exquisite masterpiece (of art)

Chen Qiyuan woke up, it was already early in the morning, the sky is gray, the sun has not yet risen, the mountains and forests foggy, white, can not tell a north from south.

  Both he and the woman's body were full of water stains, wet by the fog fall.

  He was recalling the beauty of the dream, while he wanted to get up and put the female corpse back on his back, he was ready to take her back to his home.

  But what he didn't expect was that when he got up, he realized that he was actually naked, his clothes were torn to pieces and thrown everywhere around him, and he looked at the grass around him and found a pit in the grass, the situation was obviously rolled and pressed.

  This situation made him a moment of consternation, subconsciously check his own bottom, found that he did seem to be venting, just do not know that the flow of things where to go, so he could not help but full of curiosity, after he will fall on the body of the female corpse.

  The female corpse is still flawlessly beautiful, especially now her body water stains, hair scattered, more so that she exudes a kind of heart-stopping and moving attitude.

  Chen Qiyuan look like intoxicated, at the same time, his heart could not help but ponder, saying that he really and this female corpse that what?

  This is not too far a bit?

  Thinking about it, he in order to find out what, especially first kneeled down to the female corpse worshiped three times, to her confession, then he walked to the female corpse squatted down, carefully to the female corpse to check some.

  As a result, he could not help but be a little stunned under this examination.

  He first found that the female corpse face slightly red, eyes confused, lips slightly curled, that situation is first of all a cloud intimacy after, the aftertaste still look, and then, the most let Chen Qi Yuan did not expect is that he found the female corpse below the red.

  This discovery is like a lightning bolt hit his brain, he instantly a burst of dizziness, almost did not fall down.

  "Sage-husband, Yu'er has been guarding her body for a thousand years, and has always been a body of ice and purity, today Yu'er will give herself to you--"

  The words of the female corpse in the dream calling in the ears, which makes him more convinced that he did have sex with this female corpse, and also picked her pistil, and also with her sea vows, a lifelong contract.

  Incredible, unbelievable, Chen Qiyuan completely frozen, he could not figure out whether the female corpse is alive or dead.

  However, no matter what, he truly loved the corpse, so he continued to carry the corpse on his back, and then groped to find the way all the way back to his rented farmhouse.

  He gave the family some money, sealed their mouths, and then took the corpse back to the county. He was renting a car to go up the mountain, so the return trip, and did not encounter any trouble.

  After he returned home, the female corpse as his wife general care, every day carefully for her body scrubbing, and then endlessly entwined with her in bed.

  The female body's limbs are getting softer and softer, and the face is getting some blood, which makes Chen Qi Yuan almost treat her as a living person.

  What he did not expect is that after a while, every day at midnight, the female corpse actually woke up, she can not only move freely, but also speak, but her voice is not very clear, her throat seems to be stuck in something.

  At this time, the corpse spoke to him, she said she was originally faked death, she was born a vassal king's daughter, but then someone falsely accused her father of rebellion, her family was therefore suppressed by the imperial army, when she was escorted by her father's youngest and most talented general escaped, but the result was a tragic misfortune, mistakenly into an ambush, almost the entire army was wiped out, the general in the melee was seriously wounded, fought to the death, and the general was killed. The general was seriously wounded in the melee and fought to the death to save her, and the two escaped into the mountains with some remnants of the army and a few wagons of provisions.

  When they arrived at the mountain, the general couldn't make it, and his men started to flee, and the government army was in hot pursuit. The general was forced to suggest that she kill herself, because he knew that if the princess was captured alive, she would be trampled and humiliated.

  She was 16 years old, a beautiful young woman, and she was not willing to die, so she had no choice but to follow the advice of a shaman who was with her army and took a fake death pill and built a tomb.

  The sorcerer, when she was buried, put a soul fixing bead in her mouth, and stuffed a jade into the pantomime, so as to ensure that her three souls and seven spirits do not disperse, and remain in a state of fake death, so that, as long as she can survive the war, then as long as someone finds her, rescues her from the grave, and gives her the method of rejuvenation, she can be saved.

  Of course, when the sorcerer made this suggestion, Princess Xiyu actually knew what he was up to. The sorcerer had liked her for a long time, but because of his low status, he could not get the attention of Princess Xiyu. This time he finally had the opportunity to show his talent, so he naturally wanted to do his best to help her through her difficulties.

  In this way, even if the princess comes back to life, but her family and country are in disarray, and her status is not as good as an ordinary woman, in that case, the sorcerer will naturally have the opportunity to be with her.

  What's more, the so-called method of returning the sun, itself is to break the body with a man's yang to be effective, that is, once the sorcerer has saved the princess, the princess will naturally have sex with him and become his person.

  However, the sorcerer might not have expected that after they buried the Sheriff, they were running away with the remaining soldiers when they were surrounded by the official army, who then killed them all on the ground, and the sorcerer could not escape.

  In this way, the task of saving the princess was not carried out, so the princess turned from a fake death to a real death and slept in the tomb for a thousand years.

  According to the sorcerer, this false death state can last up to seven years, after seven years, although the soul does not disperse, but because the body blood dissipated, and naturally become dead. So Xiyu County Princess really died in the end.

  But what she didn't expect was that the shaman had thought of some unexpected situation when he buried her, so he chose a place for her to gather yin and raise her corpse, so that after she really died, her corpse kept gathering yin energy and eventually became a yin corpse.

  She just lay there, has been cultivating with that Yin Qi, so that not only the corpse does not decay, and Yin power has become more and more powerful, and finally she after hundreds of years of thinking, and even found a way to resurrect themselves.