Chapter 30 Part II

The scene of the man she had once loved asleep holding his children on the bed was the warmth that the young woman absolutely regretted not having. She should not have dumped a man like him due to the sweet words of Dr. Thananont.

When the young man opened his eyes again, he saw his former lover sitting at his feet. He rubbed his eyes and looked several times until he was certain he was not seeing things.

“How did you come to be here?” he asked brusquely.

“Your wife asked me over,” the young woman answered confidently in a firm tone.

“If that’s so, I’m asking you to leave right now.”

“I’m a pediatrician. Aren’t you worried about your children at all?”

“My children can be examined by a doctor anywhere, except you…remember that.”

“You loved me a lot, and now, you still love me. It’s why you’re so steadfastly angry with me.”