Puppets that can make people without offspring

I was about to go out, the old Taoist knife volcano but the sound of the drink called me back.

  At this time, I can't get out because of my strength, so I have been holding my breath, I think that the old Tao is too sinister, grandmother, if he hadn't backstabbed me, I promise not to kill him.

  For this reason, so my tone of voice at this time is not very good, as a result, what I did not expect is to see my actions, the old bull-nosed Tao actually instantly flipped out.


  The old Taoist bellowed, greeted YinYunShan and Guo ShaoJie together rushed towards me, three people each holding a weapon surrounded me in the center.

  "What do you want to do?!"

  Seeing this situation, I do not feel a little nervous to drink and ask.

  "Do what? What do you say?" Hearing my words, the old Taoist could not help but look at me with a cold smile, raised his hand and spread his palm, let me look at a small cloth doll in his hand, asked me in a deep voice: "Tell me, who is your master, what sect are you, how can you use such insidious techniques, have you been watching me for a long time, otherwise, how do you know that I am a halfway house, how do you know that I How else did you know that I was a halfway house and that I had children?

  The old Taoist's words made me puzzled because I had no idea what he was talking about. However, after all, I am not a fool, so at that time I looked at his behavior and knew that maybe the cloth doll that the old blind man gave him was a bit of a doorway, and that's why he was so nervous.

  But, the old blind man gave him a cloth doll, really so evil, so powerful? Then what is the treasure, why would he be scared like this?

  At that moment, I wondered, I could not help but say to him: "What are you talking about? I don't understand your words, my master and I are both righteous people, we won't use insidious methods of sneak attack like some people."

  "Good boy, you still dare to talk tough, see if I don't let you know the power!"

  As the old Taoist spoke, he lifted the peach wood sword in his hand and tried to strike at me.

  But at this time, suddenly a coughing sound rang out from outside the door, and then I saw the old blind man walking in from outside the door with his crutches, step by step.

  "Who are you?"

  That old Daoist sword volcano and YinYunShan did not know the old blind man, so when they saw the old blind man appear, they could not help but be filled with curiosity.

  Hearing their questions, the old blind man said with a smile: "The old man is this kid's master, the name, the countryside people lift me up, call me Mr. Sky Eye."

  "Mr. Heaven's Eye?" Hearing the old blind man's name, the old Taoist knife volcano does not feel a frown, while retrieving the peach wood sword, while coldly asked the old blind man said: "Then dare to ask Mr. Heaven's Eye, your disciple broke my spell formation, and now you send this extinct puppet, in the end, what is the meaning? I have stayed in the Clear Wind View for decades, I have not done anything wrong, and there should be no problems between us, why do you have to be against me?"

  "Oh, do not be angry, the matter is really complicated, can not be clear for a while, why do not we find a place, slowly chatter, what do you think?" The old blind man smiled and asked what the knife volcano said.

  Knife Volcano cold snort, did not respond, a moment later, but asked the old blind man said: "Sir seems to have long been on me, dare to ask what I have previously offended knife."

  "Hey, the Taoist master is wrong again, the old man I have always been uncontested, how can I be on the Taoist master? This is not true, we do not speak with such a white lie." The old man said back.

  Hearing this, the knife volcano can not help but put the cloth doll to the ground and said: "Then how do you know that I am a halfway house and a person with children? If you didn't know this, why did you come up here and threaten me with my children?!"

  "Tsk, tsk, tsk, Taoist master is really like his name, the sword mountain fire sea general, so big fire ah, hey," the old blind man laughed a little, then but to the sword volcano said: "But this matter, Taoist master really wronged the old man. The old man really did not know the Taoist master this number, so well, this extinct puppet, in fact, just to test you. But I didn't expect you to be so shallow, so I found out as soon as I tried it, so now that I've been reminded of it, I really want to threaten you with your children."

  The old blind man's words up to here, things have basically become clear. Obviously, the old blind man may not really know the situation of the knife volcano, so his absolute puppet, it is possible that just to test the knife volcano, just did not expect the knife volcano was actually tested out at once, this is not the old blind man pinched the pain, right?

  The old blind man's extinct puppet, the surface looks like there is no killing power, but that thing, think if with some kind of secret method, it is likely to let people cut off their sons and grandsons of the insidious thing, knife volcano reason so nervous, think it is because of this reason. Although he became a monk, it is impossible not to care about their children, so he reacted in this way.

  Knife volcano is unintentionally fall into the old blind man's trap, imagine, when he got this puppet if he put on a calm appearance, I think the old blind man's plan must be declared a failure, can not threaten him at all.

  But after all, there is no pill of regret to eat, so at this time, the knife volcano figured out the original reason for the matter, his face could not help but be blue a white, then suddenly gritted his teeth and stomped his foot, pulled out a small porcelain vase from his pocket and threw it into my hand, then he carried the peach wood sword upside down and walked toward the door.

  "Grand Master, Grand Master, you, what are you doing? Where are you going?"

  Seeing Dagger Volcano's move, YinYunShan couldn't help but quickly chase after him, asking with a heart full of anxiety.

  "Yunshan," hearing YinYunShan's words, Blade Volcano couldn't help but sigh and said to him, "Grand Master can't help you anymore, the other side has a high game, Grand Master conceded. So, this matter, you better think of your own way, sorry."

  Knife volcano as he spoke, from his arms out of a package stuffed YinYunShan said: "This money, you take back, pay attention to virtue and good deeds in the future, do not do anything harmful to heaven and earth again."

  After the knife volcano finished speaking, decisively line into the night, disappeared the figure.

  On this side, YinYunShan sees the knife volcano far away, does not feel stunned to turn back, full of nervousness to look at me and the old blind man asked: "You, you want to do what? I told you, this is my home, you dare to make trouble, I call the police to arrest you!"

  "Well, goo, aunt cousin father, you can scare me to death!"

  Hearing YinYunShan's words, I couldn't help but grin, then I swallowed the antidote in the small porcelain bottle while glaring at YinYunShan and said, "We have no other demands, give me JIETOU, and today this matter is over!"