Go to the man who unlocked the bell

There was doubt in my mind and I couldn't help but ask.

  "Sir, why did you drag a bed back when you could just bring back the medicine?" I asked Mr. Sanwu.

  "You don't know this," Mr. Sanwu said to me while pushing the stretcher bed, "This one, my ability is limited, I may not be able to cure that girl, so I am doing this as a kind of rainy day, to prepare for that girl's next treatment. When the time comes, if it really doesn't work, with this bed, it will be convenient to take her to the hospital."

  I couldn't help but nod, and then I asked, a little curiously, "What about two?"

  "This two," said Mr. Sanwu, standing up and looking at me with a meaningful smile, "you will naturally understand when you are better."

  Now I was even more curious and wondered what exactly this meant.

  However, since Mr. Sanwu was not willing to elaborate, I could not pursue the matter.

  At that moment, we pushed the stretcher bed all the way into the room with the red hat. When we entered the room, Mr. Sanwu immediately went to work.

  He took out a bottle of glucose and put a drip in it. After that, he lit the fire in the room, which made the room much warmer.

  I wanted to help, but I was too weak and my wounds hurt, so I couldn't do anything else.

  After a lot of work, Mr. Sanwu touched the forehead of Dai Hongcai and finally breathed a sigh of relief, then looked back at me and said, "Luckily, it's finally stabilized, you're hungry too, wait, I'll go cook right away."

  "There's no hurry, you're exhausted too, sir, why don't you rest for a while," I was really touched at this time, so I wanted to ask him to rest for a while.

  "That won't do, I'm hungry myself, I won't be able to carry on without eating," Mr. Sanwu smiled faintly and went out to cook.

  After he went out, I couldn't help but move over to the bed and sit down, watching Red Riding Hood in silence.

  I hadn't looked at her very closely since I met her, but now I realized that she was quite good-looking, not in the flamboyant way, but in the elegant way, especially with her thin lips.

  She told me that she was fifteen years old this year, two years older than me, but unfortunately, because of the spirit demon, her body had not grown up, and she was still in her teens.

  I didn't know what kind of state she was in after learning about the spirit demon, but I felt that it must have been unpleasant and frightening, so I was a little worried at this time that she might have some mental disorder when she woke up, because after all, it was all too horrible and bizarre for ordinary people to accept.

  I looked at the red hat and thought about it for a while, and then my mind drifted unconsciously to the body of the little muddler, which made me feel sad again, and at the same time, I felt even more hatred towards the Black Moon Evil God and the Blood Soul Fury.

  I vowed that I would find it and make it pay for it!

  "Your fists are clenched so tightly, which means you are full of hatred inside, this is not a good sign. You should know that a monk's heart is like water, not being tied up by mundane matters, then you can achieve the realm of celestial unity, you are so sentimental and self-annoyed, it is greatly detrimental to your cultivation."

  Just as I was grinding my teeth in anger, Mr. San Wu's voice rang out behind me.

  I was startled and couldn't help but smile a little awkwardly and said to him, "Sir is a master and a high achiever, naturally he can achieve a mind like water, but unfortunately I am a teenager, it is really hard for me to reach that state."

  "Not bad, although you have a lot of love and hatred, but you have an open heart, this shows that your wisdom is not shallow, I am very optimistic about you, your future achievements are only unlimited." As Mr. Sanwu spoke, he beckoned me over to eat.

  I was so hungry that I was about to faint, so I rushed over, sat down at the table, took the bowl of rice and gobbled it up.

  "You look like you've recovered well," said Mr. Sanwu, smiling at me when he saw my appearance.

  A little embarrassed, I smiled and said, "Well, I'm a young man, my body grows fast."

  "Well, that's just right," Mr. Sanwu nodded, "It just so happens that this next period is my annual period of cultivation to clear my mind, so I wanted to get rid of you and that girl sooner. You've recovered your body so quickly, just in time to help me."

  "Go ahead sir, as long as I can help, I certainly won't frown," I said to Mr. Sanwu.

  Hearing this, Mr. Three Nothing said to me, "Do you remember who told you to find this girl?"

  "Yes, the Black Moon Evil God, I've told you about this." I looked at him with some confusion, wondering why he suddenly brought up this subject.

  "Well, it's good that you remember," Mr. Sanwu nodded, "This saying says that the bell must be untied, so this girl's fate, according to my estimation, will eventually fall on that Black Moon Evil God, so if you want to do me a favour, help me to find the bell-ringer. "

  "The unringer?" I was stunned, then puzzled, "You mean that Black Moon Evil God? Does that work? That guy is okay for fighting, but when it comes to healing and saving people, I don't think he's even good enough to be a disciple for you, sir."

  I didn't have a good feeling towards the Black Moon Evil God in my heart, and there was no reason to keep my mouth shut at this time.

  "Hey, hey, this is something that you will naturally understand when you find him." Mr. San Wu lightly twirled his long beard and smiled at me with a meaningful expression.

  I couldn't help but look up at Mr. Sanwu and say, "Sir, even if he can save the Red Hat, he is a god, so where can I find him? Every time I look for him, I get his spirit to come to me through the method of invoking a god, and I have never seen him in reality."

  Hearing my words, Mr. Sanwu narrowed his eyes and smiled, and said to me with a mysterious face, "You don't have to worry about this matter, I will help you find him."

  Hearing this, I could only nod helplessly, and then said to him, "Alright then, when do we set off then?"

  "If your body can hold up, we'll set off tonight, after all, you've seen the condition of that girl, one more moment of delay is one more point of danger," Mr. Sanwu said to me.