Mouth-to-mouth feeding of medication

"Jingle bells--"

  A pair of bells came out of his hand, traced an arc in the air and fell towards the figure.

  The man didn't even turn his head back, he took them in his hands and then stuffed the bells into his arms.

  When I saw his action, I was a bit lost in my heart, so I could only sit down nervously and look at him, "Are you making medicine? Can you save the red hat? When I came here, the old Taoist seemed to say that you had a way to save her. Another question, what is this place?"

  "The heart is far away, this is not any place, and it can be anywhere," the man typed a Zen phrase, and then stood up with the jar of medicine in his hand.

  Seeing him move, I couldn't help but feel a pang of curiosity and subconsciously looked over towards him to see what he looked like.

  As a result, when he turned around, I realised that his face was actually covered with a black cloth and I could only see that he had orange eyes.

  This situation made me feel depressed and subconsciously said to him, "Not even letting you see his real face is not enough of a friend, is it?"

  "It's because I consider you a friend that I won't let you see it, otherwise you might regret being friends with me," he said, narrowing his eyes at me.

  "Is that so horrible? I even told you, I've seen countless evil spirits in my life, but I've never been scared," I said as I stood up and looked at him.

  He didn't say anything, he just grunted and looked disdainful, which left me a little helpless and I could only sigh.

  "Give me a hand," he said as he walked over to the stretcher bed and reached down to help Dai Redcap sit up, while Err handed me the jar of medicine in his hand.

  I took the jar of medicine and found that the soup not only had no bitterness, but was also very fragrant, which immediately made my fingers tingle and I could not help but say to him, "This medicine smells good."

  When he heard my words, he smiled a little, and while pulling out a small spoon from his pocket, he said to me, "Don't worry, I made enough and saved it for you, so you can help me carry it steadily while I feed her first, and the rest is yours."

  "Does this medicine have any strange effects?" I asked.

  "It's made from the spirit marrow from that cave mixed with the dew of a hundred flowers, do you think it has any strange effects?" He asked as he gave me a look.

  "That powerful?" I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at hearing that, but still not quite understanding the effects of that medicine, I continued to ask, "After eating it, will it become very powerful like you?"

  "You're right," he laughed, "the spirit marrow is the essence of heaven and earth, the energy contained in it cannot be absorbed at once, so after you eat this, it will only help you recover quickly from your injuries, the other effects will depend on your fate. "

  "So, I thought I would become an immortal immediately after eating it," I said with a playful smile.

  He grunted coldly and didn't say anything, but just carefully held Dai Hongcai and half-hugged her in his arms, then pinched her mouth open a little, while he used that small soup spoon to scoop up a spoonful of soup and medicine from the medicine jar and fed it to Dai Hongcai.

  At this moment, Dai Hongcai was almost a vegetable, and did not react to the outside world at all.

  When he saw this, the man frowned, then he put Tai Hong Hao down again and let her lie flat on the stretcher bed, then he scooped up a spoonful of the soup, then he turned his back to me, lifted the black cloth covering his face and drank the soup into his own mouth, after which he leaned down mouth to mouth and put the soup into Tai Hong Hao's mouth.

  I couldn't help but feel embarrassed by this action, and my face burned a little.

  I'm sure he saw the look on my face, but he was calm and went about his business in silence.

  He kept repeating this action and kept giving Tai Hong Hao the soup and medicine until the jar of soup and medicine was almost at the bottom, then he stopped, reached out and touched Tai Hong Hao's forehead, nodded and said, "There, the body temperature has returned and the breath is a bit smoother, so it looks like there shouldn't be much of a problem."

  "What are you going to do when she wakes up? She's completely alone now with no family, and since you're treating her so - how about -"

  I raised my eyes to his and couldn't help but offer him a suggestion.

  "Later, later, I just want her to be happy, nothing else," he interrupted with a wave of his hand, turned to look at the jar of medicine in my hand and said to me, "Well, now you can drink the rest of the soup, and the rest is yours. "

  "That's all that's left, can I say you're being heavy-handed and generous?" I asked, rolling my eyes and looking at him a little depressed.

  "The breath of the spirit marrow is pure yang, pure and rigid, and exceptionally fiery, Redcap, she has a three yin constitution, plus a serious injury, that's why I had the audacity to use such a large amount for her, you are a child, you already have too much yang energy yourself, if you drink that much spirit marrow again, aren't you afraid that your whole body will burst and die?" He looked down at me and asked.

  When I heard this, I realized that I couldn't help but smile sarcastically and lifted the jar of medicine and drank it down in one go.

  After I finished it, I felt so refreshed and relaxed that I subconsciously licked my lips and said to him, "It's still a little bit too little, if only there was more."

  But what I didn't expect was that at that very moment, I suddenly felt a hot explosion in my stomach, and then I felt as if my whole body was being roasted on the fire, so I couldn't help but roll onto the floor and scream.

  "I told you, this is not something you can just take, you fool, I have to help you at the end of the day!"

  When I saw my condition, the man came forward and pressed his palm to my heart, then a cool air penetrated my body and finally made me feel better, but after I had been roasted like a fire, my spirit was a bit overwhelmed and I couldn't help but close my eyes and slowly fell asleep.

  I don't know how long I slept, but in my sleep, I felt as if I had taken flight, crossing the mountains and the sky, an extremely ethereal and illusory state that made my whole body wander, and I hummed subconsciously in comfort.

  "Wake up, wake up!"

  Just as I was enjoying myself, a voice came to my ears, which made me wake up unconsciously.

  After I woke up, I opened my eyes and realized that I was actually back in Mr. Sanwu's hut, lying on the same bed where I had been lying yesterday.

  Mr. Sanwu was sitting on the edge of the bed, with his hands up his sleeves, looking at me with a smile, and the snow outside the window had not yet melted.

  "Why am I back again? Where is he?" I asked, looking at Mr. Three Nothing, and then remembering Red Riding Hood, I could not help but ask again, "How is Red Riding Hood? Is she ready yet?"