Little Fish's Specialties

"What is your profession for?" Xu Fan looked at the jade lady in front of him and couldn't help but feel curious. He didn't expect such a mysterious profession to exist in this world.

"I know how to plant herbs, refine pills, measure Feng Shui, and predict good or bad luck!" Little Fish counted his fingers and said seriously.

So omnipotent? But what was the use of these things?

Seemingly seeing the doubt in Xu Fan's eyes, Little Fish thought for a moment, then raised her head and said: "Plant medicine, breed, and refine pills. This can save Master a sum of money for the cost of the potion."

"To predict good or bad luck, to deduce directions, it can provide assistance to master in battle."

"If Master needs it, Little Fish can also use the talisman paper and red thread to bring good luck to Master."

Looking at Little Fish who was trying so hard to promote himself, Xu Fan chuckled: "Alright, alright. Go and meet your two sisters."

This was a very special artifact spirit. At the very least, just by looking at her gaudy skills, one could tell that this little girl definitely had potential.

"Artifact spirit Little Fish greets two sisters!" The little girl in green ran out hurriedly and greeted Ming Shu and Chi Luo respectfully.

Looking at this new sister, Ming Shu, who had always been calm, couldn't help but smile: "I didn't expect our third sister to be so beautiful."

"Don't be so cultured when you're family. Little Fish, you're a lifestyle class and aren't good at fighting. If you're bullied, you must tell us. Old woman... Ming Shu and I will definitely stand up for you!"

Perhaps it was because of the time they spent together in the instance dungeon that Chi Luo's temperament had changed. Now, when she called out to Mingshu, she had become more polite. This change surprised Ming Shu as well. The tall beauty in ancient costume blinked at her in surprise, but in the end, she didn't say anything.

"By the way, Little Fish, you said that you're good at planting herbs. Can you try it now?" Xu Fan walked out of the house with three sparkling crystal cores in his hands, attracting Ming Shu and Chi Luo's attention.

"As long as there's a suitable space, I'm fine." Little Fish turned around and said to Xu Fan seriously.

"Oh, it just so happens that the small garden with a swimming pool behind the villa has not been cleaned up yet. Go and see if there's any value in using it. If it doesn't work, we'll think of another way."

Little Fish ran toward the back door of the house while taking out the medicinal seeds from her space. Her lively appearance made people think of a jumping rabbit.

Meanwhile, Chi Luo was staring at the crystal core in Xu Fan's hand, and her eyes were about to shine. She was an artifact spirit. In this world, the thing that could attract an artifact spirit the most was a pure strengthening material like a crystal core.

Two Plague Ghost Blood Crystal Cores and one Disaster Beast Crystal Core were the highest blue-grade rarity.

It didn't seem to be necessary to create an artifact spirit. However, it was just right to leave it for Ming Shu and the others to strengthen themselves.

Xu Fan placed the crystal core on the table. One black and two red crystals sparkled, emitting an alluring light. Blue-grade items were almost useless to Little Fish, who was at least purple-grade, so it was a waste. These three items could only be divided between Ming Shu and Chi Luo.

Chi Luo looked at Ming Shu and then Xu Fan. Then, she walked forward, carefully picked up one of the Plague Ghost Blood Crystal Cores, and retreated.

Not only Ming Shu, but even Xu Fan was also surprised. He had thought that with Chi Luo's personality, she would make a ruckus and swallow all three crystal cores.

"I'm very strong. It doesn't matter if I'm a little lower in level." Chi Luo was a little embarrassed. With her personality, saying something mushy at this time was as bad as killing her.

"I know that Big Sister is very virtuous, beautiful, and capable. Compared to her, I seem a little useless." But I also want to integrate into this family. I also want to be useful. Wouldn't it be too willful to snatch this kind of thing from Big Sister at this time?"

After saying that, she stopped and held the blood-red crystal core tightly.

However, she was telling the truth. She had been calling her an old woman in the beginning and wanted to compete with her in the instance dungeon.

She just wanted to prove that she wasn't inferior to Ming Shu.

"Master, I want this." Ming Shu seemed to be struggling with her thoughts. She then walked to the table and picked up the black crystal core.

"The remaining two are for little sister Chi Luo."

"Eh?" Chi Luo couldn't believe her ears. She looked at Ming Shu in surprise, but Ming Shu returned a warm smile:

"I've already used the materials to strengthen it once, so I have the level advantage, so I should give it to sister Chi Luo this time. Besides, this is a crystal core related to blood. If I give it to her, it will definitely be of greater value."

What she said was very reasonable, but the temptation of the crystal core to the artifact spirit was real. She was actually able to suppress her instinctive desire and say something like "Giving it to her would bring out greater value".

Xu Fan nodded repeatedly, once again realizing Ming Shu's uniqueness.

This was the first time that Chi Luo felt so embarrassed to receive a crystal core, but it was Ming Shu's kind intention after all, so she didn't have to be so humble. "Then…Thank you, Sister Ming Shu."

She had already made up her mind that she would never call her an old woman again.

Looking at the two artifact spirits in front of him, Xu Fan couldn't help but laugh.

"Aren't you two getting along well?"

[Artifact Spirit Mingshu, Favorability +30]

[Spirit Spirit Chi Luo +50]

Looking at the system notification and the harmonious relationship between Ming Shu and Chi Luo, Xu Fan smiled and returned to his room. He had more important things to do.

This could be seen through the Beast of Disaster. For many intelligent enemies, it was obvious that Xu Fan was the weak core of the team.

Even a dumb beast like the Beast of Disaster understood the principle of capturing the leader first, let alone those high-intelligence human-shaped monsters in high-level dungeons.

This time, because he had the level advantage of the Weapon Spirit, he could block the monster's attack without any risk. But what if the enemy's level was the same as the artifact spirit, or if they used some despicable method to sneak attack?

Xu Fan needed an artifact spirit that could protect him, a shield that could stand tall beside him!