Stealing jade

However, regardless of what the ring head will think, I now have a simple thought in mind, I came here before, but is thinking about this piece of chalcedony, and now I actually inadvertently got it in hand, where there is the possibility of returning?

  So, at that moment, I quickly reached out to check the situation of the ring head, while the piece of chalcedony to the pocket inside.

  I thought it should be as hot as the spirit marrow, but now that I really have it in my hand, I realized that it is not only not hot, but also very cold, and after I put it in my pants pocket, my thighs immediately shivered with cold.

  This situation makes me a little helpless, and quickly took out the yellow silk mantle in the box, and again wrapped the chalcedony in three layers, before stuffing it into my trouser pocket and hiding it.

  Fortunately, this is the year, the weather is relatively cold, I was wearing thick clothes, so that the chalcedony, although fist-sized, but this really stuffed into the trouser pocket, is not very visible, which gives me a lot of peace of mind.

  The only thing that makes me feel depressed is that the chalcedony is too cold, although I have wrapped it with yellow silk satin several layers, but still freezing my thighs a cold, which makes me feel very uncomfortable, not to mention that I am also a bit of a thief, so I want to leave the Qin family as soon as possible, hurry back to hide the chalcedony.

  With this in mind, I quickly restored the scene of the crime, and then acted as if nothing had happened, with a smile on his face and walked towards the outside of the Hall of Souls.

  At this time, the head of the ring is taking small Ying in hide-and-seek, the two are playing happily, small Ying giggling from time to time, look at the situation, seems to be very intimate with the head of the ring.

  The head of the ring is also very happy, laughing from time to time, this is a rare situation, so I am a little reluctant to interrupt them.

  It's a good thing they didn't treat me like a transparent person, so when I appeared, the two stopped and came up together to talk to me.

  "One Trace, I have an idea," said the ringleader, his face flushed, leading Ying in his hand, his eyes shining brightly, as if he had some big plan.

  I laughed a little and nodded, "Say, what's the idea?"

  "Little Ying is already in kindergarten, isn't it?" The ringleader asked, looking at me.

  I nodded and said, "Yes, why?"

  "She said that when she was in school, there were boys bullying her," the head of the ring spoke, some lovingly turned his head to look at Xiaoying, then but to me: "So I have an idea, I want to recognize her as a god sister, who dares to bully her again, I will beat them to death. "

  The head of the ring's words let my heart a tangle, because I do not know why, actually do not want to contribute to this matter, although they even worship, but also just talking about it, and can not form any substantial relationship, but, I do not know why, my heart on this matter is some pimples, always feel that this way, later when Xiaoying grows up, may be ...

  This situation makes me very depressed, I can not help but secretly ponder, thinking that I have been looking down on the ring head can not? Otherwise, why I do not want him and Xiaoying to get too close to it?

  For a long time, I did not know how to answer.

  The head of the ring did not notice my strange, at this time is still excited: "small Ying so smart, in the future will certainly be a good student, hey, I help her fight, protect her safety, later when she learns out, may be able to teach me some knowledge, she can be my little teacher."

  "Ring head brother, don't worry about it, in the future I must study well, when I learn, I will come back to teach you, so you are also equal to school," said the sweet voice of Xiao Ying.

  "Well, good sister, brother did not love you for nothing, ha ha," hearing the words of small Ying, the ring head can not help but full of joy, subconsciously hugged her up.

  "Uh, that, the ring head, the time is late, I and small Ying will go back first, free to come back to play with you ha," this time, I can not help but go forward to snatch the small Ying, after carrying small Ying on the downstairs.

  My reaction to the head of the ring stunned, he stood there for a long time can not return to froze, after a long time, until I have taken small Ying down to the first floor, he only "dong dong" chase down, then he did not say anything, directly to the backyard, help us to open the small door to the backyard.

  "Good bye brother, come back to play with you when you have time."

  When leaving the door, Ying waved and greeted the head of the ring, but the head of the ring did not say a word, just stared at me blankly.

  I didn't dare to look at him, so I could only walk on my own.

  I walked quickly, because the heart is very weak, a little unable to face the ring head.

  Then, just after I walked out of a distance of more than ten meters, the ring head behind me but spoke.

  "Liu Yichen!"

  The ring head's voice obviously carries an extraordinary flavor.

  "Hmm?" Hearing that voice, I did not feel like stopping and answered.

  "Remember when we were kids together listening to people singing books?" The ringleader shouted and asked me.

  "Remember, why?" I turned my head to look at him and asked.

  "Singing the story of the book you remember? Zhu Yuanzhang was a beggar, Chen Sheng Wu Guang are poor old people origin, I want to tell you is that one day, I will impress you!"

  The ringleader's voice was a little sticky by the end of the day, and his expression seemed a little excited.

  "Then do it for me!" I said back in a loud voice.

  "You're wrong, I'm not doing it for you, I'm doing it for me, I'm doing it for everyone!" The ring head face is red, two eyes watery, "And, you remember me, I will marry Xiao Ying!"

  "You bullshit, you are nearly ten years older than her, don't come with me, or don't blame me for being rude!" I said angrily.

  "You'll see!" The ringleader finished his sentence and angrily turned around and closed the door behind him.

  I stood there, dazed, unable to get up for a long time, and finally it was Xiaoying's voice that woke me up.

  "Cousin, what's wrong? Did you have a quarrel with your brother Ring-head?" Ying asked innocently.

  "No," I laughed bitterly and put her down, but then squatted down, took her hand, and said to her seriously, "Little Ying, listen to your cousin, don't play with your brother, okay?"

  "Why?" Ying asked in confusion, "Brother Quit Head is very good to me."

  "I can't tell you now, you'll know when you grow up, he's not nice to you!" I frowned and interrupted Xiaoying's words.

  Seeing my expression, Xiaoying could only nod in confusion, in fact, she did not know in her heart what all this was about.

  I had no choice but to sigh, and then led her back to walk.

  The way back, my heart suddenly opened up, I understand a little Wang Qin Yuan's mother, yes, her mother is indeed very snobbish, but she is sincere in the interests of Wang Qin Yuan ah, she actually did nothing wrong, I now to the ring head act, not the same as her?

  Oh ... I can only laugh bitterly, feel the fate, very bizarre.