Muppet is walking

Niu Nose's old Taoist knife volcano fight failed and was driven away by the master, now, we have to face the people left in the Qin family.

  At this time, YinYunShan inside is obviously very nervous, but he still hardened his head to block me and the old blind man, and questioned what we were going to do, and said to call the police to arrest us.

  There is nothing wrong with what he did, after all, this is his home, and he has the right.

  However, the key problem is that he wants to exercise these rights, first have to see if I am happy. The old man this night, but suffocated the shit almost collapsed, now finally regained strength, I do not find some fault to vent, this day really can not go on.

  At that moment, I finished drinking the antidote, not the consciousness while secretly running the secret art of spiritual birth, tasting the wonderful flow of yuan qi, while the small bottle in my hands violently shattered on the ground, then a cold-eyed glare at YinYunShan said: "Cut the crap, hand over JIETOU, I'll spare you, otherwise, do not blame me not polite! "

  Seeing my action, YinYunShan backed up a little fearfully, and then was outwardly strong, saying: "This is my home, are you, bandits? Why should we give JIETOU to you?"

  "So what if you're a bandit?" I sneered, and then slowly raised my hand, already ready for a big fight.

  As a result, at this time, the old blind man came forward to stop me and said, "YiHeng, calm down, we are doing a good deed, not bandits, you do not fall down identity."

  The old blind man reminded me of this, I had some reaction, then did not feel his stop hand, and whispered to ask the old man said: "Then what to do next? JIETOU's life is at stake, we have to find a way to save him."

  "If you want to save, you can tell them directly, it's not something to be ashamed of, we act openly and honestly, what are you afraid of?" As the old blind man spoke, he took a step forward and faced YinYunShan: "This old brother of the Qin family, don't worry, we are good people, we will never hurt you."

  "You are good people?" Hearing the old blind man's words, YinYunShan couldn't help but sneer.

  "Hey, old man, do you still think that we are bad people? Let me tell you, we really want to do good deeds when we come here today. This is not your child, what is his name?"

  "JIETOU, real name Lan Xiaodong." I hurriedly whispered.

  "Yes, yes, called JIETOU," the old blind man heard, nodded his head while continuing: "Your child was poisoned, in critical condition? The old man I came today, ah, is to help see the child's situation. The old man I have lived most of my life, other skills not to say, but the cure, or have a little insight. Hey, I just don't know if the old man is willing to let me try."

  Hearing the old blind man's words, YinYunShan did not feel his face sink, then coldly laughed: "Old master, just that situation, now even if you say more good, I am afraid that I can not give you the child, right?"

  "The first thing you need to do is to get rid of the problem. As the saying goes, a dead horse should be treated as a living horse, at this time, let my master help him to save him, what is the big deal? I think you don't want JIETOU to come back to life, right?"

  YinYunShan's words made my heart burst with anger, do not feel loudly scolded.

  Hearing my words, YinYunShan's eyes radiated two cold lights, and he couldn't help but grit his teeth and shout: "This is my home, JIETOU is my child, what I want to do is my business, who are you? Our family's affairs, do you have the right to manage?"

  "You!" YinYunShan's words made me angry for a moment.

  "Don't be impatient," the old blind man pulled me back, then smiled slightly, but then appeared a look of realization, said: "This old man is right, then in that case, YiHeng, let's go."

  "Master?" The old blind man's action made me stunned, my heart was full of confusion.

  However, just when I was wondering, the old blind man turned around and pulled me towards the outside, situation, but seems to really want to retreat.

  Now I am really depressed and feel anxious.

  But what I didn't expect was that just as we were about to walk to the gate, the old blind man suddenly stopped and then said to me, "I forgot one thing, where is my absolute queen puppet?

  "Okay, okay," I nodded in a daze and turned around to look for the puppet.

  At this point, YinYunShan and his son-in-law have been watching us very vigilantly, what we said, they naturally heard, so I looked down to look for the Muppet, they also subconsciously looked down towards the ground, the situation, obviously also looking for the Muppet.

  But, what we did not expect is that at this time, the ground is in the courtyard, but there is no trace of the Muppet.

  This can make me wonder, I remember that the Muppet seems to be thrown in the center of the courtyard ah, how long has it been? How come it disappeared?

  In this situation, I can only say to the old blind man: "Master, can not find."

  "Can not be found? How is it possible? Can you look further?" Hearing my words, the old blind man reminded me.

  Hearing this, I did not feel is raised his eyes toward the Qin family's main hall door direction, the results of such a look, but I was immediately shocked with a layer of goosebumps, because at this time, I saw the main hall doorway on the ground, there is a three-inch high rag doll, is twisting and moving towards the hall.

  "In, in there!"

  At that time, seeing this situation, I couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise and raised my hand to point toward that rag doll.

  Seeing my action, YinYunShan and his son-in-law, do not feel is also lowered towards the back to look over, the result of this look, the two can not help but both shocked all over, then YinYunShan first reaction, can not help but is shouted: "Quickly grab that puppet!"

  YinYunShan spoke and took the lead to dart out, wanting to cover the Muppet, the result, let people did not expect, at this time the Muppet is frightened general, actually is suddenly speed up, instantly into the hall, disappeared.

  "Dad, what's wrong?"

  Seeing this situation, Guo Shaojie could not help but go up and ask.

  "Bastard, what's the point of asking so much? Hurry up and find it, make sure you find that Muppet, otherwise, you'll be waiting for your children to be cut off!"

  At this time, YinYunShan could not help but be full of anxiety and anger, then he pulled Guo ShaoJie into the hall and began to rummage through the boxes to find it.

  Now, seeing such a situation, I about understand the old blind man's trick, then do not feel is a heart smile, back to the old blind man next to support him, with him standing in the courtyard, waiting for that YinYunShan out to talk.