a bowl of hair

Bai Xinghua's words made my mother stunned for an instant.

How do you say this? We came to find her with great difficulty, but she didn't take up the quarrel. Isn't this a person who is anxious to death?

My mother was a little embarrassing at the time, hesitated for a long time, and then said to Bai Xinghua: "His sister-in-law, don't be modest, I know, you can do this, you can help our family to make a mark, don't worry Well, we won't let you work in vain, and I will thank you later."

Hearing what my mother said, Bai Xinghua blushed slightly, and said to my mother in embarrassment: "Auntie, it's not that I don't help, it's that I really don't have the skills. I've heard about Yihen. The symptoms brought about are not so curable."

At this time, when I saw Bai Xinghua pushing back and forth, looking unhappy, my temper also came, and I immediately grabbed my mother's arm and said: "Mom, if it doesn't work, let's go home, these are feudal superstitions, I I don't believe it."

"You child, why are you talking nonsense?" My mother turned around and blocked me when she heard what I said, and then grabbed my arm and was about to beat me.

Seeing this situation, Bai Xinghua was full of embarrassment, and quickly stepped forward to grab my mother, and said to her: "Auntie, don't beat the child, it's fine, can't I promise to help you?"

Seeing that Bai Xinghua was willing to help me see my illness, my mother let me go. She smiled and dragged me inside while chatting with Bai Xinghua.

After entering Bai Xinghua's house, I took a little look at her house and found that the furnishings in her house are very simple. It seems that her life is not rich, but it is very clean and tidy, giving people a very neat feeling.

I sat down in the living room of her house, Bai Xinghua went into the back room, took out a sewing basket, sat in front of me, looked at me up and down, twisted a sewing needle, threaded the blue thread, and then took my hand , while drawing the tip of the needle on my palm, and wrapping the blue thread around my wrist, she squinted her eyes slightly, muttering words, as if she was saying a spell. After a while, she stopped, raised the seam in her hand, The needle, pulling the green thread, looked at the light, then frowned tightly, and said to my mother solemnly: "Auntie, this is not ordinary dirty, why is it stained with blood when I look at it? Did your family, Yihen, do something immoral?"

"His sister-in-law, don't talk nonsense. Look at how big the scar is. What bad things can he do?" Hearing Bai Xinghua's words, my mother quickly defended me.

"Then what's going on?" Bai Xinghua looked at my mother and me curiously and asked.

Seeing this situation, my mother could only tell her about me in detail.

"Did Xiaotu drown at the west end of the village two days ago? Think about it, how old is that child? This death must have caused a lot of resentment, but as a result, the little bastard Yihen went to join in the fun, fell down and lay on the ground. That girl's corpse got on her body, and she happened to get on her body, it really wasn't Yihen who did something bad, she got involved herself." My mother said to Bai Xinghua.

Hearing this, Bai Xinghua nodded slightly, and pondered: "If that's the case, it's easy to handle. If you can survive the first seven days, you'll be fine. How about it, auntie, you and Yihen don't go back tonight. Stay here with me, and I will try to help Yihen block this evil spirit."

"Thank you so much." Seeing that Bai Xinghua was willing to help, my mother quickly got up to thank her, and Bai Xinghua also quickly stood up to thank you, but then frowned in embarrassment, looked around, and said to my mother: "Well, Auntie, the place in my house is too small, there is only one big bed, look—"

"It's okay, it's okay, Yihen doesn't choose a floor to sleep on, besides, he's burnt out and can fall asleep on the floor, so don't worry about it," my mother comforted Bai Xinghua.

Bai Xinghua's face was reddish, and she took my mother's hand in embarrassment and said: "Auntie, I didn't mean that, I meant that my bed might be a bit unlucky, after all, Yousong just passed away, if you don't want to sleep there, Let's make do in the east room, there is a small soft bed with a curtain hanging over there, let Yihen sleep there, and we won't squint, so just guard him all night, what do you think?"

What can my mother say at this time? Of course it was her arrangement.

Then my mother and Bai Xinghua helped me into the east room and lay down on the soft bed.

I was so dizzy from the fever that I had no strength in my body. After I lay down, I felt dizzy and nearly fell asleep.

At this moment, Bai Xinghua first grabbed a handful of ash from the bottom of the pot and sprinkled it around the small bed, then took a broom and put it beside the bed, and then lit a kerosene lamp on the small table beside the bed , and then bent down and patted me gently, and said to me in a soft voice: "Yihen, you can rest assured to sleep, my sister-in-law is guarding you, no monsters and ghosts can come in, don't worry, you know?"

