Fetal Breath Technique

It was late at night and the pond was crowded with people holding lanterns and flashlights, illuminating the area. I didn't know who first noticed me, but I'm grateful to whoever it was. If it wasn't for them, I might have died in the pond. "Hey sister-in-law, isn't it a coincidence? I got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and faintly heard a girl shouting for help. At first, I thought I was mistaken, but I couldn't shake the feeling, so I came to take a look. I saw your Yihen floating in the pond. Thank goodness, I found a scoop and managed to pull him out. If not, who knows what would have happened." A man from the west end of the village came over, beaming with joy. He patted my head and said he saved me. I was grateful to him and thanked him. My parents thanked him too, and the people around advised them to take me home as I was still unstable. My father picked me up, my mother supported me, and we hurriedly headed home. Most of the people dispersed, but one person, Hu Jun, followed us for a long time. I turned my head and found him holding a sharp knife, and I was about to tell my parents about him. But I didn't. Even if I did, nobody would believe me, and it might cause trouble for my parents. Eventually, Hu Jun disappeared, and when we reached the crossroads, I told my parents to change direction.

"My dear, it's so late and you just finished soaking wet. Where are you going?" my mother asked me with concern.

"I'm going to see that old blind man," I told my parents.

Hearing this, my parents were confused, but seeing my determined expression, they had no choice but to accompany me all the way to White Apricot Flower's house.

When we arrived at White Apricot Flower's house, we found that the lights were still on and the old blind man was sitting in the living room smoking, while White Apricot Flower seemed to be chatting with him.

Seeing us, the old blind man chuckled and said, "I knew you would come to find me. Did I make a mistake? How about it, did you experience the feeling of being better off dead?"

As he spoke, the old blind man got up and touched me, noticing that I was soaking wet. He couldn't help but snort and say, "So, kid, do you know what it feels like to be better off dead?"

The old blind man must have been very pleased with himself when he said this, thinking that I would agree with him and beg him for help. But unfortunately for him, he was disappointed because I didn't feel much pain at all. On the contrary, I was filled with hatred and fighting spirit.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I haven't experienced the feeling of being better off dead because my grandma taught me to recite the Diamond Sutra and the Great Compassion Mantra. When I encounter something, as long as I recite the sutra, those little ghosts won't dare to do anything to me," I said to the old blind man.

Hearing this, the old blind man couldn't help but look surprised. Then he smiled and said, "I see. It doesn't matter, Buddhism is the way, we're all one big family. It's good that you recite sutras."

He paused for a moment and asked me, "If that's the case, why did you come to me?"

Hearing the old blind man's question, my parents were also curious and asked me what I came here to do.

White Apricot Flower also looked at me with wide eyes, seemingly full of expectation for my words.

At this point, I felt a bit nervous, but since I had already made my choice deep down, I mustered up the courage to look at the blind man and say, "I want to learn from you."

"Oh, what do you want to learn?" Upon hearing my words, the blind man smiled, sat down in his chair, and asked me while smoking, "What are you going to do after you learn?"

"Xiaohutu was killed by someone, and I want to avenge her," I said to the blind man.

Upon hearing this, the blind man frowned slightly and said, "Not bad, very righteous, but can you tell me how you plan to avenge her? Are you going to kill the murderer?"

"Well..." This question stumped me. To be honest, I hadn't figured out exactly how to proceed with this matter.

"Here's the deal, since you have no idea, let me help you. But if I'm going to help you, you have to pay a little price," said the blind man, knocking on his pipe and saying to me, "Formally become my disciple and learn from me."

Upon hearing this, I couldn't help but look at my parents and saw that they looked a bit hesitant, and I was also a bit hesitant.

Seeing this situation, the blind man couldn't help but laugh and say, "Kid, you have to think it over. You are now haunted by two ghosts. Although chanting can temporarily relieve your distress, if you continue like this, you will eventually be killed by these two ghosts. When that happens, I won't be able to help you."

Upon hearing this, my father pondered for a moment and couldn't help but ask the blind old man, "Master, if Yihen becomes your disciple, can you really save his life?"

"Of course, he will be my own disciple, who else would I save if not him?" The blind old man chuckled.

Seeing this situation, my father nodded, as if he had made up his mind, and turned to me, saying, "Yihen, kneel down and kowtow to your master!"

Unexpectedly, my father agreed directly to the blind old man's condition. Helpless, I had to kneel down and kowtow to him, formally becoming his disciple.

After the apprenticeship ceremony was over, the blind old man couldn't help but show a look of joy on his face. He pulled me to his side and said, "Well done, young man! From now on, I am your master. Remember, you must study hard everything I teach you. If you don't work hard, I will punish you."

"You can punish me however you want," I said to him, "but don't forget the promise you made to me. You said you would help me clear Xiaohutu's name. You must keep your word."

"Don't worry, your master will never go back on his word. But before that, your master has more urgent matters to attend to," said the blind old man.

"What matters?" I asked curiously.

"I need to teach you my techniques first, to save your life. You are already soaked in Yin energy and in grave danger. Do you know that? Therefore, you must start practicing as soon as possible. Otherwise, when those two little ghosts really tear apart your soul, even your master won't be able to save you," said the blind old man.

Upon hearing this, I couldn't help but ask in curiosity, "What technique are you going to teach me? Is it really that powerful?"

"It's exactly that powerful," the blind old man said confidently and then added, "because my technique is the Secret Art of Ling Tai."