Blood-dripping scissors

"Don't worry, I've dealt with many evil spirits, I can definitely help you this time, just rest easy old man, leave the rest to me." I looked at the old man and said solemnly.

  Hearing my words, the old man finally calmed down a little and regained some sanity.

  Seeing this situation, I hurriedly helped her up and headed inside.

  By this time, the room was dark as it was already dark and I hadn't had time to light the lamp.

  I helped her to sit down on the edge of the bed, then I fumbled to light the oil lamp on the table, then I patiently helped her to take off her soaked cotton jacket and trousers.

  During this process, the old man kept grunting and talking nonsense about Mr. Yin's mercy and saving my granddaughter.

  I knew that the old man might have been tormented by the evil creature for a long time and had a mental breakdown, which is why she acted like this, so I didn't take her words seriously.

  However, I was also a bit puzzled by some of the old man's previous actions, such as why she thought I was Mr. Yin at that time. The answer I gave myself to this question was that at first when she spoke to me, I went along with her words because I didn't know much about the situation, and this might have caused her misunderstanding. Another reason might be that the old man might also have some supernormal ability to see special things in people, and she might have vaguely sensed the presence of Little Dodger and found out that I was the one who was haunted by the yin spirit, so she took me as that evil thing.

  According to this, the evil creature had never appeared in the daytime before, and when it appeared at night, it was probably very fierce, and neither Old Granny nor Red Riding Hood could do anything about it. "So she conspired with Red Riding Hood to scatter glutinous rice around the house and then tried to beat me to death with her walking stick.

  It was a pity that she not only misidentified the wrong person, but also hit the wrong ghost, so she failed, and even at the end, because she saw that the glutinous rice was no threat to me, she simply had a nervous breakdown and went crazy, that glutinous rice was her only reliance, and now it actually didn't work, so you can imagine her desperate and painful heart at that time.

  However, what I was curious about was that the grandmother and Red Riding Hood had obviously been plagued by that evil thing for more than a day or two, but why had they not taken any action in all this time? The first thing that would come to mind in such a situation would be to ask a Yin-Yang master to take a look, and if that was not possible, to move the family and flee away.

  What is this?

  With doubts in my mind, I went all the way to the pot house, lit a wood fire in the stove and baked the old man's cotton jacket and trousers against the opening of the stove.

  During this process, I couldn't help but keep my ears open to see what was going on outside, to see when the evil thing would appear.

  However, to my dismay, the evil creature did not appear until I had dried the old man's jacket and trousers.

  I had no choice but to go back to the old man's house and carefully put the jacket and trousers on the table.

  There were three rooms and two beds in Red Riding Hood's house, and originally Granny's intention was to let Red Riding Hood sleep with her tonight and let me sleep in Red Riding Hood's bed, but now, because I had not thought it through, the old man and Red Riding Hood were still occupying one bed each. Where do I sleep? Do I have to stay up all night? In this cold winter, I would freeze to death.

  Just as I was standing in the hall with my arms crossed, there was suddenly some movement from the east room.

  I hurriedly went in, and when I looked, I realised that the old man had woken up.

  "Saeko, please go down and help me get the night pot out from under the bed, I, I need to make a convenience," the old man said with shivering lips, struggling to sit up from the bed.

  "Yes, be careful, Grandma," I said, and hastily went over and bent down to get the night jug from under the bed.

  But as soon as I bent down, I suddenly felt that something was wrong with my surroundings, the temperature in the house seemed to have dropped considerably compared to what it was before.

  I was about to open the door to the sky to check the situation in the house, but at that moment, I suddenly heard a soft "poof" sound, and then I felt a sharp stabbing pain in my spine, and my whole body twitched. I fell backwards with a scream.

  As a result, when I looked up after my fall, I found a scene that left me more than a little dismayed.

  On the bed, my grandmother, who was wearing a red hat, was staring at me with her teeth clenched, while in her right hand she was holding a pair of scissors that were dripping blood.

  "Grandma, you, why are you still doubting me? I've told you, I'm a ghost hunter, not Mr. Yin-"

  Seeing the old man's condition, I thought she was still doubting me, so at that moment, I did not feel that I was forcing myself to endure the severe pain and grit my teeth to explain to her.

  However, what I didn't expect was that at this moment, when the grandmother heard my words, a strange smile appeared on her lips, and then her eyes glowed blue as she stared at me and said, "You're not Mr. Yin, but I am..."

  "What?" When I heard this, I was so shocked that I subconsciously tried to jump up from the ground, but when I did, I realized that the old man's stabbing was so deep that it seemed to have hurt me.

  "A ghost hunter, is it? Then I'll see how you're going to catch me, hahaha-"

  At this moment, the old grandmother, who was cloaked in hair, let out a harsh scream, and then, as agile as a monkey, she jumped off the bed, and then, with a dive, she clutched the scissors with both hands and stabbed me straight in the chest.

  "Help me, little dummy!"

  The situation was so critical that I couldn't help but grit my teeth and roll over to dodge, while shouting to Little Puzzler.

  "Brother, don't be afraid, I'll help you block her!"

  As my shout fell, Little Puddle appeared in response, ready to help me, but at this time, when I took a look at her appearance, I was unconsciously stunned, because I found that the girl in front of me, although she looked somewhat similar to Little Puddle, was obviously older than Little Puddle by several years.

  What's going on here?