Smashed to death on the ground

"I didn't know what to do at first."

  Hearing Zheng Dali's question, Chen Qiyuan said, "But you should also know that those three people are tomb robbers, so the robbery that Xiyu County Master mentioned should be referring to them, so if I want to save her, I have to help her dissolve this robbery. Of course, the best way, naturally, is to drive these three people away. However, these tomb robbers are obviously not so easy to deal with, scaring them is not necessarily good, not to mention that even if they are scared away this time, the next time will certainly come back. So I weighed it up in my mind and decided not to move first, and I hid down in the grass layer next to them, ready to see what would happen."

  "Go on," Zheng Dali listened to the alley, and no more nonsense.

  "Then they dug until late at night, the hole were piled up more than a meter high mound of earth, and then the man in the hole shouted that digging, touching the wall or something. Hearing that shout, the old man let the hole of the apprentice dragged out the man in the hole, then he gave the lamp to one of them to hold, he himself is from the ground in the bag took out the chisel and shovel, personally down the hole, seems to be to break the wall. The old man seems to have a Taoist practice, and should also have hands, his two disciples are relatively dull, and the two of them tremble, seems to be a little afraid."

  Chen Qiyuan said here and stopped, Zheng Dali a little anxious, directly to him again lit a cigarette, then said: "Say quickly, do not dawdle!"

  "Thank you," smoking, Chen Qiyuan rejuvenated, continued: "At that time I saw that the old man went in, I wanted to make a move. As you know, I was holding a hoe in my hand, if I was fast enough, I should have been able to knock one out first. But if I did so, it was not safe after all, so I continued to wait."

  "You're really patient," I said, shaking my head.

  "I can't help it, I'm alone, I have to be patient, so I continued to wait," Chen Qiyuan smiled bitterly and continued, "Then I finally waited for my chance. At that time the old man seemed to break open the tomb wall, greeted a disciple to go in with him, leaving only a lookout outside. At this time I quietly felt behind him, and violently hit the back of his head with a hoe, knocking him down."

  Hearing this, Zheng Dali could not help but shrug his eyebrows and asked, "What happened to that man?"

  "I don't know," Chen Qiyuan returned.

  "Is that so?" Zheng Dali coldly snorted, fingers pointing at the table, "Catch a coincidence, I happened to read a file in the Institute, said that ten years ago, there was a headless case in Danxia Mountain, the dead were three men, the identity of all were tomb robbers, this thing, you would not be unaware of it, right?"

  Hearing this, Chen Qiyuan's expression was obviously a little embarrassed, but quickly calmed down and continued, "At that time I knocked that man down, dragged him to the side, and then I grabbed the rope on the ground and dragged it out. The rope was tied to the waist of the person inside, so I yanked it, and the person inside shouted: pony what are you doing? Wind tight?"

  See Chen Qiyuan did not pick up his words, Zheng Dali coldly grunted, and did not continue to ask questions.

  "At that time there was little wind on the mountain, and again I did not dare to make a sound, a sound will leak, I just desperately hard tug, the results of the people inside still found anomalies, then I heard the man shouted: Master, outside seems to be on fire, what to do?"

  "As a result, the old man heard this, but did not let his disciple out, but took his disciple to continue to drill forward, directly into the tomb inside. They went in and then untied the rope, I had no choice, afraid that they hurt that Xiyu County, so I grabbed the hoe, and followed that dirt hole also into the hole." Chen Qi Yuan spoke here, raised his eyes and looked at us, "Guess what I saw when I went in?"

  "Cut the crap, tell me quickly!" Zheng Dali directly dismissed Chen Qiyuan's intention to whet his appetite.

  Chen Qiyuan grimaced, could only continue: "I went in, found that the tomb room space is very large, and beautifully decorated, magnificent, the top wall is the cloud pattern color pictures, flying sky, that are ancient painting treasures, and the four walls, are also some color pictures, painted is the Xiyu County, some things in her life, the characters are vivid, vivid, the Xiyu County The figures are vivid and vivid, and Princess Xiyu is even more beautiful and beautiful, at that time I saw it, I was directly fascinated by those paintings."

  "Damn you, you're sick, aren't you? Have you forgotten your mission? Your mission is to deal with those two tomb robbers, to save the Xiyu County princess, what kind of bullshit paintings are you looking at?" Zheng Dali couldn't hold back a bit.

  "Little Zheng, don't be anxious, he is a painter, naturally he cares more about those ancient paintings, it's by profession, nothing strange," the old blind man interrupted Zheng Dali.

  "Old man is right, this is indeed a profession, however, I also quickly woke up from the intoxication, because at this time, that younger tomb raider directly rushed towards me with a shovel. I did not dare to slow down, and quickly wielded the hoe to meet the battle. That guy is very strong, and very vicious, gnashing teeth, look very frightening, I feel that I am not his opponent, so horrified legs and feet trembling, the whole body is weak, no strength, and he only shone a side, he was smashed to the ground." Chen Qiyuan said here, his face tangled, as if the events of that time, now looking back, still makes him a little afraid.

  "Really useless, two tomb robbers have scared you like this, you fucking call men?" Zheng Dali disdainfully skimmed his mouth.

  "Yes, I'm indeed useless, I was born weak and timid, so the situation was really urgent. After I fell to the ground, the old man shouted for the young grave robber to kill me with a fierce hand." Chen Qiyuan almost cried when he said this.

  "But then a very amazing thing happened, at that time I had no power to fight back, but, just at this time, suddenly I felt a cold air drill into me, and then I stood up from the ground at once, grabbed the hoe and smashed at the young grave robber, directly smashed his brains and died on the ground. This situation scared me, because I found myself pressed to control my body. I seem to have another force hidden in my body. At that time, I smashed the young grave robber and automatically walked towards the old man."

  Chen Qiyuan said here, both hands clasped together, subconsciously gestured: "At that time, the old man was standing by the coffin of Xiyu County, which is a very large coffin, and it seems to be double. When I walked over, the old man had lifted off the outer layer, revealing the black coffin inside. Then he saw my situation, he put the lamp in his hand to the ground, took out a handful of glutinous rice from his pocket, and scattered it towards me."