Great evil

I stumbled and fell into the pool, and I immediately struggled to get up from the water.

The water in the pool was not too deep, at most it reached above my knees, so I stepped on the ground very quickly, and I subconsciously supported it with both hands, trying to get up.

However, what I didn't expect was that at this moment, someone suddenly held my head down and pushed my head into the water desperately.

I struggled desperately, trying to get up, but that person was so strong that I couldn't stand up at all. In the end, I could only be pushed into the water little by little by that hand.

At this time, I felt a burst of suffocation, and subconsciously wanted to breathe, but when I opened my mouth, I sucked in a piece of muddy sand, which immediately choked my heart, and the pain was unbearable, which forced me to eat Nai'er used all her strength and tried her best to fight against that big hand, but unfortunately, that big hand was like Wuzhishan that suppressed Monkey King. It still pressed me down firmly, and finally even touched my head and face They were all pressed into the mud, which plunged me into extreme fear and despair.

I could only scratch randomly in the water with both hands, grabbing the mud at the bottom of the water into thousands of ravines, my legs kept kicking and twitching, but in the end, my strength was getting weaker and my reaction was getting worse. It got smaller and smaller, and finally sank to the bottom of the water like a dead fish.

Just when I was falling into despair, thinking that I was going to die, suddenly I heard a yelling sound, and then I felt someone grabbed my feet and pulled me backwards go out.

"Yihen, Yihen, wake up, what are you doing?!"

The voices of my mother and Bai Xinghua came together, and at the same time someone was slapping my face, which woke me up immediately, only to realize that I was just having a nightmare.

But wait a minute, was everything just a dream?

I thought of this in my heart, and then I looked at my body, I was covered in muddy water, and my clothes were soaked, which meant that I really fell into the muddy water just now. In addition, I really felt choking, and my mouth was full of sand. This made me very sad, so I hurriedly spit out the mud in my mouth, and then let out a sigh of relief, sat down on the ground with lingering fear, looked up at my mother and Bai Xinghua and asked, "What's wrong? What happened?"

After hearing what I said, my mother and Bai Xinghua looked at each other with serious expressions, and then they told me about the scene they had just seen.

It turns out that when I burned the paper for Xiao Mutu just now, Bai Xinghua and my mother had been hiding in the reeds not far away and watching me. They didn't go far.

According to Bai Xinghua, the lamp she lit on the tomb of the little muddleheaded person had a little scent mixed in the lamp oil, so if people smelled too much of the fragrance, they would fall asleep, and the purpose of her doing this was actually to make me fall asleep. Because only in this way, I can have a psychic, and I can talk face to face with the little confused ghost.

Of course, human beings and ghosts go their separate ways, and ghosts are too dark, so they can easily collide with living people, so it is impossible for Bai Xinghua to let me face ghosts face to face, so she still made some preparations in advance.

First of all, she chose a good time. It's noon, and the yang energy is at its peak, so no matter how big the grievances of the little foolishness are, it is difficult for the ghost to come out to make trouble, and she can't even come out at all, but I He can also meet with her through psychics, why is that?

It turned out that the lamp that my sister-in-law lit on the head of the grave was very particular. On the one hand, it could emit a slight fragrance to make me sleep, and on the other hand, it could emit very black and thick smoke, which covered my eyes. Staying in the sun can give the ghost a little room to live. If the little muddled is really resentful, then her soul energy can come out through the smoke at this time.

However, even with this little soul energy, the power of the viscera is very powerful. If a person directly collides with it, the mild one will suffer a serious illness, and the severe one will have a shortened lifespan.

But fortunately, there is a lamp under the smoke, and the fire also has a restrictive effect on the Yin Qi, which will burn it and make it less harmful. This ensures that I can be safer when channeling psychics and not directly Die obsessed.

Furthermore, my sister-in-law prepared paper money for me and asked me to burn it to Xiaotutu. This can somewhat please her and make her show mercy to me, so according to the original budget, after I channeled, there should be absolutely no danger of.

It's just that what my sister-in-law didn't expect was that even such a faint yin energy still made me fall into a state of insanity.

At that time, they were hiding in the reeds next to me and watching me.

At the beginning, they saw me burning paper and chatting with little muddleheaded at the same time. There was nothing unusual about it. Afterwards, as expected, I fell asleep in front of little muddleheaded grave.

At that time, my mother saw that I was asleep and wanted to wake me up, but was stopped by Bai Xinghua. She told my mother that this was the beginning of real psychic communication.

Because of this, my mother didn't go up to call me, but stood there and looked at me with her.

