Don't Let the Fertile Water Flow Into the Field of Others

However, what exactly was it that required such a terrifying enemy to protect it? Xu Fan was very puzzled, and so were the people around him.

Without the support of the Summoner, the Skeleton Soldiers were utterly defeated and quickly wiped out by the class changers of Yunzhou.

After all, they had just experienced a fierce battle, so Liu Yanxiao suggested that they stop here for a while to rest.

"Xu Fan, are you injured?" Taking advantage of the empty break, Tang Yu actually walked through the crowd and came over.

Xu Fan did not rest with the others. After all, he did not put in much effort in the battle just now, and the Artifact Spirits were obviously not tired. He was staring at the exit of the Colosseum in a daze, thinking about what kind of thing was hidden inside that needed the protection of a Crystalized Elder.

Unexpectedly, Tang Yu appeared before his eyes.

"Hmm? I'm fine." Seeing Tang Yu's friendly smile, Xu Fan could not help but sigh slightly.

Although Tang Jing was indeed not a good person, his sister, Tang Yu, was a good person. When she was in high school, she had helped him a few times in her own name.

"That's good. I was really scared to death when I saw you rush up and fight that monster alone."

"Cough, cough, cough!" Just as Tang Yu was expressing her concern, Chi Luo, who was wearing a red and white hood, suddenly jumped out and stood between the two of them.

"Brother, we don't need to rest. Let's continue walking."

"Stop chatting with strange women!"

"Strange woman..." Hearing Chi Luo's words, Tang Yu almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

No way, was she a strange woman? She had known Xu Fan for more than three years!

However, she dared to say these words in her heart. She knew better than anyone else that Xu Fan was surrounded by beautiful women. She did not have much chance. It was already very good to be able to secretly give her blessings.

"Brother Xu Fan!" Liu Yanxiao suddenly panted heavily as he waved his hand and ran over. He was also carrying some emergency medicine with the Liu family's logo on it.

To be honest, Xu Fan had a whole new level of respect for this disciple of an aristocratic family. In the beginning, he thought that all the young masters and young ladies who were born extraordinary were the kinds of people who were condescending and arrogant.

However, when he saw Guan Yunchang leading the charge during the battle, Liu Yan smiled and rushed to deliver medicine to the wounded one by one, only then did he realize that not all the disciples of the aristocratic families were the arrogant Tang Jing.

"Brother Xu Fan! The battle was tough! A little recovery medicine is not enough." Liu Yan wiped the sweat off his forehead with a smile and stuffed the bottles into Xu Fan's hands.

Xu Fan noticed that this guy had injuries on his legs and wrists, and he couldn't help but frown: "Don't you need it?"

"I still have more. It's not a big deal. I saw that you guys were having a hard time fighting just now, so I wanted to give you these potions to recover your mana and health." Liu Yanxiao smiled and waved his hand. After which, he took out some things from his storage ring and ran back into the crowd.

Xu Fan stored those things in his Spatial Ring. He looked at the group of people resting on the spot and turned around to call out to his artifact spirits.

"Let's go in and see what's there."

The artifact spirits obediently followed behind. Guan Yunchang, who was taking care of the injured, noticed Xu Fan leaving and shouted anxiously.

"Brother Xu Fan! Don't be rash, follow the main group!"

But Xu Fan couldn't bear to listen. He had to go deep into the forest to find something good. He waved his hand behind him and stepped deeper into the cave.

[Congratulations to class changer Xu Fan from Yunzhou for becoming the first one to step into the Underworld Hades. You have received a dungeon-related reward.]

It turned out that if they went deeper, they would reach the inner city of the Underworld Hades. This was the goal of all the class changers, and also the place where this large-scale dungeon was truly valuable.

Never would he have thought that the exit of the Colosseum was the entrance to the Underworld Hades. The huge classical city had been destroyed by some kind of disaster. The houses were dilapidated, but one could still see its former magnificence.

Above the Eternal Night sky, dazzling stars finally began to appear. The sky that was covered by the miasma of the Underworld Hades began to reveal its true appearance to the world. The bright stars seemed to have a soul-stirring charm.

And a treasure chest was steadily placed in front of Xu Fan, as his reward for being the first to step into the inner city of Underworld Hades.

With the experience of the previous teleportation trap, Xu Fan let Little Fish predict this time. After confirming that the road ahead was auspicious, he let Ming Shu open the treasure chest.

Then, a spear that had been broken into three pieces was put into Xu Fan's hand.

[Phoenix Spear]

[The weapon left behind by the Chu family's ancestors is the soul of the Chu family's army. The person who obtains this spear can control the dead souls and fight for them.]

The Chu family's martyrs?

Hearing this familiar vocabulary again, linking to the previous learning, to this world's history, everything becomes clear, to the point.

This world did not have instance dungeons since it was born. All instance dungeons originated from a disaster that tore through space. For a long time after that, even if the technology to stabilize the instance dungeon existed, there would still be incidents of invasion from another world due to the immaturity of the technology.

Hundreds of years ago, an unprecedented invasion from another world occurred in Yunzhou. That disaster was extremely terrifying and brought irreparable losses to the entire world.

People were plunged into misery, and blood flowed like rivers. The cities within the range of the disaster had almost become a paradise for monsters.

It was also at that time that countless heroes emerged one after another.

They spontaneously gathered their forces, organized battles, and used the characteristics of their occupations to construct various aristocratic families with surnames as code names. Then, they saved the land of Yunzhou, which was on the verge of death, from that situation.

As one of the ruins of countless ancient battlefields, the Underworld Hades had been sealed up forever. It was only in recent years that it was reopened as an instance dungeon for people to explore.

As for the eldest daughter of the Chu family, she must have come here to find the relics and even the remnant souls of her ancestors.

However, the Chu Clan had such a huge empire, so why would they rather let a young lady personally hire people to explore rather than form an elite force to clear the instance dungeon?

No matter what, this had nothing to do with Xu Fan.

When the class changers from Yunzhou saw that Xu Fan had already gone deep into the dungeon, they stood up and followed.

When he saw the crowd catching up, Xu Fan silently put away the Phoenix Spear that he had just obtained.

After all, fertile water should not flow into others' fields. Even if it was a broken spear, it was still his.