Human head in chalcedony

Leaving the Qin family, I first sent Xiaoying home, and then ran towards my grandma's house in a flash.

  I want to seize the time to look at the chalcedony, I want to see what magic it has in the end.

  However, I was a little helpless, I just returned to the room, just pulled the chalcedony out of my pocket, before I could lift the yellow satin wrapped around it, and then grandma knocked on the door.

  "Ichiken, the weather is warm today, grandma is old and has no strength, after lunch, you can help grandma do some work, the pile of firewood in the corner, help grandma split it."

  Grandma was carrying a dustpan in her hand, and while she was talking, she came in.

  I was worried that she would find the chalcedony, so I hastily tucked it under the blanket and hid it, and then I acted as if nothing was wrong and said to her, "Yes, I'll go chop wood now."

  "There is no hurry, let's eat lunch first, grandma will be ready soon, you clean up the dishes." Grandmother said the words, turned around and went out.

  Seeing this situation, I thought it was impossible to take a closer look at the chalcedony for a while, so I left it alone and went to the outer room, cleaned up the dishes and prepared to eat lunch.

  Soon, grandma brought up the food and started eating.

  After eating, I began to chop wood, this dry again all afternoon, so during this time, I never had time to check the chalcedony.

  It was only in the evening that I was able to get my hands on the chalcedony, but I still didn't dare to be careless. I kept my ears open and listened to the movements outside until my grandmother had fallen asleep and started snoring, then I quietly lit the lamp and closed the door, then tiptoed and lifted the covers, took out the chalcedony wrapped in yellow satin and put it on the table.

  In the dead of night, candlelight, I sat on the edge of the table, quietly looking at the mass of yellow silk in front of me, and I do not know why, I suddenly felt an inexplicable tension in my heart.

  This chalcedony is too strange, it is too cold, although wrapped by the yellow silk, but the top is still penetrating a trace of cold air to, this situation makes me feel very strange.

  At that moment, I took a deep breath to calm my mind, and then reached out to the table, pinching the corners of the yellow silk satin, the silk lifted, the chalcedony was then revealed.

  Chalcedony now, the light swaying under the illumination, and then look closely, only to find that the chalcedony body is in the shape of a cobblestone, which is slightly pointed at one end, which makes it like a crystal clear drop of water.

  The large water droplet is purple-red in color, smooth and soft, the jade is delicate and translucent, and when you look at its interior, you can see that there are many tiny red threads tugging inside, like blood, which must be the so-called purple blood, which is why it is named purple blood chalcedony.

  At that moment, I subconsciously reached out and touched the chalcedony, and found that it was as cold as a piece of ice, and even had some ice flowers on it, which made me disappointed, knowing that this thing should be the opposite of the "spirit marrow", so it could not be used for me.

  However, I am a little puzzled is that such a cold thing, how to help Qin Yunshan to make a fortune? By definition, such a thing, long-term carry around, it should not only will not make a fortune, but will be corrupted and hurt, but Qin Yunshan is relying on it to get rich, it is not that Qin Yunshan has a secret method to reverse the yin and Yang?

  There is some curiosity and doubt in my heart, so I could not help but move the light a little closer and look down carefully at the chalcedony to see if there is something else hidden inside it.

  As a result, just when I was concentrating on the chalcedony, I suddenly heard a "creaking" sound, the situation seems to be someone scratching the door with his nails.

  This situation makes me a puzzled, looked up and around, found no one in the room, got up and opened the door to see, there is no one, which makes me a little curious, I do not know what the sound is going on, and finally can only think that the mouse is doing strange.

  After checking it out, I went back to the table and sat down, ready to continue studying the chalcedony.

  However, what I did not expect was that at this time, suddenly, the chalcedony placed on the table, but suddenly moved on its own.

  This situation startled me, I thought I was blind, the results of a closer look, only to find that the chalcedony is really moving, it is now twisting and wiggling, the situation as if it has something alive, is trying to escape from inside general.

  Seeing this situation, I was stunned, and quickly reached out to hold the chalcedony down, afraid that it would roll to the table.

  However, what I did not expect was that at this time, my palm touched the chalcedony at first, and then felt a burst of bone-chilling cold gas came out from the inside, and at the same time, a harsh scream was like a shock wave, directly into the brain.

  "Well ah - ah ah ah ah -"

  The voice sounded horrible, it felt like someone was undergoing purgatory-like torture.

  This situation made me tremble in my heart, I know this chalcedony is some unusual, so then I hurriedly put it to the side of a hug, and then one hand pressed it, and then looked down towards the inside, to see what happened there.

  As a result, this look, but I was immediately shocked "ah ah" a cry out.

  I actually saw a human head in that chalcedony!

  The head seemed to be a woman, cloaked, at first only the size of a cherry, and then due to the effect of light and shadow transmission, so she looked a little far away.

  However, a moment later, the woman turned her head towards me and seemed to find me, and then she did not feel like lunging headlong towards me.

  At this moment, I looked at the purple blood chalcedony in a daze, it felt as if I was watching a movie, and then the human head inside grew larger and larger, closer and closer, and finally pounced directly in front of me, and then I saw an extremely frightening scene, the woman's face was drenched in blood, and directly hit the thin wall of the chalcedony, while emitting an extremely miserable scream.


  That woman screamed miserably at the same time, I because of the impact of that scene, but also subconsciously shrieked.

  So, I subconsciously dodged backwards, so I loosened the chalcedony.

  After the chalcedony was released, it immediately tumbled on the table, and then it "snapped" a sound and fell directly to the ground, but it fell to pieces.


  Chalcedony shattered, a dead black gas then spilled out from inside, then slowly coalesced into a human figure, so a twist a crooked stood in front of me.

  And this time, I subconsciously run the secret art of spiritual birth, open the door of heaven to take a look, do not feel numb with shock, almost vomited out.