Incantation for the detention of spirits

YunQingYue has already agreed to my plan, the next thing to do is to find a way to introduce my uncle's soul into my purple house space.

  This is not an easy task, after all, the human soul, in general, is very difficult to completely out of the body, and, once the soul completely left the body, a period of time does not return, it is likely that it will never return.

  One more, when the human soul completely out of the body, the empty body will also become the object of coveted by many passing ghosts, because they can use the body to resurrect over.

  So, this thing, really want to implement, the first thing to pay attention to is safety, I must first ensure the safety of my uncle, and then do this thing.

  The good thing is that I have already planned everything, so this thing, as scary as it sounds, is actually not that difficult to do.

  At that moment, I took advantage of the night and rushed to my uncle's house.

  The door of my uncle's house was closed, and the lights were out, so I think they were asleep.

  I went over the wall into the courtyard, and then ran under the window of my uncle's bedroom with a cat's back.

  After listening quietly for a while under the window, I found that the breathing sound inside was very even, and occasionally there were snores coming out, which means that they were indeed asleep.

  Seeing this situation, I quietly went to the door of the hall, gently pushed the door, found that the door was bolted and could not be pushed.

  This can not be difficult for me, I thought a slight movement, YunQingYue has released her snake spirit mount, then the snake spirit crossed to the door, quickly helped me to move the bolt to the door.

  Push open the door, I came to the bedroom door, and then as the method, finally entered the bedroom of my uncle's house.

  At this point in the bedroom, a dark, can not see clearly east, west, north and south, I opened the door to heaven, yuan qi overflowed out, and soon saw clearly the situation in the bedroom.

  At this time, I saw my uncle's family lying side by side on the bed, Xiaoying in the middle, the truth is holding Xiaoying, uncle sleeping in the outermost, the situation is very happy and beautiful, so I can not bear to disturb them.

  However, since I have come here, I can not return without success, so I decided to go forward, first with the five senses of the truth and Ying blocked, and then I lifted the quilt covering the uncle, and then I have long prepared a talisman paste on his chest.

  After the incantation was put on, I recited a mantra while nodding at my uncle's eyebrows, then came close to his ear and whispered, "Shao Ming, it's dawn, time to go to work."

  "Ah, good!"

  Hearing my words, the sleeping uncle answered with his eyes closed, then he got up and walked out in a daze.

  Seeing this situation, I hurriedly followed.

  In fact, at this time, my uncle did not wake up, he was only motivated by my soul attraction spell, made some instinctive and mechanical reaction.

  Of course, I did not mean to hurt my uncle at this time, I just wanted to get him out of the house and keep him away from the truth and Xiao Ying, because I did not want to be accidentally disturbed when I cast the spell to detain his soul.

  "Shao Ming, don't run around, come with me," out of the room, I quickly catch up with uncle, and then lead him all the way forward.

  Uncle was confused and guided by me all the way to the middle of my room.

  When I arrived, I first told him to lie down on the bed, and then I turned around and closed and bolted the door, then I lit the lamp, returned to the bed and sat down on my knees, and officially began to implement my plan to return to the dream.

  I first uncovered the soul-attracting talisman on my uncle's chest, then I bit my fingertips and drew blood marks on his eyebrows, chest, palms and feet, and then I drew circles on his eyebrows with my fingers while reciting the soul-attracting incantation.

  "Heaven's door is open, the earth's door is open, a thousand miles of children to send the soul, the six stars of the Big Dipper, the seven stars of the Big Dipper, I am on Tai Shang Laojun urgent as the law, ed!"

  After reciting the soul incantation once, I then released a large amount of yuan qi will be wrapped around my uncle's body for protection, and then I slowly recited the soul attraction decision.

  "The wandering soul, where to stay, the three souls will be early, the seven spirits coming, the river road wild, temples, villages, palaces and prisons, graves and mountains, false alarm and strange, lost true soul, I ask the five ways, the road general, when the village land, house Zaojun, mountain gods and rivers, I am sending you, intentionally search, collect the soul back to the body, to help raise the spirit ... ... ..."

  This soul attraction is originally a soul search incantation, the purpose is to help people find the lost soul, I am now using it with the soul detention incantation, my uncle's soul from his body to lead out, so that his soul into my purple space.

  This was the first time I used this method, so I didn't know if it would work, but to my delight, when I finished the set of incantations, I found that my uncle's soul had actually been successfully detained away from my body, which made me feel excited.

  In this way, my plan is a big success, but, next, also came to the most critical step, I want to help my uncle and YunQingYue back to the dream.

  At this time, I first gritted my teeth to activate the operation of the secret art of spiritual birth, using a large amount of yuan qi to protect my uncle's body to prevent some passing brats from taking advantage of the void, then I closed my eyes and concentrated, and quickly penetrated the divine consciousness into the purple space.

  The consciousness into the house, in front of an instant a clear and bright, the sky a white moon shining, the earth is silver white, which makes the atmosphere in the purple space seems a bit bleak and lonely.

  In the center of the building, on the main stone square, YunQingYue stood alone, quietly, she seemed to be looking up at the moon in the sky.

  I flew down and asked her, "Can we begin? Where is my uncle?"

  "Over there, I let the snake spirit temporarily blind his divine sense." YunQingYue pointed to a dark shadow not far away.

  I quickly ran over, and when I looked, I realized that my uncle was tied up in knots by the python, which caused him to be unable to see around him.

  "Okay, time is limited, let's start now, I'll go full vision, you come and point out to me what's not right, first tell me the time you met with uncle before." I turned to look at YunQingYue and said.

  "Autumn, evening, sunset, shadows of trees," YunQingYue said.

  "The place is grandma's yard, right?" I asked again.

  YunQingYue nodded.

  "You can't be caught in the sun, right?" I asked after YunQingYue while waving my arms serially, turning the scene around me into the small courtyard of grandma's house.

  The time was late autumn evening, the leaves were falling, the distant mountains were sweet red, the sun was slanting in the west, a breeze blew slowly, YunQingYue an ancient dress dress, behind the silk tapestries fluttering, quietly standing in the shadow of the trees, cold and heartbreaking.

  "Are you ready? If you're ready, I'll duck out of the way and let uncle out." I finished the illusion, do not feel is to YunQingYue said.

  "Wait," hearing my words, YunQingYue does not feel is raised eyes to look around, then she is a little moved nodded, then she is slowly unwind the high plate of green silk, at the same time, the body of the clothes also faded piece by piece.