleep, all right?” she ordered after she took the drinking glass back from him. The young man willingly did as ordered, without showing the least sign of reluctance.

Sakunthara placed the back of her hand against his forehead to take his temperature once again. Though his body had cooled down somewhat, she was still uncertain. She took out a thermometer from her bag to measure his temperature again.

“Let’s take your temperature.”

The young man looked at her with joyful eyes. Sometimes, he had the crazy thought that he wanted to be sick like this for a month. At the very least, she would speak to him nicely and treat him well.

The young woman took the thermometer that was in the young man’s mouth to look at it after some time had passed.