Haunted by evil

"His sister-in-law, what do you mean by that? According to what you say, our family is hopeless after a single scar? Are you talking nonsense? This rural family has been hit by dirty things a lot. , I haven't seen how many people have really died, so why is it our family's turn to die?"

Bai Xinghua's words obviously made my mother a little angry, so she immediately refuted it.

Bai Xinghua didn't change her face after hearing this, I found that she has a good temper, no matter what others say about her, she usually doesn't get angry, so she still comforted my mother with nice words: "Auntie, listen to me He said that Yihen is different from ordinary people. He has opened the gate of heaven, and the vitality in his body is directly connected with the energy of heaven and earth outside. This is a bit difficult. Think about it, this world is a place where yin and yang are balanced , where there is yin, there must be yang, and where there is yang, there must be yin, so there is actually yang qi everywhere around us, and there is also yin qi everywhere. The human body is dominated by yang qi. When the gate of heaven is not open, the vitality is nothing but Exhausted, pure yang, strong anger, naturally not afraid of any yin qi collision, but once the gate of heaven is opened, the vitality will be easily infiltrated by yin qi. In this way, Yihen will never think about peace in his life, as the saying goes, he can hide If he can't hide from the fifteenth day of the first day of the lunar new year, even if he gets rid of the disaster this time, he can't guarantee that he will bump into some genitals next time, and he will still suffer. So I said, no one else can help him with his symptoms, only himself Just get tough."

Hearing what Bai Xinghua said, my mother lost her temper. She knew that what Bai Xinghua said was right, so she could only beg and ask Bai Xinghua what she could do to save me, and what the purpose of the expert she invited was of.

"Don't worry, Auntie. Although the expert I invited can't help Yihen eliminate the disaster, he can harden Yihen himself." Bai Xinghua said to my mother.

"Is there such a thing? How did he help Yihen toughen up my family?" My mother asked curiously, and I was also full of curiosity. I couldn't help but look at Bai Xinghua, waiting for her to speak.

When Bai Xinghua saw me looking at her, she was a little shy, raised her hand and lightly smoothed the broken hair by her ear, and then said to my mother: "That is a master, he practiced Taoism on Dingyang Mountain in his early years, and later He became vulgar again, but his background was not very good, and he was blind, so he went to the village to transfer his family name to others for fortune-telling. But I can see the past and the future. It's amazing. Of course, these are secondary. The main reason I invited him this time is because he has a skill in strengthening the foundation and cultivating the talents. I think, If he is willing to hand over this skill to Yihen, he will no longer be afraid of the impact of Yin Qi if he keeps Yihen."

"Oh, thank you so much, his sister-in-law, I will entrust you with this matter, don't worry, as long as you help to complete it, I will never forget your benefits, auntie," my mother heard After hearing this, she couldn't help being filled with joy, and took Bai Xinghua's hand to thank her.

Bai Xinghua didn't ask for credit, just smiled lightly, nodded and said: "Okay, don't worry, auntie, we are all from Zhuangqin Zhuanglin, we are our own family members, who else can I help if I don't help you, you can rest assured about this matter." Give it to me, after three days you bring back a trace, I will definitely not disappoint you."

"All right, hey, his sister-in-law, I found that you are really a bodhisattva with a heart and a kind person. It's really thanks to finding you this time, otherwise I don't know how much I will suffer." My mother was so emotional when she heard that I was saved. Feeling better, I couldn't help but praise Bai Xinghua all the way along the way.

The white apricot flower is as shy as an apricot flower, its face is slightly red from the sun, sweaty, and it keeps nodding its head in agreement, without saying too much.

It's strange to say that at this time, I don't know what happened after the previous psychic work. Maybe it's because the cold water wet my head, which made my body temperature drop a little. The strength also recovered a lot.

Listening to the conversation between my mother and Bai Xinghua, I couldn't help being curious, and finally I couldn't help asking Bai Xinghua: "Sister-in-law, how did you know that Mr. Tianyan? As far as I know, you came to us It's only been two years here, and I haven't seen you walking around in these two years, so how do you know so many things?"

"Look, this kid is very curious." Hearing what I said, my mother smiled. Although she criticized me in her words, she was also a little curious about this matter in her heart, just like me.

Hearing my question, Bai Xinghua smiled and said: "This is what my grandmother told me, not only Mr. Tianyan, but my grandmother also introduced me to many folk strangers, which I can use When the time comes, you can go to them for help."

"So it looks like this," my mother nodded after hearing this, and then asked with some worry: "Since Mr. Tianyan is so powerful, the price must be very high. If we can't afford things by then, we can How to do it?"

"Don't worry, Auntie. I'll invite him. It's because of my grandparents' face. He won't ask for anything," Bai Xinghua comforted my mother.

After hearing this, my mother finally felt relieved, and she took me home while chanting Amitabha. Naturally, Bai Xinghua went back to her own home, and was going to Dongshantou to invite an expert.

After arriving at home, my mother told my father that she would take me to my grandma's house for a few days to avoid disasters. My father naturally agreed, and then my mother simply cleaned up. After lunch, she rode a bicycle and took me Just set off.

When I set off, the sun was already in the west, and my high fever was showing signs of rising, so my whole body fell into a daze again. The back of my head hurt like a stick, and my stomach was churning.

Because my body was so uncomfortable, I hugged my mother's waist tightly, sat in the back seat of the car, drooped my head, and endured it with my eyes closed. In this way, I was so dazed that I almost fell asleep. caught.

I don't know how long the car has been riding, and it suddenly started to go downhill. I staggered, and suddenly woke up. Then I looked up and looked around, and found that we had come to the intersection of Nanshantou. It was about to leave the boundary of Xiaohu Village.

At this time, I suddenly heard someone calling me from afar, so I turned my head and looked back, only to see a small figure chasing our car on the road. The appearance of that figure is impressively muddled.

Seeing this situation at the time, I was so excited that I hurriedly urged my mother to say: "Mom, ride fast, the little fool is catching up!"

"What did you say? Are you telling me to ride faster?"

As a result, at this time, my mother suddenly made a low and hoarse strange sound, which made me shiver, and hurriedly pulled my mother's clothes, and then my mother turned her head, and I happened to see her face, and then I found her My face was covered with blood, my mouth was filled with sand, and I looked terribly frightened. I was frightened and let out a strange scream, and fell off the back seat of the car.