endless lingering

According to Chen Qiyuan's description, the method of resurrection that the female corpse eventually found was to neutralize the yin energy in her body by drawing on male essence and yang, so that when she reached a state of balance between yin and yang, she would basically be no different from a living person, but not only that, she would also have extremely powerful strength because the yin energy in her body was thicker and more abundant than that of a normal person. In a word, she is almost the same as a god.

  However, such a state is after all an afterthought. The problem Chen Qiyuan is facing now is that because the female corpse has been cultivating for thousands of years in the corpse farming ground, the accumulated Yin Qi in her body is already a huge and almost irreversible existence, so using Yuan Yang and Essence Qi to neutralize such a huge amount of Yin Qi is a huge and difficult process, which may take a long, long time and may last Chen Qiyuan's lifetime. This process may take a long, long time, and may not be done in Chen Qi Yuan's lifetime.

  This time, Chen Qiyuan is a bit torn, one, people do not have a hundred days of joy, he stayed with the female corpse after a long time, also feel that the female corpse is just like that, but an ordinary flesh, and nothing new and exciting, to put it bluntly, he is tired of playing. Second, Chen Qiyuan itself is weak, can not withstand the female corpse's insatiable demand, so there was a period of time, Chen Qiyuan even do not like the female corpse, but some fear of her, every night when the door, two legs directly soft.

  For these reasons, Chen Qiyuan then began to move the mind, he told the female corpse that his yang and essence is limited, there is no way to help her quickly return to the yang, so he thought of a way, a way to make the female corpse faster to draw yang and essence, that is to bring back some other men for the female corpse to enjoy.

  Obviously, at first, Chen Qiyuan's suggestion was rejected by the female corpse, because the female corpse was truly in love with him, she followed him with her body of purity, and naturally only wanted to do that with him.

  However, although the female corpse looked resolute, but could not resist Chen Qiyuan's softness and hardness, not to mention that Chen Qiyuan was indeed thinning, his body gradually showed signs of exhaustion, and the female corpse's desire for yuan yang and essence was increasing, this situation made the female corpse somewhat helpless, she that is, she felt pain for Chen Qiyuan, but at the same time, it was difficult to resist her own desire, so things developed to the end that there was One night, when Chen Qiyuan brought back a demonic man, everything happened logically.

  The female corpse drew a large amount of yuan yang and essence from the man at once, and in the end it even almost killed the man, if Chen Qiyuan had not stopped it in time.

  So, since that time, Chen Qiyuan rarely do that thing with the female corpse, every time is basically to go to a bar or nightclub and other places to cheat a man back to the female corpse to enjoy.

  Here need to explain one thing in particular is that the female corpse at this time, although and other men, and even many other men have skin to skin, but from the beginning to the end, her heart loves people, in fact, only Chen Qiyuan a person. The reason why she accepted these men, but only because she was forced to do so, because she really wanted to live too much.

  According to Chen Qiyuan's recollection, during that time, every day at midnight, when the female corpse finished drawing the yang and essence of those men, she would kneel in front of him in shame and self-reproach to thank him. She swore more than once that she would only love Chen Qiyuan in this life and that she would do anything for him.

  It is conceivable that at this time, Chen Qiyuan, whether the female corpse is loyal to him, in fact, no longer care much, because he himself is a prodigal son, he can not wait to have fun himself, so, at this time, he only begged the female corpse can let go of himself, not to drain himself, also satisfied.

  Because the female corpse is still in the state of Yin corpse, can only wake up at midnight for a short time every day, so Chen Qiyuan has been hiding her in the dark room.

  Later, Chen Qiyuan in order to deal with some unexpected situations, and specifically in the female corpse lying under the room bed dug a tunnel.

  And since that time, the female corpse has done a lot of things for Chen Qiyuan, such as let him have the ability of psychic, such as she gave him a lot of Yin power, so that he also has the ability of ghost eyes bewitched, such as that the Jieji Ghost Kui and can bite the ghost drought manipulation method, also learned under the female corpse's tutelage.

  What can be said is that if we had not appeared to interrupt all this, Chen Qiyuan would have been doing evil with this female corpse.

  "It seems that sometimes, some voluptuous blessings are not everything can be consumed ah, hehehehe."

  Zheng Dali heard the end, grinning, he seemed to Chen Qiyuan things simply as a story to listen to.

  "You may not be married now, when you get married later, you will understand how terrible women are," hearing Zheng Dali's words, Chen Qiyuan did not feel is said leisurely.

  "That is you useless, strong outside, straw head gun, the old man does not have that aspect of the problem," Zheng Dali coldly snorted.

  "All right," I interrupted the two, then looked at Chen Qiyuan said: "The story is wonderful, but you made up is not round, know what the biggest loophole is?"

  Hearing my words, Chen Qiyuan obviously stunned, then he did not feel is shaking his head lost smile, "I know, I understand what you mean, you are not a little confused about my special hobby?"

  "Well, are you convenient to explain? Why do you like women much older than you, and how are you so comfortable dressing up as a homosexual officer that those other homosexual patients believe in you?" I asked, looking at him.

  Hearing my words, Chen Qi Yuan laughed a little and clasped his hands while clumsily lighting his cigarette and said to me, "Those two questions are easy to answer, but I want to correct one thing before I answer your question."

  "Say," I said, nodding.

  "Homosexuality is not a disease, homosexual personnel is homosexual personnel, and is not a patient," Chen Qiyuan looked at me and said seriously: "It may be the catch of the Creator, some people in this world are born with a sexual orientation that is diametrically opposed to their own physical characteristics, it is not that they want this This is just instinct, they are actually helpless, so we should actually report to such people with understanding and compassion, rather than to despise them."

  "What the fuck, what fallacy?" Zheng Dali apparently difficult to understand Chen Qiyuan's point of view, then could not help but slap the table and said: "two big men together pestle and mortar, do not feel disgusted? Also understanding, sympathy, blind than things!"

  Chen Qiyuan was said to be a little helpless, can only shake his head bitter smile.

  "I accept your point of view, homosexuality indeed should not be discriminated against, but this is not the issue we want to discuss, you first answer my two questions," I interrupted Zheng Dali's gibberish, to lead the topic back to the right way.