A woman with long hair flying in the wind

Late at night, the street lights are dim, the empty road, two cabs flying chase one after the other, the scene is thrilling and exciting, comparable to a blockbuster.

  Chen Qiyuan was in the car, the driver must have been controlled by his bewitched ghost eyes, so that the driver is crazy to drive the car, regardless of red lights, green lights, reverse direction, in short, as long as there is a road to the front.

  I have to say, the driver's skills are very bull, because several sharp turns, he is a fierce tail drift, the body is directly into the other side of the lane, instantly came to a 180-degree turn, that handsome strength, not to mention, let me and Zheng Dali can not help but shout repeatedly.

  In contrast, the driver of our car is a bit of a weakling. He is a little older, the first action is very clumsy, the guts is also very small, so although Zheng Dali has been urging him on the side, but his speed is still not up.

  Such a situation, seeing Chen Qiyuan's car is getting farther and farther away, Zheng Dali did not feel is burning with anger, and then could not help but a foot brake, the car to a stop.

  Zheng Dali slammed on the brakes, and did not say in advance to me and the old blind, so we directly hit the back of the seat, almost did not pass out.

  "Zheng Dali, what are you doing?

  After a head-butt, I covered my head for a long time before I recovered, and could not help but yell at Zheng Dali.

  "Sorry, I forgot to inform you guys in advance, but it's okay, you guys bear with it for a while," said Zheng Dali, kicked the driver out of the car, and then sat himself in the driver's seat, and then stepped on the gas pedal, and immediately heard a "shout shout shout - -" a piercing acceleration sound came, and then the car will be like a wild horse off the reins of the general wild rush out.

  As a result, this way, I and the old blind man suffered again, we instantly from the state of bending low, directly to the whole body back to the back of the seat.

  My situation is okay, the old blind man's condition is a bit miserable at this point.

  His old man first because of the reason for the emergency brake, the hand of the plastic bag paste to the face, and now a backward meal, the plastic bag fell on the chest, the filth inside, immediately flowed all over.

  So, after the speed of the car stabilized, I looked at the old blind man again, he was already full of filthy yellow and white things, the body stinks, it is simply unbearable to look at.

  The old man was shivering, grabbing the back of the chair in front of him with one hand, covering his mouth with the other, gasping for breath for a long time before he gritted his teeth and said to me: "A scar, if you have the chance, you must avenge me, I can't die in peace! --I can't die in peace..."

  "Cough cough, master, you do not worry, you old certainly live a long life, which is so easy to die?" I couldn't help but pinch my nose, while finding a dirty towel from under the seat to wipe the car, panic hands and feet to help the old blind man wipe the filth from his body.

  "No, no, it's too painful, Master can't hold on, if it goes on like this, it's better to die..."

  The old man looked like he really could not support it, then while talking, while fumbling to open the car door.

  This situation but I was shocked heart jumped, I think so high speed, his old man if he really jumped, it is not far from death.

  "Master, master, hold on, soon, we will soon catch up with that bastard Chen Qiyuan, you hold on a little longer, please, do not jump out of the car, now the speed of the car is too fast, you old man if you jump, it is estimated that you will really have to go to see the old king."

  At that moment, seeing this situation, I hastened to pull the old man, the result which thought the old man in a moment to pounce on me, hugged me and cried: "a trace ah, master is so miserable ah, master is so painful ah, woo woo, master in this life, the sky is not afraid of the earth, but afraid to ride in the car."

  "Master, I understand your pain and suffering, please can you stop rubbing on me?" I grinned, looking at the old man rubbed a dirty mess, can not help but begin to suspect the old boy's intentions, he would not do this on purpose, right?

  As expected, the old man sat back with a grunt after rubbing my body evenly, and that look was obviously a spiritual victory.

  "Master, I'm convinced -" I shook my head helplessly and could only give a thumbs up.

  "Sit tight, to turn the corner!"

  At this time, only to hear the front of Zheng Dali shouted, then only to hear the sound of the brakes sounded, then the car suddenly a rapid drift, immediately almost threw me and the old blind outside the window, then, after the car down smoothly, I looked up again, only to find that we have been chased to less than ten meters away from Chen Qiyuan.

  This distance, Chen Qiyuan is naturally full of anxiety, so then he turned the car, down the avenue, towards a narrow dirt road.

  There is no street light on that dirt road, the road is also potholed, Chen Qiyuan did so, and I do not know what the reason is, may want to find favorable terrain, abandon the car to escape.

  At that moment, seeing this situation, Zheng Dali can only also drive a car to follow up, and speed up, directly close to the rear of Chen Qiyuan's car, then to the side of the acceleration, the front of the car immediately rubbed the rear of Chen Qiyuan's car, Chen Qiyuan's car then violently twisted the buttocks, and then is actually horizontal spinning drifted out, directly out of the road, into a snow-covered fields.

  The car into the field, it is a bit of mud and cattle into the sea, after all, the field of mud is very soft, even though there is snow cover, but the car is too heavy, so he continued to rush forward less than a hundred meters distance, and finally stopped.

  "Quick, get out, the boy can not run!"

  At this time, Zheng Dali opened the car door, and then grabbed a flashlight in one hand and an electric stick in the other, and ran towards Chen Qiyuan's side.

  "Master, you wait in the car, I'll go help Zheng Dali!"

  See this situation, I was worried about Zheng Dali accident, can only rush also got out of the car, then followed Zheng Dali all the way to the front of the run.

  Not long, we came to the car next to Chen Qiyuan, found that the car has been plunged into the mud half a meter deep, at this time the rear of the car is smoking.

  The door of the car was open, Chen Qiyuan had gotten out and fled, Zheng Dali raised his flashlight to sweep around, and soon saw two running figures not far away.

  "Stand still!"

  Seeing this situation, the two of us together with the foot to catch up.

  Chen Qiyuan leg injuries, it would not run fast, so we quickly caught up with them, but, to our surprise, when we got close, but only to find that the fleeing people are not only Chen Qiyuan, but also a woman with long hair flying loose.