Charming in the Dream

It was late at night, and the room was terribly quiet, with only Chen Qiyuan's brush rustling on the paper.

  I sat under the bright white light, stiffening my neck, staring blankly at the ancient beauty on the wall, but in a trance, I vaguely saw the beauty smiling at me and seemingly waving at me.

  This situation made me feel stunned, I feel as if I was blinded, then I subconsciously shook my head, raised my hand to rub my face, want to make myself awake, but the result was immediately called by Chen Qiyuan.

  "Don't move, if you move like this, I can't draw," Chen Qiyuan said to me.

  Hearing this, I hurriedly sat down again and lowered my eyes slightly, no longer looking at the beautiful woman in the painting, and as a result, I could indeed last longer, but sitting like this all the time was too boring, and it was late at night, my biological clock came up and I couldn't help but feel a little sleepy.


  But is less than a few minutes, I can not help but yawn several times, and eyelids also began to fight.

  Seeing this situation, Chen Qiyuan stopped and came over to me and said, "Are you sleepy? Why don't you go to my house first and take a rest."

  "Ah, yes, no, no, no, I'm not sleepy," hearing him say that he wanted me to go to his house to rest, I immediately did not dare to sleep anymore.

  "Haha, you kid, still quite scheming, okay, my room is upstairs, there is also a room downstairs, you can rest in the room downstairs, this is the key, you open the door yourself and lock the door yourself, so you can always rest assured, right?" Chen Qiyuan handed me a key as he spoke, and then pointed to a small door on the back wall.

  Hearing his words, I got up and walked towards the small door, ready to go to sleep for a while, mainly because I was truly sleepy, otherwise, I would not dare to sleep in this pervert's house.

  The key into the lock hole a turn, the small door open, go in and turn on the light to see, found the room furnishings are very comfortable, especially the bed, white sheets bedding, very plain, I can not help but like it, then satisfied to Chen Qiyuan nodded.

  "You go to sleep first, remember to lock the door behind you, I'll draw some more, and also sleep." After Chen Qiyuan finished speaking, he returned to the easel and sat down, lit up a cigarette, picked up the brush and began to bury his head in painting again.

  Seeing this situation, I went into the room, locked the door, and then just took off my jacket and cotton pants, and then lay down on the bed, pulled up the covers, and prepared to sleep.

  Strange to say, since I entered the home of Chen Qiyuan, the whole body has been lazy, has been sleepy, feel the head is also knotted, thinking is very slow.

  This makes me a little suspicious, but because I was too sleepy, so I did not think much about it, closed my eyes and fell asleep.

  This sleep, I do not know how much time has passed, and then I had a very strange dream, in the dream I saw several figures, one moment is exquisite and lovely small muddle, one moment is cold and moving Yun Qingyue, one moment is soft and seductive Wang Qingyuan, one moment has become a double group of arrogant Xu Qin, several girls in front of me twisted and twisted, wining and whispering, sweet and light smile, and less and less clothes on the body. Finally almost all become naked.

  So, under the turn of several goblins, I almost turned into a lit cannonball, feeling like I'm about to explode.

  The only thing I want is to catch them, not all of them, just one of them, and then I can gallop around and vent my heart's fire.

  But at this time, I don't know what happened, I suddenly felt a cold chill throughout my body, and then I subconsciously shivered, and then the figure in front of me shifted and became Yun Qingyue, this little girl is opening a pair of white eyes, staring at me deadly.

  "Qingyue, is that you? Have you finally woken up?" I looked at Yun Qingyue and couldn't help but feel a burst of excitement.

  However, what I did not expect was that at this moment, Yun Qingyue suddenly raised her hand and grabbed me with a claw.

  After I woke up, I found that all around me was dead black and silent, as if I was in an otherworldly space, I actually developed an inexplicable sense of loneliness and fear.

  However, at this time, I suddenly felt something move next to me, which made my heart tighten and subconsciously rolled over to get out of bed, but, unexpectedly, at this time, an arm grabbed me and pulled me in.

  "Chen Qiyuan, you, you pervert, you bastard, you let go of me, quickly, or I'll kill you!"

  Feeling that arm, my heart immediately tightened and I instantly thought what was going on.

  This must be Chen Qiyuan that bastard, he in the end while I was asleep to touch the room inside, he wanted to violate me, fuck!

  So, at once I immediately felt my chastity was under great threat, could not help but scream out strangely, and even already felt out the folding knife from the close coat pocket.

  "Don't go, I'm cold."

  However, at this time, the darkness is a soft female voice, which can not let me a stunned, er then I subconsciously asked: "You, who are you? That, you first take it easy, I first turn on the light."

  "No, please, don't go, don't leave me," the woman said, dragging me back.

  I was a bit puzzled to lie down, then I subconsciously reached out and touched, and found that it was indeed a woman with soft and slippery limbs, she was wearing only a thin layer of gauze, when my palm touched her body, I could really feel the touch of light and moist like jade, and, I also explored a pair of delicate things in front of her chest, which made me more sure of her identity.

  She is indeed a woman, and not that pervert Chen Qi Yuan.

  But, how did this woman appear here and how did she sleep in my bed?

  However, these questions are now secondary, because the woman seemed to have been uncovered, so she was freezing cold, which made me can not help but be a little worried, so at once I hastily pulled up the quilt to wrap her in, and she obediently also into my arms, hugging me tight.

  This situation makes my body tight, subconsciously want to push her away, but finally failed to do so, because I can not refuse the smooth and delicate, the fragrance of sweetness.

  At this moment, I was a little confused, and then I did not know what was going on with me, and then I also sidled up to her, and then kissed a soft, cold lips, and she responded to me fiercely, like a snake writhing in my arms, and even took the initiative to pull my fleece pants down and hold something in my hands.

  "Who the hell are you?" A few moments later, I finally calmed down a bit, not feeling is a gasp of air asked.

  "Please, don't stop, I'm so cold, well, I didn't expect you to be so majestic, I love it so much-" She grabbed something with a burst of delight, which made me pause with pride and at the same time more confused.

  Who the hell is this woman? What exactly is she trying to do here?