Letting out a tired sigh.
Blaire couldn't help but feel dissapointed at the sorry sight in front of her. to think a metahuman who had hit their rapid growth phase couldn't even last more than a minute against her.
tucking a stray strand of jade green hair behind her ear. blaire glanced towards the spectator seats of the Colosseum like place, wondering if she had managed to gain a mentor once classes begins next week.
Not sensing anything noteworthy amongst the rabble who came to watch her intently, she then returned her gaze back to her unconscious opponent.
Name: Raphael Adams
age: 16
known abilities: pyrokinesis, lesser telepathy
not much can be gathered from her initial assessment other than the file she read before the start of their match. The boy had rich orange hair (probably the physical influence of his awakening) and somewhat baby faced features with forest green eyes inherited from his mother. a hero who manipulates plants.
the boy wasn't all that fit but he wasn't fat either. he basically possessed an average physique that didn't hold any special properties mainly because his ability is centered around his mind, which easily categorized him as an Esper, specifically the Emitter type.
fighting Raphael allowed Blaire to glean a lot of small tidbits about the person, mainly how he handles himself against her, which led to the amused Girl to conclude that he doesn't know how to fully utilized his ability and would use it in the most direct manner, causing him to falter everytime she managed to easily counter his attempts to incapacitate her with his fire.
'A greenhorn with no combat experience.'
Raphael's control mastery level should be be around E+ at his peak but during the course of their match and the subsequent pressure she steadily forced upon him, caused his ability to manipulate his flames to tank down to a miserable F which meant that he wasn't used to getting bogged down when using it nor how to deal with the subsequent mental fatigue that followed after overtaxing his reserves.
Blaire's overall judgement? fighting Raphael wasn't even worth a warm up. a lackluster opponent that can't even give her a small spark of excitement.
Shaking her head to brush the rising contempt that might appear on her face, Blaire sheathed her blade on her waist, blue and violet motes of light emitted from its body as it slowly disintegrated from the blade up while she subtly reabsorbed the mental energy she had expended to create and maintain her construct.
inwardly sighing at she was about to do, she raised her gloved fist enthusiastically for a victory pose as she schooled her expression to show an upbeat and cheerful girl excited with her first win since she needed to act the part.
Cheers erupted from the stands upon the announcer declaring her victory which came from the mass majority of the first years she will be joining next week. they were simply happy that they will be having a talented newcomer within their ranks she deduced.
Unbenounced to them Blaire made sure to only seem above average in terms of her age bracket and supposed status as one of them. anything more and the ones who truly mattered like the instructors will have questions she wouldn't be able to give any answers to. Relying on her backer too often might eventually expose inconsistencies on her meticulously crafted facade.
Subtly nodding to the VIP area where she believe's the caretaker of blaire's supposed father was, the man couldn't be bothered to come in person to cheer for his "supposed" daughter which suited Blaire just fine.
after basking a little from the applause, Blaire left the stage from where she entered, from there she made a beeline to the locker room for the female students, nodding at a few of the participants that finished their own matches loitering around, eliciting a few flustered words of congratulations from them on her victory.
the moment she was finally out of sight and safely within the women's locker room alone. she couldn't help but smirked in satisfaction on how fast she was adapting to her new identity and the new features she had after gaining the special traits of the original "Blaire."
she couldn't help but feel elation and joy, recalling the memory of poor, poor Blaire. she couldn't help but feel lucky at the circumstances the former was in.
Abandoned by her kin from an early age due to her rather weak constitution and borderline uselessness to contribute to their faction as all corporation orientated clans always pursued benefits above all else. The original was destined to rot alone till her eventual demise in that ivory prison they kept her in.
how she found that gilded cage within the vast expanse of Eos? Her own father gave her up, all for the sake of "face."
She couldn't help but laugh at the time.
A wild manic laugh.
She couldn't help but be surprised once again at how these corporate cronies would even sell their own children just to get...
a what did he call it?
A head start?
She couldn't help but feel both pity and glee, as she was given an opportunity through that poor child's...
Necessary sacrifice.
