Chalcedony Cave

There is sadness in all things, and after hearing the man's story, I could not help but feel a sigh of relief in my heart.

  Yes, as human beings, as the spirits of all living things, we often do not feel the emotions of other living beings, but in fact, every living being has its own feelings of joy and sorrow, only we do not know it.

  Imagine what it would be like if one day we exchanged souls with our little dogs and cats.

  So, I don't really understand the psychology of those who abuse cats and dogs until now ... If I had to give them a comment, I would have to say two words: beast, worse!

  The lamb ran away because it understood the little girl's words, and it walked away with the pair of bells around its neck.

  However, when it left, it was not like a tiger returning to the mountains or a dragon entering the sea, from then on the sky was high enough for the birds to fly and the sea was wide enough for the fish to leap, but it started a more difficult journey.

  Its two front legs are still lame and it can only crawl on its knees, so it moves slowly and is too easily attacked.

  But after all, it had human awareness and intelligence, so it knew how to hide and protect itself, and it cautiously and fearfully entered the mountain forest.

  He spent his first summer hiding in the grass and sheltering in a hole in a tree, walking on thin ice.

  When autumn came, the north wind blew, the ground was full of yellow leaves, the grass was dry and the forest was depressed, which made it difficult for him, a disabled lamb with white wool, to hide, and he eventually failed to escape the beasts.

  According to the man, he was pursued by a ferocious coyote, which drove him to the edge of a cliff and tore him so bloody that his intestines trailed to the ground.

  He was bleating, looking desperately at the distant mountains, wishing he was still in the little girl's house, missing the years he had spent with her, but unfortunately, as fate would have it, he could never go back.

  The hyena hissed lowly and greedily **** pawed at its flesh and blood, ready to begin its lamb feast.

  At this time, as a disabled sheep, what could it do? There was almost no other way out for it but to be eaten quietly.

  Luckily, it was in the right place, right on the edge of a cliff, so in a fit of ruthlessness, it struggled to get up from the ground and jumped off the cliff in one leap.

  It is conceivable that when it jumped off the cliff, it had the intention that it would rather die than become the meat of a beast's mouth, and it wanted to die with dignity.

  However, what one did not expect was that after jumping off the cliff, it did not fall to its death, but had a very peculiar encounter.

  There was a bottomless cave beneath the cliff, and it fell straight into the cave, then tumbled and rolled, smashing through a stone wall in the middle, and finally reached the bottom of the cave almost in a state of death.

  The bottom of the cave was not a normal place to go, according to the man, it was a cave of bliss, a place where the spiritual energy of the entire Black Moon Ridge gathered.

  Of course, the spiritual energy inside the cave was of secondary importance, because it could not save the lamb's life. The reason why it survived was because of a kind of spiritual energy condensation in the cave, which was as green and white as the moon, and as fine as a purest essence. A disabled lamb, it leapt to become a mountain demon.

  In normal circumstances, if an ordinary lamb had found the spirit marrow, it would at most have recovered from its injuries and left on its own, but it was different, for it had human intelligence and knew that it was a treasure, something it had long dreamed of.

  When he emerged from the cave eight years later, he was already the Evil God of the Black Moon and had officially become the Guardian God of the Black Moon Ridge.

  The story is told here, and the next episode should, by definition, be the climax, where the **silk rebellious goat transforms into a beautiful man to search for the kind girl back then, and then the two of them live a good life without shame and shame from then on.

  But, unfortunately, in this world, there are very few such beautiful and romantic stories, such as this Black Moon Evil God, although he became a mountain god, he has also been trapped in this Black Moon Ridge since then, he is the guardian god of this place, without the heavenly command, he cannot leave this place, otherwise, it would be trespassing and violating the heavenly rules, in this case, I am afraid that not only will his entire cultivation be buried, but also It was very likely that he would be sent to hell and fall into the suffering of reincarnation again.

  So, at this time, even though he had become a god and powerful, he could only be trapped in the deep mountains and suffer from the pain of longing.

  It was also during this time that he discovered, through the help of mediumship measurements, that the person he had been pining for was in extreme danger. After discovering this at the time, he knew what was going on almost without even thinking about it.

  Obviously, the little girl was a virgin of the three yin, so she had always been coveted by many yin creatures, and now that she was in extreme danger, she must have been targeted by some powerful yin creature.

  He was so desperate that he wanted to abandon his own future to save the girl, but people, including gods, are often selfish after all. Although the little girl was in danger, she would surely turn out to be lucky in the end, and someone would surely come to her rescue.

  But, unfortunately, he felt desperate because the little girl was in a critical state and no one was there to save her.

  So, too, just when he could hardly hold back at all, I appeared, and having chased Zhu Qun to the Black Moon Ridge and having performed the Invocation of the Gods at the last moment, he rushed to take advantage of this and left the matter of saving Dai Red Riding Hood in my hands.

  Unfortunately, although I had done my best to save Red Riding Hood, she still turned out to be in her present state and I didn't even know if she would survive.

  At the same time, all the resentment I had pent up against the Black Moon Evil God was swept away and replaced by a sense of guilt, and I blamed myself for not looking for Red Riding Hood earlier. If I had found her earlier, things might not have been like this.

  With these thoughts in mind, I couldn't help but take out the pair of Yin Yang bells from my pocket, then raised my hand and threw them at the figure by the fire, saying to him, "I'd better give this back to you, I don't deserve to have it."