Stretcher beds

"Of course there will be harm, the power will be reduced by at least 30%," Mr. San Wu looked at me and finished, and then smacked his lips, "However, to say that there will be a long-lasting effect, I think it may not be, after all, such a yin and yang spirit treasure, relying solely on their own power, will never be able to wash out, so I guess he So I guess he may have found the spirit marrow in the mountain. It was because of this that his power grew so quickly and he was able to create such a treasure. If he has really found the spirit marrow, then there is no need to worry too much about him, because with the nourishment of the spirit marrow, he should soon regain his original strength, and possibly even stronger."

  Hearing Mr. Sanwu's words, I finally put my heart down, otherwise, I was going to return the bell to the Black Moon Evil God, after all, I don't like to owe people favours.

  The sky was overcast and the snow was falling, so I couldn't tell if it was noon or morning. After talking to me for a while, Mr. Sanwu asked me if I was hungry.

  Of course I was, my stomach was rumbling with hunger, so I nodded at him and subconsciously licked my lips.

  At the sight of my affections, he smiled, turned and went out, and in a short time came in with a bowl of steaming noodles.

  "Eat it while it's hot," he said, placing it on the edge of the bed.

  I was so hungry that I didn't care about the pain in my body, so I rolled over on the edge of the bed and took the noodles and ate them in a flurry, and within a few moments I had wiped them out.

  When he saw that I had a good appetite, Mr. Sanwu smiled and nodded, put the bowl away, told me to get some rest, and then went out.

  This time he went away for a bit longer and didn't come back for a long time. I ate and drank enough and lay on the bed in a daze, unaware that I had fallen asleep.

  This time I fell asleep without having any more nightmares. When I woke up, it was dark and my stomach was growling again.

  The wind blew in through the window pane, making me feel extraordinarily cold.

  After lighting the lamp, I went out with it, wanting to see what this place was all about, and to see where Mr. Sanwu had gone, he was so bad at taking care of people, it was already dark and he still hadn't brought me any food.

  When I arrived at the door, I first saw a small courtyard in a square shape, with a small path leading straight to the door.

  On both sides of the path are pines and bamboos, still lush and green in the snowy season.

  The house has only three rooms in a row, with no side rooms and only a small straw hut set up against the wall on the east side, which looks like a potting shed.

  The remaining two rooms were not lit at the moment, and the courtyard was cold and silent.

  This made me a little curious, and I turned to the next room with the light on.

  I pushed the door open and smelt the smell of medicine and blood. When I raised the lamp to look, I found a small bed against the wall, where a man was lying with his head wrapped in gauze, and on the small case beside the bed were jars of medicine, gauze, a willow leaf knife, a basket of needles and thread.

  Many dark red blood stains were on the tabletop and it looked a bit dirty.

  I walked over to the bed and looked down to see that the person lying on the bed was none other than Dai Hongcai.

  At this point she was in a coma and seemed completely unaware of what was going on outside.

  I reached out to test her breath and found that her breathing was weak. Touching her face, it was cold, and when I touched her body again, it was the same, which made me feel a pang of worry in my heart, feeling that this girl might not have long to live, even her body temperature was gone, so how could she live?

  "Mr. Sanwu! Mr. Sanwu!"

  Seeing this situation, I carried the lamp and called out Mr. Sanwu's name while walking out, looking around the courtyard, trying to find Mr. Sanwu, but, to my dismay, after searching for half a day, I not only failed to find him, but also exhausted myself, panting and in pain like a knife cut all over my body.

  I had no choice but to carry the lamp and stumble towards the front door.

  The courtyard was surrounded by pine trees and bamboo forests, and the atmosphere was very peaceful and suitable for a hermit, but once the snow fell, it was a bit of a problem to get up and down the slope.

  There is a road leading down the slope, and the slope is quite steep, so if one were to walk up it, it would be difficult to stand.

  I walked along the road to the entrance for some distance, and when I came to the slope, I didn't dare to go forward because I was afraid that I might slide down the slope.

  I couldn't help but stand on the slope and shout out Mr. Sanwu's name. In the end, I even wanted to scold him because I felt he was too irresponsible, since he had saved me and Redcap, he should be a good man and take care of us.

  Just as I was getting anxious, a voice came from the bottom of the hill and said, "Kid, you go back first, I'll be right there."

  When I heard that voice, I was excited and knew it was Mr. Sanwu, so I quickly asked him what he was doing.

  He didn't answer me, which made me a bit depressed, so I stood at the junction and waited for him to see what he was doing.

  After waiting for a short while, I saw a dark shadow appear at the bottom of the slope, and then the shadow dragged something up the slope a little.

  I was a bit puzzled by this situation and wondered what Mr. Sanwu was dragging, as it seemed to be quite large.

  It was not long before Mr. Sanwu reached close by, and while I raised my lamp to give him light, I looked behind him and realised that he was dragging a stretcher bed, which also had a Red Cross medicine chest on it.

  "Sir, what are you doing?" Seeing the stretcher bed and the medicine box, I couldn't help but ask Mr. Sanwu with some curiosity.

  He pulled the stretcher bed up the slope and stood on it, panting heavily as he said to me, "That girl's life is in danger and she needs to be rescued quickly. In this medicine box is glucose, give her some more to hang on to, it should turn her condition around a bit."

  When I heard this, I was touched, but at the same time, I also blamed myself.

  I could not help but blush at this situation, and then I hurriedly went forward to help him push the stretcher bed into the courtyard.

  The stretcher bed had four wheels underneath, so it could be pushed around like a small car, and it wasn't heavy to push. If he wanted to save Red Riding Hood, he could have just brought back the glucose drip, couldn't he? Why did he take the trouble to drag this stretcher bed all the way back here? Could it be that there is something hidden in this?