Flying Fury Formation

Outside, there were no stars and no moon, the snow was still rustling, inside, the wind was howling, and the cold was no worse than outside, but even stronger.

  I finally knew why Dai Hongcai and her grandmother had been unable to escape from the Spiritual Evil. Even if I could save her this time, with her present appearance, she would probably have to face a life full of mockery and humiliation next.

  Why did it have to fixate on Red Riding Hood?

  I was so furious that the Spiritual Birth Secret Technique in my body then flew into action, forming a Yuan Qi shield around my body, which prevented the Soul Fiend's Yin Wind Tornado from hurting me at all.

  "Kid, I didn't see that you actually had two skills!"

  Seeing my appearance, the Soul Fiend could not help but laugh strangely, seemingly disdainful of me. It certainly didn't think that it, as a Yin King, would be unable to defeat a 13-year-old ghost hunter.

  In the face of the spirit demon's taunts, I could not help but sneer and say, "If the Tao is one foot high, it can restrain the demon from being one foot high.

  As I spoke, I began to recite the Vajra Sutra in a loud voice, so all at once, the sound of a great bell vibrated all over the room, and a vague layer of Buddha's light descended from the sky and shone on my body, and under the suppression of that Buddha's light, that soul-devil's tornado of Yin wind instantly retreated backwards and dispersed, and already showed signs of disintegration.

  "Damn it!"

  Seeing this situation, that Soul Fiend let out a stern cry and said angrily, "Well, well, I didn't expect that you were still a ghost hunter with dual training in Buddhism and Taoism, since that's the case, then I have nothing to hold back, I will show you what the real Buddhism and Taoism are like, I tell you, Buddhism and Taoism can't save you, and they definitely won't save you either!"

  "If you have the ability, just use it, if I am afraid of you today, my name would not be Liu Yichen!"

  At this point I already understood my mission very well, it was obvious that the Black Moon Evil God was somehow divine, but the reason why he had asked me to come here must have been to eradicate this Soul Fiend. I didn't know what the relationship between the Black Moon God and the Red Hat's grandchildren was, or why he hadn't come to their rescue, but no matter what, since I was a ghost hunter and had come across such an injustice today, I had no reason to retreat!

  "The nine ghosts lead to the Yellow Spring, the Yellow Spring floats the Flying Furies, the Flying Furies turn into walking corpses, kid, receive my Flying Furies Walking Corpses Formation!"

  In the face of my Buddha's light, the evil demon finally exploded into full strength, and with a strange cry, the tornado of wind around me sped up and spun rapidly. With the rapid rotation of the tornado, the first person to suffer was not me, but the old grandmother's spirit of birth light, which was trapped in the wind.

  The living soul was already very weak and had almost been torn apart by the wind. Now, as the wind speed increased, she could no longer support herself and could not help but let out a harsh scream.

  "Help me..."

  But, unfortunately, at this time, I was injured on the one hand, and on the other hand, I could only barely support myself in the face of the suddenly intensifying tornado of the gloomy wind, so I really could not save her at this time.

  "You're dead! I will make you suffer and live like hell!"

  I forced myself to hold back the tears at the corners of my eyes, clenched my fists tightly and shouted angrily at that Soul Fiend.

  "Hahahaha, kid, don't just talk, if you have the ability, break my Flying Deadly Walking Corpse Formation first.

  As his voice fell, a low, pale roar was suddenly heard from afar, and then the tornado of gloomy wind suddenly receded in all directions, and at the same time, from the gloomy wind, a black as ink ghostly shadow floated out.


  After the ghostly shadows came out of the wind, they turned into ghosts of death, each with glowing eyes and claws, and rushed towards me.

  This situation made me nervous and startled, because at this time I had no more strength to deal with these flying demons in order to fight against the tearing of the tornado.

  What was I supposed to do, just sit there and wait to die?

  So, just as I froze, countless flying furies had swept over me like a flock of birds.

  "Boom - pffffffff -"

  A low impact sound rang out, accompanied by a quenching hissing sound. The Buddha's light and Yuan Qi shield shrouded over my body, under the impact of those flying furies, was already bright and indefinite, smoke curling up, and it looked like it would not be able to support for long.

  At this moment, I could not help but feel anxious because I could imagine what would happen to me when the Buddha's light and the Yuan Qi shield were dispersed by the flying demons.

  If nothing else, I guessed that I would be broken, my flesh and blood would be broken, my bones would be scattered, and I would be turned into a pile of lifeless flesh, and my soul would probably be absorbed by the wind, just like the old man's soul.

  What to do, what the hell should I do? Could it be that I had really failed like this? Could it be that my footsteps, my life, really had to stop here?

  I am not willing, I am still so young, I still have many ideals and pursuits ...

  At this time, deep inside me, for the first time, the idea of running away sprang up.

  But, also just as I was hesitating and wandering, a voice suddenly rang out in my heart.

  "Brother, let me out, I'll help you block those flying furies!" Little Puzzler called out to me.

  "No, Little Puzzler, you've just been injured, your vital energy is now weak, I'm worried that something will happen to you," I said to Little Puzzler.

  "Brother, don't hesitate, let me go, don't worry about it, I'll take care of myself!" Little Paste said to me somewhat anxiously.

  Hearing this, I felt helpless for a while, and then I could only release Little Puddle.

  "As a matter of fact, as soon as Little Paste appeared, all the hostile spirits and demons around her immediately screamed and charged at her. The muscles of my whole body were tense.