pretty and flirtatious Men

At night, the neon lights are flashing, the city is noisy, and the scene is very different from the countryside.

  I was standing in front of a bar in a new and neat outfit, looking at the fancy men and women coming in and out, listening to the loud music coming out of the bar, and I felt very nervous and shy.

  I don't want to go in, I think this kind of place is too vulgar too dirty, I worry that once I go in, I will be soiled by those filthy things.

  Because of the resistance in my heart, I felt as if my legs were filled with lead, and my palms were a little sweaty.

  "Do not worry to go, remember the characteristics of that painter, his left eyebrow is broken, very good recognition."

  The old blind man stood next to me and encouraged me.

  It was the second night after we left Li Guizhi's house, we walked from Shushihe County all the way to Liuhe County, which needless to say, the hard work, but this is not the key, the key issue is, after we arrived at Liuhe County, the old blind man changed his mean, not only let me eat and drink well, but also opened a room in the inn, let me take a hot bath, sleep a comfortable sleep, and finally even pay for me to buy a new suit.

  This situation, so I was a little flattered, I thought the old blind man had changed his nature, but after the night, I realized that he was still in the pit this time, he wanted me to follow the painter, the best is to get close to him, to check out his home.

  Before leaving, the old man asked Li Guizhi about the painter and learned that this guy is 30 years old, did not have a family, people like to play, usually in addition to painting, is in the marketplace between the foolish, what the bar, dance hall, in short, is a little bit of the lower third of the place.

  "His name is Chen Qiyuan, relatively easy to recognize, his left eyebrow is broken from the middle, a look at him," said Li Guizhi finally.

  With this information, the old man decided to take me straight to Liuhe County, to naturally explore the bottom of the painter.

  As a result, after arriving here, I realized that the old blind man's plan was for me to approach Chen Qiyuan and mix inside the bar.

  I'm only thirteen years old, I have to go to such a pestilential place, my heart is refusing, is painful.

  "Grow old, don't act like a brat, go!"

  The old blind man again urged, which makes me a little helpless, and finally can only grind, like a thief, stumbled and squeezed into the bar.

  After entering the bar, I immediately became a little dizzy.

  The music is too deafening, the sound is too noisy, the lights are also very shaky, the dance floor demons dance, and the bar is lying on the side of drunken men and women with lost eyes.

  Honestly, in this kind of place I don't even want to stay a minute more, turn my head, and want to go out.

  However, at this time, what I did not expect was that someone suddenly took me by the shoulders and dragged me to the side, and then pulled out a small plastic bag containing small pills and said to me: "Little brother, the first time to come here, right? Do you want to play with this? Tell you what, after getting high can be strong, to ensure that you shake all night not tired!"

  "What is this?" I hadn't been in the county much at that time, let alone in the bar this kind of ghost place, so I absolutely could not know what that thing is.

  "Hey, this is called shake, let's shake, shake, shake -" the man said, really standing up and shaking a few times, which look very similar to the dance floor demons and devils.

  "How about it? How about a bag?" The man narrowed his eyes and said to me, "First-time buyer, I'll give you 50% off."

  "Fuck off!"

  Just as I was wondering, a voice suddenly rang out, and then the young man who was about to sell me the medicine was pushed away.

  This situation made me curious, and when I looked up, I couldn't help but be stunned, because I found that the person's left eyebrow was precisely broken.

  This situation makes my heart burst with joy, this is really stepping through the iron shoes to find a place to come without any effort, I am looking for him, and he actually sent himself to the door.

  "Hey, we each do business, you do have nothing to find fault ah!"

  Seeing the man's actions, the young man selling medicine got a little angry and drank at him.

  "He is my brother, what do you want?" The man with the broken eyebrows was in a decent white suit, wearing a bowler hat, with a cigarette in his hand and a shiny pin on his chest, giving off a demonic air all over his body, and not only that, I noticed that his voice was also a bit eerily soft, and his face, it seemed, was coated with a layer of powder, which made him look like a woman.

  "Well, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, you guys play," hearing the words of the man with broken eyebrows, the young man selling medicine can only be a dry smile, turned around and went to find someone else.

  "Thank you," seeing that the medicine seller had gone, I then looked up at the man with the broken eyebrows and said.

  "Follow me," he said as he led me toward a quiet seat in the corner.

  Sitting down over there, he poured me a glass of wine while crossing his orchid fingers, took a light puff of his cigarette, looked at me with flashy eyes, and asked, "Little brother, looking at your appearance, you don't seem to be very young. It's not good to come to this kind of place at a young age. Fortunately, I helped you to block that person just now, otherwise, you would have been pitted."

  "Uh, thank you, what is that person selling?" I asked, a little puzzled.

  "******," the man with the broken eyebrows lowered his voice and said, "It's actually a drug, it's addictive after you eat it, you can't be touched by that thing."

  Hearing this, I couldn't help but nod my head, feeling that this man was quite kind and didn't seem as bad as Li Guizhi had described.

  What's going on here? Could it be that I have the wrong person?

  I was curious, and I did not feel like reaching out to him, "Brother, my name is Liu Yichen, nice to meet you."

  "Chen Qiyuan, you can call me Yuan," he said, leaning back, crossing his legs, smoking a cigarette while drinking wine, looking leisurely and elegant, which made me feel envious, thinking that this man is actually very attractive, which made me begin to doubt Li Guizhi's words, she said this man wanted to have sex with her, but now it seems He didn't seem to be a man in a hurry, and he shouldn't be a man short of women.

  "Tell me, how did you get here?" Chen Qiyuan put down his glass and looked at me and asked.

  "That, I-" I hesitated a bit, and only after a moment did I say awkwardly, "I was just curious and came in for a look around."

  "Oh, good, teenagers, curiosity is inevitable, but I advise you better not stay in this place more, probably look at it, then hurry home, if you are really bored, you can find me later, I am a painter, I can teach you painting, so it is better than fooling around in the street." As he spoke, he took out a business card and handed it to me, with his address and phone number written on it.

  I took the business card and put it away. At this time, I was even more curious about this Chen Qiyuan, because I thought this guy was a completely upright and righteous person, how could such an upright person do such a nasty thing as threatening others? Could it be that there is a mistake somewhere in this?