Ghost dragging hands

A white porcelain bowl, with some lines on the side, was nothing unusual at first, but now it looks extremely hideous, because the bowl is filled with blood, and in the blood is a mass of entangled and sticky hair , and at this time, I was holding the bowl in one hand, and stuffing the bloody and smelly hair into my mouth with chopsticks in the other.

This scene appeared in front of me so abruptly, and I instantly felt a numbness in my scalp and acid in my stomach, and then I couldn't help but "Wow——" I vomited out all the food I ate. The bowls and chopsticks in the room also fell to the ground, and the ground was in a mess immediately, and my condition was extremely bad.

My mother and Bai Xinghua were both shocked by my situation. They quickly stepped forward to pull me up and asked me what was wrong.

At this time, I only felt my stomach and stomach were overwhelmed, and I wanted to spit out the bile in disgust, so I didn't have the time to talk, and I just remembered pointing at the rice bowl on the ground and shouting: "Blood hair, what did you eat for me?! "

"You child, why are you talking nonsense? It's obviously noodles. I made them with your sister-in-law. How can you say it's bloody hair?"

Hearing what I said, my mother didn't feel like she was twisting my ears to teach me a lesson. She thought I was deliberately playing a prank.

Seeing this, Bai Xinghua hurriedly stepped forward and pulled my mother away, then rolled my eyelids to check, then pulled my hand to check, and then said a little puzzled: "This is weird, last night They have already been chased away, why are they still here?"

Seeing Bai Xinghua's actions, my mother knew that the matter here was not over yet, so she also calmed down, and asked Bai Xinghua nervously: "His sister-in-law, um, are you okay?"

"I don't know either." Bai Xinghua shook her head, took a towel, and asked me very carefully while wiping my mouth, "Yihen, you are so lucky to talk to my sister-in-law. Apart from bumping into Xiaotu's body that day, Did anything else happen?"

This reminded me, and I couldn't help raising my arms, and opened my sleeves to check it out. As a result, I couldn't help but grinned in surprise, and I found that the fingerprints on the wrist turned out to be Turned blue and black, the cortex at the bruise became as thin as plastic paper, and I could actually see the underlying blood vessels through the cortex.

How is this going?

Seeing this situation, I couldn't help shaking my wrists in a panic and said to Bai Xinghua and my mother: "Yes, yes, that day, Xiaofu seemed to grab my neck, and my neck was scratched by her. You guys Look, it's getting worse now, I feel like my hands are going to rot, do you see these fingerprints? They are ghost claws, the little fool wants to kill me!"

Hearing my words, especially seeing my terrified appearance, my mother and Bai Xinghua frowned, and then they looked at each other silently, and then asked me: "Yihen, are you sure you have fingerprints on your wrist?" ?"

"Yes, of course there is, can't you really not see it?" At this time, I was already sweating profusely.

"Yihen, are you okay? Your wrist is fine, how can there be any fingerprints?" At this moment, my mother couldn't sit still, and couldn't help asking me with a puzzled face.

This made me even more depressed, and I wished I could chop off my wrist and show them.

Just when my mother was questioning me, Bai Xinghua stopped my mother and said to her, "Auntie, don't worry, the first opening of a trace of heaven may really see things that we can't see."

"Then, what should we do?" My mother asked worriedly.

"Auntie, please tidy up the house first, and leave it to me first." Bai Xinghua took my hand and said, "Yihen, come with me, let's go to the sun to bask in the sun, it's good for your health." "

After she finished speaking, she turned around and took my hand and walked out.

I followed behind her blankly, sniffing the fragrance of her body, looking at her slender back, my heart suddenly calmed down a lot.

When we arrived in the yard, Bai Xinghua asked me to sit down and bask in the sun. She went back to the house and took out a small porcelain bottle. Then she carefully dipped a little water from the bottle with a cotton swab and painted it on her skin. Eyes, and then she looked at my wrist again, couldn't help gasping.

"This has happened, ghost pulls your hand, it's haunting you," Bai Xinghua looked at my wrist and sighed worriedly.

"His sister-in-law, what's going on? Did you see what Yihen was holding?"

At this time, my mother just came out of the house and hurried over to ask.

Bai Xinghua nodded, got up and said to my mother: "Auntie, it seems that we have to find another way, Yihen is a ghost dragging his hand, this Xiaotu's ghost is entangled with Yihen, don't use some powerful tricks I'm afraid I can't cure her."

"What? He really has ghost paw prints on his hands?" My mother couldn't help but look shocked when she heard Bai Xinghua's words.

"I told you a long time ago that I have paw prints on my hands, and you just don't believe me," at this time, I couldn't help but say something.

"His sister-in-law, you, how did you see it just now? Tell me quickly, and let me see it too," my mother held Bai Xinghua's hand and begged for a while, with an anxious expression on her face.

"Auntie, don't look at it. These are cow's tears. I don't have much left in this bottle. It will be gone after I use it up. It's hard to find." Bai Xinghua grabbed the small bottle in her hand, very reluctant, obviously I cherish the tears of the cow.

Bai Xinghua's words reminded me, because I remember that when my old scalper died, my mother seemed to catch a lot of cow's tears, so I couldn't help but said to Bai Xinghua: "Sister-in-law, what's so strange about cow's tears? Is it that hard to find? My house just—"

"That's right, I don't have this thing in my house, but I can find a way to help you find some, as long as you cure our house, you can do whatever you want!"

To my surprise, I was interrupted by my mother before I finished my sentence, and then my mother stepped forward pretending to tidy up my clothes, but actually whispered to me: "Kids, don't talk nonsense, Listen to me, you know?"

At that time, my mother's reaction made me feel very strange. I thought that the cow's tears are so precious, why does she protect them so meticulously? Later I found out that she is a rare commodity, deliberately saying that we don't have this thing, and then put it away Bring the cow's tears to Bai Xinghua, and you can brag to her, saying how much effort it took to get it. In this way, we don't have to owe Bai Xinghua any more favors.

I have to say that my mother is quite sophisticated. A trivial matter is so complicated. No wonder it is said that children don't understand the world of adults. I really don't understand it.

At that moment, after talking about Niu Tear, my mother asked Bai Xinghua what method she would use to deal with Xiaotu's ghost. Bai Xinghua frowned and thought about it for a while, then nodded, as if she had made up her mind, and said to my mother: "That's it!" If you ask for a toast, don't eat fine wine. Auntie, hold Yihen up. Let's go directly to that little girl's house to see how capable she is. I, Bai Xinghua, really don't believe it. If I can't cure her, I will Not Bai!"