Suddenly flee

Hearing the old blind man's words, Zheng Dali immediately grinned and stopped scratching his head, asking in some confusion, "Old man, that, you're not joking, right?"

  The old blind man laughed and said, "I'm not joking, I'm serious."

  "How serious you are, you can not drive ah," Zheng Dali a little anxious.

  Seeing this, I can only drag Chen Qiyuan up and said to Zheng Dali: "Well, let's walk there, my master is more taboo to take a car."

  "Hey, in the end, a trace understands me, worthy of being my disciple," the old blind man laughed smugly.

  The old blind man's look made me speechless for a while, I found that this old man's cheek is really not ordinary thick skin.

  "Then what should I do? It's a long way to the suburbs, so I guess we'll have to walk for an hour or so," Zheng Dali said with some concern.

  "An hour is nothing?" I laughed, walked up and looked at him and said, "Know how we came to this county? We walked all the way from the next county, and we walked for two days and two nights."

  "Huh?" Zheng Dali was completely stunned.

  "Let's go!" I shook my head helplessly, smiled bitterly at him, and then pushed Chen Qiyuan forward.

  Chen Qiyuan's hands were tightly bound, only two legs could walk, and there were still injuries on his legs, so I was not worried about him running away.

  However, in this way, he walked very slowly, walking for a while to take a breath of cold air, squatting down to slow down, as if the injuries on his legs, so that he was in pain.

  "I can't," after walking a distance, Chen Qiyuan sat down directly on the ground, panting heavily while saying, "You guys kill me, I really can't walk anymore."

  "Grandma, I can't carry it, my body is sore and painful, the previous injury is not light," Zheng Dali is also sitting on the roadside.

  Seeing this situation, I did not feel is helplessly sighed, and then said to the old blind man: "Master, or take the car."

  The old blind man pondered for a long time, and finally could only reluctantly said: "Well, Zheng, you go call a car."

  Hearing this, Zheng Dali immediately came to strength, and hurriedly got up to stop a cab.

  After Zheng Dali left, Chen Qiyuan gritted his teeth and stood up, couldn't help but say to me, "That, a trace little brother, I, I want to facilitate a little, can you help me?"

  "How can I help you?" I walked to his side and looked at him and asked.

  "Help me unbuckle my belt and pull out that thing," Chen Qiyuan grinned.

  I looked bored and snorted, "Can you stop being so disgusting?"

  "Then you loosen my rope, I will do it myself," Chen Qiyuan said helplessly.

  Hearing this, I hesitated for a moment, figuring that this guy does not even have the strength to walk, it is estimated that it is difficult to escape, so at that moment I was relieved to help him loosen the rope.

  "Don't peek ha," after the rope is loosened, Chen Qiyuan went to the corner, while whistling, while pulling out something began to release water.

  Seeing his actions, I couldn't help but turn around with disgust and twist my head to look at Zheng Dali to see if he had stopped the car.

  As a result, what I did not expect was that I had just turned around, the old blind man suddenly said to me: "Ran away!"

  "What ran away?!" I was stunned, and then reacted, and quickly turned to see Chen Qiyuan, only to find that he had taken advantage of my inattention, into the alley next to the situation is obviously to escape.

  "Damn it!"

  When I saw this situation, I was furious, and then I flew after him, while shouting to Zheng Dali: "Take care of my master!"

  "What? What's wrong?" Zheng Dali stood at a distance, still a bit unclear.

  I did not have time to explain more, while running, while running the secret art of spiritual birth, the door of heaven instantly opened wide, yuan qi poured out, all towards Chen Qi Yuan's figure tracked over.

  "Stop, you can't run away!" I ran, while shouting, while also stealing time to take out the folding knife from the pocket.

  However, what I find strange is that Chen Qiyuan is as crazy at this time, regardless of my shouting, in short, is to set a heart, desperately fleeing forward.

  His legs limp, not too fast, I could have easily caught up with him, but the alley is too narrow, and inside a lot of messy items, what paper boxes rotten boards, so that Chen Qiyuan while running, while pulling things blocking the road, let me a little depressed, I have to jump up every time, from those things to climb over, in order to continue to run forward.

  So, in this way, by the time I chased him out of the alley, Chen Qiyuan was already pulling open the door of a cab and sitting in it.

  "Stop, bastard!"

  Seeing this situation, I hurriedly dashed over and tried to stop the cab, but unfortunately, by the time I reached the curb, the car had already rushed out more than ten meters away.


  Seeing that the car ran far away, I could not help but is jumping feet cursed.


  But, just at this time, suddenly a sharp braking sound came, followed by a cab stopped in front of me.

  "Little Master, come up!"

  After the car stopped, Zheng Dali reached out and called out to me.

  Seeing this, I did not feel a burst of joy, and quickly pulled open the door and sat in.

  "Hurry up, accelerate, catch up with the car in front, hurry up!"

  After I got in, Zheng Dali urged the driver to hurry up and accelerate.

  The driver was a little confused at first, but after seeing the police officer's card that Zheng Dali pulled out, he immediately became very cooperative, and the car was driving to fly.

  "Shout - whir -"

  Late at night, the street would have been a few cars, so so, a police chase drama began to play out.

  This is still my first time in a cab, I must say, I feel very new, have been picking up the car window to look out, feeling very exciting.

  However, just when I was enjoying myself, I suddenly heard a low sound coming from behind me, and then I smelled a sour and unpleasant smell, and when I looked back, I found that the old blind man sitting next to me had actually thrown up.

  "Master, you, what happened to you?" I was shocked to see this condition.

  "Oh, old man, so you are seasick, hey, it's not something to be ashamed of, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Zheng Dali saw the situation, quickly while talking, while handing a plastic bag to the old blind man, said to him: "Old man you hold on ah, first vomit in the bag, when we catch up with that brat, it will be fine."

  "Ooo, good, cough -" the old man took the plastic bag, then lowered his head and continued to vomit furiously.

  Seeing this, I finally know why the old man has been afraid to ride in the car, dare to say it is because he is seasick ah.

  This is to let me feel some new, said I have never seen the old man so wretched it.

  I could not help but cover my nose while looking at the old blind man's poor look, but in the heart is snickering, saying you have a day ah, so you have always pitted me before.

  However, just when I was complacent, suddenly, the car was a sharp stop, issued an ear-splitting braking sound at the same time, I and the old blind man also slammed into the back of the seat in front of the head.