It's coming

 The situation with Red Riding Hood gave me a moment of consternation, I didn't expect her condition to be so serious, I remembered that I had only subconsciously released a very weak bit of yin power with the intention of just pushing her out of the way, I didn't even think that her life would be in danger as a result.

  "What should I do?"

  At that moment, I hurriedly ran to Dai Redcap's side and pulled her up from the ground, my heart full of tension, but I couldn't think of any way to save her for a while.

  How I wished at this time that Yun Qingyue had not fallen asleep, then I should be able to help her get rid of the Yin Qi in her body easily.

  Judging from her current situation, she should be in danger of sinking because her life is like a piece of goose feather floating on the surface of the water due to her long term Yin Qi entanglement, and the bit of Yin power I applied to her became the last straw that crushed the whole building, which made her appear in such a condition.

  It was the first time I had ever killed anyone, and although it was a mistake, it still made me feel very scared, especially since the victim was such a weak girl, which made me feel even more guilty.

  What should I do, what should I do, could Red Riding Hood really have died like this? If that was the case, then she was too wronged, and I was too wronged.

  "Brother, the bell, use the bell!" It was at this moment that the voice of Little Puzzler rang out in my mind, instantly reminding me.

  "Oops, how could I forget this in the midst of all the busyness!" I slapped my head and hurriedly took the bell out of my pocket, then stuck the slightly yellowish bell on the head of Dai Redcap.

  As soon as the bell was placed on Red Hat's head, her whole body shook and her breathing calmed down, and the yin energy from her body coalesced towards the bell at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  After the bell absorbed the Yin Qi, it immediately shook violently, like a loach that had been thrown into a hot frying pan, and was struggling with all its might to jump out of it.

  This situation puzzled me, and after a closer look, I realised that the bell had been covered with frost, and the loss of Yin Qi from Dai Hongcai's body had also stopped, which meant that the bell had absorbed enough Yin Qi and could no longer help Dai Hongcai get rid of it.

  She was still unconscious, rolling her eyes, and her whole body was cold, which obviously did not reassure me.

  But what could I do?

  At this point, I was at my wit's end. I was in a hurry in the room, clutching the two bells in my right hand and rubbing them together, making them creak and rattle, which sounded very harsh.

  As I was getting anxious, I suddenly felt a slight itch in my right hand, as if something was drilling into my hand.

  This situation startled me and I subconsciously dropped the bell, but then the words of Little Puzzler rang out in my heart.

  "Brother, don't throw it away, it's very comfortable, that thing is delicious."

  I was stunned by Little Paste's words and hastily asked her what was going on, only when she said it did I understand that the Yin Qi that I had absorbed had not infested me, but had all been eaten by Little Paste.

  She was able to absorb and fuse the Yin Qi perfectly, which made me feel excited, what did this mean? It meant that Little Muddle might be getting stronger and stronger as a result.

  This was something I hadn't discovered before, and now that I had discovered it, it couldn't help but give me a burst of excitement, so right then I hastily picked that bell up and clutched it in my hand, allowing Little Dodger to absorb all that Yin Qi to her heart's content.

  "No more, blah blah blah-"

  Very soon, Little Paste had already absorbed all the Yin Qi from the bell, and she was still not satisfied, as if she wanted more.

  This made me feel delighted, and at the same time, my heart was slightly moved, and I subconsciously pressed my palm against the head of Red Riding Hood, wanting to absorb the Yin Qi directly from her body.

  However, to my disappointment, it seemed that my palm could not directly absorb the Yin Qi, which had to be absorbed and transformed by the bell before it could become food for the little muddler.

  I had no choice but to use the bell to absorb the yin energy from the Red Hat before feeding it to the little muddler.

  I was worried that she might be abnormal because she had absorbed too much Yin Qi.

  I was worried that she had absorbed too much yin energy and had developed some abnormalities. In this way, I could let go of the yin energy and help Dai Hongcai to clear it.

  So, after a lot of work, it was already dark, and I was able to remove almost all the Yin Qi from Tai Hong Hao's body. Her condition had stabilised, her breathing had calmed down and her body temperature had recovered, but she had not woken up for the time being, probably because the Yin Qi had hit her too hard.

  Seeing this condition, I then carried her to the west room, put her on the bed, covered her with the blanket and let her lie there to rest.

  When I came out of the west room, I looked helplessly at my grandmother in the red hat, who was still delirious, sitting there grunting and cursing, seemingly completely insane.

  The old woman's clothes were half wet, and if she kept wearing them in this cold winter, she might freeze, so I hesitated for a moment and decided to be a good person and help take care of her.

  "Grandma, get up, let's go inside, I'll wait for you to lie down, your clothes are soaking wet, you have to take them off." I went forward and took the old man's hand, wanting to help her into the house and settle down.

  What I didn't expect was that when she heard my words, she suddenly grabbed my hand and looked at me with panic on her face and said, "It's coming, it's coming, please, save my granddaughter, please..."

  "Grandma, what's going on? What is this it you speak of?" I asked, somewhat puzzled, as I knelt down and calmed the grandmother.

  "Mr. Yin, Mr. Yin is coming," the old grandmother shivered her hands and shouted rapidly, her expression full of panic.

  Seeing this condition, I knew that the real evil thing should appear soon, which gave me a surge of excitement, for it was what I had been waiting for.

  "Grandma, don't worry, let me tell you the truth, I am actually a ghost hunter and I have come to your house today to help you. Don't worry about it, I will definitely help you to eliminate that Mr. Yin." I gripped the grandmother's hand tightly and said to her in a deep voice.

  "Ghost catcher?" Hearing my words, the old grandmother quieted down, and then she looked at me with a crooked head and said, "Can you really save my granddaughter?"