Bull-type ghost Flooding


  Black shadows flashed and flying furies swarmed, all rushing towards Little Muddle.

  Little Paste stood quietly in front of me, her single, weak figure, her two slender little legs translucent, giving the impression of being fragile and childish.

  To be honest, I was worried about her, I was really worried, I didn't know how she was going to face those flying demons, those ghosts were not even afraid of my Yuan Qi shield, how could Little Paste Tu's such a tender body stand up to their soul devouring.

  "Good, did you let that little girl out again?"

  At this time, the voice of the blood-swallowing Soul Fury came from behind the nether wind.

  "Hmph, so what if it is?" I frowned tightly, full of displeasure, although Little Doudu was soft, I couldn't stand people underestimating her.

  Hearing my words, those Flying Furies that were about to come crashing over, obviously slowed down a bit, many of them even drifted and swam in mid-air, not even rushing down for a while.

  I was stunned by this situation, and then I realized that it was the Blood Soul Fury who was about to talk nonsense again, so I paused my attack.

  "Tsk, tsk, tsk, not bad, it seems you cherish this little girl," as expected, after those Flying Furies stopped their attack, that Soul Fury's braying strange voice, then with full of mockery, came from behind the nether wind.

  "Hmph, for a filthy creature like you, who has nothing to live for and nothing to die for, it is natural that you cannot understand the love between us." I also sneered at the Blood Soul Sip.

  As expected, when he heard my words, that guy let out a strange laugh, obviously very angry, but its city was very deep, so it quickly calmed down, and then could not help but smack his lips while disdainfully saying, "What a touching sentiment, a ghost hunter, and a little ghost girl, tsk tsk, Liu Yichen, I really can't see through you, I can't even figure out whether you are a ghost hunter or a ghost hunter."

  The Spiritual Fury's words were obviously sarcastic about my behaviour towards ghosts, which made me feel a little embarrassed, but then I said back with a straight face, "So what if I'm a ghost catcher? Ghosts are also divided into good and evil, as long as they are good spirits, I will protect them!"

  "Oh, you are so noble, hahaha, I really admire you, how about it, can you bless me too? Let me tell you, I'm actually a good person, no, a good ghost," the spirit demon said, smiling at me playfully.

  "As the Buddhist saying goes, put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha, if you can truly repent, perhaps we can really be friends," I said to the Soul Fiend with a frown.

  "Ha, ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha-"

  Hearing my words, the Soul Fiend let out an eerie laugh, and then it suddenly spoke coldly and sternly, "Stop dreaming, kid, you're just a hairless kid, how dare you try to subjugate me? Do you know what level I am now? Do you know how free and easy I am now? Hey hey, put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha, let me tell you, that's all bullshit, it's all a lie!"

  "Even if you are powerful, free and lawless now, you will be punished one day, this is the cycle of heaven!" I said in a deep voice to that Soul Fiend.

  "Don't talk to me about heavenly justice, I've already told you that there is no such thing as heavenly justice in this world!" As the Soul Fiend spoke, he let out a strange cry and then manipulated the flying fiends to charge towards Little Dodger.

  "Aren't you good with ghosts and raising them as friends? Aren't you in love with this little girl? Then I will make her soul fly away in front of you, and I will see in whose hands the heavenly justice is held!"

  As the Soul Fiend spoke, the flying ghostly shadows were already swarming down on Little Dazed.

  I could not help but twitch the corners of my eyes and subconsciously shouted, "Little Doutu, come back quickly, hurry up, we, we are not going to fight, brother is incompetent, brother does not want to harm you!"

  But what I didn't expect was that just as I was about to give up, I saw a puff of black smoke rising in front of me, and then a bull's head with sharp horns and angry eyes violently smashed through the flying demons and reached out from inside the black smoke.

  "The bull's head rushes the brakes, rise!"

  After the bull's head appeared, Xiao Duzhu's voice followed, and then only a black smoke filled the air as Xiao Duzhu, riding on the back of the bull ghost, fiercely transformed into a phantom shadow and stormed furiously in the midst of the Yin Wind Formation.


  The bull roared and the ghost screamed, the eardrums trembled and stung, but this could not affect my mind in the slightest, at this moment my mind was all bet on Little Muddle's body.

  I didn't expect, I really didn't expect Little Girl to have such a bottom card and killing move, she had actually summoned the Bull Ghost, and also dispersed that formation of Flying Furies.

  "Damn it, what a difficult little girl!"

  At this time, seeing the Flying Furies he had summoned being scattered in a mess by Little Daze's impact, that Sip Blood Soul Fury could not help but curse angrily.

  "Good job, Little Paste, brother is proud of you!"

  At this moment, I couldn't help but shout for Little Paste.

  Hearing my words, Little Puzzler was excited, and then he grabbed the bull's horns with both hands and urged the bull ghost to once again run like a wolf and charge against those flying furies.

  This time, those flying drakes lost all their power, and were all scattered by Little Paste, some turned into black gas and drifted away, while others were directly sucked back into the Yin Wind Formation.

  At this point, the Flying Fury Formation of the Blood Soul Fury was completely broken, which made me feel excited, and Little Muddle was also very happy, driving the Bull Ghost to me, looking at me with a happy face and asking, "Brother, am I good?"

  "Yes, you are the best," I gave her a thumbs up, and then I looked at the bull ghost and noticed that it looked familiar, so I asked, "This old bull-"

  "Your family's ah, hey, you forget, at that time I slapped it to death, then it became my pet, just before has been disobedient, this time because to help you, only obedient to me," said the little girl wobbling head.

  I see, so this is the spirit of the old yellow cow in my house, no wonder it looked so familiar to me.

  "Old thing, I'm sorry," I subconsciously reached out and touched the old cow's head.

  "Moo-" At this time, the old bull could not help but call out to me, and then it was a fling of its body that lifted the little muddler off its back, after which the old bull's figure flickered and disappeared inside me.

  "What's wrong?" This situation could not help but make me curious for a while.

  "My power is still too weak, I can't control it for long, and summoning it out is also very laborious, I feel very tired now and want to sleep." As Little Puddle spoke, he couldn't help but yawn and lean lopsidedly towards me.

  I was about to comfort her when I subconsciously gathered her into my arms, but at that moment, a strange laugh came out from behind the tornado of gloomy wind.

  "Liu Yichen, do you think that's the end of it? Next, I'll let you see my strongest killing move, the Floating Corpse Walking Formation, this time, I want to see what else you can do against me!"