Advancing to the Inner City

"Why are you here?" A familiar voice sounded behind him. The development of the matter was beyond everyone's expectations.

The young lady of the Chu family led the expedition team she hired out from the other exit. The first thing she saw was Xu Fan standing in the middle of the inner city.

At the same time, there were also many exploration teams from other places coming in from other entrances. It seemed that the inner city of the Underworld Hades was the place where all the checkpoints gathered.

"You…Are you alright? When I saw you suddenly disappear from that room, I thought you were dead." The young lady of the Chu family asked carefully, afraid that the person standing in front of her was not a living person at all.

Xu Fan laughed secretly. He didn't expect that this young lady of the Chu family, who seemed to have some spoiled habits, actually had a kind personality.

"Xu Fan, are you alright?" Tang Yu also ran out of the team from Yunzhou and rushed over to confirm Xu Fan's condition. After seeing that he was safe and sound, she slowly heaved a sigh of relief.

Upon seeing the Chu family's young lady approaching as well, she showed a puzzled expression.

"Who is this?"

"Chu Mengyao, from the Chu family in the Western Regions."

She finally said her name and showed her token at the same time. As soon as the black-gold Chu character was spoken, almost everyone was stunned.

How could they not have heard of the strongest family in the Western Regions and the second most powerful family in Yunzhou?

The Tang siblings and the disciples of the aristocratic families in Yunzhou didn't even dare to breathe loudly. After all, a single word from Miss Chu could directly remove their names from the aristocratic families.

However, what they did not expect was that Xu Fan actually waved his hand and replied rather rudely,

"Oh, Miss Chu still cares about people?"

Unexpectedly, Chu Mengyao lowered her head in embarrassment after hearing Xu Fan's rude greeting.

This kind of thing was unprecedented!

Who was this Xu Fan?

They didn't know what was going on, but since they saw the team that Chu Mengyao had recruited, many teams, including the exploration team from Yunzhou, gathered together and became the new Chu Family Army.

This was the appeal of the Chu family, and it was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Soon, the small team of less than twenty people expanded to a hundred people. The group of people followed the main road of the inner city of Underworld Hades and charged in majestically.

Actually, it was called the inner city, but in reality, the largest building here was the palace in the middle. There were some small buildings around, but the area they occupied was not even one-tenth of the entire inner city.

The palace was surrounded by three layers of city walls. The towering walls gave off an oppressive feeling, making it difficult for people to breathe from afar.

In an ordinary Urban area, they didn't encounter any obstacles at all. However, after stepping into the first wall, countless undead and skeletons instantly rose from the ground and attacked the crowd like a wave.

At this time, Chi Luo was already unable to hold back. She rubbed her fists and wished she could charge into the monster horde with her staff, but Xu Fan gently pressed her down.

"We'll conserve our strength first. We'll attack when we encounter valuable monsters."

These words were made after careful consideration. Xu Fan's purpose was to level up and get the reward. At the same time, he could help the Administration investigate the spy.

Especially now that there were too many people, if they started fighting the monsters now, not only would they waste their energy and not be able to focus on dealing with the Boss or Elite monsters, but there was also a possibility that the spies hidden in the crowd would obtain useful information. Therefore, before encountering a monster that was worth fighting, it was better for him and the artifact spirits to play along.


The white bones collided with each other, making a terrifying and irritating sound. The skeleton soldiers raised the weapons in their hands that had already decayed and waved them high up in the air to fight against the class advancers, creating the sound of soldiers clashing.

For a moment, broken weapons, broken bones, and blood filled the entire battlefield. The sound of metal colliding, the sound of the team communicating, and the roars of the demons mixed together, making it impossible to distinguish each other.

Guan Yunchang, who acted as the vanguard, held a glaive in his hand. The glaive flew and shattered the monsters into pieces.

"Ranged classes, prioritize the enemy Necromancers and Archers! Protect the auxiliary units, especially Miss Chu!" Liu Yanxiao shouted loudly. He was not an offensive class, but a rather rare amplification class. The flag he threw out could increase the single value of allies within the range. At this moment, he was shuttling through the crowd, constantly throwing flags at his teammates who were fighting at the front line.

The monsters guarding this place were generally around Level 30. As undead creatures, their bodies were especially fragile and could be shattered with a single touch.

This large force was unstoppable and did not encounter any obstacles along the way. Even if they reached the next wall, they would only encounter more basic monsters. The group of people had a good time killing them.

During the process, there were quite a number of class changers following behind them. Their first reaction was to be shocked by the huge army that had gathered, and when they saw the sign of the Chu Family's Army, they joined without hesitation.

Soon, they had expanded to more than 200 people. The thousands of units of Undead Army that charged over couldn't last more than ten minutes before they collapsed.

Chu Mengyao, who was watching the battle from the front row, was a little excited. When she saw that the monsters were almost wiped out, she raised her hand and greeted.

"Continue pushing forward!"

At this time, Xu Fan had been silently following at the end of the line, quietly watching everything.

The entire team entered the third wall and, as expected, they were attacked by another wave of monsters.

This time, apart from the ferocious Undead Army, there were also many other beasts. They were agile, strong, and even smarter than the Undead. Some of them even caused casualties in the crowd.

Seeing the difficulty increase, the captain of the team that Chu Mengyao hired at the beginning also showed some fear. He took advantage of the chaos and came to the side of Chu Mengyao.

"Miss Chu, the road ahead will get harder and harder to walk. I'm afraid we don't have enough people. Why don't we retreat first and gather more people before challenging again?"

Chu Mengyao shook her head sternly.

"No, keep fighting."