A sinister face


  A muffled sound, YinYunShan two hands clutching the Zen staff, flying down to the ground, while the blood soul is to take advantage of this opportunity, finally trembling from the ground, is barely escaped a disaster.

  However, what one did not expect was that the blood spirit's obsession with revenge was so deep that even though it was already vaguely showing signs of dispersal, it still refused to leave, but continued to scream with its teeth and claws, trying to rush towards YinYunShan again.

  At that moment, seeing this situation, I do not feel is abruptly turned, raised a hand palm towards the blood soul slapped over, but at the same time is loudly shouted: "good evil ghost, at this time still want to make trouble, see I do not beat your soul to scatter!

  As I spoke, a palm down, but at the same time whispered quickly to the blood spirit shouted: "Run, run! Quick!"

  "Back away from me!"

  I finished speaking to that blood soul, and then my Yuan Qi flourished, directly pushing that blood soul away.

  The blood spirit flew ten meters away before landing on the ground, then she stood up trembling from the ground, subconsciously looked at me, and finally gritted her teeth and turned around and fled to the distant woods.

  "Do not try to escape, see if I do not take you!"

  Seeing that the blood soul fled, I pretended to chase forward a distance, and then stopped, appearing a helpless look, shaking his head and sighing: "Hey, did not expect to run so fast, hum, this time I will spare you, next time do not let me bump into, or you will be beaten to scatter your soul!

  After I finished speaking, I did not feel is turned towards YinYunShan side walked over.

  At this time YinYunShan in Guo ShaoJie's support, has stood up from the ground. However, he is obviously not in a good mood, this time, see his hands clutching the Zen staff, angry eyes glaring at me, gritting his teeth and asked: "Brat, you, who are you in the end? Why do you repeatedly spoil my good deeds?!"

  "Oh, my aunt father, you are not right, right? I came here in the middle of the night to help you fight ghosts, how can you say that I have ruined your good deeds? You are not too young, are you? Can't you even tell right from wrong, good from bad? Do you know what it means to return the favor? I feel that you are now behaving like an enemy, which is not a praiseworthy action."

  As soon as YinYunShan's words were out, I poured out the draft I had made in my heart.

  As expected, I said so, YinYunShan is not feel angry body trembling, and then could not help but look at me angrily cursed: "Bullshit, you are not helping me fight ghosts? You are beating me, you know? I could have killed that evil ghost, but you let her get away, you, you little bastard, you obviously did it on purpose! Come on, Shaojie, JIETOU, you guys go ahead and beat this brat to death!"

  "Dad, look, this-"

  Hearing YinYunShan's words, Guo ShaoJie couldn't help but hesitate, while JIETOU even subconsciously shrank and hid in the corner.

  "All useless things, he is a small child, what are you afraid of him for?!" Seeing Guo Shaojie's action, YinYunShan did not feel is angry voice cursed.

  Was YinYunShan a scolding, Guo ShaoJie does not feel is a look at me, then is close to YinYunShan said: "Dad, just now you saw, this kid is extraordinary, he will be that golden light, we, we are afraid that we can not afford to mess with him - "

  Was Guo Shaojie so a reminder, YinYunShan does not feel is awakened, then can not help but hate gnash teeth spit a mouthful of spit, and then is full of sinister look at me: "brat, you wait for me, this thing is not over!"

  "Hmph, don't worry, I will wait for you," I looked at YinYunShan sneered, and then the line of sight fell to the mourning stick in JIETOU's hand, not feel is out loud to JIETOU shouted: "JIETOU, that mourning stick is who told you to hold it? "

  "YiHeng, you, what are you going to do again?" Hearing my words, JIETOU couldn't help but ask with some confusion.

  "Tell me, who gave you the mourning stick in your hand in the end!" I asked in a deep voice.

  Faced with my questioning, JIETOU looked at YinYunShan and did not dare to speak.

  YinYunShan saw this, did not feel is JIETOU to the back of a block, and then cold eyes at me said: "brat, our family matters, do not need you to care, you get out!"

  "I don't seem to be in your family's door now, who are you to tell me to get out?" I sneered back.

  Seeing me say this, YinYunShan did not feel is a puff of breath, then but steeply turned around, to JIETOU and Guo ShaoJie said: "We go!"

  "Dad, just let this kid go?" Guo Shaojie while walking, but also asked.

  "Or you go deal with him?" YinYunShan coldly snorted, lifted his foot and kicked on JIETOU and said, "White-eyed wolf, give me a quick walk!"

  JIETOU fell to the ground, and then scrambled to get up again, not even having time to dust the mud on his body, and then ran forward in a panic.

  This time, seeing YinYunShan to enter the door to go, I do not feel is loudly shouted to him: "you always knew, so you let JIETOU hold the mourning stick, you wait and see, you will not have a good retribution!"

  "Fuck you! Beat the hell out of you puppy day, hurry up and get out!" YinYunShan cursed at me angrily and took Guo ShaoJie and JIETOU into the door.

  After the three men entered the door, I stood in place, pondered for a long time, and finally had no choice but to turn around in disgust and walk towards grandma's house.

  When I returned to my grandmother's house, it was already midnight, the weather was cold, the cold wind blowing straight, so that people from the outside to the heart.

  I entered the courtyard and saw the dark wellhead, which made my heart move, and then I subconsciously went over, lying on the wellhead, and said to the inside: "Qing Yue, I understand what you are thinking. I also know that you are very difficult, very torn. That, if you trust me, I may be able to help you with this, you still remember my purple space? I can now manifest something in it, so I think if you want, I can invite my uncle's soul in temporarily, and then, recreate the time when you were kids. What do you think of my idea? If you're willing, I can try it out."

  After I finished speaking, I waited quietly for half a day, but did not get any response, which did not feel that I was a little helpless, and then I could only turn around in a daze and prepare to go back to bed.

  However, what I didn't expect was that just as I turned around, the wind suddenly moved behind me, and when I turned around to look, I found that Yun Qingyue was standing quietly at the well looking at me.

  "Qingyue, you agree with my plan?" I asked, looking at her with some delight.

  She didn't say anything, nor did she nod, she just brought that snake spirit straight to me, and then returned to my purple space while telling me, "It's okay to invite him in, but remember the time, don't hurt him."

  Hearing this, I knew that this matter has become, so at that moment I did not feel is a burst of excitement, can not help but full of promise she said: "do not worry, I will be careful, you just wait and see!"