Mutual benefit between humans and ghosts

I'm not a casual person, at least not yet learned, not to mention the old blind man also instructed me not to break the body too early, otherwise it is not good for my cultivation, so at this time, although the woman is very soft, so I can not stop, but I still take a deep breath, and try to calm myself down.

  What is this place? This is Chen Qi Yuan's home, ah, the woman in his home, would be something normal?

  But, also just when I took a breath and wanted to ask what the woman was really from, she stuck up again like a cowhide

  The flesh of the ice lips also again blocked my mouth.

  This makes me very helpless, and I am very curious, I and the woman are entangled for so long, I have been hot and sweaty, but the woman is still all cold, which caused me to wonder.

  This time I got a little tough, reached out and pushed her away and said: "Who the hell are you? You wait, but I turn on the lights!"

  However, at this time, suddenly the woman's eyes released a purple light, then I used the light is vaguely see her face, which found that she is indeed a bewitching woman, and the whole body is smooth as jade, the situation is very tempting.

  However, at this time, the light in that woman's eyes was not to facilitate my observation of her, she wanted to use that light to scourge my mind.

  "Come here--"

  After being caught by the purple light, I immediately felt a dizzy spell, my whole body stagnated, lost the ability to move, then the woman smiled fiercely, reached out and grabbed me, mouth opened, covered my mouth, then I felt a burst of cold air into my throat, and at the same time my body's vital energy is like a flood of water, she sucked out.

  Bad, this woman is really not normal, she is either evil spirits or evil spirits, in short, not normal things, she is now obviously sucking my Yang Qi, what should I do?

  When I was nervous and torn, the woman while sucking my Yang Qi, but the hand down to grab my body something, began to quickly rub up.

  This makes my whole body tense, subconsciously want to shrink back, but was the woman pulled forward, to her body.

  "Well, I like the taste of you, fresh teenage air, and I'll take your first Yuan Yang ..."

  The woman nibbled on my mouth while whimpering, which made me can't help but a tingling in my head, very much want to refuse her demand, but below and because of the natural reaction, the pressure can't be subdued.

  This makes me incredibly torn, because I realize that I may be in a big trouble tonight, I not only have to break, but also likely to be that woman sucked dry Yang Qi, into a Yin corpse.

  What to do, in the end, what to do? This woman is obviously not shallow, my strength and will in front of her is not worth mentioning, can not fight her, so what am I going to do, can not just wait to die?

  At this point, because of the critical situation, my brain could not help but also run at high speed, and then, after the brain ran, although I did not think of a way to get out, but let me see a series of things about Chen Qiyuan are connected, and then I suddenly understand what all this is about.

  That's right, Chen Qiyuan is not gay, the reason he pretended to be gay, in fact, he wanted to lure some gay back, and he brought these men back, but not to enjoy themselves, but all stuffed to this demonic woman, this woman is no accident, and Chen Qiyuan should have an extremely bizarre relationship between her, she may be the female ghost he bred, there may be Chen Qiyuan was controlled by her. Anyway, as far as we can see, Chen Qi Yuan is the one responsible for providing her with food, while she -

  And she is providing Chen Qiyuan with some dark power assistance.

  I see, now I understand completely, Chen Qiyuan is not a psychic painter, he can't be psychic at all, when he painted the god of joy, the reason why he could hear the voice of the dead, it should be this woman in secret to help him, the actual situation should be that the woman eavesdropped on the voice of the soul of the dead, and then told Chen Qiyuan what she heard, and then Chen Qiyuan had the ability to be psychic.

  They are one person and one ghost, acting in concert with each other, interdependent and symbiotic, Chen Qiyuan provides her with food, and she provides Chen Qiyuan with leverage to blackmail others.

  When you think about it, everything makes sense, including the little ghost formation in Li Guizhi's house, which should also be designed to pass the ghost of this female ghost over in order to pretend to be Li Guizhi's daughter-in-law to scare Li Guizhi's mother and son.

  So it seems that this thing, Li Guizhi in the end is not lying, that Chen Qiyuan really may be pestering her, want to have that relationship with her, because Chen Qiyuan's fetish is exactly like older women!

  The heart is open, but the situation is still precarious, and if I'm not wrong, at this time, Chen Qiyuan should have left the house, he should go to the Fang Min again, because he has sent me to the mouth of the female ghost, the rest of the matter does not need him to care.

  Thinking of this, I can't help but be a little chagrined, once again regret my hindsight, but now all the regret and chagrin is too late, because my life is already at stake. If I'm not mistaken, this female ghost, for those men brought back by Chen Qiyuan, should only have sex with them, after sucking a little Yang Qi, and then let them go, but now, because my breath is fresh, the most important thing is that I am pure Yang child body, Yang Qi is abundant, pure Yang, very conducive to her cultivation, so she is likely to want to suck me until death.

  This can not let me feel fear, at this time I first cursed the old blind man in my heart, he did not say to me to pressure the formation? How come so long has not appeared?

  After cursing the old blind man, I turned around and wanted to talk to the female ghost to try to get her to let me go, but what I didn't expect was that the female ghost didn't seem to have any intention of doing so, she was getting more and more hateful, and her hand movements were getting faster and faster, I felt like I was about to die from the upper and lower double leaks, directly off the force.

  "Master ah, I really this time by you pit!"

  At this time, I was screaming in my heart while I could only be trying to run the Spiritual Birth Secret Technique to try to lock my yang energy.

  "Hmm? You are also a cultivator?" As a result, as soon as my Spiritual Embryo Secret Art was operating, the female ghost had already noticed it, and then she couldn't help but look up and down at me with some surprise.

  "Big, bold female ghost, you, you quickly let me go, I, my master is very powerful, you do not want the soul to fly away, better stop here!"

  This time, I gritted my teeth, finally stammered out a sentence.

  As a result, I did not say this is good, once said, the female ghost is two eyes glowing laugh, and then pounced on me, open mouth and bit down on my neck.

  "I wanted to keep you alive, but I didn't expect you to be a practitioner, if I let you go, there will be no end of trouble, in that case, let's take your blood together!

  The female ghost, as she spoke, bent her head to the wound on my neck and sucked up a fierce.