The Shield Lady

[Purple Grade Crystal Core-Immovable Rock.]

The system seemed to have predicted his needs in advance and directly prepared everything for him. Xu Fan took a deep breath and began the forging process.

The pale yellow crystal core slowly rose into the air, followed by the purple Star Devourer Iron Bar, which began to melt under the effect of the raging fire. After that, the purple-grade scarlet-gold jade flew out slowly as an ornament. It was chiseled into shape and slowly immersed in the molten iron.

This was an artifact spirit that was completely constructed from purple-grade materials. It was the best creation that Xu Fan could make at the moment.

A two-meter-tall giant cross shield gradually took shape. Following that, the figure of a short-haired girl wearing pitch-black armor inlaid with green gems slowly emerged from it.

"Clang!" The huge shield, which was especially exaggerated in size, smashed heavily on the ground, causing the entire small villa to tremble.

Then, the girl with short blonde hair carefully opened her eyes.

Compared to the ridiculously large shield, the little girl's figure did not seem so exaggerated. It was even a little ordinary.

She was wearing a pair of scary high heels, and her height was only between Ming Shu and Chi Luo. She was slightly taller than Little Fish who stayed in the backyard to remove the weeds.

Moreover, her limbs were slender. Although her figure was well-proportioned and beautiful, it was not as good as the big shield.

Xu Fan looked at the huge cross-shaped shield and gave her the name of the Saintess: "Your name is…Yes, Fatima."

For some reason, Xu Fan's head started to feel a little dizzy after he came up with the name.

"Ah. Alright, Master, I... !"

The shield girl named Fatima was about to say something when she saw Xu Fan fall to the ground with a nosebleed.


After some time, Xu Fan was woken up by some noise.

"Master is fine. It's just that he has suffered a serious loss of energy. After all, my fourth sister and I aren't considered low-grade. If we were to forge two purple-grade weapon spirits in one go, we would have to sleep for a while."

"Don't worry, it's fine. It was just that he was too tired. He would be fine after resting for a while. Master is very easy-going."

"That's good. It's good that Master is fine."

Xu Fan wanted to say something, but he felt as if his consciousness had left his body and floated up lightly.

Then, he fell into a deep sleep.


When he woke up, it was already a sunny day outside the window. There was a huge shield in the corner of the room, and the girl with short light blond hair, whom he had seen last night, was sleeping soundly by his bed.

"Squeak-" The door of the room was gently pushed open by a certain someone. Little Fish, who was wearing a green robe, carefully walked in. She looked up and saw Xu Fan, who had already opened his eyes. Then, she walked behind Fatima with a smile and gently shook her awake.

"Eh? Oh. Master, are you awake?" Fatima was still a little confused. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and asked slowly.

"I calculated the time and felt that it might be about time, so I quickly came to take a look."

Little Fish said as she brought the tray over. On it was an extremely sumptuous and nutritious meal.

Xu Fan smiled helplessly, but Little Fish, who was standing in front of him, was very serious: "Master, you fainted because of overwork. Although it won't endanger your life, it will still affect your body. If he didn't take good care of his body, it would only get worse."

As she spoke, she placed the tray on the bedside table and took out the bone soup in a small bowl. She blew on it gently as she fed it to Xu Fan.

"Big Sister cooked the meal and I prepared the recipe. According to my prescription, Master will recover in a few days."

"Actually, I'm quite energetic now." From what he remembered, this was the first time he had eaten something made by an artifact spirit. The taste was just right. It seemed that Ming Shu really had a talent for cooking.

"By the way, haven't you eaten yet?"

He asked casually, and Little Fish quickly replied: "Master is already in this state. How can they eat? However, seeing that you've recovered, Big Sister and Second Sister should be able to relax a lot."

At this time, Xu Fan noticed Fatima, who was rubbing her face to regain consciousness.

This girl had been silent since the beginning. Thinking back to what she had subconsciously heard last night, she probably thought that Xu Fan's coma was her fault and had been feeling guilty until now, right?

Thinking of this, Xu Fan straightened up and took the bone soup from Little Fish. He asked: "What about you? Let's eat together."

"Eh?" Fatima was stunned for a long time before she reacted. She hurriedly shook her hands and stammered,

"Oh, I, I, I…I-I can't!"

This personality surprised Xu Fan. When he saw her light blond hair and very capable armor, he thought that this girl was straightforward and decisive.

"Alright, but don't blame yourself too much. Last night was just a small mistake on my part. Don't take it to heart." Xu Fan shrugged his shoulders and suddenly thought of something. He turned to Little Fish and said, "By the way, all our money is with me, right? Where did you get the money to buy ingredients?"

"Oh, this. As his master was still asleep, Little Fish took the initiative to sell some simple pills."

"Selling medicine? How much did you sell?" Xu Fan scooped another mouthful of soup. As he drank, he thought about how to manage his expenses in the future.

Little Fish thought for a moment and said with a smile: "It's not much, about 200 thousand."


This was what a f * cking lifestyle class was!

She planted his own medicine, refined her own pills, and sold them herself. She was like a production line!

At this rate, he could completely lie flat in the future. With so many beautiful artifact spirits supporting him, what was the point of him working hard?

"Is Master alright? The soup had just been poured out and was a little hot, be careful when drinking it." Little Fish looked at him nervously. Her gray eyes reflected his worry.

"Ahem, no need to trouble yourself!" Xu Fan wiped his mouth and drank the bone soup in one gulp.

Then, he turned to look at the newly born Shield Lady Fatima.