Yin-Yang Spirit Embryo

The blind old man decided to teach me the secret technique of the Spirit Embryo. To avoid any disturbances from others, he asked Bai Xinghua and my parents to leave the room. My parents had no choice since the old man could save their son's life, so they obediently left with Bai Xinghua.

Once they left, only the old man and I were left in the room. He then instructed me to sit cross-legged and asked me, "Do you know where the qi in the human body is located?"

This question was not difficult for me, as I had loved reading books since I was young and had already read some martial arts novels. I knew that the qi in the human body was located in the dantian, which is three fingers below the navel.

I answered the old man's question according to what I had read in the novels. However, he just chuckled and said to me, "Those are just superficial martial arts theories that don't involve the soul. Let me tell you, there are natural Yin and Yang energies inside the human body. Men are dominated by Yang energy, while women are dominated by Yin energy. These two energies flow through all the meridians in the human body, but their ultimate source is in the Purple Palace."

"The Purple Palace? I know that. It's the dantian, right? The book said that the dantian is the most powerful place for cultivation," I said excitedly to the old man.

"You're wrong. You're so wrong," the old man shook his head and said to me, "The Purple Palace I'm talking about is not just an acupoint. It's a real thing. Let me ask you something. You're not young anymore, do you know where a woman's fetus is when she's pregnant?"

"In her stomach," I replied.

"In what part of her stomach?" the old man asked with a lecherous look on his face.

"Well, it's called the uterus," I said, having some knowledge of these things from reading some erotic books. "Oh, yes, that's the uterus. In our language, we call it the Purple Palace. Both women and men have it. Do you know how important this thing is? It's the place where new life can be conceived. That's why in Taoism, the Purple Palace is considered the source of life. The two innate energies in the human body are condensed here. " The blind old man paused and looked at me, then asked, "Do you know why men are stronger than women?" "Because men are bigger?" I replied. "Wrong. The basic flesh, blood, and bones of the human body are mostly similar, and there's no such thing as bigger or smaller. Let me tell you, the reason why men are stronger than women is that the Purple Palace of men is closed, and the innate energies don't leak out. Women's innate energies are often leaked, which leads to insufficient energy and less strength." The blind old man paused again and looked at me, "My Ling Tai Secret Art is specifically for cultivating the Purple Palace. If you reach a high level of cultivation, you can condense a Ling Tai with innate energies in the Purple Palace. This Ling Tai is incredibly powerful, not only can it help you live longer, but it can even help you astral project and become like an immortal." The old man's words became increasingly mystical, and I was confused by them. I couldn't help but ask, "Are you saying I need to have a baby?" As soon as I said that, the old man choked and coughed for a long time before helplessly laughing and saying, "Never mind, I've gone off topic. It's useless to tell you so many profound things. You're still too young. Let me just tell you what you need to do." "What do you want me to do? Can your Ling Tai Secret Art help me get rid of the yin energy of those two little ghosts?" I asked the old man curiously. "That's the energy of the Golden Boy and Jade Girl. It's rare to see it in a hundred years. Why do you want to get rid of them?" The blind old man asked me. "Then how can you help me?" I asked, puzzled.

"Gathering Qi to form a fetus, start following my instructions now. I guarantee that you will cultivate a rare Yin-Yang Spirit Fetus that only appears once in a thousand years. When you achieve it, you will understand its benefits," said the old blind man to me.

Upon hearing this, I nodded my head and thought that as long as it could cure my high fever, I was willing to do anything. Therefore, I prepared myself for the cultivation.

Seeing that I was ready, the old blind man fumbled and pulled out a yellowed ancient book from his sleeve and handed it to me, saying, "Read according to the book. Memorize the mantra first. If there are any unfamiliar characters, ask me, and I will tell you. Once you have memorized the mantra, I will explain its meaning, and you can try to use it to breathe and condense the Spirit Fetus."

I took the ancient book, which had no text on its cover, and realized that it was probably the so-called Secret Art of Spirit Fetus.

However, what made me frustrated was that when I opened the pages, I found that the book was difficult to read because it was written in traditional Chinese characters. This was a nightmare for me since I had just graduated from primary school and had not even mastered simplified Chinese characters, let alone traditional ones.

Although I felt helpless, I had no choice but to stumble through it, read it out loud, and ask the old blind man for help with unfamiliar characters. After a night of struggle, I had only memorized the first part of the mantra.

"Qi of Heaven and Earth, nourishing my seven parts. Dan Yuan's silence nurtures, the beauty lies in diligent rest..."

I memorized the mantra, but I did not understand its meaning. Later, after the old blind man explained it to me, I learned that it taught me to learn to concentrate my mind, feel the movement of my internal breath, and control the flow and operation of my breath. Of course, while controlling my breath, I had to use the method of breathing, absorbing the essence of Heaven and Earth while driving and refining my internal energy.

Since my body now had two kinds of ghost energy mixed in, my cultivation was a hundred times more difficult than an average person's. The ghost energy would interfere with me, making it impossible for me to concentrate my mind, and in severe cases, I might even become insane.

However, if I can overcome the interference of these two little ghosts and collect all of their ghost energy into the Purple Palace, I can cultivate the Yin-Yang Spiritual Embryo, which is an extremely powerful treasure that only appears once every millennium.

I don't know why Blind Old Man values me so much and why he's so confident that I won't go crazy with demonic energy.

But these things are not important, because I have realized that Blind Old Man has been mistaken about one thing all along. He said that there was a Golden Boy and Jade Girl inside me, but in fact, there are two little girl ghosts. Could it be that he saw it wrong?

At that moment, I couldn't help but ask him, "Master, I think you must have seen it wrong. The two little ghosts inside me are both girls, not a boy and a girl."

Upon hearing my words, Blind Old Man stroked his beard and looked at me with a smile, saying, "Yi Heng, this is another thing that Master wants to tell you. People are divided into male and female, and Qi is divided into yin and yang. However, ghosts are not divided by gender. Their nature is determined by their aura. The two little ghosts in your body are one yin and one yang. What else could they be if not a Golden Boy and Jade Girl?"