Five Elements Qi Suppressing Powder

Granny's bull-nose, gives him some color but also sticks his nose in the face, surprisingly not only gave me a fighting bug but also a strange poison, paralyzed, the old man does not have the power, you think I am a sick cat ah?

  At that moment, hearing the words of the old blind man, I immediately became furious, ready to go to teach that old Taoist priest a good lesson. That said, I have been acting cautiously and low-key for some time, the purpose is not to cause trouble. As the saying goes, people do not offend me, I do not offend, but the result, the old Taoist priest actually dared to lay such a black hand on me, this is really intolerable, I have to let him know my power this time no matter what, I want a golden light to blow him into charcoal before.

  But, what I didn't expect was that just when I was angry and ready to go to the old Taoist to settle the score, the old blind man called out to me.

  "YiHeng, come back, young, do not be impulsive."

  Hearing this, I couldn't help but say to the old blind man: "Master, don't worry, that old man is not my opponent, I can't kill him with a golden light!"

  "Stand still!"

  As a result, what I did not expect is that at this time, the old blind man suddenly serious, is actually coldly shouting at me.

  I have never seen the old blind man so serious, so at that moment I could only helplessly sigh, walked back to him and said: "Master, what is wrong? Don't you still believe in my power?"

  "Humph," the old blind man coldly snorted: "You have the power, others do not? Do you think I don't know about your little dao skills?"

  The old blind man could not help but say to me: "If you don't believe me, try running your energy now and see if you can still exert your power."

  Hearing this, I secretly ran the secret technique of spiritual birth and tried to gather my luck on my arm.

  As a result, under such a test, but suddenly found that my body's yuan qi does not obey me, not only that, but that yuan qi also run around, which I can not help but let out a strange cry, directly covered the belly squatted to the ground.

  This time, I am truly a bit convinced of the old blind man, this old man looks like everything is calculated through, no wonder he did not let me go to fight with that old Taoist hard, said in my current situation, if I really go, it is estimated that not only can not revenge, but also be humiliated, then it would be too humiliating.

  "How about it, you know the power, right?" Hearing my miserable screams, the old blind man could not help but grin and ask.

  "I know," I gritted my teeth and took a few deep breaths, easily calming the pain in my body, and then I asked the old blind man: "Master, this, what is going on? How come my energy is not obedient? And how do you know about this?"

  Hearing my words, the old blind man couldn't help but laugh: "What's so hard to guess, since that Taoist priest dares to declare war, his kung fu is naturally not shallow. He can not see your strengths? What else do you have to offer besides your abundant vital energy? Since he has declared war, he will naturally have to destroy your strengths first. He is using the Five Elements Qi Suppressing Scatter, hey, this is a strange and clever poison, this thing, I really can't solve it."

  "Five Elements Qi Suppressing Scatter? What is it? Now that we know the name of the poison, can't we just find the antidote? Is it that difficult to solve?" I asked the old blind man curiously.

  "You think it's that simple? Five elements Zhen Qi San, as the name implies, is the use of five different properties of herbs mixed with the refinement of the poison, the name of this thing is so-called, but each of the medicinal properties is different, the five herbs used in different proportions, the toxicity will follow the changes. Want to solve the poison, unless you know that the five flavors of medicine with the proportion of refining, otherwise, haphazardly put the antidote, may not only not cure the poison, but also aggravate the toxicity, you understand?" The old blind man said to me.

  At this point, I already understand what is going on. Dare to want to solve the five elements Zhen Qi San, but also only to go to the old nose-dick Dao knife volcano can, because only he knows the proportion of the medicine refining.

  So, things can be a bit of a problem, if I ask him directly for the antidote, he will certainly not give me directly, will certainly make things difficult for me, and then there is no telling what will happen.

  Under such a thought, I can't help but be a little difficult, don't know what to do is good.

  Seeing that I do not speak, the old blind man could not help but laugh: "Well, you do not have to worry too much, since the Taoist priest wants to fight, the old man will play with him is. You go ahead, first report my sect name, and then give him this thing."

  As the old blind man spoke, he fished out a small cloth bag from his arms and shoved it into my hand.

  "What is this?" I asked with some curiosity.

  "This you do not ask and do not open to see, go over to report the name, put down the thing is." The old man said.

  "What is our name?" I said curiously.

  "Water Dragon mouth old blind," the old man returned to his previous pitiful state, so I did not feel a burst of helplessness.

  At that moment, I clutched the cloth package, all the way to the door of the Qin family compound, and then knocked on the door and went in.

  Seeing me go in, YinYunShan with his son-in-law is gnashing of teeth looking at me, that look can not wait to swallow me up.

  However, although YinYunShan was very hateful to me, the old Taoist saw me but was full of smug smile, he did not get angry, nor did he reprimand me, just blocked YinYunShan while asking me: "Little master, this time to come, and what instruction?"

  "I don't dare to teach, my master asked me to bring you a message," I said, looking at the knife volcano.

  "Oh, who is your master?" Knife Volcano stroked his beard and asked curiously.

  "My master is the old blind man in the mouth of the water dragon, he asked me to give you this," I spoke, put the cloth package in my hand on the ground, then turned around and walked out.

  At that time, I walked outside, while looking slightly sideways towards the back, I wanted to see what kind of situation would occur after the old Taoist took the package.

  As a result, what I did not expect was that the old Taoist was very cunning, he actually did not personally go to get the package, but to YinYunShan a mouth: "YunShan, help me to get it."

  "This-" Hearing the words of the old Tao, YinYunShan obviously had some difficulties, but can not resist the old Tao's compelling eyes, so he finally had to disgustedly go over and pick up the package from the ground.

  "Open it and see," saw YinYunShan got the package, the old Taoist could not help but say to him.

  Hearing this, YinYunShan can only be the package opened.

  I did not know what was in the package, but I was surprised that the old Taoist saw what was there, but immediately changed his expression, and then he could not help but call out to me: "Kid, stop!"

  "What are you doing?" I turned around and looked at the old Tao, and asked in a good-natured way.