At this time, they found that I was sleeping on my stomach while muttering in my dreams. They knew that I had started to channel psychics, so both of them were a little nervous, especially my mother was always worried that something would happen to me, so they were a little nervous. fidgeting.

Bai Xinghua was too nervous to see my mother, so she wanted to find something to distract her, so she said at the time that she wanted to make it easier, and asked my mother to watch out for her in case someone would see her.

My mother agreed to her, and then she led my mother to walk a little further into the reed field. After that, she started to feel comfortable, and my mother helped her keep watch.

During this period of time, they couldn't see me, and when they came out, they looked at Little Muddy's grave again, only to find that I had disappeared.

This sudden change startled the two of them. They rushed over and searched left and right, only to find that I was lying alone in the water beach next to the grave mound, clutching my head, and desperately thrusting my head into the mud in the water beach. Press in.

At that time, they screamed in shock and dragged me out in a hurry. They finally woke me up and saved my life.

However, what I can't understand is that when I was in a dream, I clearly dreamed that a big hand was holding my head desperately, but in reality, how could they see that it was me holding my head? ?

What exactly is going on?

At that time, I thought of this, raised my right hand and looked at it, only then did I realize that the fingerprints on the wrist had turned bright red, as if it was about to bleed, and the appearance was extremely terrifying, which shocked me quite a bit , I was a little dazed for a while, not knowing what to do.

At this time, my mother said to Bai Xinghua resentfully while helping me wipe the muddy water off my body: "His sister-in-law, I thought this method was inappropriate before, don't you think something happened now? This saying goes Well, people and ghosts don't have the same way, you insist on doing some kind of psychic, isn't that a scam?"

My mother meant to blame Bai Xinghua for her words, and Bai Xinghua blushed because of this, she was full of embarrassment, and smiled awkwardly, then nodded and said to my mother: "Auntie, what you said is true, I did not think about it, I didn't expect this little girl's ghost to be so fierce, she almost got a scar, and I have to ask you to forgive me for this matter."

"I'll just say it casually. Don't take it to heart. Speaking of which, this matter has nothing to do with you. We are the ones who troubled you. But as the saying goes, help people to the end. His sister-in-law, since you accepted this excuse, This matter must continue to be done, but I can't quit just because of my complaints, in that case, your aunt and I will have no face to live in this small lake village in the future." My mother knew that she had made a slip of the tongue, and quickly relieved White apricot blossom.

Bai Xinghua smiled, pondered for a while, frowned slightly and said: "The ghost of this little boy is a big evil, too fierce, and now it seems that ordinary methods can't stop her. Auntie, I think it's better to be like this, you take Let Yihen go hide at his grandma's house for a few days, and I, take advantage of this time to go to the top of Dongshan Mountain and invite an expert to come back and deal with it, what do you think?"

"Can this matter be avoided?" My mother couldn't help being curious when she heard Bai Xinghua's words.

"Shh, let's talk, don't let her hear," Bai Xinghua said, first extinguished the oil lamp on the grave, put away all the things, and then led me and my mother out, and said to us: " Don't worry, as long as you go a little farther, you can hide from the dam across the river. Auntie, you know that the river and the ditch are guarded by water gods. It is impossible for ordinary ghosts to pass. Auntie, on the other side of your mother's house Don't you just live on the east side of the Shu River? You'll be safe if you pass with a trace."

Hearing this, my mother was taken aback for a moment, and then she said to Bai Xinghua in displeasure: "There is such a good idea, why didn't you say it earlier? If I had known, I would have taken Yihen to his grandma's house, and there was no need to let him I have suffered these two days in vain."

Seeing what my mother said, Bai Xinghua sneered, and then said to my mother: "Auntie, you have made a mistake. I said that I can hide, but it doesn't mean that I won't have to suffer anymore. He is being bullied now. The qi is on his body, so no matter how far he runs, he can only guarantee that he will not aggravate the yin qi, but this crime will continue to be endured. If nothing else, just say that his fever, I am afraid it will not go away for a while , unless his own yang energy is strong enough to dissipate this energy, otherwise he will have to keep burning like this."

"Oh, this can't be done. If the fire continues like this, the brain will burn out. His sister-in-law, what did you just say, go to the top of Dongshan to invite an expert, which side of the gods are you going to invite? Can he Help my family eliminate this disaster?" My mother looked at Bai Xinghua and asked.

Hearing my mother's words, Bai Xinghua smiled, and then said to my mother: "Auntie, to tell the truth, don't be unhappy. Although the expert I invited is powerful, he certainly can't help Yihen eliminate the disaster." In the final analysis, the matter of Yihen has to be done by himself, and no one else can help him."