Upon granting her accesst to the poor girl, she was close to becoming catatonic thanks to the years of neglect she endured within her room that was more like prison despite how gaudy it was, the only consolation she had was the ability that kept her alive and healthy but in her situation it was more like a curse than a perceived gift.
She couldn't help but be amazed at what she found within the girl's frail body.
Her body itself was a genetic marvel in on itself under the special eyes.
She could barely contain herself from salivating at the chance of acquiring it for herself.
her ability gifted the child with a nearly a self sufficient body in a sense that all she needed to live was a bit of sunlight and a few drops of water to survive for years on end and thats without adversely impacting her physique at all.
how was that possible you ask?
nobody truly understood how metahuman' powers really work.
Even researchers from all across the world yielded so few answers about the advent of why metahumans came to existence.
As an insatiable and greedy woman who actively covets such extremes to add to her ever expanding arsenal, it was fairly easy for her to trick the girl into getting what she needed from her.
it was so easy...how naive she was. all she needed to do was ignite whatever iota of desire the young girl had left in her to allow her to "study" her in depth without so much as a hint of complaint.
Promising her that whatever she discovered might be the key why she was being kept imprisoned by her own family.
at the end of it all after gaining a rudimentary replica of her ability, the poor lamb was left on a brink of death, a price for her rather... invasive methods that ruined whatever delicate balance the girl had kept her alive but by then she already felt an odd and twisted sense of affection to the dying girl, as the she unconsciously drew parallels to her own origins that she had buried a long time ago.
frankly it wasn't the first time Blaire had a sympathetic or even borderline obsession with some of her victims. its actually her power urging her use it on them as metahumans are beholden to the urges of their gifts.
Her power influences her mind in a way to be very receptive to her guinea pigs, going as far as to envoking emotions she believed she couldn't have naturally possesed if she could have helped it.
Abhorrent as it maybe to be a puppet on strings by her own gift she had no clear understanding what it truly meant nor was she truly disgusted...
Anyways she had no choice but to live with it knowing how futile it was to fight it and its not like she didn't benefit from it.
Assimilation after all is what gave her the more powerful replicated abilities in her arsenal of powers.
of course there are inherent risks upon using that part of her power, Blaire was after all taking in the very essence that makes them "them" after all...
memories, talents and their feelings.
everything they had.
Blaire after assimilating the original was essentially Blaire herself but understanding and readily accepting that fact without being fully adapted might cause her to lose herself.
She didn't want to let go.
"I am bella as much as I am blaire now. nothing will be changing that if I could help it."
finished changing back to her casual clothes that comprised of a pleaded black skirt that fell on her mid thigh, a plain white blouse and a pair comfortable loafers, Blaire was ready to head back to her assigned dorm room to take a brief albeit well deserve rest away from prying eyes. what can she say? acting like an upbeat teenager was tiring for someone like her.
schooling her facial expression once more she left the locker room and headed out of the arena, exiting onto the expansive hallway where she was greeted with various reactions ranging from congratulations and some snide comments that she let slide.
Like she'd care about some nobodies much less pander to their insecurities.
Dealing with each and every one of them wasn't worth the effort she needed expend. so she just let them talk all they want. ignoring those that laced their tongues with poison aimed to harm her while flashing those who actually compliment her sincerely with a bright smile and a few choice responses that they would like to hear coming from her.
honestly it was all too easy. nothing like the old cunning foxes she had to deal with in the past.
in Blaire's eyes these childish attempts to rile her up were kinda cute in comparison now that she thought about it.
Hm. Food for thought.
humming a pleasant tune as she reached the female dorm building. after climbing a set of stairs leading to the second floor. she paused in front of her assigned room's door and quickly inputted her passcode, allowing her access to the small apartment studio which to her joy and excitement had all the basic amenities such as a fully functional kitchen and bathroom.
"and I have this all to myself. now isn't that quite nice?~"
walking straight to her bed and practically falling deep into its sinful embrace.
Blaire let out a blissful sigh of satisfaction.
"this is the life~"
Blaire let out a content purr before lulling herself to sleep.
A cute girl like herself needs her beauty sleep after all~