Little Passage

"In that case, the cries in your house only appeared after that painter came, right?"

  After hearing Li Guizhi's complaint, the old man could not help but ask thoughtfully.

  "Yes," Li Guizhi returned.

  The old man nodded and asked, "Is there more now?"

  "There has been, because of this matter, we both mother and son were disturbed, otherwise it would not have become this way," Li Guizhi said with a dejected expression.

  "This thing is only not quite normal, how about this, you take me to your home to see, maybe I can help you crack it, but before that, I want to remind you of one thing." The old man said.

  Hearing this, Li Guizhi asked with some curiosity: "What is it?"

  "After this matter is over, your relationship with your son will also be completely ended, you'd better be psychologically prepared." The old man said.

  "Yes?" Li Guizhi was obviously a bit alarmed, and her expression became hasty.

  "This may not be good for you, after all, this relationship is not good for either of you, and, according to my calculations, you will have a second marriage in the future, and you will be blessed in your later years, with a large number of children and grandchildren, so I advise you to better come to your senses early as well." The old man said.

  Hearing this, Li Guizhi lowered her head, looking lost, but still solemnly nodded.

  Then, the old man and I, together with Li Guizhi, followed all the way towards her home.

  When we got to her house, we looked and realized that it was a big villa, and it seemed that her family was rich.

  The door of the villa was locked tightly, and no one seemed to be home.

  "The children have gone to school, usually just me and the oldest at home, he used to come back every day on time, but recently this thing happened, and he sometimes does not come back, I asked him where he went, but he did not say, hey -"

  Li Guizhi sighed while opening the door, and then led us inside.

  Once inside, the old man tugged on my hand and whispered to me, "Wait, you come to help her crack."

  "Me?" I was stunned by this, but then I understood a bit and knew that the old blind man was giving me the opportunity to experience it, so I agreed with my mouth full.

  "Old man, and, that, little sir, you come in," Li Guizhi opened the door of the first floor, greeted us into the living room to take a seat, and then busy pouring us tea.

  During this process, the old blind man let me take a good look at the situation in the villa.

  I nodded at the word, then sat down on the sofa, pretending to look breezy, but in fact, is secretly operating the secret art of spiritual birth, then the door of heaven opened wide, and the body of the yuan qi will be like a cloud of fog spread out to the whole villa.

  I took a look, and I soon found something wrong, On the second floor of the villa to the right of the corner, there is a vaguely dead black place, where the Yin Qi is extremely heavy, and my Yuan Qi is unable to penetrate into.

  When I noticed this situation, I immediately said to the old man: "Master, I found it, on the second floor, let's go up and take a look."

  "Don't be impatient," the old man patted me and told me to take it easy, then when Li Guizhi brought up the tea, he asked Li Guizhi, "Sister Li, your daughter-in-law lived on the second floor before, right?"

  "Yes," Li Guizhi said with a nod.

  "Oh, which room is it, can you take me up to see?" The old man asked.

  "Yes, you come with me, old man," Li Guizhi said, getting up and leading us up to the second floor.

  When we got to the second floor, I opened the sky door again to check it out and found that the dead black place was located right in front of the room where Li Guizhi's daughter-in-law lived, positioned near the direction of the bathroom.

  "Old man, this is the room," Li Guizhi led the old man to the door of that house, opened the door, and looked inside, looking obviously a little nervous.

  The old man did not say anything, went up and touched the door frame, then side head thoughtfully pinched his fingers, and then to Li Guizhi said: "Does that painter come to this place?"

  "How do you know that, old man?" Li Guizhi asked with some curiosity.

  The old man smiled and then called me over.

  "Master, what are you going to do?" I walked over and looked at the old man and asked.

  "One trace, you tell this big sister about the situation here," the old man said to me.

  The old man's move made me flinch and I couldn't help but say to him with some difficulty, "Master, my Dao is limited, I'm worried I'm looking at it wrong."

  "Don't worry, say it boldly, if there is something wrong, I will correct you," said the old man.

  Hearing this, I then nodded, then raised my eyes and looked at Li Guizhi, and said, "That, Li Da - aunt, I have checked the situation in your home, and now according to my projection, this should be someone in your home to put a dark trap."

  "Dark trap?" Li Guizhi looked at me with some confusion, seemingly not quite understanding what I meant.

  "Yes, the place is here," I walked over, pointed to the dead black place, said to her: "Here the tiles are a little loose, if I am not wrong, that person should have put something under the tiles, may be a small paper man cast a forbidden spell or something, in short, he did so, this place has This Yin Qi just hooked up your daughter-in-law's resentment, and that's why you hear her crying every night."

  "Really? Then hurry up and get rid of that paper man," Li Guizhi said as she went forward to uncover the tiles.

  "Careful, don't move!" Seeing this, I was quick to block her and said to her, "You can't do this, you need someone who knows what they're doing, otherwise, you might not get rid of that thing and get into trouble."

  "Then, then you hurry to help me get rid of it ah, you do not worry, I give you money," Li Guizhi said, and began to pull out the purse.

  As a result, at this time, the old man took a step forward and said to Li Guizhi: "Sister Li, you do not hurry, this dark trap, for the time being can not be moved."


  Hearing this, Li Guizhi and I are a little curious to look at the old man.

  "Master, this thing is actually not much power, I can break it now," I said to the old man with an ear.

  Hearing my words, the old man hummed and laughed, but sighed and said to me: "A trace, you are ultimately too shallow, you are actually wrong from the beginning, this thing is not a dark set, nor is it a forbidden spell paper man, but a small through the ghost of the spell formation, do not you see?"

  Hearing this, I couldn't help but be stunned, and then I thought back to the previous encounter in the Red Hat's house, and then it dawned on me, and then I couldn't help but say to the old man: "Master, I understand, this is indeed the formation of the ghosts, but the formation is very small. I have seen this thing before."

  When I said this, I couldn't help but look at the old man with some doubts and asked, "But what does that person want to do here to set up a ghostly formation? This formation is mainly for the transmission of soul power, he himself is not a ghost, he made this formation for what?"

  "This is the crux of the matter," heard this, the old blind man could not help but he heaves a smile, then turned around while walking downstairs, while on Li Guizhi said: "Sister Li, these days you better not live at home, let your son also does not come back, that formation you do not move, after seven days it will naturally I will come back to you then."