Request of the female corpse

"It is indeed a large grave, the location of the grave is very hidden, surrounded by dense forest, it is difficult for ordinary people to find there," Chen Qiyuan said with a nod.

  Zheng Dali um ah, panic hands and feet to pick up the cigarette out of the crotch, while continuing to hold in the mouth to smoke, while patting the ash on the pants.

  "You keep blowing, oh no, keep talking!"

  After straightening his expression, Zheng Dali tapped the table and let Chen Qiyuan continue.

  Chen Qiyuan took a deep breath, frowned slightly, and fell into memory.

  "It was the night of the full moon, the moonlight is very good, illuminated the mountains and forests a silver bright, that large graves are surrounded by dense pine forest, the wind blew, rustling, and those grasses, also very deep, are about to reach my waist, I did not take a flashlight or something, shoulders on a hoe borrowed from the farm." Chen Qiyuan paused and looked at Zheng Dali and said, "Can you send a cigarette?"

  "Let's finish this paragraph first," Zheng Dali grunted.

  "At that time, I must have been very scared, but I did not retreat, one, I was worried that the woman came back to me, two, the grave may really have treasures, so in the end I was driven by greed, but still walked to the grave," Chen Qiyuan said here, his expression obviously some fluctuations, he seemed to remember what more fear of things.

  "I found a stone tablet in front of that grave, the surface has been weathered, the handwriting is not clear, and after a closer look, I found that it was written on the tomb of Lord Xiyu. Seeing that handwriting, I realized that the big house I saw in my dream was actually made of this big tomb, and if nothing else, that woman in red should be the owner of this tomb, that is, the Xiyu County Lord." Chen Qiyuan said in a daze.

  Hearing this, Zheng Dali could not help but laugh and said: "This is good, that county princess has taken a fancy to you. Hey, I say, you kid is too self-absorbed, right? You do not look at your ghostly appearance, male and female, that female ghost is no longer visionary, it is impossible to find you, right? If she wants to find one, shouldn't she at least pick a masculine man like me?"

  "Ahem, Zheng, let him continue," Zheng Dali's narcissism, so the old blind man can not listen to a little bit, and then do not feel is to stop his words.

  The old blind man said so, Zheng Dali just stopped.

  Chen Qiyuan then continued: "In fact, I do not know why that Xiyu county princess picked me, anyway, the fact is this. At that time I checked in front of that tomb and didn't find the entrance, which made me a bit confused as to how to get inside that tomb."

  "Then you dug the grave open, didn't you? This is a big crime!" Zheng Dali said.

  "No, no, how could I do that? Besides, that big grave is made of stone, I can't dig it even if I want to," hearing Zheng Dali's words, Chen Qiyuan hurriedly explained.

  "Then continue to say, how in the end did you get in?" Zheng Dali drank.

  "Can you send a cigarette?" Chen Qiyuan once again raised the request for a cigarette.

  This time Zheng Dali did not refuse again, lit a cigarette and stuffed it into Chen Qiyuan's mouth.

  Chen Qiyuan two hands were tied, at that moment can only use two hands together to pinch the cigarette, then he took a vicious puff, spewing out a large smoke, which took a breath, slowed down the spirit, and continued: "At that time I saw no way out, so I was ready to go back. The result at this juncture, suddenly around a gust of wind, blowing my whole body cool, I shrunken head, subconsciously squatting to the grass layer, the result at this time I looked up, only to find that the moonlight, the top of the grave, is standing in a black figure, because the figure back to the light, I can not see the figure's appearance, but I look at the figure, seems to be the woman in red. "

  "Could it be that it is still alive to see a ghost?"

  Hearing this, Zheng Dali and I both subconsciously looked at each other.

  "I do not know if it is a ghost, anyway, my ears rang a voice, it was the woman, she asked me to save her, she said she had calculated that she had a disaster tonight, before she wanted to use my power to help her escape, but because I delayed, so she did not escape. Now the calamity has come, she herself is helpless, only I can save her, so she asked me to help her, otherwise, she may have to be doomed. She also said that she has always been the body of ice and purity, but also has a wealth of treasures, as long as I help her, all of this is mine." Chen Qiyuan said here, once again took a puff of smoke, then continued: "I was confused, I do not know if I was awake, or in a dream, in any case, by the time I looked up again, the figure on the grave has disappeared, the sound in my ears is also gone, and then I fumbled to stand up, and suddenly saw not far away in the woods, there seems to be a light. "

  "What lights? Is it a ghost fire? I tell you, this thing is actually white phosphorus spontaneous combustion, and is not something rare." Zheng Dali said.

  "No, not a ghost fire, really lights, I went over to see," Chen Qiyuan said here, took a deep breath: "I was curious in my heart, on the courage to touch a little bit over, the results to the side to see, only to find that the woods are actually three large living people. "

  "What do they do?" Zheng Dali asked.

  "I do not know what they do, when I found them, they were digging holes in the ground. They were all dressed in black, one of them was older, with a goatee, his face looked very shady, as if he was the leader of the group, he did not work, he carried a horse lamp next to the light, the remaining two young, one into the hole out of the soil, a rope dragging the people in the hole, by the way, the out of the soil to move off. They are obviously very professional, digging holes very fast, not long after two or three meters deep down." Chen Qiyuan said with a serious face.

  Hearing this, Zheng Dali and I do not feel again looked at each other, heart about what those three people are doing, no surprise, they should be tomb robbers, and they want to rob the tomb, no surprise, should be that Xiyu County Lord grave.

  So it seems that the Xiyu County Lord's ghost said the robbery, if not accidentally, should be referring to these grave robbers.

  She is asking Chen Qiyuan to protect her.

  But the tomb robbers but there are three people, and since ancient times in the folk, most of the tomb robbers in this business, are extremely vicious and hostile people, they are not even afraid of the dead, let alone the living? So they either do not fight, once they start, that are life-threatening moves, facing such a group of thieves, Chen Qiyuan such a weak appearance, he can save that Xiyu County? This is an extremely difficult question for people to understand.

  "Go on, what did you do afterwards?" Zheng Dali pondered for a while and stared at Chen Qiyuan, asking him to continue.