Tears of blood on the painting

Because of the rumor that the painter can be psychic, so when the painter to her daughter-in-law painting the god of joy, the mother and son, naturally, are a little trembling, they want to know that the painter has heard the heart of the deceased.

  However, they were a little disappointed that the painter had an unwritten rule that no one could be present when he painted, so they waited outside the door at that time.

  The time was midnight, which is also one of the rules of that painter to paint the god of joy, the time must be late at night, it is said that this time is the easiest psychic.

  However, although the painter's rules are big, but the mother and son duo is not without means, they are also worried that the painter pretend to be a ghost to scare them, so at that time they took advantage of the painter's painting, quietly opened the back door, and then the mother and son together to hide there to peek.

  They first saw the painter set up the easel and paper and brushes, and then the painter turned the three legs of the easel up and pushed it all the way to the bedside of the deceased, and then he uncovered the white cloth covering the face of the deceased, and then moved a high chair in front of the easel and sat down with his back to the mother and son, while sticking his head out and looking at the face of the deceased, while starting to paint.

  Things have come to a head, everything is still normal, and they both mother and son did not see anything unusual.

  However, just when Li Guizhi just relieved, but did not want his son suddenly elbowed her, raised his hand towards the painter's canvas pointed, and then she raised her eyes to look at the canvas, did not feel a shiver in the heart, because she found that the painter's canvas, but out of nowhere two more lines of blood red color, the color is not the painter painted up, but their own emergence from the paper, the shape is The shape is like two drops of blood that are flowing downward.

  At first, the blood beads were small, then longer and longer, until the painter drew the outline of her daughter-in-law's joy, they realized that the blood marks were not other than two lines of tears that were flowing down.

  It can be imagined that Li Guizhi and her son were shocked to see this situation.

  What's worse, they saw the blood tears in the process, the painter has been very calmly painting, he did not seem to see the two lines of blood tears, which made them feel even more fear.

  Then they really did not dare to look on, so they quietly fled out.

  After going out, the mother and son were not able to say a word for a long time, this thing, in their hearts have left a shadow.

  And then after that, the painter painted the painting, brought out for them to see, they did not even dare to look at first, and then just sneak a glance, well, no longer see the blood tears, they then put down their hearts.

  However, to be sincere, the painter did paint very well, and they also because of the heart, so they gave the painter a lot of reward, but also invited him to dinner, dinner process, his son pretended not to look, asked the painter in the painting did not hear anything.

  That painter certainly understood their meaning, so at that time he smiled slightly and said to them, "I heard the sound of crying, very miserable, very sad crying, like a person secretly hiding in the house crying."

  Hearing this at that time, both mother and son's faces turned green, because Li Guizhi's daughter-in-law did often cry alone in secret hiding in the room before she committed suicide.

  So it seems that the painter can really be psychic, because her daughter-in-law this matter, the outside world rarely know, but this person heard it, which means what, it means that her daughter-in-law has a grudge, she died and still grieving hard.

  However, also just when they were feeling frightened and uneasy because of this matter, the painter added: "Later I also vaguely heard someone talking to me about something."

  "What things?" Hearing this, both mother and son could not help but look at the painter with nervous faces.

  The painter looked at them both with a smile and asked, "Answer me a question first, are you really mother and son?"

  Hearing this, they could not help but look at each other, although their mouths were full of saying that they were mother and son, in fact, their hearts had already turned over.

  "But what I heard is not quite the same as what you guys said, the relationship between you guys seems-" The painter said here, wanting to stop talking.

  Hearing this, Li Guizhi's son understood a little bit, then stuffed the painter a sum of money, instructed him not to divulge these things, and then sent him away.

  The painter left and they said, if you encounter any strange things in the future, you can go to him again, he said he had been in the business for many years, quite know some magic, can help people to eliminate disasters.

  Since the painter left, the mother and son stayed at home, they often heard some inexplicable cries. Especially in the two of them hiding in the room when they want to make out, every time that crying sounded.

  Because of this, both of them are distracted, her son is also increasingly indifferent to her, and even began to avoid her, which makes her heart like a knife, this time she remembered the words of the painter when he left, so she went to the painter, want him to help eliminate the cry.

  But what she didn't expect was that after she took this step, she stepped into a big hole, because she found that the painter was not only insatiable and asked her for a lot of money, but also threatened her with the matter between their mother and son, and wanted to have that relationship with her.

  This made her embarrassed and frightened, and she could only make false accusations with the painter. In the process, she gave the painter a lot of money privately, and even used some of the company's funds, which aroused her son's alarm, plus she often went out alone, so his son suspected that she had someone outside, so he became more and more disgusted with her, so much so that in the past two months, he did not even talk to her.

  She wanted to avoid the painter, but he kept pestering her, threatening her, asking her for more money, making more excessive demands, and she felt that he was a devil, a bottomless pit, but she didn't know what to do to keep him away from her.

  For this reason, she was extremely distressed and felt that her luck was very bad lately, so she went around to fortune tellers to find someone to help her break the pattern, but, to her dismay, many fortune tellers could not even tell her fate, let alone help her.

  It is a coincidence that when she was desperate, driving the car in the county, and ended up seeing the old blind man on the side of the road, at first she did not take it seriously, just hold a try to ask, the results of a question, immediately found that the old blind man and ordinary fortune teller is different, feel that a high person who can help her, so she came with us to the teahouse.

  However, things have been said for so long, there is a place I still wonder, that is, even if the old blind fortune teller is very good, what does this have to do with her? The painter of her pestering, should be the police to manage things, the old blind man a fortune teller, even if accurate, can not help her to drive the painter away ah? But why did she believe that the old blind man could help her? What's going on?