"Understood, thank you sister-in-law," I was in a daze, my eyes couldn't open, I just felt that Bai Xinghua's voice was like a lullaby. After listening to it, I felt lazy, and then I fell asleep unconsciously. caught.

However, although I fell asleep, it was almost as if I was awake, because I had a very weird dream.

In the dream, I found that I was not lying down, but sitting cross-legged, and the place where I was sitting was a big closet. I don't know what kind of wood the closet was made of. A lot of lacquer, it seems that it is an old object with a long history.

I don't know what's going on, anyway, I just sat in the closet, like a clay idol, with two big red candles and tributes in front of me, which made me feel very strange, and I kept wanting to turn my head and face I looked from the outside, but I couldn't move my body, and I could only see a small area outside the closet.

Fortunately, there is not much space in front of the closet, so I happened to see my mother and Bai Xinghua. At that time, they were sitting together under the lamp, holding a dustpan and peeling peanuts. They were talking in a low voice from time to time, as if He looked very mysterious, not knowing what he was talking about.

After that, I just sat like this all the time, fluttering, and unconsciously, I suddenly felt the wind blowing around me, and then I looked again, only to find that the door opened by itself at some point, and outside the door, it seemed It was a small figure standing, looking into the room with gloomy eyes, obviously wanting to enter the room.

At this time, Bai Xinghua grabbed a broom, pushed the door shut, and yelled at the outside: "Go, go, go back to your house, don't come here to make trouble, be careful and kill you!"

When Bai Xinghua yelled, the door was closed, and the figure was no longer visible. I didn't know why, but I was a little sad, because I knew that figure was probably the little fool's soul.

However, the little fool didn't seem to be driven away so easily. After the door was closed, she began to lie on the window and look in, and even pushed the window open.

I remember very clearly that the window was smashed open at that time, and the little muddleheaded hair was hanging down, and his whole body was dripping with water. He crawled in with his little hand, and suddenly a gust of cold wind blew in, which made me shiver. They all fought, and it felt like the whole person was stuffed into an ice hole, and the situation was extremely painful.

At this time, I was a little scared. I knew that Xiaotutu was going to kill me, so I started to sweat on my forehead, struggling to escape.

But I couldn't move, I could only sit there and watch, and then I saw Bai Xinghua pull my mother back, then raised the dustpan in my hand and patted it towards the window, cursing as she patted back : "Get out, climb someone's window, it's so uneducated!""

Needless to say, under such a slap by Bai Xinghua, Xiaotutu was really kicked out, and then she closed the window and leaned the dustpan on the window sill, which was the solution to the problem.

After that, Little Mutu couldn't enter the room again, but I couldn't sit comfortably, because I kept hearing her crying in the yard outside, calling my name while crying.

"Brother Yihen, come out, why don't you play with me? Huh, I want to eat roasted sweet potatoes, brother Yihen—"

Little Mutu's voice was heartbreaking, and it made my hair stand on end and my mind was disturbed. I don't know how long it lasted. It wasn't until the sky was about to dawn that the rooster crowed outside, and it was considered quiet.

After that, I fell asleep completely. I don't know how long I slept. When I woke up, the sun was already high and the sky was bright.

After waking up, I found that my high fever seemed to have subsided a lot, and my body felt a lot more comfortable. I got up and looked in the room, and found that I was alone. My mother and Bai Xinghua were not there. They seemed to be busy making breakfast. I could hear them talking outside.

I took a rough look at the situation in the room, and found that there was a broom behind the door, and a dustpan was leaning on the window sill. I don't know where the closet is. There doesn't seem to be such a thing in this room.

Just when I was wondering, I found a small half-opened box on the small table next to the bed. The box was only the size of a fist, but it looked familiar and familiar. It was nothing but the closet I saw in my dream.

How is this going? Could it be that I was sitting in this little thing in my dream? It's so small, how did I get in there?

Just when I was wondering, the door was pushed open, and my mother came in with a bowl of noodles, asked me how I was feeling, and asked me to eat some hot rice to rest my body.

I was really hungry too, so I picked up the noodles and started to eat. During this process, Bai Xinghua walked in with a semi-circular white apron around her waist.

Seeing my appearance, she couldn't help but smiled and said, "It's much better. It looks like there shouldn't be much to do. Auntie, after you get home, follow what I did last night. You should be able to survive the next few days."

Hearing Bai Xinghua's words, my mother couldn't help being overjoyed, she got up and took Bai Xinghua's hand to thank her for a while, but at this moment, I was eating the noodles with the noodles in my hand, and I didn't know what happened, but found that Instead of noodles, the bowl was filled with a large mass of bloody hair, and I was stuffing those hairs into my mouth. .